photo of sign at entrance to vaccine center

Vaccination Update for Staff

  • By Office of Communication and Community Relations
  • FCPS Messages
  • February 08, 2021

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Update: February 8

Continue to keep informed on the vaccination process by checking Inova’s website and the Fairfax County Health Department.

Find out more about scheduling appointments through the Fairfax County Health Department. 

Update: February 2

For those who have not done so, we are asking that all staff complete the survey as this information is being used to help identify individuals who would like to receive the vaccine. Please fill out the survey to ensure that your status is noted.

FCPS must provide the Health Department with a list of employees who need their first vaccination appointments by 8 p.m. Wednesday, February 3rd. If you have not returned your survey by that time, and you still wish to receive the first dose of the vaccine, you may have to wait until the general population is able to register. Therefore, it is essential that you submit your survey by 8 p.m. Wednesday.

If you opt not to receive vaccine through this dedicated clinic opportunity with Inova, you may register for an appointment with the Fairfax County Health Department with the understanding that it may take weeks to months to obtain an appointment at the health department as the demand for vaccine is extremely high amongst essential employees and those who qualify for vaccination based on age and medical condition.

We have also received many questions regarding the scheduling of the second dose. You will receive an email from either the Fairfax County Health Department or Inova Health System with a link to register for the second dose. Our health partners have shared that this link will be sent within the next fourteen days. While we are told that scheduling is based on vaccine availability, we have also been assured that FCPS staff will get a second dose within the recommended 17-21-day period following their first dose.

We will continue to provide updates on the process as we aware of them. Please remember to be patient and know that there are many people working very hard every day to help us as we prepare to return to schools.

Update: January 31

On January 31, FCPS employees received an email survey regarding COVID-19 vaccines. FCPS will use the survey results to coordinate remaining vaccination scheduling needs with our partners, the Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) and Inova Health System.

Employees who have not filled out the survey should do so as soon as possible, using their email account. Survey results will be provided to the FCHD to support the scheduling of first dose appointments for staff who have been unable to do so.

In the coming days, employees will receive an email from the FCHD with a link to schedule their appointment.