ACE: Driver Education Program Improvement and Innovation Plan
Relevant details and data for Adult and Community Education
Program Overview
Driver Education provides eligible students in grades 10-12 and adults with state-approved courses that develop driving skills and safety awareness in beginning drivers. Driver Education consists of four parts.
Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD) class
The Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD) class:
- Is offered both virtually and face to face.
- Is designed as a parent and student education program.
- Allows parents to guide their children through the first perilous years of driving.
Classroom Instruction
- Offered virtually as well as face to face
- Part of the grade 10 physical education program.
DMV Permit Testing
- ONLY available face-to-face.
- Available in designated FCPS buildings.
- Offered to FCPS high school students.
- Separate Adult Permit Testing.
Behind-the-wheel Instruction and Practice
Behind-the-wheel is offered face-to-face outside of the regular classroom.
Strategic Actions and Measures
Updated for the 2022-2023 school year.
Goal 1
By June 2023, increase the number of students enrolled in the DMV Learner’s Permit testing and Permit test preparation program by 10% over FY22.
Strategic Action:
Present information about the DMV Learner’s Permit testing program during the HPE instructor in-services in August and throughout the year.
HPE teachers attendance at in-services documented
Goal 2
By the end of June 30, 2023, hire three additional driving instructors to support additional growth in the program.
Strategic Actions:
- Advertise for driving instructors every week in the FCPS job opportunities posting
- Promote the FCPS ACE program with teachers attending the driver education certification program at NVCC.
Interview and onboard at least one new driver education teacher each quarter during the school year 2022-2023.
Goal 3
By June 30, 2022, develop a plan to gauge the viability of offering driver education classes to adults in the community.
Strategic Actions:
- Conduct focus groups to determine the need for adult driver education classes
- Develop an action plan for recruiting instructors to teach adults seeking driver education classes
- Create a go/no go proposal for ACE leadership
Results of focus groups are reviewed and documented and a decision matrix is completed to determine go/no go decision.