Communications, Connections, and Creativity: A Senior Internship Experience

By Office of Communications
June 13, 2024

The following blog was written by Anna Claire Sheehan, a recent graduate of Oakton High School. Anna Claire interned in the FCPS Office of Communications in the final weeks of her senior year.

The Office of Communications (OC) oversees both written and visual communications for FCPS. It is staffed with experts in newsletters, social media, web development and content, media relations, crisis communications, mass communications, graphic design, video production, and photography. 

Teamwork is common within the office as staff prepare to tell stories about FCPS through numerous forms of media. The OC shares content to keep the FCPS community engaged and informed. 

Senior internships are offered by many high schools in FCPS, where seniors spend their last few weeks of school learning outside of the classroom by working in the “real world.” This is an excellent way for students to explore and learn about future career paths in detail before they attend college or join the workforce. My internship experience was phenomenal. I learned an immense amount about myself and the field of communications. 

From the moment I walked into the office, I was warmly welcomed by everyone I met, which eased my first-day jitters. I even got a badge and my own desk — I felt super official! My first true experience of the office environment was at the weekly editorial meeting where staff from all teams within communications meet to discuss current projects and ideas for future stories. It was fascinating to watch how people with such unique and specialized skill sets collaborated. One of the best parts of my internship was being able to contribute to these stories. 

Photography is a form of visual communication that tells a story through a snapshot of a single moment in time. I shadowed Photographer Karen Bolt on many photoshoots during my internship, where I met many inspiring people. For one photo shoot, we visited Marshall High School to take cap and gown photos of a graduating senior. I also participated in a graduation photoshoot for an FCPS graduation video

It was eye-opening to observe photography from behind the camera as an intern and in front of the camera as a subject. From behind the camera, photographers have to manipulate their subjects and environments to capture the perfect shot. From in front of the camera, models have to trust the photographer and follow their directions. 

Another memorable photoshoot was for Big Truck Day at Floris Elementary School. This event allows students to interact with community members and their various vehicles. I had a blast at this event, but not quite as much fun as the kindergarteners who joyously honked the horns! 

After taking photos, the next step is adding and labeling all of the files in an organizational system and then editing the photos in Photoshop. Technology gives the photographer an immense number of tools to tweak the photos; everything from adjusting lighting to blemish removal. Watching the editing process was like watching magic happen before my eyes. After my time shadowing Karen, I truly understand how a picture is worth a thousand words. 

Written communication is essential to convey messages. One of the exceptional experiences I had during my internship was shadowing Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid during her school visit to Island Creek Elementary School. I followed Dr. Reid on her tour around the school, taking notes on everything I observed with all of my five senses. This was a great opportunity to practice my journalism skills and engage with sixth grade students. I then worked to organize and compile my notes into a story draft for Dr. Reid. She even published part of it in her Weekly Reflections

A student hugs a teacher

I appreciate how my internship provided me with hands-on experience that will serve me well while studying communications in college. After my time spent writing and editing, I understand the importance of clear and concise, yet detailed writing to paint a picture. 

Social media is a constantly evolving form of communication. While shadowing the Social Media Manager Delaina McCormack, I visited Laurel Ridge Elementary School for a grad walk — a celebration where high school seniors walk the halls of their old elementary schools and are cheered on by current students. As a graduating senior, I loved being able to experience the valued grad walk tradition. I took video footage on my phone at Laurel Ridge which was then edited and compiled into a graduation video for FCPS social media. It is amazing how as a high school senior, I already have contributed to publicly published work. 

I learned a lot about various aspects of communications during my internship which revealed my passions about the field; preparing me for college and my future career. I learned a great deal about the communications field through attending meetings and events, shadowing, and hands-on application. I had even more experiences than I was able to share in this write-up. 

I am so grateful to have had this internship opportunity and appreciate everyone who took the time to work with me at the OC, especially my sponsor Mark Hoffman, senior manager of Digital and Visual Communications. Participating in the Senior Internship Program was the perfect way to end my career as an FCPS student and transition into my next chapter.