Middle School Continuity of Learning Resources
The resources below are self-directed learning activities for students and parents--distributed and made available in spring 2020.
Additional information is available on FCPS 24-7 in the Continuity of Learning Plan course. For questions on how to login to a resource, please contact your student's teacher or librarian.
Watch the video below for information on accessing your FCPS 24-7 Parent View account.
TV Programming
During school closure, Channel 25 developed middle school instruction programming to support continuity of learning.
English Language Arts
This week you will have the opportunity to read, write, think, and discuss using a book of your choice and a notebook. As you engage with your text, please keep track of your thinking in a notebook. Each lesson will have a corresponding organizer to capture your thinking. If you do not have access to a notebook you can print this yourself or work on a piece of paper. There are many options and ideas of where you can take this work. I can't wait to see your thinking!
Set Up Your Notebook
A literacy notebook is a place where you should capture your thinking. It is a place for you to show what you have read, delve into your writing, unveil your thinking, and bolster your discussion about texts. Please divide your notebook into 4 sections. In each section please include the Mini Lesson Handouts Tracker page. This will be a spot for you to record your learning this week and possibly in the future should you choose to continue using it. If you don't have a notebook, use paper to create your own!
Please divide the sections as:
(1) Read
(2) Write
(3) Think
(4) Discuss
Today you will have the chance to start a book of your choice. As you read, keep track of your thinking using sticky notes, the sticky note tracker, or write directly in the reading section of your notebook. After you read, consider what genre you think your book is. What evidence do you have to support that? You have the option to print and paste these into your notebook, work digitally, or create your own.
- Read your book for 20-30 minutes
- Track your thinking as you read
- Consider what genre your book may be
- Reflect on your work in your journal by answering these questions. Please explain your answer in a few sentences as well.
- One thing I notice about reading at home is...
- When I get stuck reading I...
- I picked the genre I'm reading because...
Please read your choice text for 20-30 minutes. As you read, please keep track of your thinking either with sticky notes, or with the Independent Reading Document. When you have finished reading, please capture your ideas and paste the handouts from this lesson in the reading section of your notebook.
- Read your book for 20-30 minutes
- Keep track of your thinking as you read
- Read and practice the day 2 mini lesson to grow a piece of your thinking
- Reflect on your work in your journal by answering these questions. Please explain your answer in a few sentences as well.
- Today it was easier/harder to read because...
- Tomorrow I can make reading easier by...
- I chose the line to "lift" because..
Today you'll have a chance to read and to also consider your own life as a place for writing ideas...believe it or not, your daily life can turn into some great writing! Please read your choice text for 20-30 minutes. As you read, please keep track of your thinking either with sticky notes, or with the Independent Reading Document. When you have finished reading, please capture your ideas and paste the "Sticky Note Tracker" in the reading section and the "Mini Lesson" and your work in the writing section.
- Read book for 20-30 minutes
- Keep track of your thinking with sticky notes or the organizer
- Explore the day 3 mini lesson and practice coming up with writing topics
- Reflect on your work in your journal by answering these questions. Please explain your answer in a few sentences as well.
- When I sit down to write I typically...
- When I get stuck as a writer I...
- One thing that makes writing easier (or harder) is...
Today you'll get to keep reading, and you'll get to grow the writing that you started thinking about yesterday. Please read your book for 20-30 minutes and keep track of your thinking either on the sticky notes tracker or directly in your notebook. Please paste the Notes Tracker in the reading section of your notebook and the Mini Lesson and your work in the writing section.
- Read your book for 20-30 minutes
- Keep track of your thinking using sticky notes and/or the organizer
- Engage in the day 4 mini lesson to think about growing your writing
- Reflect on your work in your journal by answering these questions. Please explain your answer in a few sentences as well.
- My favorite way to pre-write is...
- When I first started reading, I thought...
- My favorite type of writing is...
Today you will have a chance to keep engaging with your book and to using your voice to detail and draft your writing. Please read your book for 20-30 minutes and keep track of your thinking either on the sticky notes tracker, or directly in your notebook. Please paste the Notes Tracker in the reading section of your notebook. Please paste the Mini lesson and your work time in the writing section.
- Read your book for 20-30 minutes
- Track your thinking as you read using sticky notes and/or the organizer
- Engage in the day 5 mini lesson and start drafting your writing
- Reflect on your work in your journal by answering these questions. Please explain your answer in a few sentences as well.
- One thing I learned about myself as a reader this week was...
- One thing I learned about myself as a writer this week was...
- One thing I can do better when I'm reading or writing is...
Unite For Literacy: Online books in English and many languages. These books are most appropriate for younger students. Parents can enjoy these books in their home language as well.
Khan Academy Kids (ages 2-7) English
Khan Academy العربية (Arabic) | 中文 (Chinese) | English | 한국어 (Korean) | Español (Spanish): Online lessons for learners in grades PreK - 12.
To change the language:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- On the left side of the page, click on the drop-down menu.
- Click on your language.
- Click the Go button.
MyON: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Student's login with their FCPS username and password.
Tumblebooks: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Students should use the username and password provided by FCPS.
National Geographic Kids: Online magazine for kids.
How to Use The Documents
العربية | 中文 | English | فارسی | 한국어 | Español | اردو | Tiếng Việt
We will keep learning every day, even when school is closed. To support English Language Development, students will select an activity to do and then complete a journal entry. Students do not have to do the activities online. You may also choose to print the activities that you and your student would like to do. Here is a video explaining this process.
العربية (Arabic )
س وف نستمر في التعلم كل یوم حتى عندما تكون المدرسة مغلقة. لدعم تطویر اللغة الإنجلیزیة ، سیقوم الطلاب بتحدید نشاط للقیام به ثم كتابتها في دفتر العمل الیومي المرفق .لا یتعین على الطلاب القیام بالأنشطة عبر الإنترنت. یمكنك أیضًا اختیار .طباعة الأنشطة التي تریدها أنت وطالبك إلیك مقطع فیدیو یوضح هذه العملیة
中文 (Chinese)
即使学校关闭,我们也将继续帮助学生每天学习。为了支持英语语言发展,学生将选择一 个活动来完成,然后完成日志记录。学生不一定要在线进行这个活动,您也可以选择打印 您和您的学生想做的活动。
فارسی (Farsi)
ما هر روز یادگیری را ادامه خواهیم داد حتی وقتی مدرسه تعطیل است برای حمایت از توسعه زبان انگلیسی دانش آموزان فعالیتی را برای انجام انتخاب می کنند و سپس یک مجله را تکمیل می کنند. دانشجویان مجبور نیستند فعالیتها را بصورت آنلاین انجام دهند. همچنین ممکن است فعالیتهایی را که شما و دانش آموزتان می خواهید انجام دهید .چاپ کنید
한국어 (Korean)
등교를 못해도 학생들은 다음과 같이 매일 학습을 계속할 수 있습니다. 끈임없는 영어 습득을 위하여, 학생들이 액티비티를 선택한 후에 일기를 쓰면 되는데 꼭 온라인으로 하지 않아도 되고 대신 프린트해서 할 수도 있습니다.
Seguiremos aprendiendo todos los días, incluso cuando la escuela esté cerrada. Para apoyar el desarrollo del idioma inglés, los estudiantes seleccionarán una actividad para realizar y luego completarán una entrada en el diario. Los estudiantes no tienen que hacer las actividades en línea. También tienen la opción de imprimir las actividades que usted y su estudiante quieren hacer. Este video explica el proceso.
اردو (Urdu)
یہ ضروری ہے کہ جب ہم اسکول بند ہوں تو ہم ہر روز سیکھتے رہیں۔ انگریزی زبان کی ترقی میں معاونت کے ل students ، طلبہ سرگرمی کا انتخاب کریں گے اور پھر جرنل کے اندراج کو مکمل کریں گے۔ طلبا کے لئے آن لائن سرگرمیاں کرنا لازمی نہیں ہے۔ آپ ان سرگرمیوں کو پرنٹ کرنے کا بھی انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں جو آپ اور آپ کا طالب علم کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục học hàng ngày ngay cả khi trường học đóng cửa. Để hỗ trợ Phát triển Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh, sinh viên sẽ chọn một hoạt động để làm và sau đó hoàn thành một mục nhật ký. Học sinh không phải thực hiện các hoạt động trực
Consider using the Virginia Scientific Calculator from Desmos.
In this task, students will determine how many cupcakes were sold and how much money is left over for spending money in order to develop mathematical understanding of operations with rational numbers.
This task is designed to deepen understanding of operations with fractions, decimals, and percents as it relates to consumer applications.
In this task students will explore additive and multiplicative relationships in order to deepen their understanding of the differences between these two mathematical representations. Students will analyze three different earning relationships to determine which one will earn money the fastest, how long will it take for all three relationships to reach the amount needed for a summer pass, and when Michael, Susie and Karl can all get their summer pass.
The purpose of the task is to deepen understanding by connecting rates, tables, and equations while, at the same time, contrasting proportional and additive relationships.
In this activity students will determine slope. Students should complete pages 4, 5, and 6.
Two-step Inequality Practical Problems
In this activity, students will write verbal sentences as algebraic inequalities, and vice versa. Students will also solve practical problems involving two-step linear inequalities in one variable. Students should complete pages 4 and 6.
Given club membership data, students will determine which club has the least amount of growth in order to develop problem solving using operations with integers and rational numbers. This task is designed to deepen understanding that percent of change is measuring the percent a quantity increases or decreases. The task requires the students to determine percent of change and to also consider whether using only one criterion is appropriate to make a decision.
Students view a table that displays a growing pattern in which the number of stones needed to surround a garden increases as the size of the garden increases. In this task, the expectation is that students develop algebraic expressions to represent the width, length, and number of stones needed as well as communicate the connection between the expressions and the garden itself.
In this task, students will create, simplify, and evaluate algebraic expressions. This task allows students to produce expressions that reflect different ways of representing the pattern posed while, simultaneously, allowing students to see that each expression will simplify to the same equivalent expression.
The Scoop on Ice Cream Planning
In this activity students will be solving problems involving percents, ratios, tables, and proportions. Students should complete pages 3, 4, and 5.
In this activity students will solve problems involving percents and reconcile an account balance. Students should complete pages 3 and 4.
Algebra 1 and Beyond
The following activities are related to topics that you have learned about earlier this year. You may choose to work your way through all of the activities in order, or to prioritize working on activities for topics that you don’t remember as well or that you struggled with earlier in the year.
If you need extra support in any of these topics, log into Mathspace using your regular FCPS username and password, and navigate to the associated topic in the eBook. You will find explanations and videos in Mathspace. Consider using the Virginia Graphing Calculator as you work through the packet:
- Algebra 1 and Algebra 1 Honors
- Geometry and Geometry Honors
- Algebra 2 and Algebra 2 Honors
- Algebra Functions and Data Analysis (AFDA)
- Precalculus and Precalculus Honors
Khan Academy provides self-paced modules for a variety of math courses. You can join in at any part of the course and keep track of your learning.
Use the National Geographic Education Resource Library to find interesting activities that review previously-learned concepts related to ecosystems and living systems. For example
- Watershed Activity and In Your Watershed
- How We Impact the Water Supply
- Climate Change and Rising Seas;
Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry - Life Science
Select any of the interactive resources listed.
Exploratorium - Biology - Ecology
Select any of the following:
- Seed Germinator
- See Inside a Seed
- Living Systems Explainer Station
- Native Oyster Cology
- Life on the Rocks
- Big Wood: 300 Years of Photosynthesis
- Sensitive Plants
- Plankton Populations
- Backyard Bug Bonanza
- Tiny Hot Pile (use a large, insulated cup instead of a cooler)
- Ocean Acidification in a Cup: What's Going On
- Living with Wildlife in the Bay Area
- Leaf Filter
- Photosynthesis Floatation
- Click on the Filters button
- Scroll down the list and check Middle School Physical Sciences.
- Watch the Instruction Video to learn how to use the simulations.
Use the Simulations to review concepts related to
- Dollhouse - circuits
- Cassegrain Telescope - mirrors and lenses
- Prom Night - mirrors
- Pirate Ship - Newton's Laws of Motion
- Irwin and Ruthie - motion
- Others that look interesting.
Note there is a worksheet that goes with each simulation.
Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry
Select any of the Middle School Physical Science interactives.
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Battery-Resistor Circuit
- Bending Light
- Build a Molecule
- Circuit Construction DC
- Collision Lab
- Diffusion
- Energy Forms and Changes
- Energy Skate Park
- Energy Skate Park: Basics
- Forces and Motion
- Forces and Motion Basics
- Friction
- Generator
- Magnets and Electromagnets
- Masses and Springs
- The Moving Man
- pH Scale
- Reactants, Products, and Leftovers
- Sound
- States of Matter
- Sugar and Salt Solutions
- Waves Intro; Waves on a String.
Social Studies
Learn the research process through a series of self-paced lessons. Consider doing a module each day!
Each lesson guides you step-by-step as you practice important research skills. You will learn to define and analyze sources how to write a solid thesis statement, and ultimately understand how to create a research project. Each module is led by students. These are the modules you can explore:
- Module 1: Using Primary and Secondary Sources
- Module 2: Analyzing Primary Documents
- Module 3: Writing a Thesis Statement
- Module 4: Creating a Research Project
- Module 5: Digging for Historical Sources
- Module 6: Evaluating Sources
- Module 7: Using Primary Sources as Evidence
- Module 8: How to Cite the Right Way
- Module 9: Analyzing Political Cartoons
- Module 10: Analyzing Charts, Graphs, and Tables
- Module 11: Annotated Bibliography
- Module 12: Media Literacy and Bias
A New Deal to Rebuild a Nation: Civilian Conservation Corps
Each lesson begins with a Welcome video message, you can navigate through the module by using the toggles at the top of the page or arrows at the bottom.
This interactive module from the Shenandoah National Park provides an insight into one of the Great Depression programs - the Civilian Conservation Corps. You will travel through a series of video and interactives to explore and discuss the controversial process of the creation of Shenandoah and investigate the multiple perspectives of those affected.
- Module 1: Timeline: Milestones of the Great Depression
- Module 2: Survival: Life During the Great Depression
- Module 3: Alphabet Soup: Programs of the New Deal
- Module 4: A Day in the Life: The CCC in Shenandoah
- Module 5: Meet the Boys: A Job Well Done
Understanding D-Day Through Personal Narratives
Learn about D-Day through the stories of one the following men:
- Preston Earl Bagent - a combat engineer
- Robert "Bob" Harlan Horr - a glider pilot
- Edward Duncan Cameron - a rifleman
- John William "Bill" Boehne, III - a sailor
Use your FCPS username and password to sign into the Discovery Techbook. Use this resource guide as you work through the book.
Every day the Center for Civic Education offers a daily civics quiz. Students can answer the question and then listen to a podcast that provides context for the question.
There are approximately 4000 archived podcasts that can be accessed. Search on a variety of topics like:
- First Amendment freedoms,
- organization of the U.S. government,
- voting,
- role of political parties, and
- the founding documents; such as the Magna Carta
Students play simulation games to help them understand how our government works. Topics include:
- political process,
- American citizenship,
- the three branches of government
- how counties work
- and more
No account is required. If a student would like to create an account, parental permission is required. If you have permission, create an account with your FCPS Google account (fcpsschools.net).
Special Education
Resources for students with disabilities who are accessing the general education curriculum based on the grade level standards of learning. Typically, these students are participating in the SOL assessment.
- Overview - Math Secondary
- How to Use Home School Math
- How to Use Sheppard Number Games Resources
- How to Use J-Lab Quizzes
- How to Use J-Lab Games
Reading / Language Arts
- Overview - Reading / Language Arts Secondary
- How to Use Read Theory
- How to Use Vocabulary Spelling City Resources
- How to use Paragraph Punch
- How to Use NewsELA
- How to Use Florida Center for Reading Research A Guide for Parents
- How to use K12 Reading Instruction Resources - accessible
- Read Write Think Parent Guide
- RHL Parent Guide
Assistive Technology to Support Students with Reading Difficulties
There are assistive technologies and strategies available that can support access to the curriculum and increase capabilities for students with reading difficulties. Many of these technologies and strategies are readily available in the classroom and can also be used at home to support a student who struggles with reading. Assistive technology is never meant to replace instruction, but when paired with research-based instructional methods, it can bridge the gap between a student’s current skills and the material that they need to access.
Assistive Technology to Support Students with Writing
- Google Documents Tables to Text for Writing
Use a table as a graphic organizer for students to easily organize brainstormed ideas. A simple copy and paste strategy will then allow paragraph and sentence construction. - Google Explore Tool
Find and add suggested content to documents in Google Docs. The suggested content is related to what’s in your document. You can also search your docs and the web from within a document. - Google Voice Typing
Free speech-to-text tools in Google Docs. - Google Draw Tool (Graphic Organizer)
Top of Form. This is quick overview video of tools that you can use in Google Drawings to create your own graphic organizer.
Resources for students with disabilities who are accessing an adapted curriculum. Typically, these students are participating in the VAAP.
- Adapted Curriculum Math Resources
- Math Instant Center - Full Version
- Math Instant Center - Text Only Version
Resources for speech and language communication and resources for functional communication for students.
- Teen Language Activities
- Playing at Home
- Eating at Home
- Getting Dressed at Home
- Sweeping the Floor
- Bath Time at Home
Assistive Technology – Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Resources related to supporting communicative competence with the use of AAC.
Additional AAC Resources:
- PRC Literacy Planner to implement AAC
- Assistiveware Core Word Classroom- requires registration but is free, great home implementation ideas
- AAC Language Lab free resources.
Reinforcement, Routines, Social Skills & Visual Supports
- Behavior Supports
- Reinforcement Tip Sheet
- Routines Tip Sheet
- Building Relationships And Routines
- 25 Simple Self Care Tips For Parents
- Social Skills Tip Sheet
- Talking to Kids About Coronavirus
- Visual Supports Tip Sheet
Assistive Technology to Support Students with Executive Functioning
Many different technologies can be used to facilitate executive functioning skills.
Accommodations, Adapted PE, Hearing & Vision Services, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy.
Adapted PE
Physical and Occupational Therapy
Hearing Services
- American Sign Resources
- Board Books for Young Children Featuring D/deaf Characters
- Picture Books with D/deaf Characters
- Young Adult Books with D/deaf Characters
- Comics with D/deaf Characters
- Graphic Novels with D/deaf Characters - (coming soon)
- Books for Adults with D/deaf Characters
Vision Services

Elementary School Continuity of Learning Resources
Self-directed learning activities for elementary students and parents--distributed and made available in spring 2020.

High School Continuity of Learning Resources
Self-directed learning activities for high school students and parents--distributed and made available in spring 2020.