Rashida Green enjoys kisses from her goldendoodle puppy Willow Wiggles.

Top Dogs

  • By Communications & Community Relations
  • Employee News
  • September 07, 2022

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Dr. Reid walks on a beach with three dogsThe Mount Vernon Gazette recently published a Pet Gazette, featuring more than a dozen of the most principled pets in the county…and their owners, FCPS principals and Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid. 

Dr. Reid traveled cross-country to start her job in Fairfax over the summer, and her three dogs, Nita, Zeus, and Rufus, were along for the ride.

Lola Jane, a 20-month-old pitbull-terrier and beagle mix, loves finding the squeaker inside her toys, snuggling with family on the couch, and playing tag with her best friends Arlo and Murphy. She belongs to Franconia Elementary Principal Andrew Smith. 

Andrew Smith and his dog Lola JaneBucknell Elementary School Principal Rashida Green enjoys kisses and snuggles from her mini goldendoodle Willow Wiggles as a form of self-care. (Photo above by Neika Smith Photography)

Spending time with pets can be a great way to increase activity and exercise and decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They can also be great ways to manage stress, anxiety and depression. 

Do you have a pet who helps calm you after a stressful week? Tell us about them! We may feature them in an upcoming blog.