FCPS This Week - October 4, 2023
Students participate in a physical education class at Westbriar Elementary School.
📊 FCPS Students Continue to Outperform State and Global Averages on SATs
The average SAT score for FCPS students in the class of 2023 was 1181. That is higher than the state average (1113) and the global average (1028). The scores for Fairfax County Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (596) and Mathematics (585) subtests are also higher than the averages for students in the state and worldwide. Read more about the class of 2023 Fairfax County SAT data.
PSAT/NMSQT and SAT School Day
FCPS will offer access to PSAT/NMSQT and SAT School Day for rising 10th through 12th grade students at no cost to families. Exams will be held at each high school on Wednesday, October 11.
This year, the PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) will be administered in Fairfax County in a digital/online format. Learn about SAT assessments and PSAT assessments.
Providing Students with Access to Learning
FCPS is committed to serving the needs of each and every student. For Quinton (pictured above), that includes cutting edge assistive technology that allows him to communicate through eye movement. Tools such as these allow Quinton to participate in his kindergarten classroom.
Watch this video to learn more about Quinton and how FCPS is helping unlock opportunities for students.
Real Assistive Technology for Everyone (RATE) Conference
The 2023 Real Assistive Technology for Everyone (RATE) Conference, sponsored by Assistive Technology Services (ATS) in the Department of Special Services, will be held on Saturday, October 28, 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. at West Springfield High School.
The RATE Conference focuses on strategies for using assistive technology hardware, software, and peripherals to enhance learning for all students. Parents/caregivers, teachers, staff, and community members are invited to attend.
Check out the conference webpage to register, and to view the conference schedule and session descriptions.
🎤 Our Schools, Our Future: Community Conversations Continue
Join Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid for Our Schools, Our Future – A Community Conversation. Share your thoughts about FCPS and bring your questions to:
- Kilmer Middle School on Thursday, October 5, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- Madison High School on Tuesday, October 24, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- Liberty Middle School on Wednesday, October 25, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Pre-registration for a Community Conversation is not required but will help us plan. Childcare and interpretation services will be provided for all events based on staff availability.
Events are open to all. Find out about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid. Your voice matters!
🏆 25 FCPS Schools Honored with Exemplar Awards
Twenty-five Fairfax County public schools have been awarded a 2023 Virginia Board of Education Exemplar Award. Four schools received the Highest Achievement Exemplar Award, and 21 received the Continuous Improvement Exemplar Award. View the list of awardees.
Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Student Holiday/Staff Development Day on October 9
Indigenous Peoples' Day honors the histories, cultures, and contributions of Native peoples, past and present. This year, Monday, October 9, is a student holiday and staff development day. Learn more about Indigenous Peoples’ Day from the National Museum of the American Indian.
See the Standard School Year Calendar.
📖 Students Reading by the Third Grade
During the Academic Matters and strategic plan update segments of Thursday’s School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented on the divisionwide target to have students reading by third grade.
FCPS has continued to improve its approach to reading over the last several years through our Equitable Access to Literacy (EAL) plan. Reading by third grade is also one of the measures of Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence in our 2023-30 strategic plan.
By focusing on foundational skills for our young readers and literacy intervention for upper grades, FCPS has made significant progress toward narrowing the achievement gaps in this critical skill. Watch this video to learn how Woodlawn Elementary School is undertaking this work.
🗺️ FCPS Facebook Pages in Spanish and Korean
¿Sabía usted que FCPS tiene Facebook en Español? Manténgase conectado con las últimas noticias o información importante de FCPS. Síganos por Facebook Español.
페어팩스 카운티 공립학교가 지난해 한국어 페이스북 페이지를 개설했습니다.한국어 페이스북 페이지는 학교 관련 정보, 이벤트 및 교육 비디오를 한국어로 공유해 많은 한국인 학생 및 가족에게 FCPS의 소식을 전달하려 합니다. FCPS의 한국어 서비스를 받아보시려면 꼭 한국어 페이스북을 팔로우하여 주시기 바랍니다.
💛 Thank You, Principals!
October is National School Principals Month. Thank you to all our principals — like Elizabeth Watson, principal of McNair Elementary School — for the essential role you play in making our schools great!
October is LGBTQIA+ History Month
LGBTQIA+ History Month is recognized in October nationwide. We acknowledge and celebrate that LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and families are an integral component of our nation. Learn about LGBTQIA+ student resources and supports and the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS.
Title IX Notice
Fairfax County Public Schools is committed to a learning and working environment free from all forms of discrimination and does not tolerate acts of sex-based or gender-based misconduct:
- Any student who believes that they have been subjected to sex-based or gender-based misconduct, any parent of such a student, or any student who believes that another student is being subjected to sex-based or gender-based misconduct is encouraged to report the misconduct to FCPS, specifically to their school principal.
- Any administrator who believes that a student is being subjected to sex-based or gender-based misconduct is required to report such suspected misconduct to the school principal.
FCPS conducts prompt, thorough, and impartial investigations into any such reports. Interim measures will be available to students who have alleged sex-based or gender-based misconduct and students who are accused of sex-based or gender-based misconduct – including but not limited to: separation pending the outcome of an investigation, counseling, and educational resources.
When an investigation reveals that sexual misconduct created a sexually hostile environment, FCPS will take prompt and effective steps to end the misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effect – including continuing the interim measures as necessary to protect the reporting student and ensure his or her safety. Students found to engage in acts of sex-based misconduct or other acts that create a hostile environment will be dealt with promptly, and discipline may include, but is not limited to, suspension or expulsion. FCPS encourages students, parents, and staff to work together to prevent sex-based or gender-based misconduct of any kind.
For more information about the FCPS Title IX Process and Response, please contact:
FCPS Title IX Coordinator
Chief Equity Office
8115 Gatehouse Road
Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone: 571-423-3070
Website: fcps.edu/title-ix
Email: [email protected]