Lisa Reddel
Lisa Reddel was named executive principal for Region 4 in October 2020, after serving as the interim executive principal for several months.
Reddel brings a wealth of educational and leadership experience to the position, including her most recent assignment at Sangster Elementary School where she served as principal for six years.
She began her educational career in Fairfax County Public Schools teaching at Camelot Elementary School and North Springfield Elementary School. She transitioned to the leadership path when she was appointed assistant principal at Wolftrap Elementary School and Freedom Hill Elementary School.
Prior to FCPS, Reddel served as a school principal and then as the district director of Health, Wellness and Facility Support Service in Cherry Creek School District in Colorado.
Reddel has worked in schools with diverse populations and is committed to providing all students with the access and opportunities they need for academic success. She has a proven track record of increasing student achievements and closing special education achievement gaps in various subjects, as well as increasing access of advanced academic resources in classrooms for all students.
Reddel has been a practitioner and advocate for developing successful professional learning communities (PLCs). She places emphasis on a caring culture for students, staff and families. She has made it a priority to inspire students to build positive relationships with each other, as well as with the staff and their community. Reddel has proven in her career that she listens thoughtfully to all stakeholders, builds trusts and inspires credibility.
Reddel holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Mary Washington College. She attained her Master of Education degree from Virginia Tech.