The Cappies
Student driven critiques, performances, and literary reviews of high school plays and musicals.
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The Cappies (Critics and Awards Program) is an international program which was launched in FCPS. It recognizes, celebrates, and provides learning experiences for high school theater and journalism students, and teenage playwrights. Within each Cappies program, every participating high school selects three to nine students for a critic team. After receiving intensive training in theater criticism and review writing, the team attends plays and musicals at other high schools in their area, and then writes 300-600 word reviews on deadline. Volunteer teacher-mentors lead discussions and select the critic-written reviews that are later published by area newspapers, with student bylines. The student critics also determine who will be placed on a Cappies award ballot in each of 39 award categories. At the end of the season, the critics who have reviewed five or more shows may vote for the Cappies award winners. In the National Capital Area, a Gala awards ceremony is held at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. every June.
For Cappies reviews, visit the Cappies of the National Capital Area website and select the school where the play or musical was held.