three people standing and talking in a classroom

The Basics: A Guide to Hiring Student Interns

High-Quality Work Based Learning Internship Guide for Employers

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Legal Considerations You Need to Consider

This guide brings together resources and guidance to support employers and schools planning to offer internships for high school students. It is an adaptation of the toolkit created by the Career Services department at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

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Work-Based Learning

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Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee

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High-Quality Work Based Learning Internship Guide for Employers

This guide brings together resources and guidance to support employers and schools planning to offer internships for high school students. It is an adaptation of the toolkit created by the Career Services department at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

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Career Preparation Activities

Learn about work through work. Career preparation engages students in authentic learning experiences. Students develop soft and hard skills that they can take to the workplace as an adult.