December 6, 2024 - Superintendent's Boundary Review Advisory Committee Meeting
Learn about the committee's work
Key Takeaways
- Welcome and Introductions
- Identified possible data sources
- Timeline
- No implementation will be made before start of Fall 2026
- Concerns shared about survey timeline
- Working norms agreed upon
- Determining social media norms moving forward
- Committee roles and responsibilities
- This committee will vet the boundary scenarios
- Committees gather data, provide input and make recommendations
- Committee has a commitment that the community will see the scenarios reviewed
Materials Shared with the Committee:
- Article
- Agenda PDF (HTML version below)
- Slides
- Strategic Plan
- Sharing Our Success
- Policy 8130.8
- Elementary School Boundaries by Region SY 2024-25
- Middle School Boundaries by Region SY 2024-25
- High School Boundaries by Region SY 2024-25
- Elementary School Boundaries with Middle School Boundaries SY 2024-25
- Elementary School Boundaries with High School Boundaries SY 2024-25
- Middle School Boundaries with High School Boundaries SY 2024-25
- Elementary School Advanced Academic Program Center Boundaries and Local Level IV Academic Programs SY 2024-25
- Middle School Advanced Academic Program Center Boundaries by Elementary School SY 2024-25
- Middle School Advanced Academic Program Center Boundaries by Middle School SY 2024-25
- Magisterial Districts and Regions SY 2024-25
- Norms PDF (HTML version below)
Next Steps
At the next Boundary Review Advisory Committee meeting, members will further review the Boundary Review Policy 8130 and the review process.
Accessible Version of Meeting Agenda and Norms
Please view accessible versions of the agenda and norms shared at the Superintendent's Boundary Review Advisory Committee meeting on December 6.
The context regarding FCPS today, Boundary Review Policy 8130, and the connection to
boundary review work; our goals for this coordinated effort.
Review meeting norms, norm form and process for feedback.
Opening Question:
- What is your relationship with FCPS (Parent/Caregiver, Employee, Community Member)
By reviewing boundaries, we seek to:
- Ensure equitable access to programs and facilities.
- Balance available capacity to make the best use of our school facilities.
- Establish consistent “attendance zones (school boundaries)” by removing isolated
attendance areas (islands) and reducing split feeder patterns. - Minimize travel time for students.
As members of the Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee, you have an
essential role as ambassadors of this work. You bring diverse perspectives to the process and
provide the community you represent with important information. After each meeting, you will
share key takeaway information with the community you represent and gather additional
feedback. We will provide you with a tool where you will enter feedback from the community
so it can inform discussions during future meetings.
The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee will be critical in accomplishing
the above goals for the comprehensive boundary review. Specifically, this committee will:
- Review community feedback received during community sessions and from other
communication channels, such as surveys. - Review data analysis conducted by the FCPS team or developed by the consultant
specifically for the boundary review process using GIS software (such as boundary
maps). - Help develop the scenarios while incorporating key takeaways from the data analysis
and the community input that you have helped collect. - Present recommendations to the Superintendent for review and consideration.
Below is a high-level schedule for the boundary review process:
The Superintendent has engaged this team representing critical groups across the division
and the broader community. This team will meet bi-weekly, possibly transitioning to monthly
later in the process.
Community engagement is an essential part of an effective boundary review process. By
fostering a deep understanding of our community our goal is to achieve the following
- Authentic representation of multiple viewpoints that will inform the boundary options.
- Prioritization of diversity of thought and perspectives to guide the boundary review
process toward meeting the needs of the entire community.
Guiding Question: What information will help us build a broad understanding of FCPS'
current strengths regarding school boundaries, inform needs and priorities, and inspire
collaborative solutions?
Activity: In small groups, brainstorm the different types of information that this committee
should learn from various FCPS community members. Then, consider and list other data
sources this committee could review to gain further insights. We will share each table’s notes
with the whole group.
Summary: Agreement by committee members on summary of decisions and confirmation of
key takeaways/discussion points. The information will be posted online the day after each
committee meeting. Members will also complete the norms evaluation.
Next Steps: At the next meeting, the Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee
will further review the Boundary Review Policy 8130 and the process.
At each Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee meeting, we are committed to valuing each and every voice as well as your time. We are grateful that you have committed to representing your pyramid or community through this process while also aligning with the School Board goals listed in Policy 8130.8 and the goals in the Division’s 2023-30 Strategic Plan. We expect each committee member to agree to abide by the following expectations. At the end of each committee meeting, we will ask you to provide feedback on your experience based on the following criteria. This will help us understand whether any adjustments need to be made.
Please complete this form by circling a number in the right column that best reflects how well the expectation was met during the meeting. 5 indicates that the expectation was met. 1 indicates the expectation was not met at all.
Shared Expectation
Not Met 1 2 3 4 5 Met
Value Every Voice: Respect all perspectives and experiences to foster collaboration.
1 2 3 4 5
Respect Time and Topics: Stay focused on the topic to maximize time and impact.
1 2 3 4 5
Participate with Purpose: Be concise and allow space for others to share.
1 2 3 4 5
Support Community Goals: Prioritize outcomes that benefit all students.
1 2 3 4 5
Respect Others: Communicate courteously, avoiding personal attacks or inappropriate language.
1 2 3 4 5