2021-24 FCPS Triennial Wellness Assessment
As part of the Triennial Wellness Assessment, FCPS ensures that each participating school complies with the local school wellness policy and assesses each school’s compliance.
FCPS encourages a culture of improved health and wellness throughout the division.
As part of the Triennial Wellness Assessment, FCPS ensures that each participating school complies with the local school wellness policy and assesses each school’s compliance.
Each school in FCPS is required to report progress toward the implementation of the wellness policy. The intent of reporting, as required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010, is to support schools in establishing and maintaining healthy school environments, and provide transparency to the public.
Initial wellness reporting was implemented in FCPS during SY 2017-2018. Wellness survey responses were scored using a 1-5 scale (see Definition of Scale Rating below) and schools were also provided the opportunity to share open-ended feedback.
Wellness survey ratings indicate the degree to which each school is implementing wellness practices, which are likely to lead to more positive health and wellness outcomes for FCPS students, families, and staff.
No Activity. Not being planned or implemented at this time. No students, families, or staff currently benefit from this practice or activity.
Exploring. Just beginning to explore/discuss this practice, strategy, or activity. There is a definite interest and some planning has begun. Few students, families, and staff are currently involved or benefit.
Transitioning. This practice, strategy, or activity is in the earliest implementation stages; progress is being made and plans are moving forward. The practice, strategy, or activity may be implemented in some classrooms but not frequently or consistently. Some students, families, and staff currently benefit or participate.
Emerging. Concerted efforts are being made to fully implement this practice, strategy, or activity. Many students, families, and staff currently benefit or participate.
Embedded. Implementation of this practice, strategy, or activity is schoolwide and consistent. Most or all students, families, and staff currently benefit or participate.
To view your school's 2023-2024 School Wellness Survey Responses, please click on the appropriate school level below and then click on your specific school. For elementary schools, please click on the appropriate alpha order list and then click on your specific school.
Division Level Executive Summary of 2023-24
School Wellness Survey responses categorized by type: elementary, middle/high/secondary and other centers.
FCPS Wellness Leadership
The Department of Special Services Assistant Superintendent is responsible for the oversight of the FCPS Wellness Policy to ensure each school’s compliance. To provide suggestions or share questions or concerns please email [email protected].
FCPS Wellness Leadership Team
Our wellness leadership team is comprised of staff representing the Department of Special Services, Department of Instructional Services, Department of Human Resources, and Food and Nutrition Services. Each department is represented as part of the School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC).
Assists with the development of health policy in the school division and evaluates the status of school health, health education, school environment, and health services.
School Board Liaison: Robyn Lady
Staff Liaison: Lea Skurpski, Director, Office of Operations and Strategic Planning
FCPS is committed to the whole child, whole school, and whole community by providing comprehensive education and services that support the success of every student and staff member.
Our comprehensive school health program has a positive impact on the learning process by reducing health-related barriers to learning.