
Message from Superintendent Reid Regarding Georgia Tragedy

  • By Dr. Michelle C. Reid
  • Superintendent's Messages
  • September 05, 2024

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Hello FCPS Families,

I know the news of yet another school shooting in our country brings each of us grave concern and a deep feeling of sorrow and unease. Even as we have had such a strong positive start to our new school year, concerns continue for the safety of our learning spaces. 

The poet Andrea Gibson once wrote: “Even when the truth isn’t hopeful, the telling of it is.” Somehow, in the way we communicate about this -- and in the way we care for one another through this -- we must convey the profound loss, not just on a personal level, but on a larger, nationwide scale that will bring about a long overdue change; together all things are possible.

We think of the families in Georgia who are hoping for healing for their loved ones, and for those families who will never again be whole. I pray for these families, and continue to pray for our nation’s leaders to have the strength and courage to bring about meaningful change.  

When these incidents occur, I understand that students and families, as well as school-based educators and staff, are once again traumatized. There is a continued concern for the safety and well-being of our students and one another. Please know that I hear you, and we are here to support you in any way we can. It is in these moments that a caring community continues to be so critical. Learning happens best in community, and here in our community, we will stay resolutely in the light.  

Please also know that we have a committed team that focuses on school safety every day. Our teams constantly access our security protocols in partnership with local and national experts to ensure that we are doing everything possible to keep our students and staff safe in our buildings. I want to remind you of some of the safety measures in place across our division:

  • Physical security (locked doors, intrusion alarms, electronic door access, CCTV)
  • School resource officers at all middle and high schools
  • FCPS security personnel at all middle and high schools
  • FCPS security personnel assigned by region to elementary schools
  • Uniformed school security patrols (24x7)
  • Mandatory annual safety training for all students and staff
  • Threat assessment process
  • Confidential tip, text, and email programs
  • Interactive training for families and students to learn how to talk about safety concerns at school
  • Emergency planning coordination with police, fire, and emergency management offices
  • Comprehensive divisionwide crisis management plan
  • Individual school crisis plans
  • Lockdown, fire, and tornado drills
  • Safety training and Table Top exercises at all schools
  • Critical incident terms awareness and training (Lockdown, Secure the Building, Shelter in Place, Stay Put Stay Tuned)
  • Employee training in crisis management and communication. (Lockdown, Evacuation, and “Run, Hide, Fight”)
  • Visitor Management System and procedures

Today, and in the days ahead, we hold our children close and hug them. It can be difficult to find the right words to reassure them and to help them express how they are feeling if they have seen the stories on the news. The National Association of School Psychologists has a resource that can help you to identify when your child might be struggling. It also provides guidance on how you can have difficult conversations about school violence. If you or your child need additional support, please reach out to your school counselor. 


Dr. Michelle C. Reid