Tracy Tashima teaches students sitting in a circle.

"The Epitome of a Dedicated and Caring Teacher"

  • By Office of Communication and Community Relations
  • Employee News
  • March 30, 2023

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Tracy Tashima, second-grade teacher at Hunt Valley Elementary School is "an exceptional educator not just for teaching the educational standards, but for modeling empathy and collaboration everyday in the classroom," said a parent who nominated her for FCPS CARES. 

"There are many people who work in education in the world. There are some who were born to be a teacher. Tracy Tashima is one who was  born to be a teacher and is an inspiration to all of her students," the parent said. "Long before the pandemic she was very aware of the effect of mindfulness on students. Now more than ever this is so important. The students are looked at as people first, they are never looked at as test scores or standards.

"She understands that in order for students to be successful, they need to feel safe and valued in the classroom. Anytime anything happens outside of school that is remotely positive, my child wants his teacher to know about it because he feels like she is his biggest fan. In speaking with her students, both current and past, every child feels this way about her. To have every child in the class feel that personal connection with the teacher is phenomenal.

"In addition to teaching everything in an engaging way—which we hear about every day after school—she always makes time for students to tell about their lives outside of school and make connections. This impact lasts long beyond second grade. We know that this is echoed throughout the community with anyone who has had her [as a teacher]."

Thank you, Tracy, and all the January FCPS CARES recipients! Also recognized that month were:

  • Steve Campbell, Instructional Programs Support Center. 
  • Josh Bickford, Carson Middle School. 
  • Crystal Campbell, Glasgow Middle School.
  • Justin Robinson, Hollin Meadows Elementary School.
  • Paul Yu, Daniels Run Elementary School.

FCPS CARES is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. Read more about all the recipients. Learn how you can acknowledge an FCPS employee.