a retiree from the fcps we honor you retirement ceremony

Retirement Ceremony Sample Profiles

'We Honor You' is an annual event in which we recognize our retirees

Sample Profiles for the FCPS We Honor You Retirement Ceremony

While completing your online RSVP, you will be asked to submit a 50-75-word profile. During the retirement ceremony, a member of FCPS leadership will read this profile as you are honored. Some examples are:

  • A note from a parent, colleague, or supervisor: (This note was written by a former parent.) “I am the mother of a now 28-year-old lawyer who still fondly recalls the countless times you fished her beloved My Little Pony lunch-money wallet out of the cafeteria trash can at Sangster Elementary. She was 6 years old,d and you were her constant hero. For that and all the myriad kindnesses through the years, thank you.” 
  • A funny or meaningful career memory: Susan spent 26 years as a school bus driver. When she was hired, she was told she needed to know how to drive a clutch. So she went out and bought a straight shift and learned how to drive it. Unfortunately, by the time she started driving, she was assigned to an automatic transmission. Susan loved driving children to and from school. Her fondest memories are of the preschoolers; they were her special deliveries.
  • Or a career description: In 1983, a newlywed from Arlington Public Schools began her journey with FCPS. Little did she know this journey would last 28 years! But as it’s said, “All good things must come to an end,” albeit, a wonderful end. As an English teacher at Sandburg Middle, thousands of kids and twice as many parents crossed her path. To teach is to touch a life forever, and Judy feels privileged to have touched so many lives.

Questions about Retirement Recognition

If you have questions about retirement recognition, please contact us.

Employees, Applicants, and Retirees

Submit questions or concerns, as well as upload forms and other documents through the FCPS StaffConnect portal. Human Resources representatives are also available for assistance Monday – Friday (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) by calling 571-423-3000 or 1-800-831-4331.