Virginia Board of Education Meeting Summary

June 19/20, 2019

Committee on the Standards of Quality (SOQ) 
The Board discussed changes to their initial set of SOQ recommendations, based in part on feedback received during a series of public forums around Virginia. Among the changes discussed and included in the Board’s most recent draft proposal are:

•    Shifting focus of the equitable distribution of teachers proposal to high poverty schools (and away from years of service).
•    Including the At-Risk Add-On program in the Standards of Quality (while eliminating non-personnel uses of the fund)
•    Consolidating teacher leader and teacher mentor proposals; would also require set asides of blocks of time for existing teachers as mentors in lieu of new positions

Summary of focus group discussions from across the state:

Matrix showing all proposed changes from original:

Updated draft:

The Board continues to solicit input on their proposals.  Their stated goal is to continue to refine their amendments for adoption in the Fall.

Board Business Meeting

Program in Mathematics-Algebra I (add-on endorsement) at Rockbridge Teacher Education Consortium
The Board approved the Advisory Board on Teacher Education’s (ABTEL) recommendation to approve the Mathematics-Algebra I (add-on endorsement) program at Rockbridge Teacher Education Consortium.

Changes to the 2019 High School STEM Competition Team Grant Guidelines
The Board of Education approved proposed revisions to the guidelines for the STEM Competition Team Grant to allow for elementary and middle schools to apply.  In 2016, Senate Bill 246 established and created the STEM Competition Team Grant program.  The 2016 General Assembly and Governor McAuliffe approved state funding of $100,000 for new team grants for fiscal years 2017 and 2018.  The 2018 General Assembly and Governor Northam approved to continue state funding for the grant for fiscal years 2019 and 2020.  Senate Bill 246 contained a sunset clause that provided an expiration of the bill on July 1, 2019. No further action to extend the legislation was taken yet Item 235 of the 2019 Appropriation Act continues to be in effect for fiscal year 2020.  The language of the Appropriation Act does not contain any of the guidelines found within SB 246.

Notice of Intended Regulatory Action (NOIRA) for the Regulations Governing Educational Services for Gifted Students 
The Board approved the proposed Notice of Intended Regulatory Action (NOIRA) for the Regulations Governing Educational Services for Gifted Students at the June 20, 2019, meeting. The timetable for further action shall be governed by the requirements of the Administrative Process Act.  The Regulations Governing Educational Services for Gifted Students provide definitions; criteria for screening, referral, and identification of gifted students; delivery of services parameters; and elements of appropriately differentiated curriculum and instruction necessary to meet the learning needs of these students.  The regulations also provide standards for professional development of instructional personnel; requirements for the school division’s local plan for the education of the gifted; annual report; and local advisory committee for the education of the gifted.  The existing regulations became effective in 2012 and are periodically reviewed for revisions in accordance with best practices in the field of gifted education. 

2018 Science Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework 
The Board approved the 2018 Science Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework.   Changes from the draft framework as discussed by the Board at their April meeting included edits to provide constancy and parallelism in language vertically in science as well as edits to more clearly articulate or correct science content expectations.  The most substantial change included the addition of an engineering design model and an explanation of computational thinking and an explanation of how each of these can be used to support science learning.

The full framework as well as a timeline for implementation is available at:

Proposed Regulations Governing the Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in Virginia (Final Stage)
The Board received for first review proposed Regulations Governing the Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in Virginia (Final Stage). The current draft has been the subject of extensive public hearing and public comment processes.  Significant issues raised in those sessions included (i) the definition of restraint; (ii) exclusions from the definitions of seclusion and restraint; (iii) concerns over the cost of training for school personnel; and (iv) requests that prone restraint be banned.  However, in VDOE staff’s view these issues had been raised and debated in previous hearings and Board of Education meetings, and there were no recommended changes based on those concerns. Of note, following concerns expressed by both the Board and the public, the language regarding banned methods of restraint was broadened to capture all forms of restraint that restricts breathing and that are otherwise dangerous.  The removal of explicit mention of prone restraints was not intended to sanction such practices.

The full draft document is available at:

Proposed Amendments to Virginia’s Consolidated State Plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)
The Board received for first review a set of amendments for Virginia’s consolidated state plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA).  The proposed amendments include:
•    Using current year data for the calculation of the Federal Graduation Indicator
•    Revised federal mathematics targets based on new Standards of Learning mathematics tests
•    Using chronic absenteeism rates at each school at the 20th percentile of enrollment as a baseline and updating current baseline data by using the 2017-2018 school year as the baseline year
•    Using Title II, Part A, state level set-aside funds to support training and technical assistance to school divisions on upcoming revisions to the teacher evaluation system

Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure (ABTEL) Recommendations for the Annual Education Preparation Program Profile Required by the Regulations Governing the Review and Approval of Education Programs in Virginia
The Board received for first review the Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure’s recommendations for the Annual Education Preparation Program Profile.  The Board of Education’s Regulations Governing the Review and Approval of Education Program in Virginia (8VAC20-543), effective August 23, 2018, require an annual Education Preparation Program Profile to be published and posted on the Department of Education’s website.

Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure (ABTEL) Recommendations to Approve Undergraduate Education Endorsement Programs at Virginia Colleges and Universities
The Board waived first review and approved the Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure’s recommendations to approve undergraduate education preparation programs primarily related to provisions included in House Bill 1125 and Senate Bills 76 and 349 of the 2018 General Assembly which allows institutions of education to offer four-year bachelor’s degree programs in teacher education.  
The Board approved/received the following reports 
•    Report to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Appropriations and Education and the Senate Committees on Finance and Education and Health on the Effects of the Provisions of House Bill 1125 of the 2018 General Assembly
•    Triennial Report to the Chairmen of the House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education and Health on the Issuance of Three-year Licenses Pursuant to House Bill 279 of the 2016 General Assembly
•    Report on the Profiles to Support the Work of Profile of a Virginia Graduate
•    Report from the Virginia Advisory Committee for the Education of the Gifted: Recommendations to Promote Equitable Access to Effective Gifted Education Programs
•    Report on Schools Recognized for Exemplar Performance as Required by Recognition and Rewards for School and Division Accountability (8VAC20-131-410) (written report)

Copies of all reports are available at