FCPS affirms the neurodiversity of all students through promoting positive self-concept, leveraging and nurturing strengths, and universally designing learning environments that center students’ lived experiences, abilities, and identities.
Find up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world. The optional MLA International Bibliography module adds citations for hundreds of thousands of books, articles and dissertations from 1926 to the present, linked to full text where available.
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is excited to announce that we are actively seeking passionate and dedicated psychologists to join our dynamic team.
Join the FCPS Family Vision Groups to collaborate with district leadership on enhancing student success. Your input is essential as we work together to create a thriving learning environment for all students.
Provides recommendations to the local educational agency (or board) on current job needs and the relevancy of career and technical education programs.
School Board Liaison: Kyle McDaniel
Staff Liaison: Whitney Ketchledge, Coordinator, Career and Technical Education, Department of Instructional Services
2023-24 School Year
Homebound services may be provided to students who have a medical condition preventing them from participating in classroom instruction because they are confined to their home or a healthcare facility during the standard school year.
The School Board provides oversight of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) through regular engagement with Division Leadership and through these superintendent evaluation, executive limitations, and strategic plan goal reporting.
We are very pleased that many of you were able to participate in the immunization clinics we co-hosted with the Fairfax County Health Department. If you participated in one of the immunization or the TB (tuberculosis) testing clinics last week, please see below for some additional information.
View Advanced Academic, Boundary, Region and Magisterial District Maps. Visit the boundary (attendance area) locator to determine a school assignment for your address.
The Department of School Improvement and Supports focuses on improving individual student outcomes while using research-based instructional strategies and keeping equity at the forefront. The department reports to the Chief of Schools.
The requirements for the Student Learning Plan began in 2012-13. Tasks are assigned to students each year to ensure that they are meeting the requirements. The required and recommended tasks are listed below.