student ambassadors

Superintendent's Weekly Reflections

  • By Dr. Michelle C. Reid
  • Superintendent's Messages
  • June 26, 2023

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Well, it is our first full week of the summer break.  It is so important that we take time to pause and reflect on our work together and take the time to rest and renew.  I trust that each of you and yours are having an opportunity to do just that, or will have that opportunity soon ;>)  I know that there are yet many tasks ahead of us, both large and small, and also recognize the change in routine can be so energizing.  For me, I am going to try and find an exercising routine that is motivating.  If any of you have favorite hikes, or dog walks, or parks that are a must see, please share them.  I am looking forward to fully experiencing this bountiful summer season…

On Wednesday I attended the first annual Student Ambassador Convening at George Mason University. FCPS’ Student Ambassador programs are school-based, student-led leadership programs that bring together military and civilian peers to support all student’s transition and connection to school, helping create a welcoming environment and accepting school culture.  Joining me in the picture below are the staff and student ambassadors from Langley HS. 

student ambassadors

We have almost 15,000 military-connected students here at FCPS, and our Student Ambassadors are an important part of making them feel connected and at home in our community–so proud of the work they do!  A big thank you to all the students and staff that participated; together all things are possible. 

On Thursday, I attended the School Superintendents Association (AASA) Summer 2023 Consortium meeting. It was a great opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the country around legislative topics as well as learn more about the world ahead in education thinking.  Federal policy planning continues to be important to keep track of, as well as influence where possible. 

Thursday also provided an opportunity to hear several board advisory committee reports.  I continue to be so inspired and impressed with the dedication of our community volunteers, staff and the quality of the work that supports our students and staff.  I remain grateful for the work done on our behalf and the shared vision that guides our work in this incredible community.  I look forward to hearing more reports this coming week and will provide a link to all of these reports in the coming Weekly Reflections. 

Friday evening was the Washington Area School Study Council (WASSC) annual banquet. This was an opportunity to connect with regional school superintendents, both active and retired, as we took the opportunity to be reflective and collaborative about current educational initiatives.  I welcome the opportunity to be a part of such a thriving learning community; it matters. 

If you have friends or neighbors still looking for some excellent summer learning opportunities for students, please be sure to spread the word about this very helpful list created by the Family Resource Center with dozens of camps to choose from for a variety of special needs and interests.  There are so many opportunities ….

Please also spread the word that our Office of Food and Nutrition Services is hard at work this summer hosting the 2023 Summer Meal Service at schools across the County. No cost breakfast and lunch will be available to all children 18 years of age and younger. The list of locations is available on our website. Thank you to our staff who provide this important service - this work matters!

Over the summer, I will be periodically publishing Weekly Reflections as we continue working on a variety of topics, and I think it is important to keep you up to date on our planning for the coming year.  This is such an exciting time in our division as we plan year one of the implementation of our strategic plan.  If you cannot access your work email over the summer, or simply prefer not to, my Weekly Reflections are always posted to my blog on our division website Monday morning. I am also available by phone, email, or in person over the summer, so if you have a minute, or an idea or ?? please connect with me.

Warmest regards,

Michelle Reid, Ed.D.
Fairfax County Public Schools