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FCPS Defends Staff Safety and Privacy in Response to the Virginia Attorney General’s Demands

  • By Office of Communication and Community Relations
  • Spotlight
  • June 12, 2023

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Last winter, FCPS retained an outside law firm to conduct an independent external investigation into the process our high schools have followed to notify students of their designation as Commended Students by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. 

The investigation involved reviewing confidential documentation and conducting confidential interviews with staff and parents. In March, we publicly shared a high-level summary of key findings.

Now, as part of a separate investigation, Virginia’s Attorney General has requested, by subpoena, a full copy of the report, which includes privileged and confidential information. FCPS will be taking legal action to oppose the Attorney General’s subpoena because we believe that providing this information would likely result in a risk to staff safety, a waiver of privilege, and public disclosure of confidential information relating to individual FCPS students, teachers, and administrators.  

Please take a few moments to watch Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid’s explanation of why FCPS has taken this important legal action. It goes without saying, staff and student safety is a top priority.


To learn more, refer to the FCPS media statement