November 26 Update from the Superintendent Regarding High School Football
My decision to withdraw the Hayfield Hawks from the playoffs was made with students at the center. This decision was not made lightly but deemed necessary to uphold the integrity of the athletic program.
We have critical work ahead to provide clarity and to prevent something like this from happening again. I acknowledge public trust has been damaged and we have work to repair it. To that end, I am providing the following direction to those leading our FCPS efforts:
● Work immediately to secure experts to conduct a comprehensive, external review and a thorough assessment of our internal protocols and procedures regarding recruiting and transfer residency.
● Ensure the scope of the review is expansive and will look at every aspect of our protocols and procedures and how they align with the standards set forth by the Virginia High School League (VHSL). We must work to close any gaps across the Division to avoid any misinterpretation by anyone involved.
● Continue our dialogue with VHSL officials to ensure we are preparing for the changing national landscape of student athletics that is being driven by various factors.
Again, the objective is to work together to eliminate any lack of clarity that can lead to conflict and situations like we found ourselves in regarding the Hayfield Hawks. We must do this work with a sense of urgency and thoroughness, for our students, parents, and wider community.
It is vital that we reinforce clear bright lines for working rules and agreements. In reflecting on where we are, conflict often arises when there is a lack of clarity surrounding systems, structures, and rules. Often this has been described as similar to approaching an intersection with a stoplight. When there is a red light, there is general agreement that one should stop. When there is a green light, there is general agreement that one should go. However, when there is a yellow light, there is no longer general agreement. We see anything from accelerating to stopping and everything in between. Moving forward, we must create and commit to clear signals about when to go and more importantly when to stop.
We commit to working together with our School Board and community to fully address these issues, while continuing the other important work we have in the Division. Building character and sportsmanship continues to be the cornerstone to education-based athletic programs.
I am proud of our school division, and I am thankful to our Fairfax community for supporting our students in all of their activities - inside and outside of the classroom. We are stronger together and together; we will move forward in a direction that brings our focus and energy back to student educational and life success.
I want to conclude by expressing my deep appreciation for everyone’s patience and grace - especially at this time of year. I look forward to addressing the many issues ahead of us - together all things are possible.
Thank you for being a part of Team FCPS.
Warmest Regards,
Michelle C. Reid
Dr. Michelle C. Reid