Ms.Vivi smiling with her students.

My First Year: Episode 8: The Last Bell 🔔

  • Employee News
  • September 04, 2024

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The classroom is packed, the whiteboard is spotless, and the final bell has rung. As the school year ends, Ms. Vivi reflects on the connections she has built with her students during her first year of teaching. 

From the beginning, Ms. Vivi was thrown into the spotlight, capturing the essence of her initial excitement and nervousness. As she navigated through the bustling halls of the Great Beginnings event for new teachers, it was clear that the journey ahead would be challenging and rewarding. 

"I was trying to make new friends who are also becoming teachers. I told them I was going to be part of this documentary," she shared, highlighting her initial apprehension about being constantly in front of the camera. 

Vivi checking in at Great Beginnings.

Despite the added layer of filming, Ms. Vivi quickly adapted, making new friends and setting the stage for a memorable year.

Vivi and Rachel dancing.

The early days were marked by excitement and a whirlwind of new experiences. However, as October rolled around, the pressures of ensuring student success began to weigh heavily. 

"By October and November, I was starting to feel the stress," she confessed. This adjustment period was pivotal, pushing her to find balance and refine her approach. A December break provided a much-needed reset, offering a moment to regroup and recharge before diving into the new year with renewed energy.

The race to cover the curriculum and prepare students for end-of-year assessments added to the stress, but it also illuminated the progress made throughout the year. Reflecting on these moments, Ms. Vivi acknowledged the importance of persistence and the value of small victories. 

She was reminded of her journey as she watched a video message from her first day of teaching, intended for her to view on the last day of school. "I hope that you still see the enjoyment of it all," she told her future self. 

As the school year ended, the emotional weight of saying goodbye was noticeable. Packing up the classroom and reflecting on the year's journey, Ms. Vivi experienced a mix of nostalgia and anticipation for the future. 

"It was very kind of sad," she admitted, "but I could feel a new, fresh start getting ready for the next year." This bittersweet farewell was a testament to the deep connections formed and the profound impact made.

Vivi throwing paper airplanes with her students.

Ms. Vivi received heartfelt comments from her students. They raved about her kindness and appreciation for her supportive presence, underscoring the genuine connections and positive environment she fostered. The overwhelming sentiment was clear: this was more than just a classroom, it was a nurturing space where students felt valued and understood. 

"I think it’s worth the tears, and it’s worth the hurt of seeing them kind of go," she said, highlighting the emotional investment that defines the teaching profession. 

The year may have ended, but the lessons learned, and the relationships built, will undoubtedly resonate for years to come. 

That’s a wrap on Ms. Vivi’s season of My First Year! 

Ms. Vivi surrounded by people.