Program Descriptions

Descriptions of many programs offered by the Instructional Services Department and the Department of Special Services in Fairfax County Public Schools.

The Instructional Services Department and the Department of Special Services support a variety of programs, services, and initiatives to support teaching and learning in FCPS.

A description of these programs, services, and initiatives is listed below with a link to more detailed information about the program.

Instructional Services Programs

Students taking Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes study the technical parts of jobs. This prepares students for follow-on schooling and/or employment. CTE gives students a look at many career fields. These courses let students prepare for their future careers with hands-on practice. They also work in the career field with job-related and work-based learning experiences. Students can earn industry credentials that may help them after high school. They can join Career and Technical Student Organizations. These organizations let students develop leadership skills and provide opportunities to meet with business professionals. Students may also apply for scholarships.

CTE includes seven program-specific areas:

  • agricultural education (veterinary science), 
  • business and information technology, 
  • family and consumer sciences, 
  • health and medical sciences, 
  • marketing, 
  • technology and engineering education, and 
  • trade and industrial education (including JROTC, residential construction, and student auto sales).

Other courses include Entrepreneurship, Teachers for Tomorrow, and Career Strategies. There are many CTE classes offered throughout the county. CTE makes sure the courses are current with work-based learning. Career pathways are available to every student. Summer enrichment camps allow students to explore CTE opportunities.

CTE continues to revise the curriculum so students are ready to enter their career field. The curriculum changes based on input for business and industry collaborations. New courses are being developed in:

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)
  • Computer Science
  • Health and Medical
  • Cyber Security

CTE supports Dual Enrollment, Work-Based Learning, and High-School Career Pathways.

Federal funding for CTE is through Perkins IV legislation. Workplace readiness skills and Portrait of a Graduate Skills are in all CTE courses. Teachers use project-based learning and hands-on training to teach students.

Career and Transition Services (CTS) provides special education students a wide range of student-focused, coordinated activities and support by offering classes and programs that teach:
Workplace readiness skills

  • Employability skills
  • Self-advocacy
  • Self-determination

CTS programming includes

  • Career assessment.
  • Interdisciplinary and collaborative instruction related to career and technical education.
  • Parent and family involvement.
  • Interagency partnerships and community partnerships.
  • Transition Planning

Effective transition planning includes measurable goals and objectives related to post secondary

  • Education
  • Training
  • Employment
  • Independent living skills

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA (2004) mandates that transition planning begin when a student turns 16. This transition planning must address all areas related to successful entry and participation in adult life.

The Virginia Department of Education states that transition planning begins upon the first Individualized Education Program (IEP) in effect when the student is 14.

FCPS has formal cooperative agreements with these agencies to promote smooth transitions for graduating FCPS students who are eligible for adult service support:

  • the Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)
  • the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB)

Virginia School divisions are required to:

  • Identify K-12 students who need advanced academic services
  • Provide instructional services to meet their needs.

All students have opportunities to use  Advanced Academics Program (AAP)  strategies and curriculum beginning in kindergarten. 

The elementary program commits to:

  • Developing students' individual talents and skills.
  • Differentiating instruction to meet the needs of advanced learners.
  • Offering a continuum (four levels) of services for all students in grades K-6.

The focus is on matching services to students’ current developmental needs. Services have many entry points for more complex learning in specific areas as students develop. FCPS does not focus on labeling students as gifted or not.

Teachers, administrators, and Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AARTs) work together to provide the four levels of AAP services in the continuum. A deeper look at the specific services available to FCPS elementary students is on the FCPS Advanced Academics Programs (AAP) web page.

The Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) elementary literacy program is aligned with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) English Standards of Learning (SOLs) which includes standards for:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Communication
  • Research

The Elementary Language Arts program aligns with FCPS Strategic Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence. Strategic Goal 3 focuses on ensuring that all students acquire critical and creative thinking skills, meet/exceed high academic standards, and achieve their highest academic potential. Included in Strategic Goal 3 is the measure that all students will read on grade level by the end of 3rd grade.

Literacy Instruction

Literacy instruction in FCPS centers on the components of effective literacy development. These include:

  • Phonological awareness
  • Phonics
  • Fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension (defined by the National Reading Panel, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [NICHD] 2000)
  • Writing
  • Oral language

FCPS’s approach to literacy instruction and assessment aligns with science-based reading research from a variety of disciplines.

These fields have contributed to our understanding about how children learn to read, write, and acquire language. They also play a part in the instructional methods for literacy development and lead to positive learning outcomes.

Virginia Literacy Act

With the passing of the Virginia Literacy Act in April 2022, and the extension of the Virginia Literacy Act in March 2023, FCPS continues to align curriculum, instructional practices, assessments, and resources to science-based reading research. This will ensure that the elementary literacy program provides evidence-based literacy instruction to all students.

To meet the needs of all learners, teachers use a literacy block structure. As part of this structure, teachers use a variety of evidence-based instructional methods to maximize learning for individuals. These methods include providing::

  • Systematic, explicit, and cumulative instruction
  • Opportunities for guided and independent practice in:
    • Whole group settings
    • Small group settings
    • One-on-one settings

As part of a focus on equity and achievement gaps in reading, FCPS is in the process of developing the Equitable Access to Literacy (EAL) plan. The EAL plan signals a division-wide focus on providing equitable access to evidence-based literacy instruction for all students.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Services supports schools and teachers by providing:

  • Instructional leadership
  • Curriculum and resource development
  • Support for all English Learners (ELs) to develop:
    • English language proficiency
    • English literacy
    • Content understanding

ESOL Services provides schools with guidance on how to implement the WIDA English Language Development Standards for all ELs, including those eligible for special education or advanced academic programs. In collaboration with other offices, staff members

  • Design and revise curricula.
  • Develop and select resources and assessments.
  • Provide staff development.

The Office of ESOL Services also oversees the programmatic implementation of federal grants serving ELs.

Family Life Education (FLE) is a Kindergarten - Grade 12 instructional program.  It includes topics in Human Growth, Development, Social, and Emotional Health.  A modified curriculum is available for students with low incidence disabilities.  The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Standards of Learning (SOLs) for Family Life Education (FLE) served as a resource for development of the curriculum. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has elected to have a locally developed program.  This requires a community involvement team in the development of the curriculum.  In accordance with the SOLs and Code of Virginia, the following topics are included in the curriculum.  Additional topics may be included with approval of the FCPS School Board.

  • Family living and community relationships
  • The value of family relationships
  • The value of postponing sexual activity
  • Abstinence education
  • The benefits, challenges, responsibilities, and the value of marriage for men, women, children, and communities
  • Human sexuality
  • The benefits of adoption as a positive choice in the event of an unintended pregnancy
  • The etiology, prevention, and effects of sexually transmitted diseases
  • The prevention of human trafficking
  • Dating violence, which shall include a focus on informing high school students that:
    • Consent is required before a sexual act
    • The characteristics of abusive relationships
    • Steps to take to deter a sexual assault
    • The availability of counseling and legal resources
    • In the event of sexual assault
      • the importance of receiving immediate medical attention and advice
      • the requirements of the law
  • Mental health education and awareness

The FLE curriculum must promote parent involvement and be available to parent or guardian review before instruction.  Parents and Guardians may opt their child out of any FLE lesson or an entire FLE unit.

Virginia Standards of Learning for Family Life Education

FCPS Regulation 3204 Family Life Education

FCPS Regulation 1708 Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee

The Fine Arts curriculum is aligned to the Virginia Department of Education 2020 Fine Arts Standard of Learning. The program provides a complete, consecutive and advancing arts education for students in kindergarten through grade 12.

  • Elementary art and general music instruction are provided to all students in kindergarten through grade 6.
  • Band and orchestra instruction is also offered at the elementary level.
    • Band instruction is offered to students in grades 5 and 6.
    • Orchestra instruction is offered to students in grades 4 through 6, and to students in grade 3 at seven schools:
      • Bailey’s Elementary School
      • Colvin Run Elementary School
      • Fort Hunt Elementary School
      • Hunters Woods Elementary School
      • Lake Anne Elementary School
      • Mosby Woods Elementary School
      • Woodburn Elementary School.
  • There are a variety of elective course offerings in dance, music, theatre, and visual art available for students at the middle and high school levels.

The objective of fine arts is to provide access, opportunities, and resources to all K-12 fine arts students and teachers.

  • Over 10,000 instruments are provided annually to eligible students through the Instruments for All program.
  • Students may participate in
    • The 6th grade All County Choral Festival.
    • Annual fine arts field trips for students in grades 4, 6, and 7.
    • Cappies Critics and Awards Program.
    • District and state music assessments and festivals.
    • The Scholastic Art Awards Program.
    • Extracurricular theatre performances.
    • VHSL one-act plays.
    • Co-curricular marching band.

Get2Green staff in the Facilities and Instructional Services departments offers personalized support for classes and eco-teams implementing hands-on environmental action in their school community.

At the request of the School Board, Get2Green developed a 3-year expansion plan in 2021 and received the first year of funding in FY2023 to add two full-tme Employees (FTE), bringing the program’s total staffing to four FTE. The FY2024 budget approved by the School Board included funding for year two of the Get2Green expansion plan. This funding allows Get2Green to hire four FTE Resource Teachers to support Get2Green Leaders at each school, who receive a salary supplement for this work. This funding moves Get2Green towards the goal of equitable access.

Get2Green’s Ignite Partnership with the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) provides a framework for schools to engage in student-led environmental action. Schools address any of 36 environmental action cards through the Eco-Schools USA Program to earn points towards recognition awards. The program was updated in the 2023-24 school year (SY) to allow schools to earn Green Flag awards annually. Virginia Naturally is another green school framework that offers schools recognition for their sustainability achievements.

The Get2Green website provides data, guidance, and resources for students and teachers to reduce their environmental impact through action. Get2Green’s close interdepartmental collaboration between instruction and facilities is evident through the website’s data dashboards featuring data for each school and the division for use by teachers and students:

  • Energy
  • Water
  • Greenhouse gas
  • Recycling

Through social media (@fcpsGet2Green), a monthly newsletter, and the FCPS Get2Green website, Get2Green shares sustainability news, events, professional development offerings, opportunities for students, grants, and resources.

Get2Green works closely with content area specialists, Project-Based Learning, STEAM, and Global Classroom Project to incorporate sustainability and Portrait of a Graduate skills into experiential learning opportunities.

The Get2Green team collaborates with county and community partners, serves on committees supporting sustainability in FCPS and Fairfax County, applies for and manages grants to support schools, and hosts programs such as Earth Week to expand engagement in environmental stewardship. Get2Green offers professional development directly to staff and through local partners including

  • The Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services
  • Fairfax County Park Authority
  • Fairfax Food Council
  • Earth Sangha
  • Chesapeake Bay Foundation

Get2Green strives to support educators in ensuring all students have opportunities to develop as ethical and global citizens.

Get2Green supports schools in complying with FCPS regulations and policies, including

Get2Green staff serves on the Fairfax County Zero Waste Team as part of the Joint Environmental Taskforce (JET) goal adopted by the School Board and Board of Supervisors to achieve Zero Waste in county and school operations by 2030. Get2Green leads the JET goal to expand engagement in the National Wildlife Federation’s EcoSchools US program.

The Global Classroom Project (GCP) began in the 2017-18 school year. It was developed as a way to provide K-12 students with equal opportunities to engage in international collaborations with peers that support content knowledge acquisition, awareness and impact on global challenges, and development of Portrait of a Graduate (POG) skills through an authentic context. It prepares students to be innovative, global citizens as they work together to identify solutions for a positive impact on a United Nations Sustainable Development GoalThere are multiple pathways teachers may consider when beginning the Global Classroom Project:

  • Content
  • Cultural Proficiency
  • Language Acquisition
  • STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
  • Environmental Stewardship

The Global Classroom Project ensures equity, excellence, and opportunity for all students. It is open to any FCPS K-12 teacher with principal support.

The Global Classroom Project aligns with the Virginia Department of Education Vision Statement. It meets priorities one and three of Priorities & Goals for Public Education in Virginia: 2018-2023. 

It also directly supports FCPS'

Participating in the GCP builds Cultural Responsiveness; the ability to learn from and relate respectfully to people from one’s own and other cultures. These learning experiences are designed to incorporate culturally responsive principles including:

  • Rigor
  • Multiple Perspectives
  • Critical Thinking
  • Relationship Building
  • Relevance

As participants in the GCP, students:

  • Learn to interact more effectively with people who differ from them.
  • Better serve their local and global communities.
  • Collaborate with peers from around the world on authentic tasks and challenges in a variety of ways.
  • Develop the knowledge, skills and behaviors to be able to engage in collective action towards issues on the local, national, and global level.
  • Use Portrait of a Graduate attributes and skills as they work with peers from around the globe.

The Global Classroom Project team continues to develop partnerships:

  • To support the work of international collaboration.
  • For students to take action on the Sustainable Development Goals.

FCPS established an Ignite Partnership with the Brookings Institution Center for Sustainable Development and the Global Classroom Project team. The partnership planned and held the first 17 Rooms event in a K-12 institution. This student-led event includes:

  • FCPS students participating in the Global Classroom Project.
  • Student members of the Global Leaders of Fairfax County.

As a result of 17 Rooms, Global Classroom Project teachers can work on actions identified by students in Fairfax County to impact the Sustainable Development Goals in:

  • Our community.
  • The classroom partnership communities.

Health and Physical Education instruction is required in kindergarten through grade 10. It helps students make healthy and safe life choices. Students practice:

  • Collaboration
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Problem solving

Physical Education

In Physical Education students

  • Learn how to move.
  • Learn skills to be active throughout their life.
  • Analyze their personal fitness levels.
  • Set goals and develop plans to maintain or improve their fitness.
  • Try several sports and physical activities. The goal is to find one or more that they can take part in outside of school.

Elective courses are available to high school students.

Adapted Physical Education

Students with disabilities may be eligible for adapted physical education services. Contact the Department of Special Services for information about adapted physical education.

Health Education

Health education teaches communication, decision making, and conflict resolution.  Topic areas of instruction are:

  • Body systems
  • Nutrition
  • Physical health
  • Disease prevention and health promotion
  • Substance abuse prevention
  • Safety and Injury prevention
  • Mental wellness and Social and emotional skills
  • Violence prevention
  • Community and environmental health

Virginia Administrative Code

The Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Mathematics program is aligned with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Science Standards of Learning (SOLs).


The mathematics program for students in grades K-6 is designed to make sure that students learn the foundational concepts of:

  • Number and number sense
  • Operations and mathematical fluency
  • Geometry
  • Data analysis
  • Measurement
  • Patterns
  • Functions
  • Algebra
  • Problem solving

Students also develop proficiency in reasoning and communicating mathematically, and applying mathematical skills to solve real-world problems.

The purpose of the mathematics program is to provide a rigorous curriculum and appropriate learning experiences so that all students:

  • Master the objectives in the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL)
  • Become mathematical problem solvers.
  • Learn to communicate mathematically.
  • Learn to reason mathematically.
  • Look for and make mathematical connections.
  • Translate flexibly between the use of symbols and other models to solve tasks arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace.
  • Use technology strategically and appropriately.


The curriculum in the mathematics middle school program includes:

  • Algebra
  • Data analysis
  • Geometry
  • Measurement
  • Numerical reasoning


  • Acquire the content knowledge and processing skills to ensure success with high school mathematics.
  • Develop proficiency in mathematical reasoning, communicating mathematically, making connections, and using a variety of representations.
  • Engage in the use of manipulatives, current technologies, and a variety of strategies and materials.

The program emphasizes the application of problem-solving strategies and focuses on preparing all students for high school credit-bearing courses.


The high school mathematics program is designed to make sure that students learn the fundamental concepts in computation, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. Students must also develop proficiency in:

  • Mathematical reasoning.
  • Mathematical communication.
  • Connecting and applying mathematical skills to model and solve real-world problems.

Students are prepared for college and career by developing competency in mathematics and a variety of problem-solving situations, real-world applications, and the use of technology. Advanced programs challenge students and provide college credit.

School counselors are educators uniquely trained in:

  • Child and adolescent development
  • Learning strategies
  • Self-management
  • Social skills

They understand and promote success for today’s diverse students. FCPS school counseling programs integrate education, prevention, and intervention activities into all aspects of students’ lives. The program teaches the knowledge, attitudes, and skills students need to acquire in academic, career, and social/emotional development, which serve as the foundation for future success (ASCA, 2019).

In FCPS, the school counseling staff works together as leaders and advocates to maximize student success and promote access and equity for all students. Some of these staff include:

  • Professional School Counselors
  • Directors of Student Services
  • College and Career Specialists
  • FCPS School Counseling Services

School counseling programs are designed to:

  • Facilitate academic planning to maximize each student’s abilities, interests, and life goals.
  • Promote students’ personal, social, and emotional well-being,
  • Implement appropriate interventions.
  • Provide developmentally appropriate programming for 
    • College and/or postsecondary decision-making
    • Career exploration and planning
  • Involve educational and community resources to support student development.

FCPS school counseling programs are aligned with a variety of federal, state, and local mandates and initiatives to include:

The Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Science program is:

  • Aligned with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Science Standards of Learning (SOLs).
  • Designed to provide rigorous, inquiry-based learning experiences.

Students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 can explore and understand the natural world around them. Students are then empowered to take informed action in their lives, community, and world. These experiences:

  • Broaden students’ knowledge related to the scientific and engineering practices.
  • Develop students’ ability to think and perform as scientists and engineers.
  • Develop students' Portrait of a Graduate attributes by: 
    • Collaboratively designing and conducting scientific investigations to:
      • Solve scientifically oriented questions
      • Formulate inferences
      • Generate solutions
    • Developing critical and creative thinking skills and a deeper understanding of the nature of science.
    • Increasing proficiency in the effective use of science process skills such as:
      • Questioning
      • Hypothesizing
      • Analyzing
      • Inferring
      • Measuring
      • Communicating
    • Understanding and appreciating their role as stewards of the environment.
    • Becoming knowledgeable about the conceptual themes that are foundational to the world of science.

Science Fair

School-level and Regional Science and Engineering Fairs allow interested students the opportunity to engage in self-directed scientific inquiry.

The Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Social Studies program is aligned with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) History and Social Science Standards of Learning (SOLs). The purpose of social studies in FCPS is to:

  • Empower all students to be positive contributors to their local and global communities.
  • Construct their understanding of the past.
  • Apply knowledge to the present.
  • Explore their worldview.
  • Develop skills that transfer beyond the classroom.
  • Develop as informed, empathetic citizens who take action to improve their communities.

Using performance-based assessments as part of a balanced assessment approach invites students to:

  • Explore big ideas, essential questions, and real-world problems.
  • Use critical thinking skills and primary/secondary source analysis.
  • Create products and exhibit their learning to authentic audiences.

Library Information Services (LIS) supports the school library programs of FCPS. School librarians

  • Teach and assess students in
    • Developing questions.
    • Identifying problems.
    • How to independently investigate, research and communicate solutions.
    • Information skills.
    • Critical thinking.
  • Provide support for reading and digital learning.


  • Provides support, training, and professional learning for all school librarians.
  • Furthers School Board and Instructional Services Department priorities to include:
    • Achieving Portrait of a Graduate objectives.
    • Supporting the Equitable Access to Literacy plan.
  • Prioritizes equitable practices and a culturally responsive pedagogy for students and staff.
  • Provides a safe and welcoming environment for students to:
    • Pursue their interests.
    • Get academic support.
    • Express their creativity.
  • Collaborates with content area and special program teams in ISD and DSS to support their work and professional learning.

Library services are provided to students and staff at all FCPS

  • Schools
  • Centers
  • Administrative offices
  • Special libraries including:
    • the ESOL Resource Library
    • the Parent Resource Center
    • Family and School Partnerships
    • Fine Arts Library
    • Non-traditional school programs
    • the Fairfax County Juvenile Detention Center.

In addition to administering local school library funding, LIS provides a collection of ebooks, audiobooks, and online databases for all students and staff. This includes a digital collection of professional educational resources.

LIS funds resources and materials for all school library collections to support the curriculum, personal growth, and interests of students and staff with an emphasis on access to reading, resources, and information. Resources are used at school, at home, and throughout the Division and include:

  • Library books
  • Magazines
  • eBooks
  • Audiobooks
  • Online research databases
  • Other library materials

In FCPS schools and centers Library Support Services (LSS) is responsible for the

  • Acquiring
  • Accounting
  • Receipt
  • Cataloging
  • Processing,
  • Distribution of library materials.

LSS performs specialized cataloging and processing with the goal of providing maximum access to library materials. This frees school librarians so they can focus on student learning and collaboration with school staff.

LSS provides technical training for school librarians on several library management systems that are necessary for managing library programs and library materials. LSS also provides cataloging and distribution services to ISD and DSS for curriculum and program materials delivered to schools.

LIS and LSS collaborate with the library functional applications support team (FASTeam) in the Department of Information Technology to maintain library technology and management systems.

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Online Campus (OC)

  • Enables students to take online courses for high school credit.
  • Uses multimedia to engage students.
  • Delivers courses identical in content to those offered in our traditional classrooms.

These courses are aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) and Advanced Placement (AP) standards and follow the Fairfax County Public Schools Program of Studies (POS).

The Online Campus team:

  • Hires teachers and administrators
  • Supports the needs of students and parents/guardians
  • Works with content coordinators to develop new courses
  • Updates older courses to meet continuing changes

When updating courses and developing new courses, courses include:

  • Portrait of a Graduate attributes
  • FCPS Learning Model
  • FCPS Program of Studies
  • Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Standards of Learning (SOLs)
  • College Board requirements

Students can take one or two classes with the Online Campus as part of their normal seven credit hours. Students who enroll beyond seven credit hours are charged a fee. Classes during the school year are taught in synchronous meetings for 60-90 minutes one night a week. Students have 5 more hours of work each week.  During the summer, students meet with their teachers daily and complete 5-6 hours of work each day.

The vision of the FCPS PreK and Early Head Start Program (EHS) is to ensure “Every Child is Ready to Learn.” Studies show the brain grows rapidly in the first five years of life.  Increasing access and opportunity to a quality early learning program during this period results in greater achievements in the classroom and beyond.

The FCPS PreK and Early Head Start (EHS) program is a comprehensive services program supporting students and families who qualify due to age, income eligibility, and residency. The program supports work to ensure that students are ready for a successful start in kindergarten by providing:

  • High-quality curriculum and early learning experiences for children ages 0-4 and pregnant women.
  • Social-emotional learning and executive functioning skills practice.
  • Physical health, nutrition, and mental health.
  • Strong adult-child interactions in the classroom.
  • A Multi-Tiered System of Support.
  • Strong family engagement.

The program is not mandated and is funded through grant and local funds. Based on funding, there is a predetermined number of available slots each year. Both the PreK and Early Head Start programs must meet the highest regulatory standards of the grants providing funding:

There are many opportunities for secondary students to develop their talents, receive differentiated instruction, and higher level content. Some of these opportunities fall under Advanced Academic Programs.

Honors Courses

All students are encouraged to enroll in at least one Honors Courses in an area of strength or interest each year. Students may self-select one or more honors courses in areas that match their academic interests or strengths.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

FCPS schools have 3 IB programs at the secondary level.

Visit the International Baccalaureate website for more information.

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP)

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP) employs a whole-school approach to conceptual teaching and learning that prepares students for higher level coursework, including the IB Diploma Program and Career-related Program.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) and IB Career-Related Program (IBCP)

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) and IB Career-Related Program (IBCP) is available for students in grades 11-12 at some high schools.

Advanced Placement (AP) program

The Advanced Placement (AP) program provides students with the opportunity to take college level courses while in High School. In FCPS, 22 high schools offer at least one AP course, and all students have access to AP courses through the online campus. Students can earn credit towards graduation by taking an AP course and can prepare for an optional end of course AP exam that may entitle a student to college credit or advanced placement in college. The AP program provides academic rigor to students.  For more information, see

Learn more about Advanced Placement in FCPS

Special Services Programs

The Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) program helps students with autism and related disabilities. The program uses special teaching methods to improve students skills in:

  • Communicating,
  • Getting along with others, and
  • Taking care of themselves.

Specialists work with teachers, school staff, and families to make sure students can do as much as possible on their own, across a variety of settings.

The Adapted Curriculum program helps students accessing category B services. Program staff train and support school faculty and staff in the instruction of students with disabilities in key areas such as:

  • Literacy,
  • Math,
  • Life skills,
  • Classroom management,
  • Behavior management,
  • Assessment,
  • Evidence-based practices, and
  • Data collection.

The program helps teachers adapt lessons and materials to fit each student's needs.

Students with significant cognitive disabilities who are accessing an adapted curriculum most likely receive services for Intellectual Disabilities (ID) or Intellectual Disabilities Severe (IDS). They may also receive services for Autism, Noncategorical Elementary, and/or Physical Disabilities. These services are referred to as Category B services. 

All students in kindergarten through 10th grade must take part in FCPS Health and Physical Education Program of Studies (POS). Federal law mandates that even students with special needs must have the chance to take physical education. This includes adapted physical education (APE). APE is a special education service that adapts lessons for students with disabilities. APE makes sure that all students can learn and improve in physical education, even if they need extra help. The program helps students to establish habits and behaviors that will foster good health and an enhanced quality of life.

The Assessment program supports students with disabilities by helping to implement  

  • Testing accommodations for taking state assessments.
  • Credit accommodations for graduating with a standard diploma. 

The program also supports the identification of students participating in alternative assessment. This number must remain under 1% as mandated by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE).

Assistive Technology Services (ATS) helps students with disabilities in FCPS use special tools and technology to help them do their best in school. These tools, that include computer programs and communication devices, can help students learn and communicate better. ATS works with teachers and other school staff to find the right tools for each student. They also train teachers and students on how to use these tools. 

In Virginia, all students ages 5 to 18 are expected to attend school regularly. Attendance specialists and officers work with students, families, and schools to:

  • Address barriers and challenges and
  • Create plans to help improve school attendance.

Behavior Intervention Services (BIS) helps schools create a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. They work with teachers and students to improve behavior in both general and special education classes. BIS offers training to teachers and staff on how to deal with behavioral issues. They also work closely with the Family Resource Center.

BIS helps schools create plans to understand and improve students' behavior. These data-based plans guide decisions and focus on positive behavior strategies. Their goal is to create a school environment where students can succeed both academically and socially.

Students with visual impairments may need specialized support to succeed in school. Students may receive itinerant level services at their neighborhood school. Learn more about services for students who are blind or visually impaired

The Student Safety and Wellness team:

  • Provides education on bullying and harassment,
  • Helps with responses to bullying allegations and
  • Trains staff on the Bullying and Harassment Management System.

The team supports the goal of making sure that all students feel safe and welcome at school.

Crisis Intervention Services helps students and staff recover when a crisis affects a school.  A team of school counselors, psychologists, and social workers use the PREPaRE curriculum to help the students and staff cope after a crisis event. Their goal is to help everyone feel safe and supported.

Students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing may need extra support to succeed in school. Students may receive itinerant-level services at their neighborhood school or attend the site base program and receive services in three modalities:

  • Auditory and/or Oral,
  • American Sign Language / Total Communication, and
  • Cued Speech

Learn more about services for students who are deaf or hard of hearing

Due Process and Eligibility is a section of the Office of Special Education Procedural Support.

Due Process and Eligibility makes sure that schools follow the rules for educating students with disabilities. They help schools create plans for students with disabilities and make sure those plans are followed. They also help resolve disagreements between parents and schools.

The Early Childhood Identification and Services (ECID&S) program helps young children in Fairfax County, ages 2 to 5, who may have disabilities. The program checks to see if these children need special education services and helps them get the support they need to learn and grow.

Extended School Year (ESY) services provide extra educational support to students with disabilities. These services help students reach their goals in reading, math, social skills, and life skills. ESY services are required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act  (IDEA) and are offered at no cost to families. The ESY team works to make sure students get the help they need, whether it's during the summer or other times of the year.

The Student Safety and Wellness program helps prevent and address youth gang involvement. They provide education and support to students and families to promote safety so that students can focus on learning. They work with the following organizations:

  • Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court (JDRDC)
  • Northern Virginia Family Service (NVFS)

The FCPS Homeless Program makes sure homeless students are:

  • Identified,
  • Enrolled in school, and
  • Receive the education and support they need. 

The program works with social workers, other FCPS departments, and community organizations. They help provide homeless students with transportation to and from school and other resources they may need, such as food and clothing.

The FCPS Medicaid Reimbursement Program helps schools use federal funds to pay for special services for students with disabilities who qualify for Medicaid. This helps schools provide more services to students and improve their education.

MentorWorks helps students by connecting them with adult mentors. These volunteer mentors spend one-on-one time with students, helping them grow and reach their goals. The goal is to make sure every student has someone they can talk to and feel supported by.

Multi-Agency Services is a section of the Office of Special Education Procedural Support.

Multi-Agency Services helps students with disabilities who cannot be served in FCPS schools. These students may attend private schools or special treatment centers. The section works with the Children’s Services Act office of Fairfax County and other organizations to make sure these students receive the services they need.

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) help schools make sure all students get the help they need to learn and grow. MTSS helps teachers use data to plan lessons and support students. They also help schools create a positive and inclusive environment for all students. MTSS teams work together to find solutions to help students succeed.

Physical and occupational therapists help students with special needs succeed  in school. They work with teachers and other school staff to help students learn new skills, use special tools or equipment, or find better ways to do things. Therapists also teach teachers and other staff how to help students use these strategies.

As students grow and change, their needs for therapy may change too. Teachers, parents, or other staff may ask for help from a therapist if they have concerns about a student's development or learning.

Learn more about Occupational Therapy Services

Learn more about Physical Therapy Services

Procedural Support Services is a section of the Office of Special Education Procedural Support.

Procedural Support Services helps schools follow the rules for educating students with disabilities. They work with school leaders and teachers to make sure that students with special needs get the right services. They also answer questions from parents and the community about special education services and 504 plans.

The Risk Prevention program helps keep schools safe. They train school staff to identify and address potential threats from students. They also help schools connect students with mental health services if needed. The goal is to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.

The School-Court Probation Program works with the Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court (JDRDC). The program provides support to students who are:

  • On court-ordered probation or
  • Likely to have court involvement.

The School Health Services program helps keep students healthy and safe. They make sure schools follow  local, state and federal policies and laws about health and safety.

School psychologists work with students, families and school staff to support students with their mental health and wellness. They make sure students have the skills and support they need to succeed academically, socially and emotionally.

School psychologists follow the guidance set by the following professional organizations:

  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

The Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program:

  • Helps students learn important skills to become successful academically, socially and emotionally, and
  • Supports long-term professional and personal outcomes.

They work with families, schools, and staff to help students develop these skills to

  • Achieve goals,
  • Build positive relationships and
  • Become responsible and caring citizens.

School social workers help students with their mental health and wellness. They work with students, families, and school staff to make sure students have the skills and support they need to succeed academically, socially and emotionally. School social workers also help students who need extra support by connecting them with community resources.

SEA-STARS stands for the Special Education Administrative System for Targeting and Reporting Success. The SEA-STARS program manages information and data on students with disabilities. The program complies with state reporting requirements and supports:

  • The special education eligibility process
  • The special education reevaluation process
  • The development and implementation of individualized education programs (IEP), including transfer IEPs
  • Section 504 processes
  • Section 504 plans

The Special Education Instruction program helps schools teach students with learning disabilities (LD) and emotional disabilities (ED). It uses special teaching methods to help these students learn.

The program helps schools by:

  • Training teachers on various teaching methods.
  • Providing books and other materials to help students learn.
  • Training teachers at their schools.
  • Helping school leaders plan programs and staffing.
  • Creating lessons and materials to help students with disabilities.

The Office of Special Education Procedural Support helps schools, families, and students understand and follow the rules for educating students with disabilities. The rules are set by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The office:

  • Works with parents and different organizations to make sure that students with disabilities receive the support they need.
  • Helps FCPS follow the rules set by the federal government, the state, and the school district that support students who have or may have disabilities

The Special Education Teacher Support program supports special education instruction at the schools by making sure students with disabilities receive the best education. The program also supports FCPS in recruiting and retaining special education teachers. It is made up of two teams: 

  • Special Education Teacher Support (SETS):
    The SETS team helps special education department chairs improve their school’s special education program and support their teachers. They make sure schools follow the rules and help new teachers learn.
  • Special Education Instructional Mentor Coach (SEIMC):
    The SEIMC team provides mentoring and coaching support for new special education teachers.

Speech-language pathologists work with school staff to help students with speech and language disorders. They help find students who might need help, evaluate them, decide if they need special services, and create plans to help them. They also work with students to improve their speech and language skills. Learn more about Speech and Language Services

The Substance Abuse Prevention (SAP) program teaches students about the risks of drug use and helps them make healthy choices. They also help students who might be struggling with substance use by providing support and guidance.

The Department of Specials Services (DSS) Web Development and Communications team helps make web pages and other information easy to understand. They check to make sure that everyone, including people with disabilities, can use DSS web pages and information. They also help the department share information with families and schools.