FCPS CARES - April 2024

By Department of Human Resources
FCPS Cares
April 02, 2024

To recognize an employee with an FCPS Cares, please visit our submission page.

To view past submissions, please visit our previous submissions page

FCPS CARES of the Month Recipients

Central Office

Daniel Gray, Forte Center

"Daniel Gray is an outstanding FCPS employee and human being! He is consistently: helpful, patient, conscientious, and hard-working. No matter how busy his schedule is, or how busy our school office gets, he manages to share a smile or a kind word, to lift our spirits - especially when we are having a particularly hectic or stressful day. He models: professionalism, courtesy, empathy, kindness, humor, and positivity in ALL of his interactions with school staff. His warm and outgoing personality cultivates a rapport with our staff, and "if" and when there's a day when he is off (which are few and far between) his enthusiasm and dynamic aura are definitely missed! Daniel is an asset to FCPS, to the schools he works with, and to all who know him. Thank you, Daniel, for adding a ray of sunshine to our day, each and every day."

-Christina Perry, Eagle View ES


Region 1

Christina Hunel, Great Falls ES

"I would like to recognize Ms. Christina Hunel, Kindergarten IA at Great Falls Elementary School, for her outstanding efforts in support of her students during a sudden and unfortunate period of transition. I have had the opportunity to witness her interactions under these evolving circumstances on two occasions within the last couple of months, and we are so grateful that she has been a source of consistency and compassion for our students. Our family has always thought very highly of Ms. Hunel, based on what we have heard from our daughter and what we have seen during visits to her classroom since the beginning of the school year. She and our former beloved teacher made a fantastic team with the unique qualities they each brought to the table. During my most recent visits, it was heartwarming to see how, in the wake of difficult and unexpected circumstances, Ms. Hunel has stepped up to the plate and taken her support to the next level. I was impressed at how she flawlessly engaged and led the children through lunchtime, a transition to the playground, another transition to our Art Enrichment session and during the session itself, as well as through a follow-on activity. The way the children responded to her quiet cues and her calm demeanor amazed me, and even as she dealt with a few individual issues that arose during the course of the above, Ms. Hunel maintained her grace and steadiness while keeping the class on track. I am confident that Ms. Hunel’s attributes are well known at GFES, but we wanted to call attention to her efforts that have gone above and beyond her normal responsibilities these past couple of months. The students seem as content as ever, and it was reassuring as parents to see the classroom running smoothly on account of Ms. Hunel’s support and dedication. She is truly an asset to GFES, and it has been so comforting to know that our daughter and her classmates are in Ms. Hunel’s care each day."

-a Great Falls ES parent


Region 2

Joel Harrop, Falls Church HS

"When my son started at Falls Church High School in the middle of his sophomore year, one of the first teachers he was introduced to was Coach Joel Harrop. My son is now a senior, and the growth I have seen in him since he arrived at FCHS has been incredible, in large part, I believe, due to the guidance and support of Coach Harrop. Coach Harrop has recognized and believed in my son and his abilities and has entrusted him with more responsibilities and leadership roles over the past two and a half years in the Tech Room and with the FCHS soccer program. My son’s increased confidence in himself is a result of the confidence Coach Harrop has in him. Thank you, Coach Harrop!"

-Beth Jachimiack, Nancy Sprague Technology Center


Region 3

Christopher Roeseler, Robert Tucker, and Juliana Abouraad, Bucknell ES

"Chris Roeseler, Juliana Abouraad, and Robby Tucker have created an Fall and Spring after school club program for students at Bucknell ES. They organize the snacks and materials and transportation. They recruit staff and community members to serve as leaders. They create a caring culture for students to want to stay after school and have high interest activities to strengthen relationships and school bonds. Students are proud to be Bucknell Bulldogs and want to spend more time on campus and with caring adults doing fun things. This committee will also ensure that any student who wants to attend is able to. This is above and beyond their regular full-time positions. Kudos to these educators!"

-Kerry Ames, Bucknell ES


Region 4

Laura K Monahan, Terra Centre ES - View the celebration!

"Laura is the second-grade team lead. She does a fantastic job of communicating all staff information to our team. Laura has a natural intuition for knowing exactly what her students need. She goes above and beyond to scaffold instruction for students who need additional support. Additionally, she has initiated multiple extension groups and plans activities for them.

Laura is an amazing teacher and teammate. She cares deeply about all students, whether they are on her roster or not. For instance, she pulls students from every second-grade class who are not already receiving an additional service to provide extensions and extra teacher Facetime. She even volunteers her limited lunch and planning time to mentor a former student. She holds her students to high but attainable expectations, and she’s constantly “emptying her cup” to fill up her students’ cups! Laura perfectly embodies a caring educator!"

- Paula Williams & Jessica Jesiolowski, Terra Centre ES


Region 5

Joshua Antoncic, Virginia Run ES (Pictured) - View the celebration!

"Mr. Antoncic is a wonderful and energetic PE teacher, and the kids love him! I wanted to recognize him for all of the awesome things that he does to make PE and school events so fun. He really goes the extra mile in his work. In addition to all of the extra challenges and ways he makes a regular PE class fun, he goes beyond a regular day by hosting an annual basketball challenge between 5th and 6th graders and preparing for the annual volleyball game against Cub Run Elementary each year with games for staff and students. He is always present and supports the annual school fundraiser (The Viking Dash). In the past, he has hosted the PE sports camp after school gets out for the summer to provide extra funds to the PTA and give the kids a fun week of sports camp. All of these things he has done by donating his free time. Additionally, he rewards students with a pizza party for their successes throughout the year in physical education. My kids are always trying to meet whatever goal he has set, so they can get an invite to that party. He is so much more fun than any PE teacher that I ever had.

It was Mr. A (as the children fondly call him) who told me two years ago, when my son was a mere second grader, that he was fast and that I should “tap into that.” I really had no idea just how fast he was compared to his peers. This comment led me to sign my son up for track for the past two years. It’s amazing how fast he really is, and it is to fun to watch him shine. Just when I think my son couldn’t get any faster, he keeps breaking his own personal records. I can’t wait to see just how far he’ll go or what kind of records he might set as a high schooler.

I think the PE teachers probably go unrecognized compared to others, but Mr A is amazing, making a difference, and deserves to be recognized for all that he does for our school and our community. We love you, Mr. A!"

-a Virginia Run ES parent

Region 6

Kyoko Vaughan, Hayfield SS

"In appreciation of Ms. Vaughan, I am writing to express my utmost admiration and gratitude! She is an exceptional educator who deserves recognition for her outstanding daily contributions! As a parent, I have witnessed firsthand Ms. Vaughan's remarkable impact on my daughter's academic and personal growth. Last summer, Ms. Vaughan planned and organized every detail for a two-week trip to Japan with her students. She is dedicated to teaching excellence, forms relationships that build trust and commitment, and her above-and-beyond attitude motivates her students to strive for the best. This week, Ms. Vaughan organized an exceptional trip to the White House for her students to meet President Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Kishida, and his wife, Mrs. Yoko Kishida. This was an experience of a lifetime. Ms. Vaughan's unwavering commitment to each of her students and her ability to nurture their talents goes above and beyond. Ms. Vaughan is a blessing to Hayfield Secondary School. Her dedication leaves an enduring legacy of excellence and inspiration for future generations!"

-Ashlee Clifton, Woodlawn ES


Kyoko Vaughan, Hayfield SS

"Vaughan Sensei has given me opportunities that I would not be able to imagine a few years ago. Not many can say their teacher has taken them abroad TWICE and got them the chance to go to the White House! Vaughan Sensei has motivated me, rewarded my hard work and taught me that I can truly do whatever I want if I put in the work to make it happen. Her teachings, inside and outside of the classroom, will undoubtedly stick with me for the rest of my life. I’m sure others can say the same. :)"

-a Hayfield SS student


Kyoko Vaughan, Hayfield SS

"Ms. Vaughan is one of the nicest teachers I know and she’s done so much for us as Japanese students. She gives us so many opportunities to learn about Japanese culture and ways to interact with native speakers as well! I am so thankful for her because she gave me the chance to go to Japan and she’s such an amazing woman and I’m extremely grateful for her everyday! She also gave us the opportunity to listen to a Japanese band live in person, which was an incredible experience and was super cool! She does so much for us so I wanted to show my appreciation!!! Thank you so much 先生!"

-a Hayfield SS student


Kyoko Vaughan, Hayfield SS

"There are not enough words to express my gratitude for Kyoko Vaughan. She is dedicated, patient, compassionate, and goes above and beyond for my son and all of her students. She has provided her students with countless opportunities to learn Japanese, experience the culture, and experience what it means to be a global and connected citizen. Vaughan Sensei has had a significant and positive impact in my son's high school journey. I will forever be grateful to her for providing him with so many life changing opportunities. She is truly one of a kind and it is very clear that she wants her students to succeed. Her students and FCPS are lucky to have her!"

-a Hayfield SS parent


Kyoko Vaughan, Hayfield SS

"Ms. Vaughan puts her heart into her teaching, and is genuinely enthusiastic about teaching Japanese and Japanese culture. She is extremely diligent in her work, and always stays after school and communicates and organizes extracurricular opportunities for her students. She never hesitates to help anyone who needs it and stays true to her character."



Kyoko Vaughan, Hayfield SS

"Thanks to Mrs. Vaughan, my son had a fantastic experience with interacting Japanese students from Japan and a bonus White House visit. Her efforts and hard work created such a wonderful and memorable experiences that we cannot forget. We do appreciate all of her hard work."

-a Hayfield SS parent


Kyoko Vaughan, Hayfield SS

"I think everyone remembers one teacher from their educational years that stands out as a teacher that inspired them, made them laugh, counseled them, etc. I know I did (Mrs. Decales - Devonshire Elementary). I am beyond grateful that my daughter's high school years have included the mentoring of Vaughan Sensei. My daughter has been to Japan twice, participated in the yearly Japan Bowl in Maryland as part of the Hayfield team under Vaughan Sensei's guidance, attended a lecture at American University at the suggestion of Vaughan Sensei, and was given the rare opportunity to participate in a meet and greet session for the Prime Minister of Japan and his wife at the White House, with a session in poetry writing that was then presented to the Prime Minister's wife and First Lady, Jill Biden. There are many, many great teachers within FCPS. Vaughan Sensei exceeds "great". It is evident that she enjoys what she is teaching and that resonates in her classes with the students. I believe that there have been many opportunities that my daughter has been able to benefit from simply because Vaughan Sensei devotes so much of her personal time to gather information on the various events to share with students. My daughter, and so many other students at Hayfield, are succeeding and I have complete confidence that a big part of that success is due to Vaughan Sensei!"

-a Hayfield SS parent


Kyoko Vaughan, Hayfield SS

"This employee goes above and beyond to help secure once in a lifetime opportunities to help engage their students in learning. They give the students the more authentic and effective help they can by going out of their way to communicate with parent communities, seeking opportunities they even have international relations. This employee has truly gone out of their way to provide the best learning they can for their students and should be recognized for their hard work."



Kyoko Vaughan, Hayfield SS

"In addition to regular classes, Ms. Vaughan gives students the opportunity to learn Japanese and culture through extracurricular activities and international exchanges. It was a great opportunity for students to read poems in both Japanese and English at an event hosted by the First Lady at the White House."

-a Hayfield SS parent


Other FCPS CARES Submissions

Emma Swedberg, Oak View ES

"Emma Swedberg, our invaluable Speech-Language Pathologist at Oak View, embodies the essence of dedication and care. Often an unsung hero in our school, Emma's commitment extends beyond her speech students, reaching into the hearts of every child she encounters, including those in the self-contained classroom. With her infectious smile and boundless compassion, Emma creates an atmosphere where every family feels embraced as part of her own. My child's journey with speech therapy took a transformative turn when Emma entered the scene. Her remarkable ability to recognize and nurture the potential within each child is unparalleled. Emma effortlessly connects with her students, sharing in their joys and understanding their humor, while ensuring they revel in their achievements. Despite the lack of recognition she receives, Emma's tireless efforts and unwavering dedication shine through in every interaction. In her modest office, Emma works miracles, transforming it into a sanctuary of success and empowerment for her students. Within those walls, she fosters an environment where every child feels like they're in the happiest place on earth, where dreams become realities. Let's celebrate Mrs. Swedberg, the unsung champion of Oak View, whose passion and commitment make a world of difference in the lives of our children."



Angie Hudgins, Stonecroft Transportation

"Angie is the MOST SUPPORTIVE bus driver. She will do multiple runs to ensure all students make it home safely. She always circles back to see if schools need help with a run. Today (4/30/2024) she had finished her last run, was in the process of parking her bus to go home, and heard over the radio that we (Forestville Elementary) needed help. Instead of going home, Angie came back to school, and took one of our routes that was running 35 minutes late. She genuinely cares about students, staff, and families. She always has a smile on her face! Angie embodies a vibrant Home, School, & Community Partnership along with contributing to a supported workforce."

-Afton Carlson, Forestville ES


Philip Magill, Nancy Sprague Technology Center

"Our Preschool Team at Crossfield is amazed and impressed by Philip Magill's hard work and prompt excellent responses to our tickets! Thank you for being awesome, Philip!"

-Nahla Eltaher, Crossfield ES


Elizabeth Joyce, Collen Bonislawski, Kristin Webster, Nathan Poumade, Robinson SS

"Thank you for leading the insightful breakout session on your journey with reflecting on ATL skills and POG POL at the recent POG POL Conference. Your leadership and expertise were invaluable in facilitating a meaningful learning experience for all that attended your session.
Your work in elevating reflection practices is not only impacting the students and staff at Robinson SS, but supporting teachers and leaders across the division who are looking to regularly reflect and engage in POG POL. The session allowed teachers new to instruction and reflection on durable skills to feel supported, capable, and prepared to facilitate POLs with students before the end of the school year. Thank you for all of the time, expertise, and leadership that went into leading this session!"

-Nishi Langhorne, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Deborah March, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"Deborah, Thank you for leading a powerful breakout session at our POG POL Conference on your journey with POG POL at Lewis High School. Your leadership and expertise were invaluable in facilitating a meaningful learning experience for all that attended your session. Your work in amplifying student voices at Lewis is not only impacting the students and staff at your school, but also teachers and leaders across the division who want to center student voices and support students in exhibiting their learning in authentic ways. Your session was thoughtful and practical, with tangible takeaways that teachers can implement tomorrow in their classrooms. Thank you for all of the time, expertise, and leadership that went into leading this session!"

-Nishi Langhorne, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Katherine Stransky, Kelsey Treague, and Sarah Wood, Woodson HS, Eagle View ES

"Thank you for leading an insightful breakout session on POG POL community engagement and visibility at our POG POL Conference! Your leadership and expertise were invaluable in facilitating a meaningful learning experience for all that attended your session. Your work in engaging school communities around POG is not only impacting the students, staff and communities at your school, but supporting teachers and leaders across the division who would like to engage their communities in meaningful and authentic ways. Your session offered multiple entry points for participants, from those looking to engage families at the classroom level to those wanting more of a schoolwide engagement strategy. Thank you for all of the time, expertise, and leadership that went into leading this session!"

-Nishi Langhorne, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Leslie Leisey, Poplar Tree ES

"Thank you for leading an insightful breakout session on POG POL community engagement and visibility at our POG POL Conference! Your leadership and expertise were invaluable in facilitating a meaningful learning experience for all that attended your session.

Your work in engaging school communities around POG is not only impacting the students, staff and communities at your school, but supporting teachers and leaders across the division who would like to engage their communities in meaningful and authentic ways. Your session offered multiple entry points for participants, from those looking to engage families at the classroom level to those wanting more of a schoolwide engagement strategy. Thank you for all of the time, expertise, and leadership that went into leading this session!"

-Nishi Langhorne, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Paula Disalvo, Woodson HS

"Thank you for leading an insightful breakout session on POG POL community engagement and visibility at our POG POL Conference! Your leadership and expertise were invaluable in facilitating a meaningful learning experience for all that attended your session.

Your work in engaging school communities around POG is not only impacting the students, staff and communities at your school, but supporting teachers and leaders across the division who would like to engage their communities in meaningful and authentic ways. Your session offered multiple entry points for participants, from those looking to engage families at the classroom level to those wanting more of a schoolwide engagement strategy. Thank you for all of the time, expertise, and leadership that went into leading this session!"

-Nishi Langhorne, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Lisa Prillaman, Oak Hill ES

"Lisa, thank you for leading the insightful breakout session on POG Buddies and POG Patrol at the recent POG POL Conference. Your leadership and expertise were invaluable in facilitating a meaningful learning experience for all that attended your session. Your work in creating a culture of collaboration and reflection is not only impacting the students and staff at your school, but also supporting teachers and leaders across the division who would like to create school-wide structures that support reflection and student partnership. The session gave participants concrete and creative strategies that they can implement before the end of the school year. Thank you for all of the time, expertise, and leadership that went into leading this session!"

-Nishi Langhorne, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Samira Newman, Wolftrap ES

"Samira, thank you for leading the insightful breakout session on DEAR Time at Wolftrap ES at the recent POG POL Conference. Your leadership and expertise were invaluable in facilitating a meaningful learning experience for all that attended your session. Your work in elevating reflection practices is not only impacting the students and staff at your school, but supporting teachers and leaders across the division who are looking to regularly reflect and engage in POG POL. The session allowed teachers to learn concrete strategies to “drop everything and reflect” and create a culture of reflection at their schools. Thank you for all of the time, expertise, and leadership that went into leading this session!"

-Nishi Langhorne, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Kelly Herring, Coates ES

"Kelly, thank you for leading the insightful breakout session on Leveraging Elementary Specialists for Leading POG at the recent POG POL Conference. Your leadership and expertise were invaluable in facilitating a meaningful learning experience for all that attended your session. The session allowed teachers new to Presentations of Learning to see possibilities and plan for future years. Thank you for all of the time, expertise, and leadership that went into leading this breakout. In addition to this session, thank you for co-facilitating the Specialists Pathway throughout the year for the Innovator Cohort. Sharing your experiences with POG through Specials is not only impacting the students and staff at your school building, but supporting teachers across the division who are new to this practice with their own planning and instruction, both at the Conference and once a month during cohort meetings. Your perspective, facilitation, and coaching have made a tremendous impact this year across FCPS!"

-Nishi Langhorne, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Holly Sims, Crossfield ES

"Holly, thank you for leading the insightful breakout session on Facilitating and Scoring POLs at the recent POG POL Conference. Your leadership and expertise were invaluable in facilitating a meaningful learning experience for all that attended your session.
Your detailed understanding in facilitating and scoring Presentations of Learning is not only impacting the students and staff at your school building, but supporting teachers across the division who are new to this practice with their own planning and instruction. The session allowed teachers new to Presentations of Learning to feel supported, capable, and prepared to facilitate POLs with students before the end of the school year. Thank you for all of the time, expertise, and leadership that went into leading this session!"

-Nishi Langhorne, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Reon Brogan and Brittany Hooper, Fort Belvoir ES

"I want to publicly thank Mrs. Hooper and Mrs. Brogen for helping my daughter succeed in school while learning to navigate very big emotions. I am delighted that they are trusted adults and role models in her life. Together, they have teamed up to help my daughter succeed so that she can persist and achieve, even while facing the difficulties that only military children know. Our family could not do this without their support, thank you so much!"



Molly Sullivan, Union Mill ES

"Mrs. Molly Sullivan has been a fantastic 1st grade teacher for my daughter. She has shown an incredible amount of compassion, empathy, and awareness for all her children, but especially for mine who needs a little extra help throughout the day. She has proven to be an advocate for my child's learning and has helped me as a parent feel safe and secure that my child is receiving the best opportunity to learn each day. She keeps an eye on her kiddos not only in her own class, but throughout their day working through specials, lunch, recess, etc. She is also very communicative and shares information good and constructive about my child. It helps me to feel involved and aware of what is happening throughout my daughter's day. I'm grateful for her time and attention to my child and I'm sure the other parents feel the same way."

-a Union Milll ES parent


Jeremy Karaskevicus, North Springfield ES

''Mr. K' has an extraordinary ability to connect with all students. He is an amazing teacher who really helps the students to rise over their own challenges and engage deeply in learning. When my daughter switched classes midyear, the warmth and welcoming she felt from the entire class was a testament to the spirit of collaborative learning Mr. K built in the first semester. She was able to slide right in, making new friends and feeling as if she was already part of their class team.

In his advanced math class, he "rick rolled" the students before they took their exit ticket; my daughter came home saying it was the funniest thing she had ever had happen in school--and she did well on the real exit ticket since the laughter made her no longer stressed. Mr. K crafted a grade-level soccer league to keep the 5th graders engaged at recess, going so far as having a game schedule, refereeing the games, and then presenting the winning team with trophies he purchased; and then doing it again each quarter. His willingness to host numerous lunch bunches throughout the month is a selfless giving of his student-free lunch break. Building rapport with students may be some of the most time-consuming and exhausting work of a teacher; Mr. K does this so naturally, that his students are ready and committed to being learners in his classroom."

-a North Springfield ES parent


Brandon Kosatka, Wilton Woods Center

"I have been very appreciative of the support that Brandon has provided not just new, but all Directors of Student Services over the past year. Brandon has been nothing short of a mentor and resource to those of us wanting to build capacity and leadership around the role. Not only has Brandon been instrumental in teaching strategies to be efficient and data-driven in decision making, but he is also flexible, patient, and steadfast in answer any questions and being available for individual support. Personally, I know that my skillset has grown tremendously over the past few months, and much of it is attributed to his professional development and direct support. I can only hope that future leaders and administrators have the same opportunities as I have had in working with Brandon. Thank you!"

-Vanessa Hunter, Westfield HS


Lourdes Suarez, Fort Hunt ES

"Lourdes understands the learning needs of her diverse students and treats them with kindness and respect. She works hard for them and goes the extra mile to help them grow and thrive in their learning environments. Lourdes is a team player and faces challenges with a smile and great sense of humor. Fort Hunt Elementary is lucky to have her (: ¡Felicitaciones, Lourdes!"

-Tracy Hutchison, Fort Hunt ES


Maricela Naranjo, Mount Vernon HS

"I am thrilled to wholeheartedly recommend Mrs. Maricela D. Naranja for the esteemed FCPS Cares Award. In her pivotal role as the Food Service Cost Control Assistant for the Chief Operating Officer at Fairfax County Public Schools in Region 3, Mrs. Naranja's unwavering dedication to enhancing the well-being of our students has forged an indelible mark on our school community. Mrs. Naranja's exceptional commitment shines brightly in her proactive approach to ensuring our students receive nutritious snacks after school. Amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities, she consistently goes above and beyond to ensure our students' needs are met. Her remarkable diligence is evident in her timely reminders for snack orders, ensuring no student is left without. A recent incident vividly illustrates Mrs. Naranja's invaluable contributions. On both April 22nd and 25th, our students delighted in their favorite snacks - PBJ and Nachos - all thanks to Mrs. Naranja's efficient coordination. Witnessing the sheer joy on our students' faces as they eagerly savored these treats underscored the profound impact of Mrs. Naranja's efforts. Her thoughtfulness not only reflects her professionalism but also significantly enhances our students' overall experience. Furthermore, I must highlight the genuine smiles and heartfelt gratitude our students express, which stand as a testament to Mrs. Naranja's exceptional care and dedication. I cannot imagine a more deserving recipient of the FCPS Care Award. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly endorse Mrs. Maricela D. Naranja for an FCPS Cares Award. Her exemplary work ethic, proactive initiatives, and unwavering commitment to excellence make her an undeniable candidate. I am confident that her influence extends far beyond our school and positively impacts all the schools under her care. Mrs. Naranja's contributions epitomize the values upheld by FCPS and honoring her with this award would not only acknowledge her individual achievements but also celebrate the spirit of compassion and dedication that defines our institution"

-Iris Stubblefield, West Potomac HS


Anita Mitchell, Hayfield SS

"Thanks to the custodial staff who helped at the 6th Grade All County Chorus Festival this weekend. They were extremely helpful and professional. Thank you!"

-Pam Wilson, Hayfield SS


Iris Malave Compher, Gatehouse Admin Center

"Iris repeatedly has worked very fast to ensure translation of important documents and announcements. She has kept us informed of the timeline, before and after the request was completed. She emailed us this week to tell us she was ready whenever we needed her, and delegated another person if we could not reach her. Her amazing efficiency, fabulous customer service, and amazing "can do" attitude make her and her team a delight to work with in Central Office. Kudos to Iris!"

-Brendan Menuey, Gatehous Admin Center


Alyson Thompson, Justice HS

"Alyson Thompson is a math teacher who has made significant impact on student success! She has taken on numerous roles including our National Math Honor Society sponsor, ESports club sponsor, Algebra 1 CT lead, and has created our first ever Math Homework Headquarters, providing a space every Thursday for students to drop-in after school and receive targeted support. Ms. Thompson's work in the classroom demonstrates significant care for individual student success. She goes beyond all expectations to extend support to any student who walks through her doors, identifying their needs and creating a plan for progress. Students know they are welcomed in her class due to the positive environment she creates where all students feel respected. I am very thankful to have Ms. Thompson as a part of our team!"

-Colleen Lally, Justice HS


Cynthia Cook, Wakefield Forest ES

"Our WFES Kindergarten team leader, Cindy Cook, was essential in organizing a seamless Kindergarten clinic for our incoming students! Cindy spent countless hours in recruiting staff members to help greet and assist parents and students, assess students, monitor students with organized play activities, tweaking the assessment to make it clear to students, scheduling assessment times for 50 students, preparing individual student assessment folders, creating groupings for staff who were assessing, and finding classrooms for assessments to take place. In addition, the directions Cindy created for and communicated to staff participating were clear, concise, and shared in a timely and professional manner. Cindy created an environment where incoming students felt comfortable, welcomed, and excited to be a part of our pack in the Fall!"

-Suzanne Rubinstein, Wakefield Forest ES


Rowena Hipol, Eagle View ES

"I just want to thank Ms. Hipol for all the efforts she is doing with kids. My son was talking a lot about a poem he is making and I thought he was joking, but I saw it yesterday. I wanted to also thank her for the glasses that they used during the solar eclipse day, as I was afraid that he would try to look over the glasses, then I saw how she attached it to a plate to keep it covered so his eyes could not sneak to see out of the glasses. I liked it and I like all the crafts they are doing at school. Really Ms. Hipol is doing a great job with the kids. Many thanks for her and I wish her all the best."

-an Eagle View ES parent


Jeffrey Berggren, Hayfield SS

"Mr. Jeff Berggren, who is one of our Physical Education/Personal Fitness Teachers at Hayfield, is a consummate professional, and trains our young men and women in preparing their brains and their physical fitness for adulthood. In addition, he trains our fellow staff members in CPR to become recertified as teachers. In his limited off-time, he helps raise his family with his spouse, a fellow teacher, and he runs his own landscaping company. Recently, the Boys Lacrosse program facilitated a mulch fundraiser to raise needed funding for our program and our school, providing high quality mulch for the Hayfield community. Mr. Berggren stepped in to support our efforts, and volunteered two full days of his valuable and limited free time. He provided a trailer as well, and assisted Boys Lacrosse in delivering over 4000 bags of mulch. This selfless act epitomizes Coach Berggren, a person who is always willing to assist others, without hestitation, and does so with a smile on his face, and a great attitude! Thank you Coach Berggren for your dedication to our student body and community!"

-Jim Mercer, Hayfield SS


Beth Beaulieu, Bryant HS

"In honor of Administrative Assistants Week, I would like to recognize and thank Beth Beaulieu, our Principal's Administrative Assistant. Beth epitomizes the "let's roll up our sleeves and get to work" mentality. With her calm demeanor and impeccable organizational skills, she ensures that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. Always two steps ahead, Beth anticipates our needs and graciously offers assistance with a simple question: "Is there anything I can help you with today?" Beth's contributions go beyond mere efficiency. She infuses our monthly faculty meetings at Bryant with warmth and thoughtfulness, making each gathering special. Whether it's hot cider and donuts for the fall or festive Cinco de Mayo chips and salsa, Beth's attention to detail and care for our team shine through. Her dedication as a team player is truly invaluable. Beth consistently goes above and beyond, finding ways to ease the workload for others or to show appreciation to the staff. In February, despite just wrapping up our Bryant graduation, she somehow managed to carve out time (and energy) to organize a Galentine's event for the other Administrative Assistants, a heartfelt gesture to thank them for their hard work. Beth's thoughtfulness and commitment to Bryant are truly commendable."

-Florence Harrison, Bryant HS


Brandon Kosatka, Wilton Woods Center

"I am new to my position. Let me begin by stating that the overall community within my school and my new position has been wonderful. I would like to highlight Brandon Kosatka. Brandon has gone out of his way to support my growth in this position. Without hesitation he has helped me to understand some of the processes required of this position that you just can't get on-the-job training for. He has never missed or declined any request for support. He anticipates the questions, explains with patience, and is always looking for innovative ways for us to learn or adapt our skills. I am very grateful for his support when you often can feel lost in a new leadership position."



Danielle McFadden, Saratoga ES

"Mrs. McFadden goes above and beyond to both advocate for and attend to her students’ needs. Our child has had Mrs. McFadden as a teacher for the past two years and she has been an invaluable to us as she was the first to notice that our child was having more challenges this year compared to last. The fact that she had taught our child previously gave her a comprehensive picture of the changes that were taking place. She has been communicative with us and alerted us of both positives and negatives throughout the school year, which has helped us to feel like more involved and informed parents. Because we have been informed by Mrs. McFadden throughout, we have been able to advocate for our child and be more supportive. We are truly grateful for the care and time that Mrs. McFadden has put into caring for our child, even going so far as purchasing things herself to make sure our child feels included and motivated. We are beyond grateful for her and will miss her next year when our child has a different teacher!"

-Kara Landefeld, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Louis Delavigne and Brooke Nyland, Woodlawn ES

"Brooke Nyland (SBTS) and Louis Delavigne (Instruction Assistant) collaborate on many projects at Woodlawn, most notably our main hallway bulletin board. Each month, the board is a warm, colorful celebration of our community and reflects the core values of Woodlawn ES. This month the board is an exceptionally beautiful tribute to the Month of the Military Child entitled, 'The Military Child and the Dandelion'. The dandelion is the flower of the military child, representing their ability to grow and bloom wherever their roots might be planted. The board has a picture of each child as the bloom of the dandelion, along with a small poster with their name, branch of service, how many times they have moved, places they have lived, their best memories, and their wishes for the future. Throughout the week each military student has a featured spot on our morning announcements. A bulletin board may seem a small thing, but Mrs. Nyland’s and Mr. Delavigne’s creativity, execution, and sense of inclusion, consistently visually honor and respect the diverse community here at Woodlawn."

-Ellen Franklin, Woodlawn ES


Andrew Wax, Chantilly HS

"Mr. Wax consistently enhances the learning experience in his English classes by making them both engaging and enjoyable. He allows us a lot of freedom in choosing the format of our work, whether it's through essays, presentations, or creative projects. This flexibility not only caters to the diverse interests and strengths of each student but also encourages a deeper, more personal connection to the material. Moreover, Mr. Wax's understanding and accommodating nature contribute greatly to a supportive classroom environment. If students have challenges or special circumstances, he's willing to adjust deadlines and requirements to help us out. His approachable and supportive nature ensures that all students feel valued and motivated to do their best. Mr. Wax goes above and beyond to create a welcoming and interesting learning environment for all his students."

-a Chantilly HS student


Evelyn Harocopos, Pimmit Hills EC Resource Center

"I would like to acknowledge our team lead, Evelyn Harocopos at Pimmit Hills Early Childhood Resource Center. Our school has five Preschool Autism Classes (PAC) and three Preschool Class-Based Programs. Ms. Evelyn is always available for these 50+ students by providing strategies to the teachers, having weekly teacher and staff meetings, and promptly responding to emails. In the morning, she takes care of extra duties such as greeting all the students at the bus stop, taking care of students' meal roasters, and checking absences. In critical situations, she is available to attend the IEP meetings for those who need help. She is a good and diligent staff and also becomes a friend with everybody. With her warm smile, care, and attentiveness toward other people, the school environment is very welcoming and warm. Although many staff face difficult situations from time to time, because of Ms. Evelyn, they love to remain as Pimmit staff."

-Claire Lee, Pimmit Hills EC Resource Center


Regina Natale, Hayfield SS

"Several months ago, one of our Middle School counselors was promoted to become an administrator at West Potomac HS. In addition to her duties as a counselor, she was also the MS testing coordinator. Her departure left a large void for our secondary school to fill. In stepped one of our SBTS, Mrs. Regina Natale who, without fanfare nor recognition, took over a daunting task, in addition to her extraordinary duties of being one of a few SBTS for our secondary school, with a population around three thousand students, and 200 plus staff members. Mrs. Natale is that type of person, always stepping in to do whatever is necessary to support her fellow staff members, and the student body. The MS Testing Coordinator can be overwhelming, however Mrs. Natale is up to the challenge. Thank you Mrs. Natale for stepping into such an important position, which includes getting MS students set up for success with their SOL's as they prepare to promote up into high school!"

-Jim Mercer, Hayfield SS


Deshanna Horsley and Dejenu Feleke, Stonecroft Transportation Center

"I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for Dejenu Feleke and Deshanna Horsley. These members of Eagle View's transportation team demonstrate a commitment to building relationships with all students. They are supportive and kind. They create a bus environment where our students feel safe, seen, heard, and valued. Recently, Dejenu and Deshanna have stayed at bus stop locations for extended periods of time to ensure a parent was able to pick up. They had to return a student to our school extremely late last Friday evening, and, once back at the school, they patiently waited for an administrator to return to the building to receive the student. They leveraged their personal relationship with this student to ensure that he felt loved when he was unsure what the evening would bring. Dejenu and Deshanna, you are appreciated and valued members of the EV community! Thank you!"

-Katlin Wilson-Vogel, Eagle View ES


Christine Ritter, Kings Glen ES

"We want to send a huge shout out to Dr. Christine Ritter at Kings Glen Elementary for supporting the Kings Glen SACC Hovercraft Games. Her dedication to the success of our special event has helped us create a wonderful environment of learning not only for our center but for other SACC programs in our region. Dr. Ritter’s consistent support often plays a crucial role in providing resources and educational opportunities to our program. We appreciate that she provides us with a wonderful partnership between Kings Glen Elementary and the Neighborhood and Community Services SACC program. Thank you for always supporting our program and helping us create a wonderful place where SACC children can have fun while learning!"

-Kali Pellegrino, Kings Glen ES


Lisa Rhode and Raymond Mason, Kings Glen ES

"I would like to recognize Lisa Rode and Raymond Mason at Kings Glen Elementary for their invaluable contributions to the Kings Glen SACC program. Lisa Rode’s dedication and expertise in science played a pivotal role in helping our afterschool program build and develop hovercrafts using 3D printing technology. Her weekly visits to SACC have created a strong community of learning. Collaborating with her to create a hovercraft games special event provided a hands-on and engaging opportunity to over 75 children and their families from multiple SACC centers. Additionally, Lisa Rode allows our program to support the Kings Glen garden initiative by giving them fun and engaging opportunities to garden and connect with nature. Raymond Mason’s regular visits afterschool have significantly impacted our program in such meaningful ways. Spending his time helping us build hovercrafts and playing games with our children has provided an opportunity to share his passion for teaching and music. His dedication to spending time with the children in our afterschool program shows his commitment to their social and emotional development. He recently developed a curriculum to teach our afterschool children how to play the Ukulele. This will provide an invaluable learning opportunity and hopefully continue to foster their love for music. Their continued support after school has truly provided us with a positive and nurturing learning environment. I thank them both for generously sharing their time, knowledge, and resources to ensure that our children have the best opportunities to learn, explore and grow. Teachers like Lisa and Raymond make lasting impacts on their students in and out of the classroom by fostering a true love of learning. Their guidance and encouragement is greatly appreciated by the Kings Glen SACC teachers and SACC families. We will forever consider them as part of our SACC FAMILY!"

-Kali Pellegrino, Kings Glen ES


Jim Rixse, Marshall HS

"Throughout the entire process of organizing and executing the Family Summit, Jim Rixse was a critical contributor as community use liaison. His extensive knowledge of the Marshall High School building not only provided crucial insights but also helped point out potential pitfalls, ensuring that logistics ran smoothly during set up and the day of the Family Summit. On the day of the summit, Jim's unwavering support and assistance were instrumental in ensuring everything ran smoothly. Whether it was troubleshooting last-minute challenges or offering a helping hand wherever needed, Jim's dedication and reliability were evident at every turn. Furthermore, his willingness to answer questions and thoughtfully partner through various situations exemplified his commitment to the success of the event. Jim's remarkable efforts have left an indelible mark on the Family Summit, and we are grateful for his exceptional contributions."

-Diana Ree-Reeder, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Trent Lancaster, Westfield HS

"We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for Coach Lancaster who teaches at Westfield High School, and this year has started coaching cross country and track. The track team is a large group, with a lot of different types of athletes, all competing in different events. Not only does Coach Lancaster do a fantastic job managing all the moving pieces, but he also excels at communicating to families about what is happening. As always happens with large groups, conflicts or incidents occasionally arise that require the leader to step in and make decisions or take action. Recently, there was such an incident for the team. We were immensely impressed by how Coach Lancaster led his team through the difficulty. He not only acted responsibly and with respect for those involved, but also talked to the team about his thought process. He shared with them that he also had feelings he had to work through in order to come to the best decision. This is what all our kids need and deserve. He not only modeled the behavior we want to see in our students, but he also allowed them to see his human reaction and mature, responsible decision-making process. The Westfield track team is fortunate to have Coach Lancaster as its leader. He is a great coach and role model for his students."

-a Westfield HS parent


Juana Miller, Fort Hunt ES

"I would like to acknowledge Juana Miller for her hard work and the way she encourages students in the Spanish Immersion program and in math and science. She also has a positive attitude with her colleagues. That is why all this makes her a great example of what it means to be a true Foxtastic Fox at Fort Hunt."

-Celina Hussain, Fort Hunt ES


Lam Nguyen, Bryant HS

"Mr. Lam Thanh Nguyen goes above and beyond to ensure that our needs are taken care of as the night custodian at Bryant High School. He is always willing to help when he believes he can be of assistance, whether it is setting up furniture, repairing furniture, or repairing electronic devices. He is always thorough and careful in his work. He has also helped in providing a structure for the custodial team to ensure that overtime hours are equitably shared throughout the year. He is well liked and respected by all. Mr. Thanh may look like a quiet person but as soon as you engage him, he always responds with a pleasant smile and a thoughtful response. Thank you for all that you do."

-Ramon Lee, Bryant HS


Christine Lee, Eagle View ES

"Ms. Lee is an amazing teacher who cares not just about ensuring her students achieve their academic potential but about creating a community of fun and belonging. She inspires her class with energy and passion, beginning the mornings with music, teaching economics with "Lee bucks" and market days, and inserting creativity into her lessons. She leaves meaningful comments when she grades papers (oftentimes funny) and still uses scratch and sniff stickers, taking us parents back to our memorable teachers. She has a couch in the middle of her classroom which speaks to the family atmosphere she established. We love the pictures she shares of the kids comfortably lounging around on the couch and floor reading together with their pet hamster randomly wheeling around in his mobile plastic bubble. She is the teacher at the 6th Grade bake sale raving about the baked goods, at the spelling bee cheering on her class representative and organizing others to show support, and at her friend’s house collecting tons of items for the school yard sale. We cannot thank Ms. Lee enough for making our child’s last year of elementary school exceptional and instilling in him confidence, a love of learning, and strong peer relationships to carry him through the tough years of middle school. It’s because of her, our middle school anxieties are no longer anxieties but anticipation."

-an Eagle View ES parent


Maureen Szente, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"She goes above and beyond the call of duty and purchased work clothes and shoes for a student. Her compassion and generosity to provide for a student so they can be successfully employed reflects her deep concern for others. Her kindness will make a significant impact on this student's life and we are thankful to have Ms. Szentee as a valued member of our Career and Transition Services team. Thank you for your outstanding contribution!"

-Sarah Blake, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Brandon Kosatka, Wilton Woods Center

"Brandon has a heart for helping and a passion for the work he does. As a new DSS he has been instrumental and monumental in laying a foundation that will allow me to work smarter and not harder when planning the master schedule. Whether I need assistance with Excel and pivot tables (his "jam") or understanding how to SIS reports I didn't know existed, he is my main source. Brandon is the epitome of service with a smile with the patience of Job. For me and serveral other "freshman and sophomore" DSSs, he is the calm before the storm and we are grateful to have a caring, kind, and knowledgeable leader in Brandon. Thanks for all you do B!"

-Kim Harrison, Lewis High


Sahadatu Yussif, South Lakes HS

"We are thrilled to shout out our fantastic colleague, Ms. Sahadatu Yussif, from South Lakes HS. Sahadatu was recently trained to implement a reading program with a student who is deaf with additional disabilities. Not only was the reading program new to Sahadatu, but so is her acquisition of American Sign Language to carry out this program with this student. Sahadatu was approached about implementing the program, to which she had little hesitation. She participated in a collaborative training session with us, so that she could see the program modeled and duplicate the instruction on her own. Since receiving the training just a FEW DAYS earlier, Sahadatu is accessing the many resources and implementing instruction, and the student has already begun reading basic sentences! Thanks to Sahadatu’s willingness to grow her own skills, she can support this student in growing theirs. We are so proud of her efforts and applaud her for going outside of her comfort zone in the name of student success!! KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK!"

-Heather Padgett, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Brandon Kosatka, Wilton Woods Center

"Brandon has been working on Special Projects this year. As someone with DSS experience, he has been going above and beyond to help me develop a stronger process to get ready for staffing with my principal and to begin to develop our master schedule. He has met with me weekly to guide me, ask questions to understand what needs South Lakes has, and teach me replicable processes to meet those needs. Since staffing and master schedule are two of the biggest responsibilities that I have, I appreciate his time and expertise in helping me get better in the job I need to do."

-Heather Thomas, South Lakes HS


John Downes, Chantilly HS

"Mr. Downes’ method of teaching the class is helpful but more importantly Mr. Downes is extremely generous and understanding to all students. After receiving a disappointing grade on a test and discussing it with him, Mr. Downes offered to go over the test with me so I would not make the same mistakes again. He emphasized the importance of learning and not worrying about my grade. Further, Mr. Downes suggested that he look over my notes so I would be better prepared for future tests. After his support, I felt more confident in my other assessments and my study habits were more efficient. When I was unable to take an assessment before winter break because I was sick, Mr. Downes was very accommodating in letting me take the assessment after break. However, the date which I planned to take the assessment happened to be a day in which there were school club pictures. Due to this, Mr. Downes offered me to take the test another day. In thanks to a better opportunity to take the assessment, I finished the assessment on time whereas in a noisy environment I would not be able to. Mr. Downes’ lectures and generosity makes me feel supported at Chantilly."

-a Chantilly HS student


Nathaniel Bush, West Potomac HS

"Nathan goes above and beyond in his kindness and flexibility in helping others. He’s very supportive of coworkers and students and always does what he can to help those around him. His great rapport with everyone at West Potomac is obvious!"



Chad Steffey, Annandale HS

"Chad Steffey, a Band Director from Annandale High School, went above and beyond to support the 5th grade Band students at Annandale Terrace Elementary School. We have about 66 students in the Band program and these students didn’t have a band director to lead them for the upcoming Spring Concert. Chad Steffey gladly came to our rehearsal, in school concert and an evening concert to work with the students. He even came early in the morning and before the evening concert to set up the stage. The students not only enjoyed having Chad Steffey as a special guest conductor, but he brought a several of his High School students (some former Annandale Terrace Elementary students) in the band program to play along with our students. It was truly a special collaboration of music making that made our Spring Concert a huge success! The students and staff at Annandale Terrace and the Annandale community appreciates Chad Steffey for this amazing opportunity he provided for our students. Thank you, Chad!"

-Essel Linton, Annandale Terrace ES


Joseph Rutherford, Laura Woodlief, Jen Rutherford, Carl Harris, Kasey Reagan, Pui Sham, Adam Soos, Chris Whitbourne, Paul Johnson, Krista Murphy, Brennan Haggett, Brittany Nicolich, Lake Braddock SS

"Thank you again for your support in hosting the Pyramid Art Show. Without your support and the use of your space we would not be able to recognize the efforts of our budding artists in the Lake Braddock Pyramid. We so very much appreciate your flexibility!"

-Leah Dubray, Lake Braddock SS


Michael Underwood, Sprague Technology Center

"Mr. Underwood works tirelessly as a Technology Support Specialist at Lane Elementary to provide technology assistance for their staff and students that is invaluable! He's never too busy to troubleshoot a device, deliver a tech tip, or provide one-on-one support at the drop of a hat. Lane is a very large elementary school with a diverse student population, and Mr. Underwood goes above and beyond to meet everyone's needs!"

-Lauren Rich, Instr Programs Support Center


Lauren Allen, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"Huge shout out to Lauren Allen, Region 4 MTSS educational specialist. Her knowledge of the MTSS process and her ability to educate, guide and support teachers and teams throughout the year has proven invaluable. Lauren consistently makes herself available through zoom or in person as her schedule allows. She connects the right people at the right time to provide the best solutions to time sensitive questions. Lauren has a way with words that makes you feel validated for your efforts while offering suggestions for growing the MTSS process and program in our school. She understands the classroom and school dynamic which is important in the implementation of new structures. Thank you, Lauren, for all you do!"

-Mary Anne Gatton, Cherry Run ES


Adrienne Montoya, Lake Braddock SS

"Mrs. Montoya is a delight to work with and goes above and beyond the word "team player"! As a general education English teacher, she willingly participates in IEP and other special education meetings when invited to join them. Recently, Mrs. Montoya was asked to participate in a reevaluation meeting for an Adapted Curriculum student whom she doesn't know because the student is not in any General Education classes. Mrs. Montoya was glad to assist the team and asked for input on the student and how she could support the team during this meeting. The meeting lasted longer than anticipated, and Mrs. Montoya stuck with it until the end. Others may have stepped out early or may have been annoyed being asking to give up their entire planning period for a student they don't know. Mrs. Montoya is greatly appreciated by the Special Education Team and we thank her for her partnership!"

-Kristin Matus-Kelso, Lake Braddock SS


Kristine Baden, Wilton Woods Center

"Kristine quickly took care of providing access in EDSL for critical data. Her timeliness is very much appreciated. Thank you for your efficiency and your support!"

-Sean Rolon, Falls Church HS


Amy Moir, Woodson HS

"The directors in Woodson's music department would like to thank Ms. Amy Moir for everything she did to make our trip to NYC a complete success. Moving hundreds of students safely around a world-class city such as NYC is no small feat and we were able to do so due, in no small part, to the efforts of Ms. Moir. As point of contact between Woodson and the tour company, Ms. Moir took on the lion’s share of planning responsibilities. Ms. Moir did this with a cheerful attitude and didn't miss a beat along the way. Furthermore, when it was suggested that guitar join in on the spring trip for the first time, Ms. Moir did not hesitate to respond with an enthusiastic, "Yes!" Her dedication to making sure that not only her students, but also those of the whole department, had an enjoyable and safe trip is just one example of her consistent, student-centered approach to education."

-Lonnie Bickel, Woodson HS


Suzanne Kelly, Robinson SS

"Suzanne is an amazing asset to Robinson. Not only does she keep orders, deliveries, and the school in order, she also helps make the impossible happen. She has helped a great deal with a teacher who has been out on medical leave and is always on top of things and handles them with ease. We have thrown some curveballs at her, and she always knocks it out of the park!! Thank you Suzanne!!"

-Katy Frank, Robinson SS


Meihua Qian, Haycock ES

"Mrs. Qian is helping kids to learn Chinese culture and organizing the dance. She is amazing."



Maggie Gawen, Keene Mill ES

"Last night after the AAP Orientation, Maggie went above and beyond the call of duty and showed exceptional care toward our family. It was 8:00 at night, we’d just played on the playground with friends after the fantastic presentation, and our family car wouldn’t start. Maggie was making her way home after an undoubtedly 12+ hour workday and a lengthy after school event… but she didn’t hesitate to offer aid to help us try to get the car started to get home. She remained with us until we were situated with friends who were able to help be sure we got home. The kind smile never left her face, despite her long day, and she really demonstrated with both her words and her actions that she treats her school community like family. This made our family feel so welcome and cared for! Thank you, Maggie, for your unfailing kindness!!"

-Mary Keane, Holmes MS


Sarah Maria Young, Lori Purvis, Leslie Borkenhagen, Summer Johnson, Sprague Technology Center

"Leslie Borkenhagen, Lori Purvis, Sarah Maria Young and Summer Johnson facilitated the learning topic “Exploring Artificial Intelligence” with the Office of School Support staff. They were incredibly responsive in planning this opportunity tailored to our staff. During the presentation, they provided structures that promote curiosity and choice to meet the needs of all learners. Since then, many of our staff members have utilized AI in new ways to amplify and streamline their work. Some examples include using AI to create graphics for a presentation, problem solving how to run a google script, drafting an email and in their personal lives by creating vacation plans. An important take away was sharing about our experiences from AI and learning from each other. For example, a staff member shared frustration at a staff meeting that an AI tool was misspelling a word and a colleague jumped in to clarify that you can give feedback to AI tools so that it will correct its mistakes. The learning they provided to our staff has made a lasting and positive impact on their use of AI to improve their efficiency and support their creativity."

-Kristin Wiley, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Danielle Griffin, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"We want to give a huge shout out to our OSS Math Coach, Danielle Griffin, for her exceptional support in building the capacity of our math teachers. Her dedication and expertise have truly made a difference in our math department. Danielle played a key role in planning and executing math planning days for each team, fostering collaboration and enabling our team members to design lessons that have significantly impacted student achievement. In our weekly CT meetings, Danielle has been incredibly supportive, helping to shape agendas, co-facilitate sessions, and provide valuable resources to enhance teaching practices. As an instructional coach, Danielle has been an invaluable thought-partner for me, working closely with myself, our math administrator, and our math teams to strategize interventions, prepare for math SOLs, conduct remediation sessions, and organize productive math department meetings. We are extremely fortunate to have Danielle's support at our school, and we are immensely grateful for all the guidance and assistance she has provided. Thank you for everything you do, Danielle!"

-Brandi Goncz, Holmes MS


Teresa Boli, Cynthia Gavin, Michael Feeney, Leah Dubray, Minji Lee, Kelli Brobst, Adam Kidder, Mary Casson, Lake Braddock SS

"A huge round of applause to the Visual Arts Department for a phenomenal Pyramid Art Show! Countless hours were poured into organizing, preparing, and showcasing the creative and captivating works. It was a true testament to the talent of our student artists and the department's unwavering commitment to fostering artistic expression."



Celina Hussain, Fort Hunt ES

"With Celina's positivity and constant smile, she brightens everyone’s day. She goes above and beyond to connect with her students, showing genuine care and concern for their well-being. Her positive attitude is not only uplifting but also creates a welcoming and supporting environment for all. Celina’s dedication to her students and staff makes her a great example of what it means to be a true fox."

-Lautaro Otero, Fort Hunt ES


Chau Kin Poon, West Potomac HS

"Mr. Poon genuinely cares about the students and staff at West Potomac. On Friday afternoon, I started to leave work and noticed that I had a flat tire. I backed my car up so that I was safely out of the way. While pulling the spare tire and jack out of my car, I noticed someone else backing up. Mr. Poon was ready and willing to assist me on a Friday afternoon. He immediately pulled an air pump out of his car and got to work on filling up my tire. Because of Mr. Poon I was able to make it safely to the repair shop."

-Jessica Landon, West Potomac HS


Luis Vaca-Pereira, Lorton Center

"During a recent incident on our bus, Luis acted swiftly, remaining calm and composed. His quick actions and thoughtfulness helped to keep all of the students onboard safe while we waited for emergency personnel. I appreciate Luis taking charge of the students while I communicated with dispatch and central. I know the parents also appreciate how great Luis is with our students on days we have emergencies, as well as normal days.

-Michael Williams, Lorton Center


Diane Ramon Castillo, Dunn Loring Center

"Diana Ramon Castillo is a multilingual registrar at the Dunn Loring Center. She recently went above and beyond in completing Educational Summaries for a family new to FCPS. She put in extra time and effort in preparing these documents, and I was so impressed with her diligence and professionalism. We - and FCPS families - are lucky to have her at the Welcome Center."

-Anne Scarano, Dunn Loring Center


Megan Murphy, Maria Rim, Kelsey Nielson, Christine Harley, Erin Kauffman, Carlos Godinez Corona, Carin Procopio, Kristin Keding, Ellen Descisciolo, Christine Healy, Carli Cruse Olivieri, Melissa Modarressi, Jennie Smith, Dawn Downey, Bull Run Early Childhood Center, Willow Oaks Admin Center, Graham Road Community Center

"Near the end of Spring Break, I received a phone call that my brother had passed away quite suddenly. That night, I notified my program manager, my department supervisor and my colleagues on the Bull Run Early Childhood Assessment Team of my brother's death and let them know that I would be unable to work at least two days of the next week due to the travel to the Midwest and my participation in my brother's wake and funeral. Melissa Modarressi, my Program Manager, and Jennie Smith, our Special Projects Teacher, immediately responded that they would cover all of my meetings on those two days. Within a few hours, my fellow educational diagnosticians and other ECAT colleagues had rearranged their work schedules to cover my appointments, thereby freeing me up to help my sister-in-law and my brother's kids complete tasks and errands following my brother's funeral. Quite simply, I am blessed to have the constant and unwavering support of Melissa, Jennie, and the rest of my Bull Run Team - Kris Keding, Christine Harley, Carin Procopio, Ellen Descisciolo, Erin Kauffman, Carli Olivieri, Dawn Downey, Christine Healy, Maria Rim, Kelsey Nielsen, Megan Murphy and Carlos Godinez Corona. People call us "ECAT", which is short for Early Childhood Assessment Team but I know that ECAT really stands for "Exceptionally Caring and Awesome Teammates". I am grateful to call all of them both friends and colleagues and feel overwhelmed by their support of me and my family at this incredibly difficult time."

-Mary Pat Peri, Bull Run Early Childhood Center


Anthony Felt, Westfield HS

"My son had an issue with his laptop, the screen stopped working during the school day, and he was unable to leave class to get in contact with Technology Support. I went through the directory and found the contact for Tony Felt, TSpec, and sent off a message, figuring we might be able to resolve this next week. Mr. Felt IMMEDIATELY contacted me back, asked for my son's room number and teacher, and brought him a new laptop. I was completely floored and impressed with the responsiveness of Mr. Felt (and as a mom, I extra appreciated this so much because this took away any excuse to not do homework!). I cannot thank Mr. Felt enough, and think his amazing response was totally above and beyond, and worthy of recognition. I am sure he had an amazing amount of work, so to immediately have him take care of this, it just impressed me and made me want to take an extra step to recognize it. So thank you Mr. Felt, for going beyond expectation and for your commitment to your students!"

-a Westfield HS parent


Jillian Harvey, Churchill Road ES

"It was our third year into FCPS. I’ve always felt school was impersonal. Ms. Jillian Harvey is one-of-a-kind teacher. Her emails always include something positive about my child. My child grew in confidence in fourth grade and is comfortable in being himself at school. When he has a rough moment, instead of immediately notifying me, she walks with him. I have seen her having similar interactions with other students when I was in school for volunteering. Ms. Harvey needs to be recognized. She is the reason my child wants to stay and continue with FCPS."

-a Churchill Road ES parent


Juan Meza, Sideburn Support Center

"Juan is a huge asset to FCPS schools. Fairhill has had a 3+ year journey on refreshing our grounds and Juan and his team are incredibly professional, responsive, and consistently produce high quality work along the entire journey. Anytime we need help, Juan responds right away and ALWAYS holds to his commitment of getting things done for our school. Juan has an incredible ability to communicate regularly with both school/FCPS staff AND community members who have come to email him directly. We are so fortunate to have Juan on our greater FCPS team."

-Ted Cooper, Fairhill ES


Kristi Ahlstrom, Poe MS

"Ms. Ahlstrom has been an amazing addition to our Poe Ravens community. She is relentless and tireless, devoting a substantial part of her personal time and resources to create an exciting learning environment for her students. Ms. Ahlstrom is ALWAYS prepared. Many of the students are from underserved communities, primarily English language learners and students who have recently arrived in the country. Ms. Ahlstrom shows creativity in experimenting with learning strategies and seeks out experts and resources inside and outside the school. Most importantly, she makes students feel special when they are in her classroom."



Sue Eaton, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for Ms. Eaton’s involvement and invaluable support. This letter is to acknowledge how much Ms. Eaton was supportive of my daughter's internship at the school/day care that was assigned for- as part of her Covid-19 Compensatory Services. Not only did Ms. Eaton support my daughter throughout the long process of obtaining all the needed documentation to start the internship, but she has personally drove to my home on an unexpected snow day (which caused 2 hours late opening) to give my girl a ride to the school site, so my daughter starts her first day of work on time! Ms. Eaton has shown great flexibility in supporting my daughter’s needs. She has followed up with each trip to ensure transportation is appropriately secured till the regular bus ride was confirmed. She has kept all involved parties communicating and on the same page. Furthermore, and above all, she has given my daughter good and ongoing positive vibes throughout the process of smoothly completing the 60 hours of internship. Thank you, Ms. Eaton, for your dedication, expertise, encouragement, and unconditional love. Thank you for making a difference in my daughter’s career journey!"



Beth Buckreis, North Springfield ES

"Beth Buckreis and Ms. Terry at North Springfield have gone above and beyond to support our daughter this year as she has entered the head start program. Our child was adopted in October and they have celebrated and supported us each step of the way. Transitions have always been very hard for our child, and each morning they have supported her as she transitions whether by having her do a special job, giving her a hug, letting her show them a special toy, look at family pictures, or take a walk. I used to be so anxious about dropping her off anticipating the big feelings, and now I come in confident each day that she will be loved and cared for. My child has grown in so many ways this year, its hard to capture the growth. The teachers have gone above and beyond to support our child who has a unique background to make sure she is emotionally supported."

-a North Springfield ES parent


Patricia Allison, Hayfield SS

"I want to thank Patricia Allison for going above and beyond for some of our students who are minimally verbal at Hayfield Secondary. I stopped in her classroom last week with a very last minute request to assist me in obtaining materials for a Foundations of Science classroom. Mrs. Allison made sure students had a lesson which was meaningful for them, but she also shared with me relevant notes, visuals and vocabulary resources which positively impacted students and staff alike, creating a really nice discussion regarding a relevant global topic. Thank you Mrs. Allison for your professionalism and willingness to stop and help others."

-Terry Collins, Hayfield SS


Adam Neff, Chantilly HS

"Computer Science class has never been the strongest subject for me, so at the beginning of the year I was truly struggling. I recall receiving one of my worst grades in first quarter in Computer Science A, however despite my performance Mr. Neff encouraged me to keep trying to learn. A special moment for me was when Mr. Neff congratulated me on receiving my first 100 on a big Computer Science assessment. This motivated me to practice and study more for the next assessment because I knew I had the ability to do well. Mr. Neff’s class places a strong emphasis on focusing and giving 100% each class period. He frequently asks questions to individuals for the class to learn and to make sure everyone is paying attention. Honestly, this method keeps me in check because I always have to be attentive to the material in case I get called on. Further, Mr. Neff is very accommodating in terms of sick absences. Unfortunately, I was sick many times this school year, however I had absolutely no problems in submitting late work for Mr. Neff’s class. He allowed me to review my material and gave me extra time to catch up on my work. I am very grateful for this because I was able to demonstrate my full ability on assignments and assessments. Further, Mr. Neff was understanding when it comes to my allergies. When it rains outside I start coughing, sneezing and not feeling well. During a time in which it was pouring outside, I requested for Mr. Neff to close the window and he did so without hesitation. Mr. Neff fosters an environment in which I am comfortable voicing my concerns, which has helped me develop academically."

-a Chantilly HS student


Veronica Moldoveanu, Chantilly HS

"Mathematics has never been a strong subject for me, partly because I put very strong emphasis on my grade and not learning. However, Mrs. Moldoveanu’s teachings in my pre-calculus class places a strong emphasis on learning the material because with a strong foundation, the good grade will arrive later. Mrs. Moldoveanu makes an effort to stay afterschool to help students on late bus days, Mondays and Thursdays. I have stayed afterschool these days multiple times and she has allowed me to look over my previous test so I may prepare for my retake. In class and afterschool, Mrs. Moldoveanu constantly asks everyone for any questions which fosters an environment in which I feel as if I am able to ask questions in class without any shame. This has helped me during my assessments because the material I learn, I truly master. During a time when I had a question before the quiz, Mrs. Moldoveanu answered the question for the class before taking the quiz which truly helped me on one of the questions on the quiz. Her support has shown me that she will do as much as I need for me to learn, which motivates at home to put in the extra effort to learn.

-a Chantilly HS student


Michelle Lee, Vienna ES

"Our daughter has thrived as a fifth and sixth grader in Dr. Lee’s mathematics class. In addition to the high academic performance of the class, as a whole, we have seen our daughter gain confidence from being challenged and supported by Dr. Lee. While Dr. Lee expects commitment and effort from students, she is there to guide them through the most difficult aspects of learning with care and knowledge. At home, our daughter has recounted helpful advice that Dr. Lee shared with the class to help them think through tough questions, including their transition to middle school. Whenever our daughter missed school, Dr. Lee timely shared assignments and offered helpful insights about classroom activities to keep us looped in and on track. She been a kind, respectful, and communicative partner to us in education. One parent described Dr. Lee as a treasure, and she is! Our child has gained much from Dr. Lee and will benefit from time spent in her classroom, for years to come."

-Vienna ES parents


John Downes, Chantilly HS

"Mr. Downes’ method of teaching the class is helpful but more importantly Mr. Downes is extremely generous and understanding to all students. After receiving a disappointing grade on a test and discussing it with him, Mr. Downes offered to go over the test with me so I would not make the same mistakes again. He emphasized the importance of learning and not worrying about my grade. Further, Mr. Downes suggested that he look over my notes so I would be better prepared for future tests. After his support, I felt more confident in my other assessments and my study habits were more efficient. When I was unable to take an assessment before winter break because I was sick, Mr. Downes was very accommodating in letting me take the assessment after break. However, the date which I planned to take the assessment happened to be a day in which there were school club pictures. Due to this, Mr. Downes offered me to take the test another day. In thanks to a better opportunity to take the assessment, I finished the assessment on time whereas in a noisy environment I would not be able to. Mr. Downes’ lectures and generosity makes me feel supported at Chantilly."

-a Chantilly HS student


Erika Hisey, Bryant HS

"I would like to recognize Erika Hisey, Bryant's Jobs for Virginia Graduate (JVG) Specialist, for her outstanding contributions, deserving of an FCPS Cares Award. Even though Erika works part-time as an hourly employee, her commitment to our students goes beyond any limitations. Erika's passion and commitment have single-handedly transformed our JVG program into a thriving initiative, dedicated to preparing students for life beyond high school. 

Erika's efforts are truly commendable. She has orchestrated meaningful field trips, brought in guest speakers from various career fields, provided invaluable guidance on interviewing skills, and assisted with resume writing. Recently, her proactive approach led her to reach out to JAG National, securing essential resources and information for our immigrant students on the path to obtaining citizenship. Through her initiative, she has also connected our students with a dedicated immigration lawyer willing to work pro bono, a testament to Erika's advocacy for their well-being. 

Moreover, Erika's impact extends to individual student success stories. She played a huge role in helping a young woman secure an Instructional Assistant position within FCPS for the upcoming school year as she prepares to graduate. Erika's words consistently align with her actions, building a sense of trust and reliability among our students, who know she will always follow through on her commitments. Erika's steadfast commitment to improving our students' lives and futures is truly inspiring. We're incredibly thankful to have Erika in our Bryant community, and her contributions deeply touch everyone who has had the privilege of working with her."

-Florence Harrison, Bryant HS


Laura Kaniewski, Johnson MS

"Laura Kaniewski is committed to building relationships with students at Katherine Johnson Middle School and Fairfax High School. As the Transition Counselor she supports the Student Services Teams and the Administrative Teams at two schools, by giving extra TLC to some of our 8th and 9th graders. She has been the consistent support for one our students who has benefited from Laura's patience and positivity."

-Michele Johnson, Johnson MS


Jessica Blackburn, Bush Hill ES

"Ms. Blackburn went above and beyond in planning a fantastic Solar Eclipse festival. She created a meaningful learning experience for all of our students and staff to experience the Solar Eclipse using their senses as they participated in themed activities. The event was a huge success in educating students on solar eclipses, involving student leadership for 5th and 6th graders, and creating a memorable event that students will look back on fondly. Thank you for your hard work and leadership, Ms. Blackburn!"

-Alison Bieber, Bush hill ES


Vince Wang, Sprague Technology Center

"Vince provided outstanding customer service as he assisted me with setting up my account and MFA's. He stayed on the line to ensure that my accounts were all up and running. His patience and sense of humor made a frustrating situation so much better!"

-Kathleen Quigley, Wakefield Forest ES


Lisa Mays, Johnson MS

"Lisa is so amazing in her dedication, patience, understanding and professionalism. During this school year, I think that she has probably scheduled over 100 special education meetings (or more). Lisa also is willing to go the extra mile and always has a Plan B, C, D etc. when unexpected things/scheduling conflicts happen. I am so appreciative of all of her communication and managing all of these special education meetings - some of these meetings that have over 13 - 15 people involved in them. Thank you Lisa for all of your help."

-Rachel Silien, Woodson HS


Lautaro Otero, Fort Hunt ES

"Lautaro is the ultimate Fort Hunt team player. I can always count on him to support my students with spontaneous “WH” questions and social skills while waiting outside for his class. He is always happy and willing to help where needed. Lautaro can always be seen with a happy and welcoming smile. It is clear to see that he has a passion for what he does and his commitment to all our students."

-Kely Dobarco, Fort Hunt ES


Christie Panameno, Gatehouse Admin Center

"During the most hectic and stressful time in staffing, Christie has jumped in to support the hiring process for my school during a reconfiguration of roles in HR. She is juggling her current responsibilities while also ensuring timely offers and transfers to KPES. She has been consistently working outside of traditional working hours, to include weekends, in support of ensuring FCPS hires and onboards the best candidates possible. I am grateful for her timely support, follow up and care of all our staffing needs. Christie has helped make a stressful time, a little less stressful given I can count on her understanding of my urgency and her attention to detail. THANK YOU CHRISTIE!"

-Dotty Lin, Kings Park ES


Todd LeFort and Shawn Heilemann, Wilton Woods Center

"When an unexpected emergency came up and we needed an alternative way to communicate with families, Todd LeFort & Shawn Heilemann were able to help us within 30 minutes. Shawn called us back to help us problem solve, connected us quickly to Todd as the person who could help us out --- all on a Friday afternoon. Because of their responsiveness and teamwork, communications got to families as planned and without delay. We very much appreciate their expertise and collaboration! Thank you, Todd & Shawn!!"

-Kirsten Maloney, Willow Oaks Admin Center


Patrick Mohan, Marshall HS

"Mr. Mohan recently went above and beyond to positively respond to a last-minute curriculum request on behalf of my child. As a parent, I am empathetic to the increasing demands placed on classroom teachers, and just wanted to express sincere appreciation and gratitude for the way in which Mr. Mohan promptly managed this request (despite being given very little notice)—with complete professionalism and in a way that allowed my daughter to feel both valued and supported in achieving her academic goals. Thank you!"

-a Marshall HS parent


Blanca Reyes Chicas, Davis Career Center

"Yesterday, like many other days, Blanca Reyes with her positive, calm, caring manner and general smarts made the day better for students and staff. Here are three examples. We had a sub yesterday and the sub wasn't following the schedule and was alone with some students. Blanca realized that the sub had the schedule wrong and alerted other staff. Impressively, she even called one of the students, since she had his phone number to make sure all was ok and alert them to the correct schedule. We have some students that get very discombobulated when schedules are followed and some teachers are absent, but we had no negative behaviors because of Ms. Reyes. Blanca knows how important routine is to our students and wanted to make sure the sub felt welcome and knew what to do and went the extra mile to make sure the day ran smoothly when we had a staff member out.

Additionally, when we organized for the day, one of the students needed a new group. Very calmly and without missing a beat, Blanca incorporated this student into her group. She didn't scream or make a big fuss, she just handled the situation and got the student working and doing what he needed to do and alerted the staff members.

Also, Ms. Reyes finds joy with the students and really notices them. One of the students doesn't like music and when we play music, she makes sure he feels comfortable and gets to use headphones. She gives him big smiles and helps the student feel comfortable being himself.

The Davis Career Center is lucky to have Blanca Reyes Chica - she is such a caring, smart and positive staff member. She makes sure the students are taken care of and goes the extra mile to make sure students are calm, happy, following the routine that makes them feel safe and productive in the worksite. Thank you for all you do Ms. Reyes! I am so lucky to get to work with you, you help the students everyday shine brighter."

-Deborah Maletz, Davis Career Center


Cara Borrelli, North Springfield, ES

"Cara Borrelli has been a teacher at North Springfield for five years. In that time, she’s moved grade levels twice without complaint. Instead, she embraced the challenge, showing incredible flexibility. Cara is an excellent teacher, the perfect combination of firm and loving. She’s always willing to try new things and puts her students first. One colleague said, “Cara teaches from the heart.” That is a great description of Cara and how she makes our school a better place for staff and students with her smile and positive attitude. Whether it’s volunteering at Bingo Night or just being a great listener, Cara is always willing to help out. Students describe Ms. Borrelli as nice, kind, and sweet. One student said, “She helps us learn and grow in our thinking. She’s always there when we need it.” Another said, “I like that Ms. Borrelli gives us freedom.” They love her “Fun Fridays.” North Springfield is very lucky to have her."

-Maura Madigan, North Springfield ES


Jennifer Mrowka, North Springfield, ES 

"As you walk through the halls, you may hear students and staff imitate Ms. Mrowka’ s southern drawl. This form of flattery is a demonstration of what she means to students and staff. In Jen’s words, “imitation is a sincere form of flattery.” Jen Mrowka is part of what makes North Springfield special. She has worked here for many years and has become a counselor and confidant to many. She not only provides guidance and support to students, but counsels families and staff members as well. In the words of a third grader, “She helps people with their problems.” Jen’s “superpower” is her patience, selflessness, and giving attitude. We always see Jen, but we don't always know what she’s doing behind the scenes. Her warmth, smile, and positive attitude can make anyone’s bad day better. To me, Jen is a friendly smiling face, someone I can trust. In the words of a third grader, “She’ll always be there when you need her.” We are lucky to have you Ms. Mrowka!"



Megan Brown, North Springfield ES

"Megan has all the attributes a parent would want in their child’s teacher. She is patient, kind, creative, and always goes out of her way to make each child feel special. She cares deeply and has made our school a better place for both staff and students. She is a natural leader and hard worker. She eagerly takes on new responsibilities. She has done a fantastic job leading our MTSS committee. Our school is so lucky to have her."

 -Jennifer Mrowka, North Springfield, ES 


Cathleen Berry, Haycock ES

"Cathleen Barry stepped in to be our interim assistant principal and has done so much in such a short amount of time. She seamlessly filled in gaps and connected with students, staff and parents to support our school. She understood and navigated delicate situations with expertise. She was helpful in her support of CLTs and worked to implement plans in support of students. She is a treasure! Thank you so much for your positive impact, Cathleen. You are awesome!"



Vivian Choi, Haycock ES

"Ms. Vivian Choi has had an incredibly positive impact on our daughter's attitude and approach to school. Our daughter has serious emotional regulation and impulsivity challenges that make it hard for her to thrive in organized environments like school. Through consistent positive feedback, enforcement of accountability, and strong communication, Ms. Choi was able to help our daughter set a higher expectation for herself as both a student and a community member. As a result, our daughter was able to seek attention and stimulation in more positive ways and avoid cycles of anti-social behavior and conflict. Now, instead of complaints about unfairness and anxiety about school, our daughter consistently comes home with stories of accomplishment, positive relationship building, and opportunities for leadership and engagement. She looks forward to school and gets excited about new tasks and new projects. Our fourth grade year with Ms. Choi has been a major turning point for our daughter and we will be forever grateful to her and the rest of the Haycock Elementary team."



Paul Basdekis, Coates ES

"Principal Basdekis handled an extremely complex incident at Coates Elementary School on March 20, 2024. Mr. Basdekis kept a calm demeanor as he placed his school into "secure the building" due to police activity nearby. He activated his crisis team, delegated tasks, and communicated with parents while the event unfolded. His attention to detail and reliance on crisis management training were commendable during an hours long and dynamic incident. He is extremely deserving of recognition for this performance, as he went above and beyond to ensure the safety of his students and staff."

-Matthew Dehler, Gatehouse Admin Center


Jeffrey Scales, Lorton Center

"My team had a student added to one of our schools that was out of boundaries. While reaching out to serval transportation teams in this student area for help with this situation with no luck I was almost about to give up. My last phone call was to Mr. Scales, while we discussed the issue neither him or his team hesitated to make this situation there main goal to help us find a solution. Mr. Scales reached out to me within the hour and had a solution that his team was going to combine and shift there runs to help us. Mr. Scales and his team are the true definition of excellent team work! How two teams from different areas in our district can collaborate together as one to help support each other. Until this day I had never meet Mr. Scales and my whole experience with him was such a rewarding positive experience. Mr. Scales thank you for your dedication to helping Team 47 accomplish the impossible! Team 47 looking forward to hopefully working with you and your team again."

-Dana Griffith, Stonecroft Transportation


Nikki Welch, West Potomac HS

"Nurse Nikki is an amazing asset to our community. She is always kind, caring, and compassionate to the many students who visit the clinic during the day. With one particular student recently, she has gone above and beyond the professional expectations. A student recently found out that she is expecting a child and Nurse Nikki has helped immensely by informing the student of the many resources that FCPS, specifically Project Opportunity, can offer to help her adjust to life with a child. Nurse Nikki has also assisted the student by helping her apply for WIC benefits. This student and her family are dealing with a lot of changes right now, and Nurse Nikki has helped calm many of her anxieties so that she can focus on being a student. Thank you for all you do!"

-Janet Babic, West Potomac HS


Kely Dobarco, Fort Hunt ES

"Kely is a wonderful teacher who always finds ways to best support her students and fellow teachers. She is knowledgeable about the grade-level curriculums and does a great job of supporting her students to reach their goals. She connects well with colleagues and students alike and is always positive. On top of that, she is a joy to work with and is always encouraging. Thank you, Kely for all that you do for the Fort Hunt community!"

-Connor Maguder, Fort Hunt ES


Danielle Dorsey, West Potomac HS

"In her role as an IA, part of Ms. Dorsey's day includes sitting with students while they eat their lunch. While there, she engages them in conversation, creating an enjoyable and pleasant atmosphere for the students. She truly helps the students strengthen their social skills and build community with their peers every day."

-Christina Cashman, West Potomac HS


Sherry Holland Senter, Braddock ES

"During the month of February 2024, Sherry Holland Senter, Fifth Grade Teacher, invited Dr. Winifred Booker, DDS and members of the Children's Dental Health Institute, as well as a local Dentist Dr. Aguilar Garcia of Sonrisas Dental Group, in Springfield, Virginia to speak with Second and Third Grade students about the importance of good dental health.  Children's Dental Health Education is a passion of Ms. Holland-Senter.  During the Dental Health Assembly, every single student received their very own FREE "Lessons in A Lunch Box" kit to ensure these students practice the important things they learned about brushing, flossing and rinsing. The students, teachers, and parents thoroughly enjoyed this amazing presentation and learned some very valuable life skills.  We are forever grateful for Ms. Holland Senter's caring spirit!  Ms. Holand Senter could have invited a dentist to speak with students.  Instead, she invited members of the Dental Health Institute and a local bilingual dental team to share the important message.  Ms. Holand Senter truly provided a memorable and valuable life lesson in a very FUN way!"

-Joyce Matthews, Braddock ES


Fatima Whelan Ramos, Braddock ES

"Sra. Fatima Whelan-Ramos is a very determined Spanish Immersion Fourth Grade Teacher who has a passion for recycling, especially for saving food!  Last school year, Sra. Whelan Ramos spent the year researching how to implement a "Food Saving" program at Braddock Elementary. Sra. Whelan-Ramos contacted members of FCPS Food Services, FCPS Get to Green, and local area Food Banks in the Annandale area.  Once Sra. Ramos reviewed the policies and necessary practices to implement a program, she met with Principal Keesha Jackson-Muir to discuss the implementation of the "SAVE the Food" program.  This school year, Sra. Whelan-Ramos became a FCPS Get 2 Green Team Leader, organized a group of Braddock ES students to become "Green Ambassadors" and trained students, staff, parents and volunteers to support the "SAVE the Food" program.  Since October 2023, Sra. Whelan-Ramos and the Green Ambassadors have collected enough food from Breakfast and Lunch each day to send items home to families in the community weekly.  Each school day, you will find Sra. Whelan-Ramos in the hallways before school starts preparing for student and staff donations, in the cafeteria during her lunch time assisting Green Ambassadors collecting items for lunch and in her classroom on Friday afternoons assembling bags to go home to families. So far, close to four hundred bags have been sent out into the Braddock Elementary School Community to provide food items so that "No Kids & Families Go Hungry".  The month of April has been designated Food Waste Prevention.  Thanks to Sra. Whelan Ramos, our Braddock Elementary students, staff, parents and community members are learning the importance of NOT throwing away food that someone else could eat.  Our students are learning a valuable lesson about becoming a good citizen, caring for others, and making healthy choices.  The "SAVE the Food" program is greatly appreciated, thanks to Sra. Fatima Whelan-Ramos!"

-Joyce Matthews, Braddock ES


Stephanie Vu, Chantilly HS

"Since the beginning of the school year, my child has been sick a lot and being asthmatic,  he takes a longer time to recuperate.  On one occasion he ended up at the hospital due to anaphylaxis from food allergy. I then contacted all his teachers and explained he would take longer recovery whenever he is sick after taking all the prescribed medication.  Ms. Stephanie Vu empathized and totally understood the situation as she also has food allergy and assured us she would work with him on all the missing assignments.  She also shared with us my child could always reach out to her for any food allergy anxieties or any allergy triggers at school.  I am so thankful for Ms. Vu, as she is caring and very understanding.  I know my child can always go to her to get more tips on how to stay safe in college."

-a Chantilly HS parent


Faiza Alam, Katherine Johnson MS

"Faiza Alam is more than just an amazing teacher. She is an amazing colleague, friend and equity lead at KJMS. Faiza leads with her heart and has established a very caring and welcoming environment for students and colleagues alike. She often gives her lunch time to support students, opens her home to all staff for get togethers and a variety of celebrations, and most importantly was instrumental in establishing the get to green movement at KJMS in 2010. She leads by example and always with her heart. I am so fortunate to call her my friend."

-Colleen Al Mukhtar, Katherine Johnson MS


Joy Pryde-Haskins and Luke Williams, Rocky Run MS

"Rocky Run MS Science teachers, Joy Pryde-Haskins and Luke Williams, hosted an extremely informative and well organized virtual PD entitled "Preparing Students for the SOL". Their shared resources were engaging and provided clear instructions for teachers and students. During the one hour presentation, their comfort interacting with each other as well as the inspiring lesson plans kept me captivated. Clearly, they are exceptional educators who value collaboration, reflective practices, and vertical articulation. By incorporating hyperdocs, gifs, and rubrics into the slide decks, teachers would be able to implement and/or modify their resources to meet the needs of individual student populations. Your presentation was A+!!!"

-Dana Gorman, South County MS
