TJHSST Offers Admission to 486 Students
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has offered admission to 486 students for the Class of 2024 at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST).
A total of 2,539 students applied for admission. Approximately seventy-two (71.6) percent of the students offered admission reside in Fairfax County and twenty-eight (28.4) percent are from Arlington, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties and the City of Falls Church. Approximately ninety (89.5) percent of students offered admission are currently attending public schools.
Established in 1985, TJHSST is a governor’s school offering a comprehensive college preparatory program emphasizing the sciences, mathematics, and technology. Specialized technical laboratories, including a technological computational center, enhance the academic curriculum and provide students with experience in state-of-the-art technology, opportunities for independent research and experimentation, and interaction with professionals from the scientific, technological, engineering, and industrial communities.
The selection process for admittance to TJHSST involves a holistic review of each candidate’s semifinalist essay, teacher recommendations, and student-authored information sheet, as well as consideration of grades and test scores on the admissions examination. As always, a summer round of admissions for eighth graders newly moved to a participating district after September 30 of the previous year will add to the 486 offers at the end of June.
For more information, contact the TJHSST Admissions Office at 571-423-3770.
TJHSST Admissions Statistics, Class of 2024
Applicants |
Percent |
Admitted |
Percent |
Gender |
Male |
1,385 |
54.5 |
283 |
58.2 |
Female |
1,154 |
45.4 |
203 |
41.8 |
Total |
2,539 |
486 |
Ethnic |
Asian |
1,423 |
56.0 |
355 |
73.0 |
Black |
160 |
6.3 |
**TS |
N/A |
Hispanic |
208 |
8.2 |
16 |
3.3 |
White |
595 |
23.4 |
86 |
17.7 |
Multiracial/Other* |
153 |
6.0 |
29 |
6.0 |
Total |
2,539 |
486 |
School Type |
Public |
2,354 |
92.7 |
435 |
89.5 |
Private/Home |
185 |
7.3 |
51 |
10.5 |
Total |
2,539 |
486 |
*This category includes students who checked “multiracial” on their application or students whose ethnic designation numbered 10 or fewer.
**This category includes numbers that are too small for reporting (TS). Those numbers have been included with the Multiracial/Other category. This category includes students who numbered 10 or fewer.