science fair participants standing in front of their project

2025 Science Fair - Category Awards

These are the winners of the category awards at the 2025 Fairfax County Regional Science and Engineering Fair.

Grand Prize Winners

CategoryProject TitleStudentsSchool
Biomedical and Health SciencesVISTA Inhibitor CA170 Synergizes with KRAS Vaccine in Lung CancerChloe GiglioMcLean High School
Biomedical and Health SciencesModeling Risk of Richter Transformation With and Without Chemotherapy Treatment on CLLEthan LeeThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Biomedical EngineeringInterpretable KANs Uncover Novel Targets and Therapeutics in NeurodegenerationIsaac Leetyn, Daniil ProkofevThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
ChemistryBreaking Down Sustainability: Testing the Limits of Resistant Starch MaterialsSamanvi TummalaChantilly High School
Energy: Sustainable Materials and DesignMicro Closed-Loop, Pumped, Hydro-Power System Turbine AssessmentThomas SparlingOakton High School
Energy: Sustainable Materials and DesignOptimizing Hydrogel Heat Sinks for Enhancing Solar Efficiency and ComputingOliver WangThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Engineering TechnologyBrailleSense: A Modular, Low-Cost Solution for Accessible Braille DisplaysAnush Devkar, Ansh MalhotraThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Engineering TechnologyInvention of a Low-Noise Toroidal Drone Propeller for Wildlife ResearchErim OzcanThe Potomac School
Environmental EngineeringAI-Powered Optimization of Methyl Jasmonate-Induced Defense for Precise Pest ControlBennett Huang, Jason PanLangley High School
Materials SciencePcTx1-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticles for a Low-Cost Ischemic Stroke TreatmentHeman BekeleWoodson High School

CategoryProject TitleStudentsSchool
Animal SciencesThe Impact of Storm-Driven Hyposalinity Cycles on Coral ThermotoleranceJustin Kim, Nishka ShahThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Behavioral SciencesImplications of Resveratrol on Memory Retention in Dugesia tigrinaAlina AlbeikMarshall High School
Biomedical EngineeringBioengineering Rhizobium to Reduce Runoff and Protect WaterwaysSarah ParkThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Computer Science and MathA Novel Carbon-Aware Ant Colony System Algorithm for Sustainable TransportationMarina LinThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Materials ScienceEcoForge: A Novel Sustainable Geopolymer Alternative to Concrete, Optimized with Machine LearningAdithya Pillai, Lang XiongLangley High School
Plant SciencesPlant Waste to Nanoparticles: A Green Solution to Combat Fungi FusariumStella HongMadison High School

CategoryProject TitleStudentsSchool
Animal SciencesThe Effect of Acute Bisphenol A Exposure on the Heart Rate of Daphnia magnaLennon BruckerMarshall High School
Behavioral SciencesFentaNULL: A Behavior-Based Mathematical Model to Prevent Opioid AddictionRyan SinghThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
BiochemistryExploring the Structural Basis of Ribosome Stalling by Arresting PeptidesAashritha PenumudiThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
BiochemistryThe Effect of Propolis on Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia in a Drosophila Model of Parkinson’s DiseaseMolly HawkinsWoodson High School
ChemistryMitigating Eutrophication and Harmful Algal Blooms in LakesNaomi DalmetMadison High School
ChemistryEffect of the Ratio of Baking Powder Reactants on Carbon Dioxide ReleaseSama DuaRobinson Secondary School
Computer Science and MathSpatially heterogeneous GCN-coupled SIR infection modeling to inform policyPetr KisselevThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Earth and Environmental SciencesDiel Vertical Migration of Copepods: A Predictive Framework for Weir-Impacted WaterwaysJessica TroupCentreville High School
Earth and Environmental SciencesMicroplastic Effects on Plant GrowthSuyeon (Emily) MoonMcLean High School
Earth and Environmental SciencesAir Pollution and Population Density Correlation in the DMV RegionAlex GanMcLean High School
Energy: Sustainable Materials and DesignAn Assessment of Nutrient Substrates to Enhance B. coagulants and P. fluorescens in Microbial Fuel CellsMax Alfert, Alexandros HejmoSouth Lakes High School
Environmental EngineeringSustainabiliTree: An Integrated System for Water, Solar Energy, and Flood Watches and WarningsKent FruchtmanOakton High School
Materials ScienceSynthesis of HMPB-Cur-Pip Nanoparticles as Rheumatoid Arthritis TherapyAnaahita KaashyapThe Potomac School
MicrobiologyIn Vitro Interactions of Amphotericin B and Manogepix against C. neoformansAislinn LuongMarshall High School
MicrobiologyBioengineering Rhizobium to Reduce Runoff and Protect WaterwaysShumvobi MitraLangley High School
Physics and AstronomyThe Impact of Municipal Dimming on SkyglowJulia SitesSouth County High School
Physics and AstronomyThe Relationship Between Boundary Conditions and Beam DeflectionZoya GhantiwalaSouth Lakes High School
Physics and AstronomyPlasma Discharge Dynamics According to AltitudeAvi PrakashMarshall High School
Plant SciencesA Novel Procedure To Extract and Quantify Leaf ProteinAudrey Tan, Allison XuMadison High School

Category Awards

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceThe Impact of Storm-Driven Hyposalinity Cycles on Coral ThermotoleranceJustin Kim, Nishka ShahThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceThe Effect of Acute Bisphenol A Exposure on the Heart Rate of Daphnia magnaLennon BruckerMarshall High School
Second PlaceThe Effects of Stimulents on Cockroach Cognitive and Physical AbilityZachary Bloom, Binh DoFalls Church High School
Second PlaceThe Effects of Salinity Levels on Brine Shrimp Hatch RateAiden Lu, Yaseen SaeedOakton High School
Second PlaceThe Immortal Nature of Planaria Amidst MicroplasticsSadu Kalahi, Tharu Kalahi, Brenda Rosas-DiegoCentreville High School
Second PlaceEffect of Microplastic Exposure on Heart Rate and Survival of Daphnia magnaNola GramatikovMarshall High School
Third PlaceHow does the digestion time vary between snake species?Yasmin Demir, Agnes GjeluciEdison High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Shape and Position on the Number of Bees Visiting Sugar WaterAdelaide Gagnon, Jayla WalinskiHayfield Secondary School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Queen Ants on the Number of Worker AntsStendal NguyenFairfax High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of the Amount of Daily Light Exposure on Brown Garden Snails’ WeightAlexander PearsonMount Vernon High School
Honorable MentionHow Temperature Affects the Activity of EarthwormsAfra Annan Abantee, AellaQuinn Breitbarth, Olivia YangSouth Lakes High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Acidity on the Hatching Rate of Brine ShrimpDelores Harkless, Ajzmina Shrestha, Briana Sorto-TurciosWest Potomac High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Water Temperature on the Population of C. chinensisRowan Keogh, Kara Levine, Hollin NafradaWest Potomac High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) on the Heart Rate of Daphnia magnaAnthony Santini, Thomas VollbrechtLake Braddock Secondary School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceFentaNULL: A Behavior-Based Mathematical Model to Prevent Opioid AddictionRyan SinghThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceImplications of Resveratrol on Memory Retention in Dugesia tigrinaAlina AlbeikMarshall High School
Second PlaceA Hybrid Quantum Convolutional Neural Network for EEG Emotion RecognitionRishi JagarlapudiChantilly High School
Second PlaceEvaluating the Stimulatory Effect of Caffeine using Daphnia magna as a ModelAmrik MajumdarWestfield High School
Second PlaceMachine Learning-Driven Analysis of Neural Networks and a Personalized Neuromodulation FrameworkAyush TripathySouth Lakes High School
Third PlaceEnhancing Early Access to Sign Language Education for Deaf Children: A Deep Learning-Based SolutionJulie XuOakton High School
Third PlaceDecoding Imagined Speech: A Noninvasive Pathway to Real-Time Communication for Nonverbal IndividualsMedha PappulaThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Third PlaceEffect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Planarian RegenerationDavid WangMarshall High School
Honorable MentionPerception of the Peak Age of Beauty - Teenagers vs. AdultsJacqueline Nguyen, Penny SwartzCentreville High School
Honorable Mention“OW! That Hurts!” - How Does Sensory Stimuli Affect Human Pain Perception?Aslesha Gurung, Celia WinterFalls Church High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect a Human's Age Has on the Reaction an Insect ReceivesGabrielle ConveryMount Vernon High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceOn the synthesis of a more environmentally-friendly and cheaper analog of a drugViraj LuthraChantilly High School
First PlaceExploring the Structural Basis of Ribosome Stalling by Arresting PeptidesAashritha PenumudiThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceThe Effect of Propolis on Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia in a Drosophila Model of Parkinson’s DiseaseMolly HawkinsWoodson High School
Second PlaceA Novel and Cost-Effective Method for Testing Vitamin-CPavine McNeill, Avi SarafMadison High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Epigallocatechin Gallate on Glucose ProductionVivian Pham, Mena YacobSouth Lakes High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Gatorade Acidity on SpherificationDominic Bogdan, Alexander Featherly, Keshav RawatSouth County High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Coffee on Protein DigestionNikhil RisbudSouth Lakes High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Vinegar on the Rate of Oxygen Production by Catalase (Potato)Neha SenthilkumarWestfield High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Nicotine Concentration on Planaria torva LocomotionElvin BaimMarshall High School
Honorable MentionHow efficiently do biological detergents vs. non-biological detergents work?Shalom Elias, Sama Hemat, Zahra ShahzadiJustice High School
Honorable MentionEthanol Biofuel Production from East African CropsKavi Manoharan, Shaan ThyagarajanFairfax High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceThe Warburg Effect: Optimum Glucose Availability on Cancer MetabolismMatthew Chu, Thomas Duong, Ayush KatpallyChantilly High School
First PlacePredicting the Migration of Dengue Virus through pH TestingLara Krentel, Zoe MorinMadison High School
First PlaceVISTA Inhibitor CA170 Synergizes with KRAS Vaccine in Lung CancerChloe GiglioMcLean High School
First PlaceModeling Risk of Richter Transformation With and Without Chemotherapy Treatment on CLLEthan LeeThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceMSallNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion AnalysisSrishanth RaviThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Second PlaceDetecting Cancerous Lymph Cells using LASSO-based CNNsYanis Mehenni, Jadon XuOakton High School
Second PlaceNo More Dry SkinAnna PanjwaniMadison High School
Second PlaceEnhancing Explainable AI Diagnosis for Age-Related Macular DegenerationAnvitaa RudharrajuWestfield High School
Second PlaceDual-Targeting Therapeutic Strategy for MSI Colorectal CancerPalatin ShaakerThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Second PlaceInvestigation of the Immunosuppressive Microenvironment in Lung Adenocarcinoma Brain MetastasisRohan HonganoorThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Second PlaceDifferential Expression of EMT Genes in Early-Onset Colorectal CancerJamie ChoeMarshall High School
Second PlaceA Study on the Effect of Different pH and Sugar Solutions on Extracted TeethWilliam PhamLake Braddock Secondary School
Third PlaceBiochemical Indicators in Test Strips for Kidney Disease IndicationArushi DasChantilly High School
Third PlaceHybrid Quantum-Classical CNNs for Glaucoma Detection in Retinal ImagingRithvik RedrouthuThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Third PlaceOptimizing Latrophilin Using Computational Design to Develop a Modern AntitoxinEthan Lee, Kennen Nelson-Pennebaker, Dylan NguyenWoodson High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Biological Sex on the Efficacy of Unisex Knee Braces in Reducing Impact ForcesKieran LangerWoodson High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of G-Forces on the Internal Structure of Cherry TomatoesNatalie KehlWoodson High School
Third PlaceDeveloping Novel HDAC10 Inhibitors: Assessing Efficacy and CytotoxicityGabrielle OkoroduduLake Braddock Secondary School
Third PlaceA Novel Investigation of LAMA5: Unraveling Idiopathic Hematuria EtiologyBani GillWestfield High School
Third PlaceIdentifying Protein-Protein Interactions and Hub Proteins in MDS and AMLSriram SubramanianLangley High School
Honorable MentionComparison of Gene Expression Profiles of Gastric Cancer Tissues in Chinese and Korean PatientsAnna WangMcLean High School
Honorable MentionIL-12 Induced Regulation of the JAK-STAT Pathway in Acute Myeloid LeukemiaArjun GanesanCentreville High School
Honorable MentionThe Effectiveness of CAR-T Therapy on Treating Various Blood CancersJasjot Kaur Kalra, Kira Stoll, Lizzie SunChantilly High School
Honorable MentionInvestigating Turmeric and Its Synergistic Combinations in Breaking Down Amyloid-Beta PlaquesClaire Kim, Joelle ParkCentreville High School
Honorable MentionQuest for Better Mobility for Stroke SurvivorsAnna Chen, Nancy LiOakton High School
Honorable MentionAI-Driven Analysis of Epigenetic Markers on Arsenic Dysregulations in DNAYousef MalikLangley High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Red 40 Food Dye in Food on Human TasteDelaney Caldwell, Ellie MolholmWoodson High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Natural Antibiotic Agents on the Growth of E. coli K-12Beren KasimcanRobinson Secondary School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Humidity on Pore Dilation of Silicone Rubber SimulantNicoletta Pelekasis, Valeria SalvadorEdison High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceSVM-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy for Noninvasive Blood Glucose MonitoringSarah ParkThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceInterpretable KANs Uncover Novel Targets and Therapeutics in NeurodegenerationIsaac Leetyn, Daniil ProkofevThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceCreating an Attention-Enhanced Machine Learning Model For Early Detection of DysarthriaJames Ngo, Nathan Nguyen, WynSon PhanWoodson High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Aromatic Substances on the Blood Brain Barrier for Alzheimer’s PatientsSirichandana YakkalaChantilly High School
Second PlaceAdaptive Vision Correction for Presbyopia Using Voltage-Controlled Liquid LensesArmaan Ahmed, Rishikesh NarayanaThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Second PlaceFall Detector With SMS MessagingEllie UtleyWestfield High School
Second PlaceSmartPharynx: A Novel, Inexpensive System for Screening of Bacterial PharyngitisSrikar KovvaliWestfield High School
Second PlaceDesigning NIR Sensor-based Glucose Spectroscopy Model for Non-invasive MonitoringIsaac KimWoodson High School
Second PlaceVascuPINN: Leveraging Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Non-Newtonian ModelsRishik Puli, Aaryasinh VaghelaBasis Independent
Second PlaceRobust and Adaptive AI Models for Medication Usage Forecasting Using ICD-9/10 CodeJonathan LiMcLean High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Oxygen Free Radicals on Tardigrade Organ FunctionHasmika Challa, Joshua Kim, Tri-An LeSouth County High School
Third PlaceA Soft, Wearable Sensor System Based on RNNs for Gait Phase Analysis and ClassificationShenghang RenBasis Independent
Third PlaceUsing Nanopore Technology to Detect Particles in Liquid SamplesNicholas Crawford, Leo Kaddoura, Myles McDanielFairfax High School
Third PlacePressure-Sensing Shoe SolesNina SamaniWoodson High School
Third PlaceMachine Learning-Based Age Classification from EEG Data: Neurodegenerative Disease DetectionFaisal Alangari, Saad AlangariKing Abdullah Academy
Third PlaceMelanoScan: A Cutting Edge Diagnostic Tool For Early Melanoma DetectionBhavesh AdiviChantilly High School
Honorable MentionCreating an Artificial Pancreas: A Circuit SimulationMonica Uribe, Ivy XuOakton High School
Honorable MentionSynthetic Blood: Engineering Hemoglobin to Mitigate Blood ShortagesBhavya JainHerndon High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceMitigating Eutrophication and Harmful Algal Blooms in LakesNaomi DalmetMadison High School
First PlaceRefining Sodium Hypochlorite Safety Guidelines for Cutting BoardsMadison LeeOakton High School
First PlaceBreaking Down Sustainability: Testing the Limits of Resistant Starch MaterialsSamanvi TummalaChantilly High School
First PlaceEffect of the Ratio of Baking Powder Reactants on Carbon Dioxide ReleaseSama DuaRobinson Secondary School
First PlaceThe Effect of Apple Maturity on Vitamin C ContentSophia RichmondWoodson High School
Second PlaceThe Effects of Temperature on the Chemiluminescent Glow of LuminolJaayla Davidson, Gina QuaresimaSouth Lakes High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Baking Soda on Cookie DiameterVivian Smozynski, Alden WalcottSouth Lakes High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Temperature on the Reaction Between Potassium Permanganate and Oxalic AcidNaomi EnavRobinson Secondary School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Different Solutions on How Costume Jewelry TarnishesMadelyn Duran, Frieda LamarAnnandale High School
Second PlaceEffect of Electrolyte Additives on Gas Production From ElectrolysisMadhav Erraguntla, Dinesh Kaarthick Govindaraja, Abhinav KarthikWestfield High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Magnetic Surfactants on Pollutant RecoveryKaren OwensMarshall High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Atomic Packing Factor on The Melting Point of Elemental MetalsEthan LucasMount Vernon High School
Second PlaceHow does the concentration of soluble calcium change in milk based on milk fat?Joshua KohmEdison High School
Second PlaceHow Much Vitamin C is in Orange Juice?Jacqueline McCabeLake Braddock Secondary School
Second PlaceA computational approach in the determination of amorphous ice particles based on the oxygen atom distancesPeter Martinez-NikandrovLake Braddock Secondary School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Sunscreen Active Ingredients on UV ProtectionCharlotte HenryFalls Church High School
Third PlacePaint Purity: The Amount of Chromium in PaintSamantha StephanSouth County High School
Third PlaceEffects of Anti-Oxidizing Agents from Food on RustRyan Lee, Preston PolakowskiSouth County High School
Third PlaceThe Relationship Between Crystal Hardness and Light TransparencySeungmin Kim, Ehsan Zeiaei-NafchiCentreville High School
Third PlaceBanana to VinegarJohnson Escobar Juraez, Khue VuFalls Church High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of the Graphite to Clay Ratio on the Opacity of the ResidueJoshua Larson, Addyson Vandenbemden, Rylea VandenbemdenHayfield Secondary School
Third PlaceHow does yeast affect the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide?Areeb AliEdison High School
Third PlaceHow Temperature Affects the pH of Enzyme ReactionsPrisha Neelapala, Zoya ThoufiqWestfield High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Different Materials on Oil AbsorptionTejal Bhasin, Sarah Mayom, Angie Reyes-OrdonezJustice High School
Third PlaceThe effect of voltage on the hue of color when anodizing dying aluminumIsabella AnzalduaMount Vernon High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Different Amounts of Citric Acid on the Reaction of Bath BombsJames Le, Sayeda Arezo Mahboob, Jennifer NguyenAnnandale High School
Third PlaceSodium ShowdownEden FasikaLake Braddock Secondary School
Third PlaceHow well does a homemade cell phone spectrophotometer process absorption from samples?Alex Foos, Andrew HorneWest Potomac High School
Honorable MentionHow to Get the Perfect CupcakeAva Sliteris, Madeleine SoutherHayfield Secondary School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Baking Soda on the Rise of CupcakesOlivia Hauer, Viana Hemmati, Genevieve WadeSouth Lakes High School
Honorable MentionThe Effects of Sugar Concentrations on Yeast FermentationIsabella MercadoAnnandale High School
Honorable MentionWhat Are You Really Drinking?Zoe Andonegui, Amelia Bonnaffon, Anna Lucia StavlundJustice High School
Honorable MentionUsing Pennies to Test How pH Affects Different LiquidsRiley Faye Dino, Olivia VanderwaterEdison High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Different Fabrics on Sound TransferNolawi Abeje, Ayub Hussen, Axel SeguraAnnandale High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceSpatially heterogeneous GCN-coupled SIR infection modeling to inform policyPetr KisselevThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceA Novel Carbon-Aware Ant Colony System Algorithm for Sustainable TransportationMarina LinThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Second PlaceSeeing is Not Believing? Developing and Comparing AI-Image Detection ToolsShruthi MandavaChantilly High School
Second PlaceA Novel Approach to Algorithmic Redistricting: Combating Gerrymandering with AI ToolsDeven HagenThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Third PlaceAssessing the Effect of Change in Computational Complexity on the Accuracy and Efficiency of CSS CodesSumer ChaudharyBasis Independent
Third PlaceUsing JavaScript Type Semantics for a Better Difference-Tracking AlgorithmJacob JacksonThe Potomac School
Third PlaceAn Analysis of AI Autonomous Agents in Web Browsing and NavigationSarah LiMcLean High School
Honorable MentionThe Role of Machine Learning on the Recognition of Common Phonological ProcessesSean KimCentreville High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceFiltering The Future: A Novel Solution for Cleaner and Safer WaterNeel Kamath, Vinayak RamchandaniMadison High School
First PlaceThe Effect of Type of Compost on Carbon Dioxide and Methane ProductionSivan YagerMadison High School
First PlaceDiel Vertical Migration of Copepods: A Predictive Framework for Weir-Impacted WaterwaysJessica TroupCentreville High School
First PlaceMicroplastic Effects on Plant GrowthSuyeon (Emily) MoonMcLean High School
First PlaceAir Pollution and Population Density Correlation in the DMV RegionAlex GanMcLean High School
First PlaceThe Effect of Removing an Invasive Species from an EcosystemJulia TaylorHerndon High School
Second PlaceProtocols for Using Radon to Trace Greenhouse Gas Emissions in TreesAliyah Majeed-HallThe Potomac School
Second PlaceHydrophytes’ Phytoremediation on CopperJustine Bell, Allison HeggOakton High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Different Grass Types on the Amount of Soil ErosionEmerie Belda, Lydia TetreaultWoodson High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Microplastics on Plant Growth and HealthKatherine Bergersen, Bidhya Kafle, Colin O'ConnorCentreville High School
Second PlaceOptimizing Solar Energy Use with AI to Lower Data Centers' Carbon FootprintSaanvi UppalapatiLangley High School
Second PlaceThe effect of greenery on temperature within citiesBibi Maryam Hakimi, Marufa Hasan, Sasha-Madison NowlinJustice High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Microbubbles on Ocean AlbedoBrooke Ehmann-Jones, Emy FaseJustice High School
Second PlaceAI-Powered Trait Analysis for Poisonous Mushroom ClassificationSrikar AkundiChantilly High School
Second PlaceHow the Type of Plant Affects Soil DisplacementGavin FriedmanLake Braddock Secondary School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Different Types of Sunscreen on Aquatic Milfoil Plant GrowthMaya Focht, Nina WillcoxonWest Potomac High School
Second PlaceThe effect of chlorine on brine shrimpBryana Cespedes Paico, Sofia CruzJustice High School
Second PlaceThe Battle of the Fertilizers: The Ultimate Showdown Between Organic and InorganicMegan Brown, Fabiana Escobar Montano, Emerson NavarreteFairfax High School
Second PlaceImpact of Organic Matter on Conversion of Energy in Microbial Fuel CellsAngelina TaimouriFalls Church High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Natural Filtrating Organisms on Polluted WaterIshika ThalluriOakton High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Accelerated Decomposition on Plastic and BioplasticAvery TomasinoMadison High School
Honorable MentionMachine Learning Approach to Detection of Cybersecurity Threats in Smart Farming IoT SystemsSpandana TathicherlaCentreville High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Increased Salt Amount on Chaetomorpha Oxygen ProductionTomris Qaradagli, Jenna SperedelozziChantilly High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Humidity on the Current Produced by a Solar PanelEthan McCabe, Samuel WothingtonWoodson High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Brick Color on Temperature Over TimeRaine Jeff, Laura Stoker, Clara ThomasJustice High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Compost Configuration on Radish Sprout HeightAnna KimWoodson High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Silver Nano-particles on Daphnia magnaBrandon Chau, Laith EftekhariFairfax High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceMicro Closed-Loop, Pumped, Hydro-Power System Turbine AssessmentThomas SparlingOakton High School
First PlaceOptimizing Hydrogel Heat Sinks for Enhancing Solar Efficiency and ComputingOliver WangThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlacePhotovoltaic Electrochromic Window for Solar Harvesting and Light PollutionRushil KukrejaThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceAn Assessment of Nutrient Substrates to Enhance B. coagulants and P. fluorescens in Microbial Fuel CellsMax Alfert, Alexandros HejmoSouth Lakes High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Turbine Configuration on Turbine EfficiencyChris Devine, Henderson ZhouOakton High School
Second PlaceTesting the Efficiency of a Locally-Adapted Rocket Stove Prototype Using Biomass BriquettesIsabela RevisOakton High School
Second PlaceGravitational Energy StorageAmaan Khan, Kavin Paturu Muralikrishnan, Aiman UllahChantilly High School
Second PlaceHeat Transfer Through a Double Pane WindowCora GardnerMarshall High School
Second PlaceFueling the Future with Microalgae: The Effect of Zinc Citrate on Chlorella CultivationNoel TsigeMarshall High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Salinity on Voltage Output in Microbial Fuel CellsLam Dinh, Kyra RanakusumaLangley High School
Second PlaceThe Energy Output of Natural Piezoelectric Materials for Power GenerationParnika UrsWoodson High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Photovoltaic Solar Panel Surface Temperature on Voltage OutputDemir Doven, Jack DowneyEdison High School
Second PlaceInvestigating MagLev Stability: How much mass can the heavy trains hold?Evelyn AmesLake Braddock Secondary School
Second PlaceOptimizing Solar Panel Power Output Using Active ControlVarun Gagvani, Markas MaguireLangley High School
Second PlaceSynthesis of Zinc-Chitosan Biodegradable and Rechargeable Voltaic CellValeria NovoaMadison High School
Second PlaceThe Impact of Ocean Wave and Coastal Current Interactions on Wave Energy OutputVihaan ShahMarshall High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Different Insulators on the Rate at which Ice MeltsBaden Geary. Katie Holt, Riley RichardsHerndon High School
Second PlaceIncreasing Solar Panel Efficiency with Sun TrackingSaranya Cherukuri, Shriya GubbiLangley High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Wind Turbine Blade Shape on the Amount of Electricity ProducedJosephine HuynhFalls Church High School
Third PlaceDeveloping a Model that Predicts the Energy Output of a Solar PanelDaniel MurphyHerndon High School
Third PlaceRevolutionary Renewables: The Effect of Energy Sources on LumensSarah Mesnaoui, Nagone ReidHayfield Secondary School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Blade Shape on Wind Turbine Watt OutputGary TaylorFairfax High School
Third PlaceThe Amount of Carbon Emissions Produced by Different Octane FuelsJoseph Bishara, Adam KarskoFairfax High School
Honorable MentionCreating a Dye Sensitized Solar CellXavier Allen, Eileen KangMadison High School
Honorable MentionThe Impact of Sand Type on Energy Storage Capacity in Sand BatteriesAarna Gupta, Marissa TurekOakton High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Temperature on the Reactions in Lithium Ion BatteriesMax Le, Aidan Lee, Kaiely Morales CamposWest Springfield High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Mirror Shape On Solar Panel Energy OutputAmine Ferhoune, Biruh Yilma, Dylan ZuritaJustice High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceHeadSmart: An IoT solution in preventing Traumatic Brain Injury in SportsVictor ChoLangley High School
First PlaceBrailleSense: A Modular, Low-Cost Solution for Accessible Braille DisplaysAnush Devkar, Ansh MalhotraThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceInvention of a Low-Noise Toroidal Drone Propeller for Wildlife ResearchErim OzcanThe Potomac School
Second PlaceSecret Free-Space Optical Communication SystemMax Harr-RobinsMadison High School
Second PlaceNovel Machine Learning Approach for Autonomous MEV Satellite Docking via Deep Reinforcement NetworksKaden Hromek-Vaitla, Andreas Spoormaker, Bora YimeniciogluOakton High School
Second PlaceEnhancing Low Light Vision: A Sound-Based Solution for Vision in Low Light EnvironmentsJack DovaMount Vernon High School
Third PlaceDimple Dynamics: A CFD Analysis of Drag Decrease on a Model of a Cessna 172Dev GodaChantilly High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Wing Sweep Angle on DragNathaniel NiMarshall High School
Third PlaceAccessible Braille Maker Prototype Using ArduinoRosa GolacSouth Lakes High School
Third PlaceARC: Novel Space Debris Tracking and Elimination Using AI, Lasers, and RoboticsVeera AnandLangley High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of the Variability of Propeller Type on the Stability and Agility of a Quadcopter UAVNicholas FlaniganOakton High School
Honorable MentionMaximizing Cruising Aircraft Fuel Efficiency by Optimizing Angle of AttackAiyaad RashidMadison High School
Honorable MentionThe Relationship Between a Robot’s Ability to Balance and the Modeling of Human FeetYueun SimMcLean High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceSustainabiliTree: An Integrated System for Water, Solar Energy, and Flood Watches and WarningsKent FruchtmanOakton High School
First PlaceAI-Powered Optimization of Methyl Jasmonate-Induced Defense for Precise Pest ControlBennett Huang, Jason PanLangley High School
First PlaceEnhancing Hydrogels with Jute Infusion: A Sustainable Solution for Flood MitigationPeter Khramov, Maheer ZamanWoodson High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Environmental Changes on the Sample Mass of Polylactic AcidRiya Jame, Anshika Mantrala, Ashvika VinodhChantilly High School
Second PlaceAM to PMDeem Alfadhel, Zeinab Khan, Zaina NaffaKing Abdullah Academy
Second PlaceUse of Natural Materials for Heavy Metal Removal from Contaminated WaterDylan MayCentreville High School
Third PlaceS.O.R.T.E.R. - Smart Optical Recycling and Trash Evaluation RobotLuke Chuang, Alec McFadyenLangley High School
Third PlaceConcrete Filters: Permeable vs. Regular Concrete with Natural Filters for WaterStepan MkrtchianWest Springfield High School
Third PlaceAlgae and Gelatin: The secret to a sustainable worldHyeryn Son, Hali UdenasutaLangley High School
Third PlaceDesigning an Automated Monitoring System for Nitrate Concentration in WaterJordan GeeMarshall High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Biodegradable Hydrogels on the Conservation of WaterMays Numan, Sidra ZidanOakton High School
Honorable MentionCan Tenebrio molitor compost chicken litter?Lillian StankiewiczWest Springfield High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceSynthesis of HMPB-Cur-Pip Nanoparticles as Rheumatoid Arthritis TherapyAnaahita KaashyapThe Potomac School
First PlaceCompression Behavior and Resistance of Strut Based Lattice Structure DesignsTimothy TuMarshall High School
First PlaceEcoForge: A Novel Sustainable Geopolymer Alternative to Concrete, Optimized with Machine LearningAdithya Pillai, Lang XiongLangley High School
First PlacePcTx1-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticles for a Low-Cost Ischemic Stroke TreatmentHeman BekeleWoodson High School
Second PlaceNovel Nanopillar Structured Graphene-CNT Microelectrode Array Coatings: Plasticity and FidelityKhartik UppalapatiOakton High School
Second PlaceExploring Magnetic Properties in Metals Contra Magnetic Flux for Biomedical EngineeringJoelle RiceWoodson High School
Second PlaceEffect of Space-Like Conditions on 3D Printed Rocket Nose ConesSophia LamyWestfield High School
Second PlaceSound Insulation Shape: The Reduction of Power in High FrequenciesCamille Jo, Eleanor WolfWoodson High School
Third PlaceThe Impact of Cellulose Nanocrystal Coating on UV Absorbance in PlantsKareem Aly, Haris UmmanCentreville High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Paper Plane Paper and Design on PerformanceEvan LeeHerndon High School
Third PlaceWhat are the effects of different aggregates on the stability of concrete?Alexander KayalWoodson High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Recycled Polyester Fabric Based Insulation on Thermal RegulationTyler LimWoodson High School
Third PlaceTesting the Effectiveness of Various Mask Types in Blocking Particulate MatterLani Le, Subaita Mahmud, Shriya SeshadriWest Springfield High School
Third PlaceEngineering Energy Efficiency: Cooling Buildings through Trigonal SidingNikayla GerasimasMarshall High School
Third PlaceFinding the Best Material to Absorb Oil from WaterAzita HughlettLake Braddock Secondary School
Honorable MentionUsing Legal Substances to Replicate Banned "Sticky Stuff" for PitchersWilliam Kapalka, Brady MyersMadison High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Fire Detector Type on Time to DetectionCaroline McDanielWoodson High School
Honorable MentionHow do different aggregates affect concrete strength?Cadence PennFairfax High School
Honorable MentionWhich material absorbs the most sound?Zainab KashefEdison High School
Honorable MentionDecibel Dampeners: An Experiment Exploring the Characteristics of MatterAnna SinclairLake Braddock Secondary School
Honorable MentionWhat shape is best at soundproofing?Jeysi Ortiz, James Rocha, Zakirya SultaniJustice High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Different Moisturizers on Water LossNitya Bhandari, Natalie Del Cid Argueta, Smirti RanaHerndon High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceMeasuring Microorganism Interactions With MicroplasticsYoonsub ChoiOakton High School
First PlaceIn Vitro Interactions of Amphotericin B and Manogepix against C. neoformansAislinn LuongMarshall High School
First PlaceBioengineering Rhizobium to Reduce Runoff and Protect WaterwaysShumvobi MitraLangley High School
Second PlaceExploring the Impact of Voltage on E. coli Growth Rates and Developing Antibacterial SolutionsJames Anderson, Ethan KimCentreville High School
Second PlaceA Plaque Assay of Coliphage T4: A Solution to Bactericidal ResistanceLuke RedardChantilly High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Lysis Buffer Type on the Amount of DNA Extracted from Fragaria x AnanassaBianca Doru, John-Spates WilsonMadison High School
Second PlaceK12 vs. UV RaysHafsah ButtEdison High School
Third PlaceACT: Combating Antibiotic Resistance with Antibiotic Combination TherapyHannah GaffneyCentreville High School
Third PlaceRemoving Heavy Metal Pollutants in Water through Algae BiosorptionEthan Kim, John Kim, Joshua PunCentreville High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Antibiotics on Zones of Inhibition in Serratia marcescensAnna Wohler, Kate WohlerRobinson Secondary School
Third PlaceInvestigation of the different key ingredients in toothpaste brands and their effects on E. coliGrace NguyenRobinson Secondary School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Different Spices on Bacterial GrowthShreya Soni, Peyton TranSouth County High School
Honorable MentionThe effect of wavelengths of visible light on the growth of E. coli K-12Mohammad Ali, Connor BlairSouth Lakes High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of the Type of Sugar on Yeast Consumption RateSean WalshSouth Lakes High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Ultraviolet Light on the Growth of YeastThea Awad, Amisha RamroopEdison High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Disinfectant Type on E. coli GrowthAdriana Holder, Tram OnAnnandale High School
Honorable MentionThe Growth of Penicillium roqueforti in Different MilksWyatt Fegan, Zachary Hanna, Vilem RothWoodson High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Electrolyte Beverages on the Hydration of a CellAyat Ismael, Muskan Khalid, Sophie YamaokaAnnandale High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Different Sugar Types on Yeast Production in BreadAudrey Perschbacher, Khloe TuHayfield Secondary School
Honorable MentionPillowcases and Bacterial ExposureHailey Mose, Stephanie Nguyen, Alyssa PardoAnnandale High School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceThe Impact of Municipal Dimming on SkyglowJulia SitesSouth County High School
First PlaceModeling Exoplanet Detection via Transit Photometry: Random Forest ApproachSakethram Kuncha, Nam Ngo, Dev SrivastavaThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceAn Integrated Triple-Model Framework for Space Debris SurveillanceNikhil Krishna, Nived NandakumarThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
First PlaceThe Relationship Between Boundary Conditions and Beam DeflectionZoya GhantiwalaSouth Lakes High School
First PlacePlasma Discharge Dynamics According to AltitudeAvi PrakashMarshall High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of String Material on the Longevity of TuningChengzi LinFalls Church High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Different Wind Turbine Blades on Ability to Produce Electrical CurrentCarmen ThomasonChantilly High School
Second PlaceQudoku: A Quantum-Inspired Algorithm for Solving Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsMax ZhaoThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Second PlaceQuantum-Classical Optimization: A Virginia Approach to the Traveling Salesman ProblemTanush Vuppala, Surin WettimunyThomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Second PlaceTissue Penetration Using a Gauss GunYixiang WangMarshall High School
Second PlaceCELESTIA: An Approach to Predicting Aurora Borealis Using Machine LearningNeha Ranjith, Keya ShahWestfield High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Hockey Stick Flex on the Speed of the PuckBenjamin SchafferSouth Lakes High School
Second PlaceEffect of Thermal Variation in Johnson-Nyquist-Noise-Based Calibration on Exoplanet PhotometryNathan VailikitWoodson High School
Second PlaceDrop Dynamics: How Parachute Size MattersElla Campbell, Kelsey FriedmanLake Braddock Secondary School
Second PlaceModeling Holographic Microscopy Using Z-Stacking to Visualize Cells in 3DAkshara MittalFairfax High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Surface Area on the Displacement of a ColloidLily Rumpf, Sofia SaavedraAnnandale High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Remote Controlled Car Body Shape on SpeedJohn RileySouth County High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of the Release Angle on the Period of a PendulumEmily Fontana, Kendall KnottEdison High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Different Lubricants on the Friction Force Experienced by a Toy CarJohn Dobson, Jacob Hannan, Bryce MccarrickEdison High School
Third PlaceA Study of Fluid Dynamics and Torricelli's LawClara HastingsEdison High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Water on a Tennis Ball's BounceLizzie Gronberg, Megan MurrayAnnandale High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Mass on Displacement in a Projectile MotionKatherine HanlenAnnandale High School
Third PlaceHow does a rocket's fins affect its flight?Bao Hua, Nuh YesufAnnandale High School
Third PlaceHow does varying airflow speed impact the rate of convective heat transfer?Maverick JohnsonMount Vernon High School
Third PlaceInvestigating the effect of wavelength of light on the resistance produced by a photoresistorRoger GonzalezMount Vernon High School
Third PlaceComparing the Effectiveness of Rock Climbing Ropes on Falling SafetyHarper Chapman, Zoe LigairiAnnandale High School
Third PlaceA Study of the Effects of Time Dilation on a Cancer Cell ModelAlicia YauMcLean High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Shoe Insert Materials on Shock AbsorptionMina Moore, Rebecca Rose, Sofia WardHayfield Secondary School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Wind Rotor Blade Length on Rotation SpeedRamsey Hafez, Varun Phadke, Stephen ReiderSouth Lakes High School
Honorable MentionWhat Allows a Helicopter to Have the Greatest Lift?Alyssa BiscombeHayfield Secondary School
Honorable MentionThe effect of amplitude of a simple pendulum on the maximum velocity of travelAnnie Osorio MartinezMount Vernon High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Adhesion on the Speed of a CarVivaan Dutt, Neel SawantChantilly High School
Honorable MentionStudy of the Conversion of Gravitational Potential Energy to Kinetic EnergyNoa Dinh, David Park, Catherine WilliamsonRobinson Secondary School
Honorable MentionHow Close?Grace MenezHayfield Secondary School
Honorable MentionThe World of PiezoelectricityAddinae SylvesterWest Potomac High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Parachutes on Maximum and Terminal VelocitiesLeona AgyepongLake Braddock Secondary School

AwardProject TitleStudentsSchool
First PlaceA Novel Procedure To Extract and Quantify Leaf ProteinAudrey Tan, Allison XuMadison High School
First PlacePlant Waste to Nanoparticles: A Green Solution to Combat Fungi FusariumStella HongMadison High School
First PlaceThe Effect of Flavonoids in Onion Peels on Plant Growth and Root Nodule DevelopmentSarah DalmetFairfax High School
First PlaceThe Effect of Allium sativum Oil on Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Production of RaphanusMillicent VanstoryMarshall High School
First PlaceSeed Germination Through Different Plantable Seed PapersGina Amatucci, Mackenzie GrayRobinson Secondary School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Lead Nitrate on Lemna minorMichael ZouOakton High School
Second PlaceWhat is the quickest method for ripening green tomatos?Daniel McIntyreCentreville High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Amoxicillin on Auxenochlorella GrowthSophia GeorgievaMarshall High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of Plants, Mulch, and None on Soil ErosionGhaarunya BalamuruganWestfield High School
Second PlaceThe Effect of pH on the Rate of Photosynthesis of Spinacia oleracea L.Emma EderLake Braddock Secondary School
Second PlaceThe Effect of the Caffeine Concentration on Stem Height of Zinnia elegansKayleigh ThompsonRobinson Secondary School
Second PlaceThe effect of levels of light on stomatal density in kidney beansEva GreekMount Vernon High School
Third PlaceIncomplete Dominance Flower Pigment vs. SeparationAdelaide Falkofske, Sarah TracySouth County High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Quercetin Dihydrate on Coleus blumei Root GrowthSyra Naaz, Izza NasirSouth County High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Alternative Fertilizers on the Height of Green Bean PlantsAnthony FioreSouth Lakes High School
Third PlaceEffects of Acidic Water on Plant GrowthFaith Kim, Tejasvini SharmaFairfax High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Different Levels of Acidic Water on Radish Growth in a Span of 30 DaysOmra Haqiqat, Elaha JaghoriSouth Lakes High School
Third PlaceThe Effects of Different Music Genres on Dwarf Polka Dot PlantsEvan VanderVeenSouth Lakes High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Different pH Levels on the Growth of Basil PlantsCecilia YoungerRobinson Secondary School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Sound Frequencies on Plant GrowthCatherine Rosas RiojaFairfax High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Different Colored Lights on Plant GrowthAnna SalamonAnnandale High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of Different Growing Systems on Plant GrowthKelly HoltzAnnandale High School
Third PlaceGrowing 3 different types of plants with 4 different types of fertilizersMegan GreenFairfax High School
Third PlaceThe Effect of pH Modifiers on Pepper Plants and the Amount of Peppers ProducedBaraka Matowo, William Staten IIIMount Vernon High School
Honorable MentionWifi Radio Frequency Radiation Effect on Plant HeightSimon Solomon, Yafet TecleSouth County High School
Honorable MentionGibberellin Effects on C. demersum Stem LengthTimothy Howard, Patrick Molloy, Mateo RodriguezSouth County High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Different Soils on Kidney Bean Plant GrowthSamya Adyel, Stefan Honcharov, Lauren McVaneyMount Vernon High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Different Plant Species on CO2 Emissions Rate During RespirationMahsa Jawaid, Vivian WeszelovszkyEdison High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of Nitrogen Based Fertilizer on Coltavada arugulaMalakai Brock, Juan Corado, Clay CornetteJustice High School
Honorable MentionHow Do Different Amounts of Fertilizer Affect Oregano Leaf Growth?Scott UgarteFairfax High School
Honorable MentionThe Effect of the Fruit Ripening Process on Fruit Sugar ContentBin ChenAnnandale High School