Contact Us
Find important contact information for FCPS departments and offices using the Directory of Phone Numbers.
Find your school based on your address
Enroll your student
Human Resources Questions
Active employees, applicants, retirees, and non-active employees can submit questions or concerns, and upload forms and other documents using the StaffConnect portal or by calling 571-423-3000 or 1-800-831-4331.
FCPS StaffConnect for active employees
FCPS StaffConnect for applicants, retirees, and non-active employees
FCPS Directory
This directory lists frequently called phone numbers for Fairfax County Public Schools. The names of the offices listed link to the offices’ websites or to their contact information.
School Information by Region
If your question involves a specific student enrolled in FCPS please discuss the situation with your child's school before contacting the region office below:
Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4 | Region 5 | Region 6 |
571-423-1110 | 571-423-1120 | 571-423-1130 | 571-423-1140 | 571-423-1150 | 571-423-1160 |

Departments and Offices
FCPS central offices and departments provide critical support to schools

Senior Leadership Team
Superintendent Dr. Michelle C. Reid is supported by the members of the FCPS Senior Leadership Team.

School Board Members
Meet the 12 Fairfax County Public School Board representatives who are elected by county residents. Find and contact your school board member.