Fairfax County Youth Survey
Determining the effectiveness of prevention and intervention programs
The Fairfax County School Board and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors work together to administer the Fairfax County Youth Survey. The survey is given to all students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 each fall. It provides a wealth of information about a variety of topics related to our youth that influence their physical and mental well being, from sleep and nutritional habits to substance abuse behaviors to symptoms of depression and suicidal thoughts.
2024-25 Youth Survey Instrument
The questions and responses for each survey are available below.
- 2024 Fairfax County 6th Grade Survey
- 2024 Fairfax County 8th, 10th, & 12th Grade Survey
- 2024 Fairfax County Adapted Youth Survey
The Adapted Youth Survey is for students accessing an adapted curriculum based on the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL).
Parent Letters and Opt Out Forms
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
School officials, youth leadership classes, youth serving county agencies, and local non-profits use the survey results to:
- determine the effectiveness of school and community intervention and prevention programs
- to identify changing trends and areas of need.
The survey is anonymous and no individual information is reported.
The survey asks questions about:
- risky behavior
- mental, physical, and personal health (including eating disorders and obesity)
- safety
- behaviors related to alcohol, illegal drugs, and misuse of prescription drugs
- depression
- student stress
- bullying
- harassment
- specific protective factors concerning health and safety.
3 to Succeed
The Fairfax County Youth Survey shows that children and teens with three or more positive, protective factors are more likely to: manage stress, make better choices, and develop healthy habits.
Youth Survey Fact Sheets and Tools
Get a snapshot of various risks facing Fairfax County youth and learn what you can do to help, as well as where to go for more information.