FCPS CARES - July/August 2024

By Department of Human Resources
FCPS Cares
July 01, 2024

To recognize an employee with an FCPS Cares, please visit our submission page.

To view past submissions, please visit our previous submissions page

Susan Baker, South County HS

"I am happy to nominate Susan Baker for FCPS Cares. Susan is not only an exceptional French teacher at South County High School, but also a wonderful mentor and role model. Susan creates a nurturing classroom where her students feel safe to learn and grow. She is kind, inclusive, compassionate, respectful, supportive, and full of love and joy! She has a beautiful gift of guiding her students while encouraging them in language and in life. Susan treats EVERYONE with respect and kindness and makes us all feel like we have a life-long and trusted friend. She also genuinely cares about everyone she comes in contact with and always has a kind word to say. Susan was my daughter's French teacher all through high school and my daughter learned so many positive life skills and how to be an amazing young adult. I appreciate this opportunity to recognize a beautiful teacher and person."

-a South County HS parent


Tracy Bromberg and Lauren Ericson, South Lakes HS

"We had a question regarding a summer class she is taking, and we were directed to Ms. Ericson who is serving as a Summer Credit Recovery Counselor. It turned out we ended up on the wrong place as my daughter was not taking the class for recovery. Yet, Ms. Ericson showed empathy and compassion to me and my daughter on our conference call and gave us her time and knowledge. She saved us and other FCPS team members emails, calls, and time. She answered our questions, provided guidance on potential impacts both to my daughter FCPS path to graduation but also impacts and considerations with universities and admissions after graduation. We were equipped with the information we needed, and our questions were answered and before we ended the call had a plan of consideration and she even pointed us in the right direction of our next place to call if we needed to. Ms. Ericson really showed team spirit and we are grateful for your time, willingness to share information, answer questions and point us in the right direction. My daughter and I were able to have a completely informed discussion afterwards and feel good about the path forward. Thank you so much! Ms. Ericson deserves the positive recognition."

-a South Lakes HS parent


Jimmy Nguyen, June Yoon, Chris Chung, Yun Chang and Ki Hyun Park, Wilton Woods Center

"A giant high five and a heartfelt thank you to the entire Network Engineering Services and Field Information Systems crew who supported the Tech Support Desk: Jimmy Nguyen, June Yoon, Chris Chung, Ki Hyun Park, and Yun Chang! Your team's recent support was absolutely phenomenal. The way you guys jumped in with lightning speed to address the network/VOIP issue was truly impressive. It goes to show the incredible dedication and expertise you all bring to the table. But what truly sets your work apart is the strong relationship you've built with our team. Your willingness to collaborate and clear communication made the whole process smooth and efficient. Thanks to your efforts, our primary support team experienced zero downtime, which is a HUGE win for all staff at Fairfax County Public Schools. We can't thank you enough for your outstanding work and collaborative spirit. You are a shining example of what IT support can achieve together!"

-Susan Ellis, Nancy Sprague Technology Center


Michele Anwyll, Fairview Park

"Last week I sent in my initial DROP form. I didn't realize I sent it in the morning of the due date at 10:45 am. A little later that day, I got a message back letting me know the due date was the date I sent it in and there was some quick work due in 45 min and to call Ms. Anwyll back to ask for her. Now I am writing to tell you how grateful I am that Ms. Anwyll contacted me today and helped me pull my ERFC DROP entry together. I thought the date was June 28th, but I was a little off. Ms. Delgado was very patient as I was a nervous wreck, and she took me through things in a calm and kind manner. I was almost at the point of giving up, but her voice helped me keep it together. I know it’s been rough for everyone working with ERFC so I just want to give a huge thank you and tell you how much I appreciate Ms Anwyll's caring support. Thank you, Thank you!"

-Missie Farrace, Kilmer MS


Chris Holet, Brian Bosch, Grace Yi, Jane Woo, Tanya Belda, Ryan Thomas, Brian Herberger, Kendra Dyer, Darina Walsh, Shakita Robinson and Tim MacQuarrie, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"Michelle Temple has gone above and beyond to assist with Bryant's summer school operation. When I had not registered our students through OnCourse, she not only explained the process calmly and clearly but also took the initiative to register all our students herself, saving me both time and effort. She handled everything with a helpful, friendly, and caring attitude, transforming a stressful situation into a smooth and manageable one. Repeatedly, Michelle, offered to help and I am very grateful for her expertise, assistance and supportive demeanor. thank you so much, Michelle!"

