Title I Parent Advisory Committee (TPAC) Bylaws
Bylaws outline the purpose and operational instructions for this citizen advisory committee
These committee bylaws were revised on May 14, 2024 and approved by the TPAC General Session on May 14, 2024.
Section A: Purpose
- The School Board’s Title I Parent Advisory Committee (TPAC) shall be formed to reflect the intent of section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 2001 to involve parents in the planning and implementation of the Title I program.
- The committee shall:
- Make recommendations to the Title I program for strengthening the partnerships between home and school to improve student achievement;
- Review annually the division-level Title I Family Engagement Policy; and
- Respond to the charge from the School Board in an annual report.
Section B: Membership
- The membership shall be composed of at least one parent representative from each Title I school, appointed by the school principal. In cases where a second parent is appointed for a school, the second parent shall be designated as the alternate member. For purposes of voting, each school has only one vote.
- A teacher liaison, with an alternate, shall additionally be approved by the Title I coordinator to serve as a full committee member with voting rights, and elected to serve on the Executive Board.
- A middle school liaison, with an alternate, shall be a full committee member with voting rights, and elected by the full TPAC to serve on the Executive Board.
- A high school liaison, with an alternate, shall be a full committee member with voting rights, and elected by the full TPAC to serve on the Executive Board, provided that the high school has at least two feeder elementary schools that are identified as Title I.
- Up to five liaisons from community organizations shall be full committee members with voting rights. Community liaisons who have a child attending a Title I school may serve on the Executive Board.
- Any member of the Executive Board can serve as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, provided that they have a child who has attended a Title I school within the last four years.
- Membership term is one year, beginning in September. Executive Board members who are elected in the spring will have their names forwarded to their respective school principals as the TPAC representative.
Section C: Executive Board
- The Executive Board is responsible for planning the frequency and content of the committee’s general meetings.
- Executive Board members must have a child in a Title I school.
- The Executive Board shall consist of:
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Teacher liaison
- At-Large Members (from 5 to 7, depending on who serves as chairperson or vice chairperson)
- Committee members shall elect the Executive Board from active membership at the final meeting each year for service during the following year. Alternate members shall not be eligible to hold elected committee office.
- Officers shall be elected in accordance with guidelines for committee business (see Section D).
- In cases an office is unfilled or is prematurely vacated, the remaining members of the Executive Board shall appoint a member or alternate to act in the office until a new officer can be elected by the membership at the next general meeting.
Section D: Meeting Business and Voting
- A minimum of 5 general meetings and 3 Executive Board meetings shall be scheduled each year. The meeting schedule shall be filed with the School Board office and posted to the Title I public web page. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson, with advance public notice with a minimum of five (5) weekdays.
- The Chairperson, or the Vice Chairperson if the Chairperson is not present, shall preside over the meetings.
- All committee business shall be decided by majority vote of members and alternates present and voting.
- General meetings may include virtual participation by interested parties, such as members and alternates unable to attend or school parent-teacher organizations. Committee members can attend general meeting virtually or in-person and engage in all aspects of meeting business.
- In case there is any business at a general meeting requiring a vote, any committee members unable to attend will have up to 7 calendar days from the meeting to participate in voting.
- The Title I office staff shall provide technical and administrative assistance to the committee and to the Executive Board.
- Meeting minutes will be recorded by a member of the Title I team and presented for Executive Board review and approval by the Executive Board Chairperson.
- Minutes shall be posted to the Title I public page to be available for public record.
Section E: Reporting
- Committee membership and Executive Board officers shall be submitted for School Board approval each fall.
- The Executive Board, with assistance from Title I staff, shall prepare a report for the School Board each spring responding to the:
- School Board’s charge to the committee for the current year
- Recommendations set forward by the committee in the prior year’s report to the School Board
- The Chairperson, or the Vice Chairperson if the Chairperson is not available, shall present an overview of the committee’s report before the School Board in the spring of each year.
Section F: Amendments to the Bylaws
- Amendments to the By-Laws may be proposed by any member at a meeting of the committee or the executive board. The proposed amendment(s) shall be distributed to the members for review, no less than two weeks prior to the next committee meeting. At the next committee meeting, the amendment(s) shall be brought forth for committee discussion and a vote, as determined by the Chairperson.
- Amendments shall be approved in accordance with guidelines for committee business (see Section D).
- The By-Laws shall be reviewed at least every two years by the full committee.