volunteers working on landscaping outside a school

Partnership Update - January 2023

  • By Office of Communication and Community Relations
  • Ignite Partners
  • January 13, 2023

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Our Newest Ignite Partner

volunteers working on a school landscape cleanup

St. Matthews United Methodist Church in Annandale has established an Ignite Partnership with Weyanoke Elementary School. 

Parishioners from the church have committed to supporting at least 75 students with weekend meals, winter clothing and school supplies as part of a deeds-based donations partnership. The church also plans to help staff book fairs at the school and support grounds beautification.

Their stated goal is to provide a loving caring presence, seeking to be a reminder to students that there are community members who care about them.

Thank you St. Matthews

Student Art at Dulles International Airport

Last month we reported on the Ignite Partnership with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA). This month we’re excited to share that posters of student art have been hung and are on display in front of the west side TSA Precheck security checkpoint on the ticketing/departure level.

The selected artwork represents student work from FCPS students ages 13 to graduating seniors who submitted them as part of the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers Scholastic Art Award competition

Thank you Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority for your partnership with Fairfax County Public Schools.

Thank you MWAA.

partner hanging student artwork at airport

January is Mentor Month: Start a Mentoring Partnership

Research has shown that young people with at least one trusted mentor are less likely to skip school, less likely to use illegal drugs or drink alcohol, and more prepared to enter college or the workforce. Yet, one in three children lacks a mentor. All it takes is one person to serve as a trusted adult to help change a young person’s path in life. 

Mentoring is not tutoring. Mentors provide attention, support, and enrichment, and help connect their mentees to resources that may help them on their journey in life. 

Learn more about how to become a mentor for an FCPS student and, if you have a team of folks looking for a meaningful opportunity, consider starting a mentoring Ignite Partnership.

For information on how to mentor students in FCPS or to learn more about mentoring partnerships with FCPS, please contact Martha Macdonald, mentoring specialist, [email protected]

mentor working with a student

EduTutorVA Extends Three Partnerships 

Mount Vernon Woods and Westlawn Elementary Schools, as well as Whitman Middle School, have extended their relationship with EduTutorVA through the 2022-23 school year. 

EduTutorVA’s mission is to close critical learning gaps in Title I schools through intensive research-based tutoring and to support “Tutors to Teachers,” by helping aspiring educators from local colleges and universities benefit from real world teaching experiences.

Thank you for your continued support.

student working on laptop

Cedar Lane School’s Futsal Court Completed

student playing on new futsal court

Earlier this year we shared our thanks to Vienna Youth Soccer, Inc. (VYS) for their work to construct a Futsal court Cunningham Park Elementary.  In December, VYS, FCPS Facilities and Transportation Services, and the Town of Vienna completed the installation of a second court at Cedar Lane School.

Thank you Vienna Youth Soccer for supporting FCPS and the deserving students at Cedar Lane School.

Thank you Vienna Youth Soccer, Inc. for supporting Fairfax County Public Schools.

drawing of futsal court group of students playing futsal

Academy Highlight - FCPS Supports FCPS

The FCPS Family Literacy Program is grateful to receive a donation of twenty-two laptops refurbished by Chantilly Academy students participating in the school’s Cyber: Exploring IT program.

In this win-win, Chantilly Academy students gained real-world tech experience refurbishing laptops, while students and families participating in the Family Literacy Program can now connect to virtual English instructions using laptops as opposed to smartphones.

What’s an Academy?

A high school academy is a center within an existing high school that offers advanced technical and specialized courses that integrate career and academic preparation. FCPS has 6 High School Academies and each welcomes business and community partners.

To learn more about high school academy course offerings, visit any of the six High School Academy websites.

two students standing together holding laptops

Our Partners and the FCPS Trust Policy

As our valued partners, we hope that you will understand and support the tenets of the Fairfax County Public Schools’ Trust Policy, which has been added to all Ignite Partnership agreements. 

The Trust Policy affirms that students and families can access FCPS benefits and services without fear that information will be disclosed, directly or indirectly, to federal immigration officials.

In alignment with Fairfax County’s Trust and Confidentiality Policy, the trust policy confirms the School Board’s commitment to providing a safe and welcoming space for all students and their families. 

Learn more about FCPS’ Trust Policy on our website.

five young students standing together

The ROI of Partnering

There’s considerable measurable benefit to partnering with Fairfax County Public Schools.  Some measurable Return on Investment (ROI) points that we emphasize are workforce development, mission fulfillment, networking, and intrinsic value.  

This newsletter and our Ignite Partnerships Value Proposition, demonstrates and outlines below the public relations and marketing gains that can come from being an Ignite Partner. That’s because partnerships strengthen your reputation and set your brand apart from the competition. You create a lasting positive image with students, parents, school staff and the community. Partnerships can be an impactful and cost-effective marketing strategy. 

It matters to customers:

  • 79% of buyers say they want companies to support issues that matter to them personally.
  • 7% to 11% of a company's value comes from the firm's CSR brand and/or reputation. 

Source: Benevity.com  

Ways to measure public relations and marketing impact: 

  • Media presence at an FCPS event
  • News articles
  • TV, radio, website and online exposure
  • Social media amplifications:  hits, likes, shares, comments or retweets.
  • Business connections, leads and/or sales
  • Survey or focus group results
employee talking to parent

We’re Open for Business and Community Partners

Open for Business sign

Businesses and community groups are encouraged to learn more about Business and Community Partnerships including our Ignite Partnerships program which offers eight ways for businesses and community partners to engage with FCPS.

One way is through Educate Fairfax, the 501(c)3 arm of the school system. Educate Fairfax strives to ensure that every FCPS student has a path to success. Visit their Impact page to learn how our donors make a difference in the lives of our students.