Key Findings of External Investigation – Hayfield Secondary School Football Program

Findings from an external review

A thorough external review did not substantiate the allegations of student-athlete recruitment violations and confirms that Hayfield student-athletes meet residency requirements. An external investigation of allegations of retaliation against FCPS employees concluded that they too were unsubstantiated. 

Beginning in June 2024, local media reports raised concerns about the hiring of the new head football coach at Hayfield High School and made unverified allegations that the new coach improperly recruited students from his former school — Freedom High School in Prince William County, Virginia — to enroll at Hayfield. These local media reports further alleged that the students transferring from Freedom HS to Hayfield HS lied about residing in the Hayfield High School pyramid. 

Following these initial unverified allegations, local media or individuals brought forward additional allegations, including that the Hayfield head football coach or members of his coaching staff: 

  • bullied students.
  • inappropriately collected and misused funds.
  • used FCPS property for personal gain.
  • exceeded the allowed number of training days and restrictions on off-season workouts.
  • identified students on social media.
  • threatened parents on social media.

Later, local media reported that FCPS retaliated against FCPS staff for allegedly raising questions regarding the student transfers from Freedom HS. 

FCPS Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid took swift action to probe the issues raised and determine the facts. An initial internal investigation by FCPS revealed that there was no validity to these allegations. However, the superintendent took the further step, on July 1, 2024, of retaining outside legal counsel Cynthia Hudson to conduct her own thorough legal review of the evidence collected. That review has now been completed and did not substantiate the allegations published in local media that the Hayfield HS head football coach used his position to illegally recruit players from Freedom HS. The investigation also did not substantiate the allegations that students on the Hayfield High School football team did not reside in the Hayfield HS attendance zone. This included home visits and detailed conversations with parents and guardians.

The investigation similarly did not substantiate the bullying and other allegations against the Hayfield head football coach or his staff and did not substantiate the allegation that FCPS retaliated against FCPS staff for raising questions about the student transfers. Instead, transfers of FCPS staff were based on the business needs of FCPS and were planned well before the allegations around Hayfield HS student residency.

During the investigation, 19 witnesses were interviewed including FCPS principals, directors of student services, directors of student activities, administrative staff, central office leadership, and parents. Attorney Hudson reviewed the witness statements.  She also had unrestricted access to FCPS documents and records and reviewed a large volume of such materials. FCPS did not object to any witness interview or information request. 

The investigation found that the initial allegations were based on rumor and innuendo that, upon examination, lacked supporting objective evidence.  

The investigation also found that some Hayfield parents and students were harassed by individuals lurking outside their homes and following them at all hours, causing these students and parents to fear for their privacy and safety.