The Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee (FLECAC) for levels K through 12 shall be established and maintained to advise the K-12 health and physical education and FLE curriculum senior manager on Program of Studies development and implementation. The role of the committee is to provide advice and recommendations to the curriculum coordinator as goals, objectives, media, and special instructional materials are developed. (FCPS Regulation 1708)
Committee Chairperson Carrie Reynolds, Senior Manager, Health, Family Life, and Physical Education, Instructional Services Department
Region 1 serves the schools of the Herndon, Langley, Madison, Oakton, and South Lakes pyramids and is led by an assistant superintendent and executive principals. The region reports to the Chief of Schools.
This main Title I page includes the listing of FCPS Title I schools. The page also contains information about how schools are selected for Title I funding; how Title I federal funds are distributed; and how schools use Title I funding to improve teaching and help students learn.
Transcripts are the school records that document a student’s attendance, classes taken, and grades earned during each school year. Transcripts remain with the school for 5 years after the student leaves FCPS.
The Facilities and Membership Dashboards are a set of dashboards that provide Fairfax County Public Schools and the community an understanding of membership trends, the conditions of existing school facilities, and the planned school facilities.
Any parent may elect to provide home instruction for his or her school-age child in lieu of school attendance. A parent or guardian may provide a notice of intent to provide home instruction with these forms.
The Early Literacy Program is a free, interactive family and child program. Families learn school-readiness strategies to prepare their children for future school success.
The elementary progress report uses a standards-based grading system. Resources are available for parents and guardians to help understand what standards-based grading is. Guidelines are incorporated for student achievement and effort marks.
Fairfax County Public Schools is committed to providing access to digital resources in a manner that respects and protects student privacy while maximizing learning opportunities for our students.
A formal process facilitated by trained, skilled facilitators that brings together those impacted by wrongdoing while focusing on accountability, character development, and school and community safety.
English and Spanish newsletters in four versions: Early Childhood, Elementary School, Middle School and High School with school success ideas for parents, tailored to the ages of their children!