Academic Planning for Military Families
Information on Academic Planning, Advanced Academics, Graduation Requirements, Diploma Types, and Home Instruction
Fairfax County Public Schools is dedicated to providing military-connected youth with access and opportunities to diverse academic programs and resources while supporting their on-time high school graduation.
Advanced Academics (AAP)
FCPS offers flexible deadlines to our students of military families who are interested in the Advanced Academic Programs (AAP). Visit AAP to learn more about the services for different grade levels.
Students are ensured continuity in gifted services per the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (MIC3) and HB 1929 Educational Opportunities for Children of Certain Federal Employees.
For specific questions, email the Advanced Academic Office with "Military Placement” in the subject line.
Special Education Instruction and Services
If your child has an existing Individualized Education Program (IEP) or has an existing IEP and needs a reevaluation to determine eligibility for special education in Virginia, FCPS will provide comparable services until an FCPS IEP is developed within 30 days.
For more information regarding special needs and military families, please visit Navigating Special Education Needs and Parental Rights.
Graduation Requirements and Diploma Types
High school students and families work together with the school counselor to create an Academic and Career Plan, to include successful course sequencing. The course catalogs are updated annually to use as a reference when meeting with the child’s school counselor. Requirements for graduation differ depending on the year the student entered high school for the first time. We encourage families to work with their child's school counselor to ensure they receive all test scores and educational records from the previous school.
Home Instruction
The school principal determines grade placement for elementary or middle school students entering FCPS from a home instruction program. The determination of grade placement is based on evidence of achievement provided by the parent or guardian. If further evidence is necessary, consultation with school staff or testing may be required.
A student requesting credit for high school courses taken in an approved home instruction program must provide FCPS with a list of courses taken, the objectives for the courses, and evidence of achievement. These courses must correspond to courses offered by FCPS.
If FCPS determines that the evidence of achievement is insufficient, the principal can require the student to take an examination in each grade or course for which the student wishes to establish placement and/or credit. Any credit granted by FCPS for courses taken under home instruction is designated on the student's scholastic record as credit transferred from home instruction.
For more information, visit Home Instruction.