Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is excited to announce that we are actively seeking passionate and dedicated psychologists to join our dynamic team.
The Office of School Support ensures that every student in FCPS has access to a high quality and equitable education in every classroom in every school. The office is part of the Department of School Improvement and Supports.
All communication should be clear, consistent, and aligned with FCPS’ brand identity. Every message you communicate is a reflection upon you, your school or department, and the entire school division.
The superintendent has scheduled an in-person meeting from 5-6 p.m. on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at Glasgow Middle School. A virtual meeting will be scheduled at a later date for those who are unable to attend.
Provides recommendations to the local educational agency (or board) on current job needs and the relevancy of career and technical education programs.
School Board Liaison: Kyle McDaniel
Staff Liaison: Whitney Ketchledge, Coordinator, Career and Technical Education, Department of Instructional Services
2023-24 School Year
Instructional coaches serve in the role of a school leader when they share the school vision, align their professional goals with school and district goals, and share responsibility for the school’s overall success.
The Department of School Improvement and Supports focuses on improving individual student outcomes while using research-based instructional strategies and keeping equity at the forefront. The department reports to the Chief of Schools.
The Office of Family and School Partnerships provides divisionwide support for high impact family and community engagement. The office reports to the Chief Experience and Engagement Officer.
With the nation's capital in their back yard, FCPS students are able to visit museums, art galleries, historical sites and more on the more than 16,000 field trips that are offered each year.
The requirements for the Student Learning Plan began in 2012-13. Tasks are assigned to students each year to ensure that they are meeting the requirements. The required and recommended tasks are listed below.
As students go through the K-12 experience, it is important for them to determine their individual strengths and realize passions. This insight will help guide their career choice and determine which postsecondary path would best.
The Facilities Planning Advisory Council (FPAC) provides information to the Fairfax County School Board with regard to the development of strategic, comprehensive, and long-term plans for educational and educational support facilities.
School Board Liaison: Mateo Dunne
Staff Liaisons: Janice Szymanski, Chief, Facilities Services & Capital Programs
Jessica Gillis, Executive Director, Capital Improvements & Planning
The Fairfax County School Board requested public feedback during the W.T. Woodson High School Renaming process. During the second phase, feedback was requested on proposed names for the school.
The Flight School series examines historical, scientific, and technological aspects of aviation and its impact on exploration, communication, commerce, and national defense.