What's Happening at FCPS
Superintendent's Weekly Reflections
Dr. Reid writes about all the great things happening in Fairfax County Public Schools. This week, she thanks our facilities, grounds, and Food and Nutrition teams for their work during last week's snow closures, attended a girls wrestling tournament, a virtual Community Boundary Review meeting, and…
FCPS Not Involved in PowerSchool Data Breach
PowerSchool confirms FCPS was not impacted by the company's recent data breach.
Fairfax County School Board Ratifies Two Collective Bargaining Agreements with Fairfax Education Unions
Fairfax County School Board Ratifies Historic Collective Bargaining Agreements
Fairfax County Public Schools inspires and empowers students to meet high academic standards.
We're the 9th largest school system in the U.S. -- 199 schools
We teach nearly 183,000 enrolled students
FCPS employs over 25,000 full-time staff
Our school bus fleet is the largest in the country--over 1,600 buses
FCPS on the Move
These videos showcase our amazing students--and the staff that help make Fairfax County Public Schools a nationally recognized school division.
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