graphic image of letter in envelope with text that says: Message from the Superintendent

Third-party Investigation Launched Into Discriminatory Email

  • By Michelle C. Reid
  • Superintendent's Messages
  • May 17, 2023

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Dear FCPS High School Students, Staff, and Community,

We are about one month away from the end of this school year. I know many of you will be celebrating important milestones and achievements in the coming days and weeks. These milestones and achievements look different for everyone and are equally important. Enjoy these moments and be proud of what you have accomplished!

At the same time, there is much work to be done. This is especially true as we continue to reflect on what it means to make sure that our communities, including our schools, are safe places for all to live and learn. Unfortunately, we continue to see instances of hateful messages and actions directed toward our students, staff, and families. 

Just last week, I requested an independent, third-party investigation into the origin of a racist, hateful, and discriminatory anonymous email that was sent to an employee about former employees. Staff across multiple FCPS departments were unable to identify the sender during our internal investigation. The results of the third-party investigation will inform any action that can be taken to further address this situation. Sadly, we continue to see acts of hateful messages and actions that occur in our schools, our community, and our nation every day. To be clear, they are never “just a joke” to anyone, especially the people and communities impacted.

We must make a collective commitment to speak up when we witness acts of hate and bias. As leaders, staff, students, and families, we must stand up and say with one voice, “enough!” I hope that you will join me in your schools and in your neighborhoods to be the change – not the change we want to see in this world, but the change we must see in this world. Together, all things are possible.

Warmest Regards,

Michelle Reid, Ed.D.
Fairfax County Public Schools