two high school boys in classroom

Mask Requirement Continues

  • By Office of Communication and Community Relations
  • FCPS News
  • February 02, 2022

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Based on new metrics and CDC guidance, FCPS will now adjust our roll back plan and allow everyone - staff and parents/guardians of FCPS students - to make a choice whether or not they will wear a mask starting Tuesday, March 1

Earlier today, a judge in Arlington Circuit Court said they will soon make a decision regarding a temporary injunction requested by FCPS and six other Northern Virginia school districts to reaffirm the constitutional right in the Commonwealth of Virginia of school boards to make policy decisions for their district. 

While the courts continue to consider this issue, FCPS’ mask requirement and regulation remain in effect. We believe it is in the best interest of our most vulnerable staff and students as we work to prevent the spread of COVID in our schools. These safety measures have been critical during recent surges in keeping our schools open and in-school transmission rates low.

We all want to move towards the same future, a time when our community is healthy enough to roll back the safety measures that we have been using in our schools to stop the spread of COVID-19. While our region is experiencing record high COVID-19 case numbers, we must continue to protect and serve all our students, including our most vulnerable. More than anything else, these mitigation measures allow them to safely remain in our schools and access the same in-person instruction as their peers.