Related Pages

Your Time Away from Work
Here you will find information about standard holidays, accrued leave, extended absences, the leave donation program, and disability benefits.

Standard School Year Calendar
View the Fairfax County Public Schools Standard Calendar for the current and upcoming school years.

2024-25 Religious and Cultural Observances
During the 2024-25 school year, there are multiple days for religious and cultural observances. Tests, quizzes, field trips, graduation, homecoming, auditions and tryouts, and FCPS-scheduled athletic events cannot be scheduled on any of the religious and cultural observances.

Grade 2 Social Studies Curriculum
What is taught in grade 2 social studies?

Grade 3 Adapted Curriculum Alignments
Grade 3 alignment information for parents and guardians of students following an adapted curriculum based on the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) and Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL).

How FCPS Develops Its School Year Calendar
Feedback from a variety of sources is considered as the school calendar is developed. Read more about the process for finalizing holidays and early release days.