11 New Observance Graphics Created by Students in Design Challenge
In May, the FCPS Office of Communications called for entries for new graphics to help acknowledge the religious and cultural observances identified on the 2023-24 School Year Calendar. Middle and high school students were invited to create visuals that accurately and positively represented the many observances celebrated in the FCPS community.
The Observance Design Challenge for Students was the idea of a Fairfax Academy student. She was helping the FCPS Social Media Team and saw an opportunity for students to lend their voices and ideas to the design of observance graphics.
The submitted entries went through a two-step judging process that included FCPS cultural liaisons and graphic designers.
Eleven winning designs will be featured on FCPS and school social media platforms, and in newsletters leading up to the holidays, starting with Diwali, which falls on Sunday, November 12.
Winners of the challenge include:
- Diwali: Rijuta D. – Chantilly High School
- Bodhi Day: Mina L. – Longfellow Middle School
- Christmas: Najenyi D. – Justice High School
- Three Kings Day: Roan V. – Oakton High School
- Lunar New Year: Kerstin Q. – Marshall High School
- Ash Wednesday: Mikayla D. – Liberty Middle School
- Ramadan: Naba F. – Westfield High School
- Good Friday: Summer S. – Chantilly High School
- Easter: Dayanara M. – Falls Church High School
- Eid al-Fitr: Tazrian S. – Mark Twain Middle School
- Passover: Ella G. – Marshall High School
Observances for which there was no winning entry have graphics designed by the FCPS Office of Communications Design Team, with collaboration and guidance from FCPS cultural liaisons.