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Partnership Update - December 2021
Check out the updates in Business and Community Partnerships.
Message from Superintendent Regarding School Safety
In this video message, Dr. Brabrand outlines the strategies and tools FCPS uses to keep schools safe, including a nationally recognized emergency response plan, 24/7 security operations, and state-of-the-art equipment.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - December 7, 2021
This week's issue has information on a new seven-day quarantine, the superintendent search, the fourth annual Back2Fairfax Teacher Seminar, and multilingual podcasts for parents.
Supporting the Development of Life Skills in Students
In the coming weeks, parents and guardians of students who participated in the Fall 2021 screening window will be mailed a letter with their student’s self-reported ratings.
FCPS CARES - December 2021
FCPS CARES submissions for the month of December 2021.
Partnership Update - November 2021
Find out what's happening In Business and Community Partnerships.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - December 2, 2021
Learn about COVID-19 diagnostic tests for students, a distribution change for meal kits, vaccine clinics, inclement weather communication, and a military mom who is working as a substitute teacher.
Fairfax High Esports Team Preps for Spring Season Debut
Video game enthusiasts say they’re eager to show value of once slighted activity.
Falls Church High Culinary Students Sell Pies Ahead of Holiday
Students offer staff, family the opportunity to skip Thanksgiving baking this year and instead buy their pumpkin, pecan, old fashioned apple or Dutch apple pies from them.
FCPS this Week e-newsletter - November 17, 2021
This week's issue has information on pediatric vaccine opportunities, optional COVID-19 screening testing, the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, and a reduction in the quarantine period for unvaccinated students.
Military Mom Saves the Day as a Substitute Teacher in Her Spare Time
Freelance photographer Ashley Salas contributes to her children’s school community during time of increased need for substitutes.
Cappies Review of the Heidi Chronicles at Lake Braddock Secondary School
Read this review of the Heidi Chronicles at Lake Braddock Secondary School.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - November 10, 2021
Get the latest information on vaccinations for children ages 5-11, meal kits for Thanksgiving break, the TJHSST application deadline, and November's Walking Wednesday.
Statement on the Approval of the 2021 School Construction Bond from FCPS School Board Chair Stella Pekarsky
On behalf of the Fairfax County School Board, I want to convey our appreciation to the voters of Fairfax County who approved the 2021 School Construction Bond Referendum.
After 67 Years, Fairfax County Public Schools Reprise Role in Vaccine History
McLean’s Franklin Sherman ES kicked off polio vaccine field trials in 1954, will lead the way on COVID-19 pediatric vaccination push in 2021.
Students or Superheroes? Unique Escape Room Teaches Teamwork and Critical Thinking
An empty space at Luther Jackson Middle School has been transformed into a universe all its own. When students step into the brand new escape room, they’re faced with a monumental challenge: work together on a series of puzzles to rescue their beloved school mascot. Can they do it?
FCPS this Week e-newsletter - November 3, 2021
Check out this week's issue for information on COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5-11, results of the 2021 Bond Referendum, how to give feedback on the 2022-23 school year calendar, and the reasons for recent school meal menu changes.
FCPS CARES - November 2021
FCPS CARES submissions for the month of November 2021.
Rams Minds Matter Creates Calm Cafe
The students and staff at Robinson Secondary School definitely understand that sometimes we all need a place to decompress from stress.
FCPS CARES - October 2021
FCPS CARES submissions for the month of October 2021.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - October 27, 2021
This week's issue has information on COVID-19 testing and student vaccinations, the development of the 2022-23 calendar, new electric school buses, and next week's School Bond referendum.
Students Using New Technology to Produce Daily News Show, Connecting Classrooms like Never Before
London Towne Elementary School’s “Morning News” is using upgraded software to create high-tech newscasts that stream into classrooms every morning. A team of sixth-graders work together to share the important news of the day, while learning real-world news industry skills.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - October 20, 2021
All the latest information about COVID-19 testing and vaccination rollout, how snow days will work in 2021-22, upcoming student holidays, and the opening of TJHSST applications.
Homecoming Returns: FCPS Uses Football Fields, Fire Pits and Parking Lots to Encourage Outdoor Gathering
After a two-year absence, Fairfax County Public Schools embrace the return of Homecoming festivities while looking to encourage outdoor gatherings wherever possible.
Test Anxiety
Learn about test anxiety and strategies to relieve the stress.
Students Helping Students: Aspiring Medical Workers Get Hands-On Practice Performing Vision and Hearing Tests across FCPS
Medical Assistant students from Falls Church Academy are learning on the job by helping out the Fairfax County Health Department perform vision and hearing screenings on fellow FCPS students.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - October 13, 2021
Get the latest news about the Equitable Access to Literacy Plan, social and emotional learning, a Community Vaccination Clinic, and graduates who received IB Diplomas and Career-related Certificates in this week's issue of FCPS This Week.
Partnership Update - October 2021
Find out what's happening in Business and Community Partnerships including some new and upcoming partners, a new name for the foundation, and opportunities for substitute teaching.
FCPS this Week e-newsletter - October 6, 2021
This week's issue has information about FCPS' record high graduation rate; Bryant High School's Howard Brewer being chosen as the Region 4 Teacher of the Year; a reminder of the upcoming Indigenous Peoples' Day (Columbus Day) holiday; and athletics vaccinations.
New Teacher Returns to Her High School; Sees Herself in Every ESOL Student
Here's a feel good video to start your week. It's a Back2Fairfax story about Saja Abduljabbar, a new teacher at the high school she graduated from. Learn why she sees herself in every ESOL student. And meet the fellow teacher she credits for her success.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - September 29, 2021
This week's issue has information on the Opening of Schools Report to the School Board, SAT scores for the Class of 2021, National Merit Scholarship semifinalists for the Class of 2022, answers to questions on the SEL screener, and more on the StreamIN/CheckIN experience.
Talk. They Hear You.
It’s important to start talking to your children early about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs.
Designing an Outdoor Classroom: FCPS Student Uses his Skills as a Boy Scout to Create Exciting and Versatile Learning Space
A Lake Braddock sophomore goes back to his elementary school to build an outdoor classroom with the help of the community.
Fourth-Grade Time for Kids Student Journalist Winner Grills Nutrition Director On Pandemic Meals
Churchill Road student quizzes FCPS food and nutrition director on pandemic meal deliveries as part of Time for Kids journalism contest’s final round assignment to profile a local hero.
My Day as a Super Sub
What's it like to be a substitute teacher? An FCPS employee says it's an A+ experience. Watch a video and read her story to learn more about her day at school and about how you can help schools by becoming a substitute.
Students from 16 FCPS High Schools Named National Merit Semifinalists
Two hundred fourteen students from 16 high schools have been named semifinalists by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for 2022.
FCPS this Week e-newsletter - September 22, 2021
Check out this week's issue for information on StreamIN/CheckIN, student vaccine updates, an update to the definition of the COVID-19 close contact definition, and the Mental Health and Wellness Conference.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - September 15, 2021
Get an update on FCPS' strong return to school, Walk to School Day on October 6, Parent Resource Center webinars, and how to get updates by text from FCPS.
Partnership Update - September 2021
Find out what's happening in Business and Community Partnerships
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - September 8, 2021
This week's issue of FCPS this Week has answers to frequently asked questions about student-athlete vaccinations, and information about the process for returning vaccinated students to the classroom, multilingual parent podcasts, and school lunch.
FCPS Cares - September 2021
The FCPS Cares Program is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. Read about some of our amazing staff here and consider submitting an outstanding employee for recognition.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - September 1, 2021
Get information on COVID-19 protocols, the vaccination requirement for athletic participation, 2021-22 cultural observances and religious holidays, and the plan for ESSER III funding.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - August 25, 2021
Learn about our strong, safe, in-person opening of schools, the latest on bus transportation, a COVID-19 vaccine/testing requirement for staff members, and a reminder about the upcoming Labor Day break.
FCPS This Week e-newsletter - August 18, 2021
In this week's issue, get information on the First Day of School countdown, health and safety updates, school meals, and Back to School Night schedules.
Summer Graduation Ceremony
Celebrate the success of our summer graduates who participated in the graduation ceremony in August.
Partnership Update - August 2021
Check out the updates with Business and Community Partnerships
FCPS This Week - August 4, 2021
The first issue of the 2021-22 school year has all the information you need for back to school.
Easing the Back-to-School Transition
Learn tips to help ease the up-coming transition back to school and promote a successful school experience.
Partnership Update - July 2021
Find out what's happening in Business and Community Partnerships
Dr. Brabrand Message to the Community
Superintendent Brabrand sent a message to the community.