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Response to Recent Acts of Hatred and Violence

  • FCPS News
  • May 17, 2022

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As a nation, we continue to witness an increase in violence and hate against specific groups within our communities. Fairfax County Public Schools remains steadfast in our commitment to speak up and speak out against such acts of hatred and domestic terrorism. 

This past weekend, the Buffalo, New York, and Laguna Woods, California communities experienced unthinkable acts of violence. We grieve with the families who lost loved ones and are suffering. Senseless acts of violence such as these often impact our students, our colleagues, and our families as well. We understand that they may be deeply frustrated, anxious, afraid, and upset by these tragedies. 

We condemn these actions and stand in solidarity for what is right and what is humane. We offer our compassion, our support, and our unwavering commitment to uphold ideas and practice behaviors that demonstrate kindness, tolerance, and respect. 

We believe that through positive messaging, active listening, and sharing experiences and perspectives, we will continue to nurture a caring culture that each and every member of our community can embrace with pride.

Together, we have the ability and responsibility to shape the hearts and minds of our students to be the national and global leaders we need them to be.