Access to Technology
Access to computer equipment, the internet, and software through free and discounted services, and community locations.
https://www.fcps.edu/resources/technology/technologyhomeThis web page is being translated through "machine translation" using Google Translate. [Disclaimer]
The programs below help ensure that every student has access to reliable technology and the Internet.
FCPSOn is a transformation of learning for students and educators. At its core, it provides students with equitable access to meaningful learning experiences and technology to support their learning. Visit the FCPSOn information page to learn more.
Computer Check-Out
Every FCPS student has access to an FCPS device for learning. Students typically check out their device at the beginning of the school year. Contact your school if you have not yet received information about device checkout dates. Students in grades 3-12 can take their FCPS devices back and forth between school and home. Students in grades PreKindergarten through 2nd grade should check with their teacher on whether to take the FCPS device home.
FCPS students are also welcome to use their own personal devices as part of our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. Please read the BYOD Guidelines for more information.
MiFi (Mobile Hotspot) Check-out
Schools have mobile hotspot devices (MiFi) for checkout to students who have no internet access at home. These MiFis are intended to support school-related activities only, and include internet filtering that prevents recreational uses, including Netflix, Hulu and other streaming services. If your student needs a MiFi device to complete school work at home, please contact your school.
Affordable Connectivity Program
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a federal program that helps low-income households offset the monthly cost of a new or existing internet service and connected devices like a laptop or tablet.
The ACP may provide families with up to $30/month discount for broadband service and a one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet purchased through a participating provider. Information about the program is available in multiple languages. To apply, visit www.affordableconnectivity.gov or call 1-877-384-2575 to request an application.
EveryoneOn is a national non-profit organization working in partnership with Internet providers, hardware and software manufacturers, digital content creators, libraries, and nonprofits to deliver free and affordable internet access, hardware, software, and training to all Americans. Visit http://everyoneon.org/about/c2c/ to learn more.
Discount Internet Providers
- Cox: Connect2Compete service, $9.95/month. Most locations in Fairfax County are served by Cox.
- Comcast Internet Essentials: Some communities closer to the Loudon County border are served by Comcast.
Fairfax County Technology Programs
Fairfax County runs several programs that provide access to computers, academic support, promote digital literacy and project-based learning, and provide access to technology resources: Clubhouse Network, Community Technology Program, and Access Fairfax. Learn more from the County Public Libraries or Neighborhood and Community Services
Community Internet Access Points
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has a list of community internet access sites in your neighborhood and the surrounding area.
Virginia Student Training and Refurbishment Program (STAR)
The Virginia STAR program refurbishes donated desktop computers and provides them to families at participating schools.