teachers smile for a group photo

📚 Every Teacher Deserves a Great Beginning

  • By Office of Communications
  • Employee News
  • August 12, 2024

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Twelve hundred new teachers attended the 30th annual Great Beginnings Summer Institute (GBSI) kickoff event last week at Hayfield Secondary School. The program has grown tremendously since it began in 1995 with 50 participants, two cohorts, and two coaches. This year, the large group consists of 40 cohorts and 78 coaches who were eager to welcome all the new faces to FCPS!

GBSI is a four-day professional development, orientation-style opportunity that includes two days in a grade-level specific cohort, a division kickoff event, and school-based orientation. The program supports teachers who are new to the profession, whether recent graduates or career switchers as well as experienced teachers who are new to FCPS. They all receive coaching, and opportunities to build their network and share resources. 

new teacher pointing to her sweatshirt that says "you matter"

In addition to all the new teachers, the kickoff event hosted dozens of FCPS offices, departments, professional associations, and community partners. Their booths were full of resources and giveaways. Their representatives took time to answer questions and offer support.

“I love [Great Beginnings]. I have made friends from different cultures and from all over the world,” said Everline Ongogo, a new fourth grade teacher at Laurel Hill Elementary School. Ongogo came to FCPS from Kenya as part of an FCPS Global Exchange Program with about 102 other teachers from 14 countries. 

two people smile at each other as they meet for the first time

In collaboration with Participate Learning, the ambassador teachers have been carefully selected and hired to work in FCPS on J-1 Visas, which allows them to teach in the states for up to five years. The average experience of these educators is 11 ½ years, and several hold advanced degrees, including PhDs. Together, our two cohorts of ambassador teachers on J-1 Visas represent nearly 1% of the district's total teaching staff.

“I’ve been shown a lot of support and feel equipped to teach in an American classroom,” Ongogo continues. “[GBSI] is like a beautiful basket with all the different pieces woven together to create something wonderful.”

employee hands a hang to a new employee

While some GBSI attendees are experienced teachers new to this country, others have been with FCPS for many years but are new to teaching. 

Mitra Shahramfar, a kindergarten instructional assistant at Forestdale Elementary School, was in her role for three years before she got the words of encouragement she needed to jump into teaching. “My principal (Jenny Cunneen) said four words that changed my life. ‘I believe in you.’ I will tell my students that I believe in them every day,” said Shahramfar. 

“I am nervous [to start the school year] but so excited,” she continued. “Great Beginnings has been very helpful and supportive. The program makes me feel confident that I can teach and have great resources to back it up.”

two people smile for a photo

“Every student deserves a great teacher and every teacher deserves a great beginning,” said Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid, as she addressed the new teachers at the start of their day. She also highlighted the importance of the division’s 2023-30 Strategic Plan. “We made a commitment to our community with feedback from over 100,000 people to achieve the five goals, supported by four pillars, highlighted in the plan,” Dr. Reid continued. “Sixty-five percent of students in k-12 are preparing for a career that doesn’t exist yet. The Strategic Plan will help us equip those students.” 

GBSI provides new teachers with all the resources they need to start their first year strong; including connections that could last a lifetime. The kickoff event last week is only the first step of a yearlong program of activities associated with GBSI. There are also cohorts for educators in their second and third years in FCPS to ensure the support continues.

crowd of people in a theatre

“It is evident we have recruited and hired an exceptional group of educators,” said Chief Human Resources Officer William Solomon as he addressed the crowd of new educators. “Your strength, knowledge, and passion will be crucial as you nurture, mentor, inspire, and guide our future generations. Our students need you, and we are incredibly fortunate to have you with us!”

Learn more about Great Beginnings and teaching at FCPS.