Partnership Update - August 2023
See what is new with Business and Community Partnerships
Liberty’s Promise Officially Expands Ignite Partnership Program to Justice High School

Liberty’s Promise is a 501c(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to support young immigrants in need while encouraging them to be active and conscientious American citizens.
Their programs include:
- Civics and Citizenship, which is a 10-week after-school program held twice a year, once from March to May and again from October to December. In the program, youth meet with college and scholarship representatives, elected officials, community leaders, and successful business professionals from their communities to learn about the civic life of their new Fairfax County home.
- Opportunities Plus, is their eight-week professional internship program that offers placement for immigrant youth at local government agencies, non-profit organizations, and businesses, mostly during the summer months. Each internship candidate participates in job skills workshops and training to prepare them with resumes, cover letters, and interview skills.
Through both programs youth learn that their unique backgrounds and language skills are an advantage in a professional setting, and they gain the confidence to apply for employment on their own and enter the workforce. The students also improve the ways that they interact with peers from different backgrounds, gain leadership skills, volunteer experience, and learn communication skills, all through positive adult role models.
Big News Coming

See you in September with information about an exciting partnership with these engaged businesses and community groups and Think Big for Kids.
If you’re viewing this newsletter online, you may wish to subscribe to the Partnership Update newsletter here. Find it under “Business and Community Partners.”
The Return On Investment (ROI) of Partnering

No matter how you engage in your community — as an individual or in a group — it is intrinsic to a high quality life. In more simple terms, sharing your time, talents, and resources is rewarding. It feels good!
A multitude of studies reveal the benefits of community engagement. Here are some we found:
- A study published in Medical News Today suggests that generous people are happier. Happy people are more likely to give, and those who give become happier. It’s a positive cycle.
- A study by the University of Michigan reveals that civic engagement makes people healthier. Research suggests that even chronic pain can be reduced over time by volunteering; which would lower healthcare expenses.
- A study published by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) speaks to increased employee engagement. Volunteer programs create a more productive, passionate and well adjusted workforce.
Because people who contribute to the greater good of others, quickly realize the benefits to themselves, we recommend you consider giving to and getting involved in Fairfax County Public Schools.
New School Year, New Strategic Plan

August not only marks the start of a new school year for FCPS, but our division is now officially being guided by our new 2023-30 strategic plan. Educational leaders from schools and central offices recently attended the annual Leadership Kickoff ceremony led by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michelle Reid.
From the perspective of business and community partnerships there are a lot of connections to this new plan. For instance, Goal 5 states that, “Every student will graduate ready to thrive in life after high school and with the skills to navigate, adapt, and innovate for a sustainable future.”
The district plans to measure its success in reaching this goal based on the, “Availability of, accessibility to, and participation in multiple pathways and work-based learning opportunities (e.g., shadowing; internship; apprenticeship; and Career and Technical Education).”
As superintendent Reid regularly points out, and did again at the leadership kickoff, our students are preparing for careers that don’t exist today. In order to keep pace with their needs, the new strategic plan reimagines how to best serve our students in this new era.
This student-centered plan serves as the division’s North Star for how teachers and staff will continue to ensure excellence, equity, and opportunity for each and every student.
If you need a refresher on the strategic plan pillars, goals, and measures, have a look at the Strategic Plan webpage.
Sharing Our Success

At the start of the new school year, we invite you to look back over the 2022-23 year and relive some of our greatest moments. See how our amazing students and staff excelled last year, and together, contributed to FCPS as the nation’s premier school division.
A $10 Donation Purchases a 10 Item Kit For a Student

While August represents the dog days of summer, it also leads us back to school.
At Educate Fairfax, Fairfax County Public Schools foundation, they are helping students prepare for the start of school by collecting funds to be used to purchase school supply kits for some of our 60,000 Kids in Need.
Educate Fairfax, our 501c3 foundation, works through the August to provide school supply kits for students.
Your $10 donation covers the cost of a 10 item kit for a student.
Donate today and help provide students with a supply kit to start the school year ready to learn.
Use this link to make your secure donation, and thank you!
2023 School Bond Referendum Information

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, and a school construction bond referendum is on the ballot.
New and renovated schools provide optimal spaces for teaching and learning — and an excellent school system benefits businesses by developing tomorrow’s workforce. Our school system and its facilities positively impact the entire community including serving as teen centers, recreation sites, polling places, places of worship, civic meeting spaces, and more.
The building and renovation of schools are not financed through the school system’s operating funds, but through bonds. Before you vote, take a moment to read about where Fairfax County Public Schools plans to fund projects with 2023 bond proceeds. You can learn more about the 2023 School Bond Referendum here.
A School Bond Referendum is on November’s ballot.
Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Learn how to register to vote.
Vote, on Tuesday, November 7.
We’re Open for New Business and Community Partners

August is a Great Month for Establishing a Partnership
Businesses and community groups are encouraged to learn more about our Ignite Partnerships program, which offers eight ways for partners to engage with FCPS.
Our Ignite Partnership Value Proposition offers meaningful incentives for businesses and community groups who satisfy the Ignite Partnership agreement requirement. Possibly more important than the tangible benefits is the intrinsic value of giving back to the community.
Learn more about the Partnership Agreement Process and explore our list of partners.