Young Scholars (K-12)
The Young Scholars Model identifies and nurtures advanced academic potential in students from historically underrepresented populations.
What is the Young Scholars Model?
Young Scholars is:
- Designed to identify and nurture students with high academic potential who may face additional barriers to access and success in Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) and courses. This may include students who will be the first in their family to attend college in the U.S., multilingual learners, students who are economically disadvantaged, and students who are twice exceptional.
- A strategy to increase access to rigor, which is found in:
- The FCPS strategic plan.
- The Closing the Achievement Gap framework.
- In addition to, not a replacement of, advanced learning opportunities from the FCPS AAP continuum of services.
Why Young Scholars?
Young Scholars is a K-12 model:
- Designed to remove access and opportunity gaps
- For students historically underserved in advanced academic programming.
- That supports students through challenging coursework with a variety of strategies in elementary, middle, and high school.
How does Young Scholars work?
Because Young Scholars (YS) is a model rather than a prescribed program, schools meet the goals in different ways. Some examples of YS in action may include:
- Increased frequency and intensity of advanced academic curriculum and strategies.
- School-based extracurricular enrichment opportunities.
- Young Scholars Advisory Time (middle and high school students) activities like goal setting, study skills, career explorations
- Extracurricular enrichment experiences in Young Scholars Summer Learning (for elementary and middle school students).
- Young Scholars Summer Institutes (high school students at select high school sites).
- Ongoing family partnerships.
- Engagement with a mentor.
- Academic advising at transitions from elementary to middle to high school.
- Progress reflection and goal-setting conferences.
- Continued college and career readiness/counseling opportunities.
School staff at all levels work with students and families to make sure students have:
- Continued support for access.
- Success in advanced coursework.
How are Young Scholars identified?
A local school committee will meet and identify students for Young Scholars. Elementary school students are also identified for AAP services at that time. Secondary students may also be identified for a Young Scholar designation. These students are enrolled in advanced courses.
School Contacts
For questions about Young Scholars, please contact:
Elementary School
- Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AARTs)
- Teachers
- School Administrators
- Counselors
Middle and High School:
- Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AARTs)
- Teachers
- Director of Student Services
- Counselors
Young Scholar Schools
School staff at all levels work with students and families to make sure students are supported through challenging coursework with a variety of strategies.
- Aldrin ES
- Annandale Terrace ES
- Armstrong ES
- Bailey's ES
- Bailey's Upper ES
- Beech Tree ES
- Belvedere ES
- Braddock ES
- Bren Mar Park ES
- Brookfield ES
- Bucknell ES
- Bull Run ES
- Bush Hill ES
- Camelot ES
- Cameron ES
- Canterbury Woods ES
- Cardinal Forest ES
- Centre Ridge ES
- Centreville ES
- Cherry Run ES
- Clearview ES
- Clermont ES
- Columbia ES
- Crestwood ES
- Cub Run ES
- Cunningham Park ES
- Daniels Run ES
- Deer Park ES
- Dogwood ES
- Dranesville ES
- Eagle View ES
- Fairfax Villa ES
- Fairhill ES
- Forest Edge ES
- Forestdale ES
- Fort Belvoir Primary ES
- Fort Belvoir Upper ES
- Fort Hunt ES
- Fox Mill ES
- Franconia ES
- Freedom Hill ES
- Garfield ES
- Glen Forest ES
- Graham Road ES
- Greenbriar East ES
- Groveton ES
- Gunston ES
- Halley ES
- Haycock ES
- Hayfield ES
- Herndon ES
- Hollin Meadows ES
- Hunt Valley ES
- Hunters Woods ES
- Hutchison ES
- Hybla Valley ES
- Island Creek ES
- Keene Mill ES
- Kings Glen ES
- Lake Anne ES
- Lane ES
- Laurel Hill ES
- Laurel Ridge ES
- Lemon Road ES
- Little Run ES
- London Towne ES
- Lorton Station ES
- Louise Archer ES
- Lutie Lewis Coates ES
- Lynbrook ES
- Mason Crest ES
- McNair Primary ES
- McNair Upper ES
- Mosaic ES
- Mount Eagle ES
- Mount Vernon Woods ES
- Newington Forest ES
- North Springfield ES
- Oak Hill ES
- Olde Creek ES
- Orange Hunt ES
- Parklawn ES
- Pine Spring ES
- Providence ES
- Ravensworth ES
- Riverside ES
- Rolling Valley ES
- Rose Hill ES
- Saratoga ES
- Shrevewood ES
- Silverbrook ES
- Sleepy Hollow ES
- Spring Hill ES
- Springfield Estates ES
- Stratford Landing ES
- Terra Centre ES
- Terraset ES
- Timber Lane ES
- Union Mill ES
- Virginia Run ES
- Wakefield Forest ES
- Washington Mill ES
- Westgate ES
- Westlawn ES
- West Springfield ES
- Westbriar ES
- Weyanoke ES
- Woodburn ES
- Woodlawn ES
- Woodley Hills ES