Official Seal of the Fairfax County School Board on the School Board Dais

Strategic Governance

In addition to directing school division policy, the Fairfax County School Board governs FCPS through evaluation of the performance of both the school system and the Superintendent.

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Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC)

Advocates for minority student achievement by identifying, reviewing, and assessing issues affecting minority student academic achievement.

School Board Liaison: Marcia St. John-Cunning
Staff Liaison: Kimberly Amenabar

School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)

Assists with the development of health policy in the school division and evaluates the status of school health, health education, school environment, and health services.

School Board Liaison: Robyn Lady
Staff Liaison: Lea Skurpski, Director, Office of Operations and Strategic Planning

Photograph of an old Fairfax County School Board minute book.

Desegregation: School Board Minutes

Meeting minutes, voting records, and policy statements of the Fairfax County School Board related to desegregation/integration can be found in this collection.

Hands over meeting table

ERFC Board of Trustees

Our mission is to enhance the financial security of members through prudent financial stewardship of a defined benefit plan while providing outstanding retirement services and education.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee

Provides recommendations to the local educational agency (or board) on current job needs and the relevancy of career and technical education programs.

School Board Liaison: Kyle McDaniel
Staff Liaison: Whitney Ketchledge, Coordinator, Career and Technical Education, Department of Instructional…

Adult and Community Education Advisory Committee (ACEAC)

Represents the community and brings to the School Board’s attention to resource and programmatic issues associated with adult education

School Board Liaison: Dr. Ricardy Anderson
Staff Liaison Karin Williams, Director, Operations and Strategic Planning, Department of Instructional Services