Student Experience Survey Pilot

Fall 2024 Student Experience Survey Pilot

What is the Student Experience Survey Pilot?

This fall, FCPS will pilot a Student Experience Survey in select schools to understand how students view and experience school. The ultimate goal of the survey is to elevate student voice in identifying strategic improvement opportunities for FCPS. This survey pilot will help FCPS refine the survey prior to divisionwide administration later in SY 2024-25. FCPS’ Office of Research and Strategic Improvement (ORSI) will be overseeing the student survey pilot. There will be a version of the survey for elementary students and one for middle and high school students. The survey should take about 30 minutes for students to complete, although individual students will likely complete the survey more quickly.

Who will take the Student Experience Survey Pilot?

Elementary Schools: A sample of Grade 3 through 6 elementary students will be asked to participate in the Student Experience Survey. Approximately 50 students per grade level will be asked to participate in each selected elementary school. A list of selected elementary schools that will participate in the pilot can be found below.

Selected Elementary Schools (40)

Annandale Terrace ESDaniels Run ESHayfield ESMosaic ES
Baileys Upper ESFairfax Villa ESHerndon ESNavy ES
Bonnie Brae ESFairview ESIsland Creek ESOrange Hunt ES
Bren Mar Park ESFloris ESKings Glen ESPine Spring ES
Brookfield ESForest Edge ESKings Park ESSherman ES
Bucknell ESFranconia ESLaurel Hill ESShrevewood ES
Cardinal Forest ESGreat Falls ESLynbrook ESSilverbrook ES
Centre Ridge ESGreenbriar East ESMarshall Road ESSpring Hill ES
Clermont ESGreenbriar West ESMason Crest ESWakefield Forest ES
Coates ESHaycock ESMcNair Upper ESWoodlawn ES

Middle and High Schools: A sample of middle and high school students will participate in the Student Experience Survey pilot. Approximately 100 students per grade level will be asked to participate in each selected middle and high school. A list of selected middle and high schools that will participate in the pilot can be found below.

Selected Middle Schools (18)

Carson MSHughes MSLongfellow MSThoreau MS
Cooper MSKey MSPoe MSTwain MS
Frost MSKilmer MSRobinson MSWhitman MS
Glasgow MSLake Braddock MSRocky Run MS 
Hayfield MSLiberty MSSouth County MS 


Selected High Schools (12)

Annandale HSFairfax HSMadison HSRobinson HS
Chantilly HSFalls Church HSMcLean HSSouth County HS
Edison HSHayfield HSOakton HSWest Potomac HS
When will the Surveys Happen?

Monday, October 28th

  • Families will receive an email notification with information about the Student Experience Survey pilot including information on the opt-out process. 

Monday, December 2

  • Students will receive an email with the link to the Student Experience Survey pilot at their email address. Students will complete the survey at school sometime during the school day, as determined by individual schools. 

Friday, December 13

  • All surveys close. 

What will FCPS do with Survey Responses?

Student responses to the pilot survey will also help FCPS finalize the divisionwide version of the Student Experience Survey that will be distributed later in SY 2024-25. FCPS will analyze the responses from the student survey to identify strategic improvement opportunities. Remember, survey responses will be collected confidentially. 

What is in the Student Experience Survey Pilot?

The Student Experience Survey pilot will take about 30 minutes or less to complete for most students. Responses to the survey will give valuable insight into students’ experiences in FCPS classrooms and schools. 


Elementary Student Experience Survey

[insert PDFs in English]

Translations posted here as available


Middle and High School Student Experience Survey

[insert PDFs in English]

Translations posted here as available


How will Students take the Student Experience Survey Pilot?

The survey is voluntary. There is no penalty if a child does not want to participate. The survey is designed to protect your child’s privacy and is confidential. Students can skip any questions they do not want to answer and can stop taking the survey at any point. It is completely their choice.

Students at selected schools will take the survey during school between Monday, December 2 and Friday, December 13, 2024. Each school will identify the best date and time for their students to participate in the survey. The survey link will be emailed to students’ accounts and school staff will lead students in taking the survey. The survey will be translated into several languages for students. 

Can Students be Opted out of Participating?

Parents/guardians are offered the ability to opt their student out of the survey by completing an electronic or paper form, which is due Friday, November 8. Click this link to complete the electronic opt-out form or print the form and provide it to your child’s school.


If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected].