2025 General Assembly Session Bill Tracking

K-12 Education Bills by Subject

This page lists all K-12 Education related legislation under consideration during the 2025 General Assembly Session, sorted into 12 subject areas.  

Summaries are linked to the General Assembly’s Division of Legislative Services’ web pages for text, up to date summary information, and fiscal impact statements. Please refer to the Bill Tracking Category Definitions site to determine where particular subject matters are classified, as legislation often can fit under multiple categories.

Updated: January 20, 2025

Conduct and Discipline

HB1587Drug Control Act; Schedule I; Schedule IV.Wachsmann01/08/2025
HB2196Public schools; student discipline; Restorative Schools in Virginia Pilot Program; established.McQuinn01/08/2025
HB2295Public elementary and secondary schools; student discipline; reports of certain acts to law enforcement and parents; failure to make required reports prohibited; penalty.Earley01/09/2025
HB2574Juvenile and domestic relations district court; juvenile intake; school notification.Leftwich01/14/2025
HB2679School boards; threat assessment teams and procedures; parental notification of student determined to pose a threat of violence or physical harm to self or others; provision of certain recognition and response materials required.Reaser01/17/2025
HB2706Reports of certain incidents to school officials; recipients; subsequent reports to law enforcement.Runion01/17/2025
SB908Public schools; student discipline and codes of conduct; prevention of and response to cyberbullying; policies and procedures required.Stanley01/08/2025
SB1146Juvenile possession of tobacco products on school grounds, etc.; civil penalties.French01/11/2025
SB1262Public schools; student discipline; Restorative Schools in Virginia Pilot Program; established.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1331Juvenile and domestic relations district court; juvenile intake; school notification.Marsden01/14/2025


HB1570Va. Public Procurement Act; repeals certain provision of Act relating to project labor agreements.Wiley01/03/2025
HB1594Average teacher salary in the Commonwealth; national average.Clark01/08/2025
HB1600Budget Bill.Torian01/03/2025
HB1604Certain school divisions; cost-savings agreements; requirements.Runion01/08/2025
HB1789Procurement; cancellation of bids.Orrock01/08/2025
HB1928Minimum wage.Ward01/08/2025
HB2004Local meals and prepared food and beverage taxes; maximum rate.McNamara01/08/2025
HB2006Sales and use tax; food purchased for human consumption and essential personal hygiene products.McNamara01/08/2025
HB2024Virginia Public Procurement Act; environmental protection and product safety standards.Seibold01/08/2025
HB2028School boards; entitlement to one-time fee from certain data centers.Thomas01/08/2025
HB2150Virginia Public Procurement Act; contract terms inconsistent with Virginia law.Carr01/08/2025
HB2417Procurement; local budget.Scott, P.A.01/09/2025
HB2487Additional local sales and use tax to support schools; use of funds.Green01/09/2025
HB2541Information Technology Access Act; digital accessibility.Tran01/11/2025
HB2571State of emergency; spending authority during budgetary lapse.Leftwich01/14/2025
HB2588Virginia Public Procurement Act; discrimination prohibited; military spouse-owned businesses.Cordoza01/14/2025
HB2639Income tax; alternative schooling and public school tax credits.Walker01/14/2025
HB2741Virginia Public Procurement Act; local public bodies; bids for small purchases.Marshall01/17/2025
HB2751Virginia Public Procurement Act; discrimination prohibited; military spouse-owned businesses.Feggans01/17/2025
HB2776Virginia Public Procurement Act; prohibition on boycotting Israel.Kilgore01/17/2025
SB800Budget Bill.Lucas01/03/2025
SB820Virginia School Improvement Grant Program; established, report.Favola01/17/2025
SB913Virginia Public Procurement Act; procurement of imported goods; forced and child labor prohibition.Stanley01/08/2025
SB1085Income tax; alternative schooling and public school tax credits.Craig01/11/2025
SB1149Public school funding; composite index of local ability-to-pay; use value of real estate devoted to certain uses.French01/11/2025
SB1172Sales and use tax; food purchased for human consumption and essential personal hygiene products.Suetterlein01/11/2025
SB1307Additional local sales and use tax to support schools; referendum.McPike01/11/2025
SB1415Virginia Public Procurement Act; purchase of testing kits during a disaster caused by a communicable disease of public health threat; exemption.Roem01/17/2025

Instruction and Assessment

HB1599Certain end-of-course Standards of Learning assessments; elimination and replacement.Cole01/08/2025
HB1612Board of Education; Child Care Subsidy Program; maximum reimbursement rate; vendors providing care outside of normal business hours.Hernandez01/08/2025
HB1613Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program; annual report on eligibility and usage required.Feggans01/08/2025
HB1679SOL assessments; availability in native language for certain English language learners.Cohen01/08/2025
HB1685Early childhood care and education; publicly funded providers, exclusions.Sewell01/08/2025
HB1694VA Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program; annual report on eligibility.Askew01/08/2025
HB1760Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Act; report.Gardner01/08/2025
HB1783Department of Education; career and technical education; definition of 'career and technical student organization'; establishment of chapters of career and technical student organizations; requirements.Orrock01/08/2025
HB1807Virginia Preschool Initiative; Kindergarten Readiness Fund established.Cohen01/08/2025
HB1808Commission on Early Childhood Care and Education; kindergarten readiness funding proposal; report.Cohen01/08/2025
HB1829Public elementary and secondary education; mathematics instructionSimonds01/08/2025
HB1833Small Family Day Home Provider Incentive Pilot Program established.Simonds01/08/2025
HB1957Board of Education; Standards of Learning assessments and related student assessment methods; assessment development, implementation, and administration reform.Helmer01/08/2025
HB1959Department of Education; Child Care Subsidy Program waiting list; additional priority group; target timeline for assigning slots to priority groups.Bennett-Parker01/08/2025
HB1972Statewide, unified, universally accessible, public-private system for early childhood care and education in the Commonwealth; online program.Gardner01/08/2025
HB2009Board of Education; career and technical education courses, pathways, and credentials; biennial review; report.Campbell01/08/2025
HB2052Certain government and civics courses; civics diploma seal of excellence; instruction on local government.Green01/08/2025
HB2053Department of Education; baseline audit of education preparation programs; student literacy instruction and the identification of students at risk for learning disabilities; report.Reaser01/08/2025
HB2190Public schools; school libraries; catalog of print or digital materials available in school libraries and used as instructional materials; development, implementation, and maintenance.Freitas01/08/2025
HB2191Dangers and victims of communism; recognition; Standards of Learning and programs of instruction.Freitas01/08/2025
HB2213School boards; driver education; behind-the-wheel driver training.McQuinn01/08/2025
HB2291Public schools; textbooks and other high-quality instructional materials.Coyner01/08/2025
HB2373Public elementary and secondary school students; parents' bill of rights established.Higgins01/09/2025
HB2400Public elementary and secondary school libraries; model policies for review of print and audiovisual materials; sexually explicit visual content prohibited.Scott, P.A.01/09/2025
HB2440Health education and family life education; certain videos and animations relating to human development inside the uterus.Scott, P.A.01/09/2025
HB2451Early childhood care and education; Child Care Subsidy Program; income-based eligibility for assistance; development and implementation of phased reduction model.Glass01/09/2025
HB2455Public high school students; opportunity to earn associate degree during high school to reduce college debt.Rasoul01/09/2025
HB2460Board of Education; Standards of Learning; incorporation of media literacy and digital citizenship.Scott, P.A.01/09/2025
HB2465Education and workforce data ecosystem in the Commonwealth; Virginia Education and Workforce Data Governing Board and Office of Virginia Education and Workforce Data established.Willett01/09/2025
HB2538Public education; early childhood care and education; funding formula calculations; Early Childhood Care and Education Fund established; report.Bulova01/11/2025
HB2543Department of Education; model memorandum of understanding; counseling from school counselors by way of telehealth.Laufer01/11/2025
HB2590Virginia Student Training Employment Pipeline for U.S. Procurement (STEP UP) Grant Fund and Program established.Cole01/14/2025
HB2593Commonwealth Savers Plan; State Council of Higher Education for Virginia; Virginia College Access and Affordability Scholarship Fund established; work group; report.Tran01/14/2025
HB2601Virginia Longitudinal Data System; participation; audit; student data standardization and integration.Glass01/14/2025
HB2608History Education Advisory Board established.Convirs-Fowler01/14/2025
HB2640Department of Education; development of guidelines and information relating to virtual or online learning; public health emergencies.Henson01/14/2025
HB2645Commission on Early Childhood Care and Education; members.Feggans01/14/2025
HB2686Certain advanced or accelerated mathematics opportunities; policies and criteria for enrollment.Callsen01/17/2025
HB2722Public institutions of higher education; admissions and enrollment; certain Virginia student yields required.Higgins01/17/2025
HB2731Virtual Virginia; availability to every public middle school in the Commonwealth.Higgins01/17/2025
HB2772Public schools; textbooks and other high-quality instructional materials.Convirs-Fowler01/17/2025
HB2777Public schools; textbooks and other high-quality instructional materials.Rasoul01/17/2025
HJ440Study; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission; removal of books from public school libraries; report.Simon01/08/2025
SB753Standards of Quality; SOL assessments in languages other than English, development & administration.Favola01/03/2025
SB756Public education; early childhood care and education, funding formula calculations, etc.Locke01/03/2025
SB792SCHEV; publishing of certain institution-level data on website required.Head01/03/2025
SB835Virginia College Opportunity Endowment and Fund; established, report.Surovell01/08/2025
SB855Board of Education; Standards of Learning assessments and related student assessment methods; assessment development, implementation, and administration reform.VanValkenburg01/08/2025
SB905School boards; Internet safety education program; Internet Safety Advisory Council established.Stanley01/08/2025
SB915School boards; private institutions of higher education; industry and trade dual-enrollment, education, and training opportunities; partnerships permitted.Stanley01/08/2025
SB931Obscene materials; restrictions on purchase, distribution, exhibition, or loan; exceptions; libraries and schools.Head01/08/2025
SB955Public schools; textbooks and other high-quality instructional materials.VanValkenburg01/08/2025
SB978Public elementary and secondary education; Office of Mathematics Improvement established; mathematics improvement and advancement policies and programs.Hashmi01/08/2025
SB1063Department of Education; Virginia Community College System; College and Career Ready Virginia Program.Hashmi01/11/2025
SB1065Commonwealth Savers Plan; Access Fund established; report.Hashmi01/11/2025
SB1066Programs of instruction; family life education; instruction on human reproduction; inclusion of certain materials relating to human gestation required.Peake01/11/2025
SB1084Board of Education; out-of-school time programs; exemptions from licensure.Craig01/11/2025
SB1099Virginia Community College System; Solar Workforce Development Incentive Grant Program; established.Hashmi01/11/2025
SB1102Board of Education; programs of instruction; Safety First Comprehensive Drug Education Pilot Program established.Hashmi01/11/2025
SB1124Board of Education; driver education programs; computer-based driver education courses; requirements.Boysko01/11/2025
SB1264Board of Education; career and technical education courses, pathways, and credentials; biennial review; report.Bagby01/11/2025
SB1370Department of Education; model memorandum of understanding; counseling from school counselors by way of telehealth.Srinivasan01/14/2025
SB1380Department of Education; development of guidelines and information relating to virtual or online learning; public health emergencies.Hashmi01/14/2025
SB1382Department of Education; development of guidelines and information relating to virtual or online learning; public health emergencies.Hashmi01/14/2025
SB1427Commission on Early Childhood Care and Education; members.Carroll Foy01/17/2025
SB1441Public middle schools; programs of instruction; Middle School Mathematics Innovation Program established.Durant01/17/2025
SB1462High school graduation requirements; history and social studies credits; certain substitutions permitted.Bagby01/17/2025
SJ251Public school libraries; removal of certain books, report.Locke01/08/2025

Instructional Technology

HB1593Access to minor's records; records contained in or made available through secure website.Kent01/08/2025
HB1840Department of Education; school boards; student online activity; data collection, monitoring, and restrictions.Oates01/08/2025
HB2046High-risk artificial intelligence; development, deployment, and use by public bodies; work group; report.Anthony01/08/2025
HB2094High-risk artificial intelligence; development, deployment, and use; civil penalties.Maldonado01/08/2025
HB2250Consumer Data Protection Act; Artificial Intelligence Training Data Transparency Act.Maldonado01/08/2025
HB2299Computer trespass; elementary and secondary schools; school board; penalty.Earley01/09/2025
HB2554Artificial Intelligence Transparency Act established.Henson01/14/2025
HB2601Virginia Longitudinal Data System; participation; audit; student data standardization and integration.Glass01/14/2025
HB2615Access to minor's records; records contained in or made available through secure website.Ennis01/14/2025
HB2731Virtual Virginia; availability to every public middle school in the Commonwealth.Higgins01/17/2025
SB846Access to minor's records; records contained in or made available through secure website.Craig01/08/2025
SB1161Artificial Intelligence Transparency Act established.Salim01/11/2025
SB1214High-risk artificial intelligence; development, deployment, and use by public bodies; work group; report.Aird01/11/2025
SB1486Public schools; student records and personal information; school-issued devices and school technology providers; protection of student personal information; policies and procedures.Cifers01/17/2025

Personnel, Retirement, and Insurance

HB1609Health insurance; coverage option for fertility services; essential health benefits benchmark plan.Helmer01/08/2025
HB1611Department of Human Resource Management; direct experience recruitment policy.Cole01/08/2025
HB1620Department of Labor and Industry; work group to evaluate workplace violence.Clark01/08/2025
HB1626Public elementary and secondary school teachers; certain training activities; requirements and limitations.Thomas01/08/2025
HB1633Health insurance; coverage for speech therapy as a treatment for stuttering.Cole01/08/2025
HB1749Workers' compensation; duty to furnish medical attention; timeframe for decision.Ennis01/08/2025
HB1765Health insurance; coverage for non-opioid prescription drugs.Martinez01/08/2025
HB1766Unemployment compensation; increase weekly benefit amounts; report.Martinez01/08/2025
HB1767Unemployment benefits; maximum duration.Martinez01/08/2025
HB1828Health insurance; cost sharing for breast examinations.Simonds01/08/2025
HB1830School board policies; unpaid educational leave for certain employee association officers; purchase of service credit.Simonds01/08/2025
HB1890Public school teachers; teacher compensation; Professionally Licensed Teacher Supplemental Pay Program established.Feggans01/08/2025
HB1915Public school teachers; written notice of noncontinuation of continuing contract.Reaser01/08/2025
HB1919Workplace violence policy required for certain employers; civil penalty.Ward01/08/2025
HB1923Health insurance; reimbursement for services rendered by certain practitioners other than physicians.Ward01/08/2025
HB1924School boards; prohibition against hiring or contracting for the services of certain individuals; certain criminal convictions.Ward01/08/2025
HB1936Department of Education; index of required teacher training.Reaser01/08/2025
HB1983Board of Education; support services personnel; annual collection of certain staffing data required; report.Askew01/08/2025
HB1988Local school boards; powers and duties; binding arbitration agreements.Askew01/08/2025
HB2018Board of Education; teacher licensure; career and technical education; alternative pathways.Anthony01/08/2025
HB2044Teachers; employment and licensure; locally awarded subject matter expert teaching credentials.Walker01/08/2025
HB2063Reports of certain arrests and convictions of school employees; timing; method.Garrett01/08/2025
HB2066School boards; employee criminal history records checks and applications; penalty for noncompliance.Garrett01/08/2025
HB2070Virginia Retirement System; service credit for career and technical education teachers.Garrett01/08/2025
HB2097Health insurance; coverage requirements for prostate cancer screenings.Austin01/08/2025
HB2098Labor and employment provisions; application of law; payment of wages; definition of employer.Maldonado01/08/2025
HB2099Health insurance; carrier contracts; required provisions regarding prior authorization for health care services; work group; report.Maldonado01/08/2025
HB2103Board of Education; Regulations Governing Allowable Credit for Teaching Experience; certain credit substitution allowance required.Kent01/08/2025
HB2107Health insurance; pharmacies; freedom of choice; delivery of prescription drugs; penalties.Wachsmann01/08/2025
HB2127Telework by local government employees.Milde01/08/2025
HB2133Health insurance; coverage for breast examinations for high-risk individuals.Keys-Gamarra01/08/2025
HB2201Public schools; temporarily employed teachers; rules and requirements; extension of time limitation.McQuinn01/08/2025
HB2208Health insurance; coverage for at-home blood pressure monitors.McQuinn01/08/2025
HB2237Public school employees; suspension; conditions for continued receipt of salary.Cousins01/08/2025
HB2265Certain individuals to be deemed licensed as teachers with an endorsement in special education early childhood (birth-age five years).Tran01/08/2025
HB2286Department of Education; paid parental and family leave program for certain school board employees.Coyner01/08/2025
HB2295Public elementary and secondary schools; student discipline; reports of certain acts to law enforcement and parents; failure to make required reports prohibited; penalty.Earley01/09/2025
HB2329Health insurance; prescription drug formularies.Sickles01/09/2025
HB2371Health insurance; coverage for contraceptive drugs and devices.Mundon King01/09/2025
HB2372Joint Commission on Health Care; duty to study proposed health insurance mandates.Sickles01/09/2025
HB2381National Teacher Certification Incentive Reward Program and Fund; eligibility; incentive grant awards.Maldonado01/09/2025
HB2418Certain applicants for employment in public schools; certain official documentation required.Scott, P.A.01/09/2025
HB2439Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact.Glass01/09/2025
HB2481Workers' compensation; injuries caused by repetitive and sustained physical stressors.Krizek01/09/2025
HB2511Nationally Certified School Psychologist Program established; incorporation into National Teacher Certification Incentive Reward Program and Fund.Taylor01/09/2025
HB2525Health insurance; electronic prior authorization; work group; report.Fowler01/11/2025
HB2531Paid family and medical leave insurance program; notice requirements; civil action.Sewell01/11/2025
HB2559Authority of local governments; service employees.Lopez01/14/2025
HB2561Employee protections; minimum wage and overtime wages; civil actions; misclassification of workers.Lopez01/14/2025
HB2611Health insurance; coverage for cancer follow-up testing; report.Seibold01/14/2025
HB2637Department of Education; mental health first aid training program.LeVere Bolling01/14/2025
HB2688Labor and employment; protection of employees; restricting use of accrued leave for other employment prohibited; civil penalty.Webert01/17/2025
HB2738Health insurance; coverage for mental health and substance abuse disorders; generally accepted standards of care.Sickles01/17/2025
HB2764Collective bargaining by public employees; exclusive bargaining representatives.Tran01/17/2025
HB2773Health insurance; cost-sharing; pharmacy benefits managers; compensation and duties: civil penalty.Milde01/17/2025
HJ492Constitutional amendment; right to work (first reference).O'Quinn01/17/2025
SB780Health insurance; coverage for contraceptive drugs and devices.Carroll Foy01/03/2025
SB786Nationally Certified School Psychologist Program; established.Mulchi01/03/2025
SB788Workers' compensation; injuries caused by repetitive and sustained physical stressors.Head01/03/2025
SB803Workers' compensation; injuries caused by repetitive and sustained physical stressors.McDougle01/03/2025
SB822Public elementary & secondary school teachers; training activities, requirements & limitations.VanValkenburg01/03/2025
SB829Professionally Licensed Teacher Supplemental Pay Program; established, report.Locke01/08/2025
SB879Board of Education; teacher licensure; career and technical education; alternative pathway to provisional licensure.Ebbin01/08/2025
SB898Teachers; employment and licensure; locally awarded subject matter expert teaching credentials.Craig01/08/2025
SB917Collective bargaining by public employees; exclusive bargaining representatives.Surovell01/08/2025
SB968Board of Education; support services personnel; annual collection of certain staffing data required; report.Carroll Foy01/08/2025
SB1032Public elementary and secondary schools; teacher; terms of employment; reemployment of teacher who has not achieved continuing contract status; written notice required.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1033Local school boards; powers and duties; binding arbitration agreements.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1056Unemployment compensation; increase weekly benefit amounts; report.Ebbin01/11/2025
SB1057Unemployment insurance; weekly benefit amount; increasing threshold for deduction of wages payable.Ebbin01/11/2025
SB1078Health insurance; cost-sharing; pharmacy benefits managers; compensation and duties: civil penalty.Peake01/11/2025
SB1112Workers' compensation; injuries caused by repetitive and sustained physical stressors.Williams Graves01/11/2025
SB1122Paid family and medical leave insurance program; notice requirements; civil action.Boysko01/11/2025
SB1129National Teacher Certification Incentive Reward Program and Fund; eligibility; incentive grant awards.Boysko01/11/2025
SB1168Practice of acupuncture; definition; health insurance; coverage for acupuncture treatments.Salim01/11/2025
SB1215Health insurance; carrier contracts; required provisions regarding prior authorization for health care services; work group; report.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1230Public schools; temporarily employed teachers; rules and requirements; extension of time limitation.Aird01/11/2025
SB1238Health insurance; cost sharing for breast examinations.Durant01/11/2025
SB1290Health insurance; reimbursement for services rendered by certain practitioners other than physicians.Deeds01/11/2025
SB1293School board employees; health care professionals; professional development and continuing education; optional programs; children with autism spectrum disorder.Stanley01/11/2025
SB1299Workers compensation; injury or death caused by employers gross negligence or willful misconduct; cause of action.McPike01/11/2025
SB1311Health insurance; pharmacy benefits managers; definition of covered entity.McPike01/11/2025
SB1314Health insurance; coverage requirements for prostate cancer screenings.McPike01/11/2025
SB1377Department of Education; mental health first aid training program.Hashmi01/14/2025
SB1381Department of Education; mental health first aid training program.Hashmi01/14/2025
SB1414Employee Child Care Assistance Pilot Program.Hashmi01/17/2025
SB1436Health insurance; cost sharing for breast examinations.Perry01/17/2025
SB1447Health insurance; coverage for at-home blood pressure monitors.Pekarsky01/17/2025
SB1489Authority of local governments; service employeesBagby01/17/2025

School Board/Governance

HB1577Centralized local government reporting system; unfunded mandates on localities.Williams01/03/2025
HB1590Virginia Freedom of Information Act; exclusions; apprenticeship programs; minors.Kent01/08/2025
HB1593Access to minor's records; records contained in or made available through secure website.Kent01/08/2025
HB1651Department of Social Services; applications for public assistance; immigration status inquiry.Ballard01/08/2025
HB1678School board policies; parental notification, safe storage of prescription drugs and firearms, etc.Cohen01/08/2025
HB1745State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act and General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; definition of 'personal interest in a transaction.'Watts01/08/2025
HB1763Virginia Freedom of Information Act; virtual meetings; advisory boards, commissions, and councils.Martinez01/08/2025
HB1840Department of Education; school boards; student online activity; data collection, monitoring, and restrictions.Oates01/08/2025
HB1843Legal holidays; Indigenous Peoples' Day.Krizek01/08/2025
HB1881Public elementary and secondary schools; enrollment; dependent students of active duty service members; policies.Sewell01/08/2025
HB1944Advertisement of legal notices; website.Seibold01/08/2025
HB1961Public elementary and secondary schools; student discipline; student cell phone possession and use policies; development and implementation.Rasoul01/08/2025
HB2013Street address requirement on certain school admission documents; exception and alternative for certain individuals.Laufer01/08/2025
HB2017Public schools; student support services; student personal information and data security; registration; requirements; grants; report.Anthony01/08/2025
HB2081Virginia Human Rights Act; unlawful discrimination.Garrett01/08/2025
HB2152Virginia Freedom of Information Act; FOIA officer training.Carr01/08/2025
HB2182Sage's Law; minor students experiencing gender incongruence; parental notification of certain requests and parental permission for certain plans required; parental care.Freitas01/08/2025
HB2226Student records; disclosure of student address to noncustodial parent; safety determination required.Cherry01/08/2025
HB2231Public schools; Virginia Opportunity Scholarship Grant Program established.Cherry01/08/2025
HB2275Virginia Freedom of Information Act; civil penalties.Ennis01/08/2025
HB2287Guidelines and policies on school-connected overdose; response and parental notification.Coyner01/08/2025
HB2304Parents who provide home instruction; options for providing evidence of progress.Earley01/09/2025
HB2373Public elementary and secondary school students; parents' bill of rights established.Higgins01/09/2025
HB2424School-connected overdoses; policies relating to parental notification and response; requirements.Higgins01/09/2025
HB2508Voter registration; high school registration activities and parental consent.Griffin01/09/2025
HB2551Home instruction; parents; criteria.Higgins01/14/2025
HB2584School boards; employment of counsel.Cordoza01/14/2025
HB2598Injunction against disclosure of certain information provided by students who receive home instruction or their parents.Scott, P.A.01/14/2025
HB2615Access to minor's records; records contained in or made available through secure website.Ennis01/14/2025
HB2623Failure of Commonwealth or locality to communicate or cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; waiver of sovereign immunity.Fowler01/14/2025
HB2690Publication of legal notices; website.Green01/17/2025
HB2759Education improvement scholarships tax credits; sunset repeal.Earley01/17/2025
HB2762Education improvement scholarships tax credit; guidelines for scholarship foundations; scholarship amount.Earley01/17/2025
HB2774Board of Education; school-connected overdoses; policies relating to parental notification and response; requirements.Singh01/17/2025
SB738Public elementary and secondary schools; student cell phone possession and use policies.Pekarsky01/03/2025
SB846Access to minor's records; records contained in or made available through secure website.Craig01/08/2025
SB876Virginia Freedom of Information Act; notice of public meetings; proposed agenda required.Ebbin01/08/2025
SB1029Virginia Freedom of Information Act; procedure for responding to requests; charges; posting of notice of rights and responsibilities.Roem01/11/2025
SB1031Public elementary and secondary schools; compulsory attendance requirements; religious exemption; requirements.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1048School board policies; parental notification; safe storage of prescription drugs and firearms in the household.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1074Youth Health Protection Act established; civil penalty.Peake01/11/2025
SB1111Public schools; student support services; student personal information and data security; registration; requirements; grants; report.Williams Graves01/11/2025
SB1170Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council; disclosure of digital assets.Salim01/11/2025
SB1240School-connected overdoses; policies relating to parental notification and response; requirements.Sturtevant01/11/2025
SB1244Educational opportunities for children of certain federal employees; expansion of policies to students transferring from foreign countries.Durant01/11/2025
SB1346Public schools; Virginia Opportunity Scholarship Grant Program established.Jordan01/14/2025
SB1349State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act and the General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; deadline for annual filing of disclosure statements; deadline for public disclosure.Srinivasan01/14/2025
SB1357State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act and General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; definition of 'personal interest in a transaction.'Ebbin01/14/2025
SB1404School boards; method of selection; election required.Pekarsky01/14/2025
SB1486Public schools; student records and personal information; school-issued devices and school technology providers; protection of student personal information; policies and procedures.Cifers01/17/2025

School Construction

HB1818Public School Security Equipment Grant Act of 2013; eligible security equipment; School Safety Firearm Detection Software Pilot Program established.Reid01/08/2025
HB1934Electric utilities; generation of electricity from renewable and zero carbon sources; projects on or adjacent to public elementary or secondary schools.LeVere Bolling01/08/2025
HB1984Siting of data centers; parks, schools, and residential areas.Lovejoy01/08/2025
HB2113Solar Interconnection Grant Fund and Program; established.Herring01/08/2025
HB2126Virginia Energy Facility Review Board established; localities; comprehensive plan and local ordinances related to siting of critical interconnection projects; planning district commissions; regional energy plans; Virginia Clean Energy Technical Assistance Center established.Sullivan01/08/2025
HB2403School boards; panic alarm systems in each school required.Higgins01/09/2025
HB2482Virginia Public Procurement Act; competitive sealed bidding; required criteria in invitations to bid for certain construction projects.Krizek01/09/2025
HB2618Public school buildings; indoor air quality standards.Helmer01/14/2025
SB962Virginia Public Procurement Act; additional public works contract requirements.Carroll Foy01/08/2025
SB1058Net energy metering; interconnection costs for public schools.Ebbin01/11/2025
SB1192Electric utilities; generation of electricity from renewable and zero carbon sources; projects on or adjacent to public elementary or secondary schools.Deeds01/11/2025
SB1413Public school buildings; indoor air quality standards.Surovell01/17/2025

School Safety and Security

HB1666Photo speed monitoring devices; locality to provide by ordinance for placement and operation.Jones01/08/2025
HB1673Pedestrian crossing & stop sign violation monitoring systems; violation enforcement, civil penaltyJones01/08/2025
HB1678School board policies; parental notification, safe storage of prescription drugs and firearms, etc.Cohen01/08/2025
HB1801School crossing zones.Cohen01/08/2025
HB1818Public School Security Equipment Grant Act of 2013; eligible security equipment; School Safety Firearm Detection Software Pilot Program established.Reid01/08/2025
HB2041Speed safety cameras; placement and operation.Seibold01/08/2025
HB2051School safety audit committees; duties; annual meetings on school grounds with local law enforcement.Green01/08/2025
HB2072Board of Education; Standards of Quality; Standards of School Safety.Garrett01/08/2025
HB2257School safety; employment of school security officers; criteria.Kent01/08/2025
HB2297School boards; employment of school resource officers in each public elementary and secondary school.Earley01/09/2025
HB2299Computer trespass; elementary and secondary schools; school board; penalty.Earley01/09/2025
HB2403School boards; panic alarm systems in each school required.Higgins01/09/2025
HB2474School resource officers and school security officers; crisis intervention training.Higgins01/09/2025
HB2546Obtaining records concerning electronic communication service or remote computing service without a warrant.Rasoul01/14/2025
HB2583Celeste's Law;Board of Education; model policy; school bathroom safety checks.Cordoza01/14/2025
HB2640Department of Education; development of guidelines and information relating to virtual or online learning; public health emergencies.Henson01/14/2025
HB2706Reports of certain incidents to school officials; recipients; subsequent reports to law enforcement.Runion01/17/2025
HB2718Photo speed monitoring devices; school crossing zones.Leftwich01/17/2025
HB2733Department of Education; statewide mobile application for student reporting of suspicious activity.Higgins01/17/2025
HB2765Department of Education; statewide anonymous student reporting mobile application.Obenshain01/17/2025
HB2770School safety procedures; emergency situations; annual training; safety grants.Garrett01/17/2025
SB755School safety; employment of school security officers, criteria.Mulchi01/03/2025
SB1007Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Safety Improvements Infrastructure Fund and Program; parking facility tax.Surovell01/08/2025
SB1048School board policies; parental notification; safe storage of prescription drugs and firearms in the household.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1209Photo speed monitoring devices; private vendors; calibration; civil penalty.Obenshain01/11/2025
SB1233Pedestrian crossing violation monitoring systems and stop sign violation monitoring systems; violation enforcement; civil penalty.Williams Graves01/11/2025
SB1296Virginia Public-Private Safety Communications Infrastructure Fund; established.Obenshain01/11/2025
SB1380Department of Education; development of guidelines and information relating to virtual or online learning; public health emergencies.Hashmi01/14/2025
SB1382Department of Education; development of guidelines and information relating to virtual or online learning; public health emergencies.Hashmi01/14/2025

Special Services/Student Health

HB1663Student-athletes; guidelines, policies, and procedures on prevention and management of heat illness.Jones01/08/2025
HB1695Public elementary & secondary schools; cardiac emergency response or emergency action plans.Askew01/08/2025
HB1700School boards; bleeding control programs, bleeding control kits, immunity from civil liability.Clark01/08/2025
HB1710Department of Medical Assistance Services; reimbursement rates for Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities; work group; report.Gardner01/08/2025
HB1760Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Act; report.Gardner01/08/2025
HB1772Autism Advisory Council; name change; membership; staffing; powers and duties.Hope01/08/2025
HB1800Rights of persons with disabilities; public places; playgrounds.Cohen01/08/2025
HB1805Public institutions of higher education; policies; individuals with disabilities; postsecondary transition planning and services; documentation or evidence; report.Cohen01/08/2025
HB1806Students with individualized education programs or Section 504 Plans; emergency protocol and guide.Cohen01/08/2025
HB1880Public schools; enrollment of certain military children with disabilities; provision of special education services and accommodations.Sewell01/08/2025
HB1881Public elementary and secondary schools; enrollment; dependent students of active duty service members; policies.Sewell01/08/2025
HB1892Children with disabilities; annual individualized education program planning process; dual enrollment courses; certain parental notification required.Seibold01/08/2025
HB1945School boards; student access to telehealth services; policies.Reaser01/08/2025
HB1947Department of Education; survey of local education agencies on school-based mental and behavioral health services; report.Seibold01/08/2025
HB2040Speech-language pathology assistants; licensure, qualifications, scope of practice; revocation or suspension of license; continuing education.Seibold01/08/2025
HB2053Department of Education; baseline audit of education preparation programs; student literacy instruction and the identification of students at risk for learning disabilities; report.Reaser01/08/2025
HB2055Student health and safety; responsibility to contact parent of student at imminent risk of suicide; provision of suicide prevention materials required.Reaser01/08/2025
HB2104Seizure rescue medications; administration by certain school employees; possession by certain students.Bennett-Parker01/08/2025
HB2189Immunizations; authority of the Commissioner of Health; religious exception.Freitas01/08/2025
HB2219Students who need or use augmentative and alternative communication; documentation of needs on individualized education program; staff training.Tran01/08/2025
HB2278School boards or division superintendents; review accessibility challenges in the local school division; report.Price01/08/2025
HB2282Children's Services Act; changes to state pool of funds.Coyner01/08/2025
HB2285Study; Autism Advisory Council; establishment of an autism data dashboard in the Commonwealth; report.Coyner01/08/2025
HB2341Department of Education; culturally responsive and language-appropriateShin01/09/2025
HB2344Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services; Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities; program extension.Obenshain01/09/2025
HB2353Discharge plans; copies to public elementary and secondary schools.Wilt01/09/2025
HB2419Superintendent of Public Instruction; programs providing instructional experience in agriculture, animal care, or horse riding; exemption from licensure.Webert01/09/2025
HB2471Expansion of Medicaid services for students at public schools; certain platforms, surveys, and analyses.Rasoul01/14/2025
HB2511Nationally Certified School Psychologist Program established; incorporation into National Teacher Certification Incentive Reward Program and Fund.Taylor01/09/2025
HB2541Information Technology Access Act; digital accessibility.Tran01/11/2025
HB2606Students with disabilities; due process hearings; certain verified statement required of complainant.Ware01/14/2025
HJ441Study; Virginia Commission on Youth; policies to support student mental health in Virginia's elementary and secondary schools; report.Martinez01/08/2025
SB752Psychology, Board of; prescriptive authority for clinical psychologists, report.Favola01/03/2025
SB768School-based mental and behavioral health services; DOE to survey local education agencies, report.Favola01/03/2025
SB772Social Services, Department of; applications for public assistance, immigration status inquiry.Sturtevant01/03/2025
SB786Nationally Certified School Psychologist Program; established.Mulchi01/03/2025
SB797VA School for the Deaf & the Blind, Board of Visitors of the; authority to establish campus police.Head01/03/2025
SB799School Health Services Committee; extends sunset date.Favola01/03/2025
SB801Children's Services Act; changes to state pool of funds.Favola01/03/2025
SB817Public elementary & secondary schools; cardiac emergency response or emergency action plans.Rouse01/03/2025
SB859School boards; policies relating to volunteer student life counseling and support services; guidelines and requirements.Reeves01/08/2025
SB1030Public elementary and secondary schools; student athletes; pre-participation physical examination required.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1034Students who need or use augmentative and alternative communication; documentation of needs on individualized education program; staff training.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1036Seizure rescue medications; administration by certain school employees; possession by certain students.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1037School boards; student access to telehealth services; policies.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1126Students with individualized education programs or Section 504 Plans; emergency protocol and guide.Boysko01/11/2025
SB1130School boards; school-based mental health teletherapy services; increasing accessibility of mental health teletherapy services; policies and requirements.Perry01/11/2025
SB1143Discharge plans; copies to public elementary and secondary schools.Obenshain01/11/2025
SB1232Autism Advisory Council; name change; membership; staffing; powers and duties.Aird01/11/2025
SB1293School board employees; health care professionals; professional development and continuing education; optional programs; children with autism spectrum disorder.Stanley01/11/2025
SB1303Public elementary and secondary schools; diabetes medical care and management in public schools; policies, procedures, and requirements.McPike01/11/2025
SB1320Preparticipation physical evaluation; childrens cardiac safety.Bagby01/11/2025
SB1354Department of Education; Medicaid billing navigator positions; report.Srinivasan01/14/2025
SJ261Specialized Education School Week; designating as first week of Oct. 2025 & each succeeding year.Pekarsky01/11/2025

Standards of Quality/Standards of Accreditation

HB1548High school graduation; requires passing score on select questions from U.S. Naturalization, etc.Ware01/03/2025
HB1769Board of Education; School Performance and Support Framework; readiness indicator; chronic absenteeism calculation; certain excused student absences excluded.Martinez01/08/2025
HB1788Board of Education; School Performance and Support Framework; readiness indicator; chronic absenteeism calculation; certain excused student absences excluded.Orrock01/08/2025
HB1824High school graduation requirements; history and social studies credits; certain substitutions permitted.Reid01/08/2025
HB1831Public schools; Standards of Quality; certain calculations; support services.Simonds01/08/2025
HB1954Equity in public school funding and staffing; special education students; at-risk students; English language learner students; support services positions; report.Rasoul01/08/2025
HB2032English language learner students; per-student funding add-on; report.Reaser01/08/2025
HB2072Board of Education; Standards of Quality; Standards of School Safety.Garrett01/08/2025
HB2118Department of Education; public school accountability; delayed implementation and review of revised public school accountability system; report; emergency.Keys-Gamarra01/08/2025
HB2164Public school funding; certain funding calculations.Cole01/08/2025
HB2244Standards of Quality; standards of accreditation; measurement of student educational performance and academic achievement; calculation of proportionality score required.Cousins01/08/2025
HB2338Public education; concurrent enrollment; high school graduation.Batten01/09/2025
HB2360High school diploma seal of biliteracy; designation as high-demand industry workforce credential for certain purposes.Wilt01/09/2025
HB2454Board of Education; public school accountability system; Three 'E' Readiness Framework; include and incentivize work-based learning experiences.Rasoul01/09/2025
HB2620School boards; certain examinations to be made available to students who satisfy compulsory school attendance requirements.Oates01/14/2025
SB784Public school accountability system; BOE to revise its Three 'E' Readiness Framework, etc.Suetterlein01/03/2025
SB977Public schools; Standards of Quality; certain calculations; support services.Hashmi01/08/2025
SB979Department of Education; public school accountability; delayed implementation and review of revised public school accountability system; report; emergency.Hashmi01/08/2025
SB1236Public schools; Standards of Quality; certain calculations; support services.Aird01/11/2025
SB1437Standards of Quality; class size limits; exception for certain fine and performing arts classes.Durant01/17/2025

Student Activities and Athletic Programs

HB1656Public secondary schools; interscholastic athletics, recruitment policies and practices prohibited.Helmer01/08/2025
HB1663Student-athletes; guidelines, policies, and procedures on prevention and management of heat illness.Jones01/08/2025
HB1695Public elementary & secondary schools; cardiac emergency response or emergency action plans.Askew01/08/2025
HB1809K-12 schools and institutions of higher education; student participation in women's sports; civil cause of action.Oates01/08/2025
HB2661Public schools; student enrollment; recruitment prohibited.O'Quinn01/17/2025
SB749K-12 schools and institutions of higher education; student participation in women's sports; civil cause of action.Mulchi01/03/2025
SB817Public elementary & secondary schools; cardiac emergency response or emergency action plans.Rouse01/03/2025
SB1030Public elementary and secondary schools; student athletes; pre-participation physical examination required.Pekarsky01/11/2025
SB1079Elementary and secondary schools; athletics; participation in female sports; civil cause of action.Peake01/11/2025
SB1104Public schools; interscholastic sports and athletics; guidelines and policies on student-athlete extreme heat safety and protection; development and implementation.Hashmi01/11/2025
SB1320Preparticipation physical evaluation; childrens cardiac safety.Bagby01/11/2025

Transportation and Food Services

HB1836Driver training schools; operation and licensure.Wiley01/08/2025
HB1910Public elementary and secondary schools; nutritional standards for school meals and other foods; nutrition requirements; certain color additives prohibited.Kent01/08/2025
HB1958School breakfasts; availability at no cost to students.Bennett-Parker01/08/2025
HB1993Public school buses; display of advertising; hiring of school bus drivers in the local school division.Bennett-Parker01/08/2025
HB2720School boards; pupil transportation; alternatives; requirements.Austin01/17/2025
SB1003School breakfasts; availability at no cost to students.Roem01/08/2025
SB1017School boards; powers and duties; school meal policies; payment of school meal debt.Roem01/11/2025
SB1289Public elementary and secondary schools; nutritional standards for school meals and other foods; nutrition requirements; certain color additives prohibited.Jordan01/11/2025
SB1445Traffic control device violation or traffic light signal violation monitoring systems; school bus video-monitoring systems; inspection of photograph, video, recording, etc., of certain violations.Diggs01/17/2025