students in counseling office with college pennants behind them

College & Career Planning

Preparing for life after high school requires research, exploration, and planning. Each student must determine what success looks like for them, and select the best postsecondary options to help them achieve their goals.

 Students today are preparing for jobs that don't yet exist. Discover your potential by exploring options now to prepare for an ever-changing world. Let's begin the journey today!

Determine Your Path after High School

What are my strengths and passions? This insight will guide students so they can determine which postsecondary path would be best. FCPS students have the opportunity to take part in this planning by working on an Academic and Career Plan.

Find out more about Academic and Career Plans

Students can begin by asking:

  • What are my interests?
  • What do I like to do? What do I aspire to be?

To help answer these questions, FCPS students have access to Naviance Student. This tool helps students discover their interests and learn about career pathways and clusters.

Note: The resources found within Naviance Student are supplemental to the services provided by FCPS staff members.

Students can view specific job tasks and qualifications. Then, students may view examples of high school Course Plans to meet their career goals.

To get started, there are many self-assessments that students can take! This allows students to reflect on results and explore interests. Students will learn more about themselves and their likes and dislikes, as well careers they may enjoy.

What are the Career Opportunities? What careers are needed within our society?


National Workforce Outlook 

Statistics from the Bureau of Labor provide the outlook on jobs and careers, along with earning potential.

Local Workforce Outlook

Northern Virginia Labor Market Intelligence provides research on the labor market in the local Northern Virginia area, including forecasts and trends in growing industries, top hiring employers, educational and skill requirements, and average salaries.


Naviance Student provides career pathways and employment outlook for career clusters.

Note: The resources found within Naviance Student are supplemental to the services provided by FCPS staff members.

Career Clusters

Within Naviance Student, students can explore careers by searching Career Clusters.

Career clusters is a way of grouping careers with common features and skills.

Careers grouped into the same cluster typically require similar education and training. Exploring clusters can be a useful way to find a good career match, especially if you have general areas of interest but are not sure what specific careers match those interests. Career Clusters can also help you better understand how your coursework in school can prepare you for certain types of careers.

RoadTrip Nation

Through Naviance Student, students can begin a journey of self-discovery to help figure out who they are and what they love to do. It is possible to search by interest, theme, and by industry leaders.

Check out RoadTrip playlists and online TV through Naviance Student.

something here?


Now students are ready to plan for the future and set a path toward a fulfilling life.

Determine Your Plan

Some students know from an early age what postsecondary path they plan to pursue, others are not so sure.

Use these resources to explore a variety of options for life after high school.

There are so many options for life after high school! Start planning now by:

  • Speaking with your School Counselor.
  • Speaking with the College and Career Specialist at your high school.
  • Explore your postsecondary options

Exploring Postsecondary Options

Seniors Survey

For Seniors, a Senior Survey occurs every year. The data collected is used to build scattergrams in Naviance. The information provided helps our schools and the district create resources, opportunities, and supports for future classes. Schools contact the students with more information and directions to complete the senior survey.


Each school will share their own school specific junior focus activities, materials, and events. All schools will have their own school specific, transcript request form and process, senior planning and recommendation packets, and additional processes dedicated to postsecondary planning. For more information, contact your school counselor or College and Career Specialist.  

Here are some items that may be included in your senior packet:  

  • Postsecondary Planning Worksheet
  • Resume
  • Student-Parent Questionnaire
  • Student Records Request
  • Teacher Recommendation Request
  • Teacher Comment Form
  • Transcript Release Form
  • Parent Release Form

All FCPS seniors are encouraged to share their plans for life after high school.  

  • What are you planning to major in and which college are you planning to attend?  
  • What entry level career are you planning to begin and with which company?  
  • Why did you plan to do a gap year and with which gap year program?
  • Why are you planning to join the military and with which branch have you signed up?   

Use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Don't forget to tag your high school and #ourFCPS and #celebrateyourplan.