Workshops and Webinars on YouTube
Family Resource Center Workshops and Webinars on Youtube
Understanding HS Mathematics Course Offerings (3/2024) Spanish and Korean
How can students participate in mathematics throughout high school in a way that is relevant to and supportive of post-secondary and career interests?
Mathspace Mastery - Elevating independent learning and SOL prep (4/2024)
This informative session will highlight how your student can use Mathspace to independently tackle math challenges, perfectly aligned with their grade-level course.
Handling Disappointing Grades: Ways to Uncover the Reasons Behind Your Child's School Performance (2/2024)
New School Year, New Strategy How To Plan, Persist And Achieve Academic Success This Year (9/2024)
Understanding the 2023 New Mathematics Standards (9/2024) Spanish
ST Math Summer Learning for Elementary Students and Families (6/2023)
ST Math teaches all students math in grades k-6, how the brain learns - whether distance learning, in the classroom, or at home. In this webinar, you will learn about how ST Math teaches math using visual models and engaging puzzles.
Mathspace - A Webinar for Secondary Families - Summer Learning Opportunities (6/2023)
Learn how to support your current secondary student in continuing their mathematical learning over the summer using Mathspace.
Mathspace Aprendizaje de verano para estudiantes de secundaria (6/2023)
Aprenda cómo apoyar a su estudiante de matemáticas de secundaria durante el verano
Mathspace - 중고등학생을 위한 수학 지원 (6/2023)
여름 동안 중고등학생의 수학을 지원하는 방법을 배우십시오.
Mathspace - دعم الرياضيات لطالبك الثانوي (6/2023)
تعرف على كيفية دعم طالب الرياضيات الثانوي خلال فصل الصيف
Equitable Access to Literacy Plan Overview for Secondary Families (6/2023)
The Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Equitable Access to Literacy (EAL) Plan outlines the division’s continuous improvement efforts to align practices with science based reading research.
Equitable Access to Literacy Plan Overview for Elementary Families (5/2023)
The Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Equitable Access to Literacy (EAL) Plan outlines the division’s continuous improvement efforts to align practices with science based reading research.
Everything You Need to Know About Marijuana in 1 hour: A Webinar for Families (1/2022)
“Everyone’s doing it” is what most teenagers will say about marijuana, but truly only about 20% of teens have used marijuana in the last 30 days. During our session, we’ll talk about a myriad of topics relating to marijuana to include: THC vs CBD, legalization vs decriminalization, the various ways marijuana can be consumed, and more.
Bullying & Harassment Prevention & Intervention (10/2018)
The definition of bullying as well as strategies to help prevent and support students
Preparar a las familias para conversaciones difíciles sobre el alcohol y las drogas (4/2023)
* Comprender información básica sobre el alcohol, la nicotina, Cannabis y opioides *Haga una lista de lo que puede hacer como cuidador * Identificar y conectarse con los recursos de la comunidad
Promoting Digital Wellness (10/2022)
Access to technology provides limitless opportunities to connect with others, explore diverse perspectives, share and build upon ideas, get involved in the community, and find opportunities. However, many kids are online almost constantly, which poses a number of challenges that impact youth wellness.
Buying New Devices: What Parents Need to Know (12/2021)
Have you been thinking about a new phone, laptop, or gaming system purchase for your child? This session will help parents understand developmental factors, how to proactively prepare and establish boundaries with your child, and how to respond to challenges when they arise.
Family Digital Wellness: When is the Internet a Problem? (10/2021)
Here you will find the latest science-based resources to help you care for children, ages 0-25. Quickly find what you need to know about a child’s developmental stage, a specific type of technology, or how media can affect health and well-being.
Digital Citizenship Series Part 2: Hot Topics: What Concerns You the Most? (1/2021)
Digital Citizenship Series Part 1: How to Find Balance with Technology (11/2020)
When technology becomes the primary place for school and connecting with others, what does it look like to set boundaries?
3 Things Every Parent Should Know About Getting Tech Support From Your FCPS School (9/2020)
FCPS Parents can easily request help from their school for common (and not so common) tech problems.
3 Things Every Parent Should Know About Calling Tech Support 9/2020
FCPS Parents can easily request help from FCPS.
Raising A Screen Smart Kid (11/2019)
Strategies for helping families navigate the digital frontier.
How to Subscribe to a School Calendar (11/2019)
Subscribing to FCPS calendars.
Digital Citizenship (5/2019)
Necessary supports for students have a safe online space in which to learn healthy, and respectful technology use at home and school.
Kindergarten: What Every Family Needs to Know (6/2023)
Transition to kindergarten can be an exciting time for children and families. It can also be stressful.
Growing through Tough Moments for Early Learners (5/2022)
There are so many ways children learn and develop throughout early childhood. Relationships, habits, and even challenges can become rich opportunities to teach and foster lifelong learning and skills for our children. Learn more about how self-regulation, executive functioning, and routines can help your children learn and develop.
Supporting Healthy Habits and Routines in Early Learners (4/2022)
There are so many ways children learn and develop throughout early childhood. Relationships, habits, and even challenges can become rich opportunities to teach and foster lifelong learning and skills for our children. Learn more about how self-regulation, executive functioning, and routines can help your children learn and develop.
Supporting Self-Regulation Development in Early Learners (3/2022)
There are so many ways children learn and develop throughout early childhood. Relationships, habits, and even challenges can become rich opportunities to teach and foster lifelong learning and skills for our children. Learn more about how self-regulation, executive functioning, and routines can help your children learn and develop.
I Can't Focus! When ADHD Impacts Your Child's Math & Writing Performance (9/2022)
Math and writing are often difficult subjects for students with ADHD because both require extensive working memory. But with the right study hacks and strategies, almost anyone can master writing and math!
How to Improve Your Child’s Executive Functioning Skills Without All the Arguments This School Year (9/2021)
Do you have any homework?” “I’m not sure…” “What do you mean you’re not sure? Where’s your agenda?” “I think it’s in my room...somewhere.”
Effectively Communicating With Your Student (4/2021)
Families will review strategies to increase effective communication with their children.
Tips to See an Increase in Following Directions (4/2021)
Families will review strategies to support their students with following directions.
Zoomed Out? 5 Strategies to Get Even the Most Reluctant Kids Focused, Engaged, and Motivated! (2/2021)
What’s a parent to do when kids are already unfocused and unmotivated when it comes to virtual learning? Ann Dolin will help “right the ship” so that parenting doesn’t feel like a grind.
Behavior Happens for a Reason: Behavior as Communication (1/2021)
After completing this training, parents/guardians will be able to Identify the reasons why behaviors occur and make connections to executive function skills and behavior.
Strategies Increasing Replacement Behaviors (1/2021)
Parents/guardians will identify resources to support increasing target skills to replace challenging behaviors.
Challenging Behaviors: ABCs of Behavior & How to Respond (11/2020)
Parents/guardians will review strategies and methods to teach goal directed persistence and general tips on how to proactively prevent challenging behavior.
Challenging Behaviors: Prevention Strategies and Teaching Self-Control (10/2020)
After completing this training, parents/guardians will be able to identify the connection between executive function skills and the prevention of challenging behaviors.
Supporting Executive Functions at Home: A Webinar for Families (9/2020)
Our FCPS Behavior Intervention Services team will provide resources to help families support the growth of student executive functioning skills during this time of distance learning and beyond.
How to Keep Distracted Kids in “Study Mode” (Even if They Have ADHD) (4/2020)
Whether your child struggles with executive functioning skills, has ADHD, or would simply rather be playing Fortnite than doing online schooling, this webinar is for you.
Getting Past Procrastination (9/2019)
Tips to get students organized, focused and motivated.
High School Success: A Strategic Transition from MS to HS (5/2019)
Learn successful executive functioning skills needed to have a successful transition from Middle School to High School.
Counseling Services in Virginia: How to Get the Help You Desire (5/2024)
Dads: Stop the Power Struggles and Get the Respect You Want (10/2022)
As dads, we want to be respected so our kids don't make the same mistakes we made. But how do you discipline and motivate kids who don't respond to consequences?
Managing Aggression and Teaching Cooperation (5/2022)
Learn how to use the Triple P curriculum to encourage cooperation with children.
Strategies to Support Social-Emotional Learning at Home: A Webinar for Families (4/2021)
Social and emotional learning starts at home. Parents and families are critical partners in helping their children develop social and emotional know-how. They can model the kinds of skills, attitudes, and behaviors we want all students to master.
Fostering Wellness at Home (11/2021)
How can families support student wellness at home? When we focus on the strengths of the family and child, we can find ways to navigate difficult times and challenging transitions.
Rewriting your Parenting Story (10/2021)
No one's parenting journey goes the way they expect. But do you feel like your story has gotten away from you? Take back the narrative of your parenting.
Positive Discipline: Keeping Your Sanity While Getting Your Teens To Cooperate (1/2021)
This workshop will provide information to parents on various discipline techniques and routines to use for adolescents.
Zoomed Out? 5 Strategies to Get Even the Most Reluctant Kids Focused, Engaged, and Motivated! (1/2021)
What’s a parent to do when kids are already unfocused and unmotivated when it comes to virtual learning?
Into Adulthood: The Journey from Dependence to Independence (11/2020)
10 Tips to help launch your young adult successfully into adulthood and strategies to teach your child “soft” employment, money management and communication/self-advocacy skills.
How to Get Your Child or Adolescent to Open Up to You (10/2020)
We all want to know what's going on in our children's lives. We want to know about school and about their friends. We want to hear their successes and their struggles.
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Webinar (10/2020)
Talking with your teen or young adult can be challenging. Having meaningful, ongoing conversations about drugs and alcohol, however, is key to helping keep your son or daughter healthy and safe.
From Chaos to Calm: 10 Ways to Stop Power Struggles (9/2020)
Strategies to restore calm in your home and stop power struggles.
Setting the Stage for Behavior: Routines, Procedures, & Expectations (9/2020)
Strategies and positive supports to help encourage social, emotional, and behavioral growth.
123 Magic: The 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting A Webinar for Families (8/2020)
1-2-3 Magic allows you to get back in charge of your home, enjoy your family again, and help your kids develop their emotional intelligence.
The Juggle: Building Your Resilience through Self-Care: A Webinar for Parents and Caregivers (7/2020)
This workshop will acknowledge and celebrate parents/caregivers and introduce practical strategies to build resilience based on brain science.
10 Non-negotiable Rules for Raising a Teenager: A Webinar for Families (5/2020)
No one has ever said that raising teenagers is for the faint of heart. And while all parents genuinely want what's best for their children, teenagers seem to talk in a completely different language that's coded with many meanings.
Calm Conversations with Teens (1/2020)
Ways to communicate, talk with and relate to your teen in a stress-free, healthy manner
Raising Children with High Self-Esteem (12/2019)
Tools to help foster self-esteem in children.
The Zones of Regulation at Home (12/2019)
Strategies families can use to help identify, manage and regulate emotions
Parenting through Challenging Times (11/2019)
Hands-on exercises in mindfulness and balance. Demonstration of several techniques parents can use to bring calm to families' households.
Helping Your Child Cope with Stress (10/2019)
Tips and strategies for helping families help children deal with anxiety and stress.
Knowing the Signs: Substance Abuse and Today's Youth (10/2019)
An inspiring struggle with addiction and journey to recovery
Power Struggles (9/2019)
Help recognize power struggles, identify when they occur, and strategies to help avoid power struggles.
Bullying & Harassment Prevention & Intervention (10/2018)
The definition of bullying as well as strategies to help prevent and support students
The Breakthrough Years with Ellen Galinsky (5/2024)
Child development expert Ellen Galinsky challenges widely held assumptions about adolescents and offers new ways for parents and others to better understand and interact with them in a way that helps them thrive.
Gifted and Distractible with Julie Skolnick (4/2024)
Does your child exhibit giftedness and behavioral issues like meltdowns, power struggles, and difficulty relating to their peers? Are they out-of-the-box thinkers requiring different teaching and learning methods?
Mind in the Making with Ellen Galinsky (3/2024)
Looking for research-based advice for families on how to raise their children to be well-rounded and achieve their full potential, helping them learn to take on life's challenges, communicate well with others, and remain committed to learning?
Raising a Kid Who Can (2/2024)
Organized in a novel “guidebook” style that’s illustrated, skimmable, and fun to read, it’s easy to find immediately useful strategies that you can apply to your specific kid.
The Self-Driven Child - Dr. William Stixrud (11/2024)
Join Dr. William Stixrud while he discusses his book, The Self-Driven Child.
1 2 3 Magic (5/2023)
In this presentation, the co-author of 1-2-3 Magic for Kids and The 1-2-3 Magic Workbook, Tracy Lee, will briefly touch on the main components of the program.
123 Magia: Lo basico (5/2023)
En esta presentaci6n, la coautora de 1-2-3 Magic tor Kids y de 1-2-3 Magic Workbook hablara brevemente sob re los principales componentes del programa.
The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers (12/2022)
Socially, mentally, and spiritually, teenagers face a variety of pressures and stressors each day. Despite these pressures, it is still families who can influence teens the most, and The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers equips parents to make the most of that opportunity.
Paige Saves the Day (12/2022)
Paige is a happy kid with a unique fashion sense and creative imagination. Despite being bullied because of the things that make her different, she enjoys using her creativity to entertain her family and friends with stories in which she and her dog, Peppermint, are superheroes who always save the day!
All Cats are on the Autism Spectrum (2/2023)
Cats take a playful look at the world of autism, and these fun feline friends will strike a chord with all those who are familiar with children on the Autism Spectrum. Join Kathy Hoopmann as she celebrates the diversity within this neurodiverse community by reading from her book and answering audience questions.
Worry and Anxiety Using Evidence-Based Strategies to Help Children and Adolescents - part 2 (3/2024
Worry and Anxiety: Using Evidence-Based Strategies to Help Children and Adolescents - Part I (12/2023)
This presentation will provide information and guidance on how to talk about grief & loss with children and teens. Parents, guardians, and other supportive adults are welcome to join and learn about what they can do to support the grieving child in their life.
Supporting Early Childhood Mental Health through Play - Part I (5/2023)
Supporting EC Mental Health Through Play - Part 2 (5/2023)
This is a 2-part interactive session designed for parents, caregivers, and educators to discover how incorporating more unstructured play & sensory foundational activities to support all young children’s development, including children with special needs and mental health concerns.
Where to Start: Supporting Children When Someone They Love Has Cancer (11/2022)
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, this presentation will provide information and guidance on how to support your children throughout the cancer journey.
The Social Emotional Screener What Every Family Needs to Know (10/2022)
Social and emotional learning competencies are foundational skills for success in school and beyond. Students will participate in the SEL Screener in the fall and spring this year. The screener provides valuable information that guides planning and learning opportunities for families, staff, students, and school communities.
Create Calm and Confidence in the Midst of Chaos and Uncertainty: Strategies for Families (4/2021)
Trying to lead a family during these times can be exceedingly difficult. Children's mental health is declining, and parents are concerned about their own mental health.
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (2/2020)
How and why adversity and trauma can reliably predict risks for mental, physical, and behavioral health and productivity, and how protection, prevention, and resilience promotion can profoundly help.
Why Won’t My Child Go to School (2/2019)
Symptoms and supports for students who refuse to go to school
Supporting Anxious Children (8/2018)
The science and biological roots of anxiety in children and teens
Depression in Children and Teens (6/2018)
Signs and symptoms of depression in children and teens
What is Restorative Justice? (4/2018)
The philosophy of restorative justice
Pathways to Preschool - FCPS Early Childhood Services (8/2020)
Learn about FCPS preschool special education services.
Pathways to Preschool - FCPS Transportation (8/2020)
Learn about transportation for FCPS preschool students.
Pathways to Preschool - The FCPS Parent Resource Center (8/2020)
Learn about the supports and resources available at the FCPS Parent Resource Center.
Pathways to Preschool - FCPS Related Services (8/2020)
Learn about special education related services for preschool students.
Covid 19 C19 Compensatory Services Partnership Between FCPS and Varsity Tutors (5/2024)
An overview of the partnership.
Special Education: Understanding the Process and Collaborating with Your School (4/2021)
An orientation for parents new to special education
FBA/BIP Essentials for Families (3/2024) Spanish Chinese
Join us to learn about the FBA and BIP process and how it is used in FCPS to support any student who experiences behavioral challenges.
The transition from elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school for 2e learners (1/2024) Spanish Chinese
*Learn about the tools and strategies to help your child navigate this period of change successfully.
College 101 - A Webinar for Families of Students with Disabilities (2/2021)
Explore the differences between high school and college experiences and the crucial skills needed for college success.
Exploring Early Childhood Assistive Technology at Home (3/2019)
Strategies to help children who struggle with language expression
Section 504: What Parents Need to Know (3/2018)
Introduction to Section 504 and it's implications in schools
Twice Exceptional Learners in FCPS (12/2019)
FCPS Services and resources available for Twice-Exceptional or 2e Learners
Technology to Support Reading & Writing while Encouraging Independence (4/2019)
Join FCPS Assistive Technology Services to explore a variety of technology tools to support student success and independence with reading and writing in the digital classroom and at home.
Autism Safety Considerations (4/2019)
Strategies for caregivers to help keep people with Autism safe
ADHD: Does Gender Matter? (10/2018)
Gender differences in ADHD and the important implications in diagnosis and treatment
Building Healthy Relationships (4/2018)
Navigating the social world for students with disabilities.
Technology Tools to Support Students with Dyslexia and other Reading Difficulties (4/2018)
Tools and strategies for students who struggle with reading
Employment ideas for students with disabilities
Kindergarten: What Every Family Needs to Know (6/2023)
Transition to kindergarten can be an exciting time for children and families. It can also be stressful
College 101 - A Webinar for Families of Students with Disabilities (2/2021)
Explore the differences between high school and college experiences and crucial skills needed for college success.
Exploring Post-Secondary Options through the College & Career Center (1/2021)
Preparing for life after high school requires research, exploration, and planning. Student success is individualized based on achieving goals and determining the best fit and match in postsecondary planning.
Into Adulthood: The Journey from Dependence to Independence (1/2021)
This session will provide 10 Tips to help launch your young adult successfully into adulthood.
Apego: Creando una relación con mi hijo donde se sienta seguro y protegido - Parte 2 (5/2024)
Mathspace Aprendizaje de verano para estudiantes de secundaria (6/2023)
Aprenda cómo apoyar a su estudiante de matemáticas de secundaria durante el verano
Mathspace - 중고등학생을 위한 수학 지원 (6/2023)
여름 동안 중고등학생의 수학을 지원하는 방법을 배우십시오.
Mathspace - دعم الرياضيات لطالبك الثانوي (6/2023)
تعرف على كيفية دعم طالب الرياضيات الثانوي خلال فصل الصيف
Preparar a las familias para conversaciones difíciles sobre el alcohol y las drogas (4/2023)
* Comprender información básica sobre el alcohol, la nicotina, Cannabis y opioides *Haga una lista de lo que puede hacer como cuidador * Identificar y conectarse con los recursos de la comunidad
التربية الوالدية - سلسلة ندوات عبر الإنترنت للأسر الناطقة باللغة العربية #2-استراتيجيات التواصل (3/2022)
(3/2022) مهارات الأبوة للأسر العربية - سد الفوارق الثقافية والأجيال
(11/2021) الأبوة والأمومة من خلال الأوقات الصعبة
(6/2021) لقاحات COVID-19 وعملية التطعيم في مقاطعة فيرفاكس
Construyendo y Manteniendo Familias Solidas (4/2021)
Vacunas COVID-19 y el proceso de vacunación en el condado de Fairfax (4/2021)
Vắc-xin COVID-19 và quy trình tiêm chủng tại Quận Fairfax (4/2021)
كيف تحتفظ بالتقاليد و المثل العربيه في المجتمع الامريكي Challenges of Parenting in US (in Arabic) (4/2021)
School Transitions for Military Families: Outgoing and Incoming Students (6/2022)
Using tools from her book, “Seasons of My Military Student,” Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman will offer relevant tips and strategies for managing new challenges.
Month of the Military Child - Meet Meredith Ayala and Stacey Huisman (4/2022)
Celebrating April as Month of the Military Child, meet Meredith Ayala, Family Partnerships Specialist working with military connected students and families and Stacy Huisman, Family Liaison and military spouse and journalist.
Schools and Military-Connected Students: Supportive Programs and Practices (2/2022)
Using tools from her book, “Seasons of My Military Student,” Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman will offer relevant tips and strategies for managing new challenges.
Preparing for the Unexpected: Challenges of Military Families (12/2021)
Storms in Any Season- What parents need to know about deployments, Injuries, Separations, and Loss
18th Annual Special Education Conference Opening Ceremony
Guest Speakers:
- 5 Ways to De-escalate Dysregulated or Defiant Children
- Unstuck and On Target: Improving Executive Function, On Task and Flexible Behavior in Students
- Fostering Resilience and Healthy Self-Esteem in Children With Big Emotions
- Worry & Anxiety: Using Evidence-Based Strategies to Help Kids, Adults & Caregivers Cope - Dr. Berman
FCPS Staff Presentations:
- 10 Assistive Technology Tools for the Workplace
- Talk to Me! Home Ideas for Supporting Children Who Use AAC
- ADHD and Substance Use Disorder
- Adverse Childhood Experiences ACE Supportive Actions Matter
- Calm Creators Tools to Help Students Process Feelings
- College Success for Students with Disabilities
- Early Childhood AT Easy as 1, 2, 3
- Early Childhood Language at Home Making the Most of Daily Routines
- Introduction to the Science of Reading for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
- Neurodiversity, Neurodivergent, and Neurotypical What Does it All Mean
- Outdoor Learning Why and How to Make Learning Happen in Natural Outdoor Spaces
- Seven Tips to Behavior Success at Home
- Understanding the Criteria for Participation in the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program VAAP
- Understanding the Nature and Needs of Twice Exceptional 2e Students
- AAC Basics The What Why and How
- Equitable Access to Literacy Preventative Measures for Students with Dyslexia and or Dysgraphia
- Families as Partners Supporting Your Student’s Social and Emotional Learning SEL
- Inclusive Technology Tools to Support Literacy
- Overview of the Office of the Ombuds
- ADHD and Substance Use Disorder
- Work-Based Learning for Special Education Students
Special Education Conference Opening Ceremonies:
Welcome to the FCPS 17th annual Special Education Conference. Opening ceremonies include a welcome message from the FCPS Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent of Special Services, a presentation of the Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) First Class Awards, and closing remarks from the Director of the Office of Special Education Instruction.
Guest Speakers
- A Conversation about Compassion Fatigue By Lisa Culllins
- Exceptional Family Member Program Pathways Navigating the Halls of a Permanent Change of Station PC by Marlo Keller
- Less Policing, More Parenting How to Improve Your Child’s Executive Functioning Skills Without All by Ann Dolin
- Reducing the Stigma around Mental Health Challenges and How to Support Children in Asking for Help by Dr. Lisa Bateman
FCPS Staff Presentations
- Beyond the School Day - Access to Extracurricular Activities
- Challenging Behaviors: ABCs of Behavior and How to Respond
- Children’s Literature and Social Emotional Learning
- College Success for Students with Disabilities
- Families as Partners Supporting Your Student’s Social and Emotional Learning SEL
- Frequently Asked Questions about Special Education
- Inclusive Technology Tools for All Learners
- Math Matters
- Moving Learning Outside: Activity Ideas for Outdoor Learning
- Overview of the Office of the Ombudsman
- Parent Coaching in Early Childhood
- Promoting Well Being Through Positive Psychology
- School-Based Physical Therapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) Family Support
- Seven Steps to Behavior Success at Home
- Strategies to Diffuse Unexpected Behavior
- Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences: Building Self Healing Communities
- Understanding the Transition Individual Education Program IEP
- Top 10 Assistive Technology Tips for Transitioning to College or the Workplace
- Work-Based Learning in the Community, School and at Home
- Web Walk: Navigating the Online Resources Available to Families through OSEPS
Special Education Conference Opening Ceremonies:
Welcome to the FCPS 16th annual Special Education Conference. Opening ceremonies include a welcome message from the FCPS Superintendent, the Special Education Ombudsman, the Assistant Superintendent of Special Services, a presentation of the ACSD awards, and closing remarks from the Director of the Office of Special Education Instruction.
Guest Speakers
- ADHD & SPD: Stop Power Struggles, Start Building Confidence by Kirk Martin
- How to Help your Child Cope with the Pandemic and the Return to Normalcy by Dr. Lisa Bateman
- Examining the Definitions and Differences Between SEL and Mental Health by Dr. Amy F. Parks
- Hybrid Hurdles: Keeping Kids Focused, Motivated, and Engaged on a Hybrid Schedule by Ann Dolin
- Kids Love Screen Time, What Could Possibly Go Wrong? by Julianna Miner and Dr. Clifford Sussman
FCPS Staff Presentations
- A Parent’s Guide to Building Independence at Home and in the Community
- Accommodations and Modifications: Planning for Instruction
- Adapting Books for Students with Vision Impairments and Other Disabilities
- Assistive Technology AT Ambassadors: Accessibility, Assistive Technology, and Student Voice
- Beyond the Buzz Words: Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools for All
- Beyond the School Day-Access to Extracurricular Activities 2021
- Building Self-Healing Communities
- Concurrent Teaching
- Considerations for Students with Disabilities in the College Search & Beyond
- Developing Inclusive Practices through the Implementation of High Leverage Practices (HLPs)Diploma Options For Students with Disabilities
- Essential Executive Functions: Helping Students Build Study and Organizational SkillsFacilitating Communication in the Home and Community
- How Parents Can Promote Executive Function in a Crisis
- How Screen Time and Sleep Impact Early Childhood Development
- Inclusive Technology Tools for All Learners
- Infusing Trauma-Informed Considerations into the IEP Process
- Improving Parent and Teen Relationships An Overview of Dialectical Behavior Therapy as a New Tool
- Learning to Read and Instructional Strategies
- Math Matters!
- Mindfulness and Well Being
- Moving Learning Outside Activity Ideas for Outdoor Learning
- Prevention of Prescription Medication Misuse
- Post-Covid Emotional Reentry
- Providing Equity Through Low Tech Means
- Ready for Work: Four Activities to Practice at Home
- School Refusal, Anxiety, and Special Education Supports
- Sibshops! Supporting Children Who Have Siblings with Special Needs
- Social-Emotional Strategies for Families
- Strategies to Diffuse Unexpected Behavior
- Strategies to Promote Successful Transitions from Elementary to Secondary
- Strategies to Support Self Regulation Difficulties in Preschoolers
- Stressed Out
- Substance Use Prevention and Encouraging Healthy Brain Development
- Technology Tools to Support Reading for All Learners
- Three Ways to Help Youth be Ready for Work
- THC Oil What We Know to Date
- Understanding the Criteria for Participation in the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program VAAP
- Who Needs Captions Anyways