Elementary School Continuity of Learning Resources
The resources below are self-directed learning activities for students and parents--distributed and made available in spring 2020.
Additional information is available on FCPS 24-7 in the Continuity of Learning Plan course. For questions on how to login to a resource, please contact your student's teacher or librarian.
Watch the video below for information on accessing your FCPS 24-7 Parent View account.
TV Programming
During school closure, Channel 21 developed elementary instruction programming to support continuity of learning.
Pre-Kindergarten (PreK)
At Home Reading and Writing Activities
- Read a favorite story
- Act out a part of a story
- Give your child blank paper and have them draw or write a story
- Label objects in your home (ex: door, window, bed). You can write the word or your child can help write the word
- Draw and label the members of your family.
- Make a card for a relative or friend.
- Listen to a book on Pebble Go Animals Tell or write about two things you learned.
- Play an “I-Spy” game with things found inside or outside of your home. Ask your child to find something that begins with a specific letter or sound (ex: “I spy something that begins like banana.” Your child then tells you something they spy that begins with that same sound, like box or bed).
- Play a rhyming game with your child. Say two words that rhyme (ex: cat, rat), and your child gives you a thumbs up if the two words rhyme and a thumbs down if they do not.
At Home Math Activities
- Play a game of “I Spy” giving color and shape clues. (I spy something that is blue and round-clock)
- Count how many windows are in your house/apartment. Are they all the same or different?
- Mix all your utensils together and have your child sort them (forks, spoons, and knives) and have your child count how many are in each group. Make a graph of this.
- Go for a walk and have your child gather pebbles, small rocks, sticks, and leaves. Make a pattern with the materials (rock, rock, stick, rock, rock, stick) and have your child continue this pattern. Have your child create their own pattern and you extend/continue the pattern.
- Using a crayon or marker, have your child find objects in your house that are the same length as, shorter than, larger than the crayon/marker. Have your child draw pictures of what was found.
- Have your child help you cook by measuring ingredients.
At Home Reading and Writing Activities
These activities should take no more than 10-15 minutes and this time can be broken up throughout the day.
- Read a favorite story
- Act out a part of a story
- Give your child blank paper and have them draw or write a story
- Label objects in your home (ex: door, window, bed). You can write the word or your child can help write the word
- Draw and label the members of your family.
- Make a card for a relative or friend.
- Listen to a book on Pebble Go Animals Tell or write about two things you learned.
- Play an “I-Spy” game with things found inside or outside of your home. Ask your child to find something that begins with a specific letter or sound (ex: “I spy something that begins like banana.” Your child then tells you something they spy that begins with that same sound, like box or bed).
- Play a rhyming game with your child. Say two words that rhyme (ex: cat, rat), and your child gives you a thumbs up if the two words rhyme and a thumbs down if they do not.
Reading and Writing Little Books with Kindergarten
Teacher/Parent Overview:
RAFT is a structure that provides students with choice within a structured learning activity. The acronym RAFT stands for four key elements: Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. The use of RAFT allows students to think creatively, look at content or literature from multiple points of view, and write or create for multiple audiences.
Steps on how to Access ORIGO Slate Fundamentals Games.
At-Home Math Activities
Use these 10-15 minute activities to engage your child in mathematics at home.
- Play a game of “I Spy” giving color and shape clues. (I spy something that is blue and round-clock)
- Count how many windows are in your house/apartment. Are they all the same or different?
- Mix all your utensils together and have your child sort them (forks, spoons, knives) and have your child count how many are in each group. Make a graph of this.
- Go for a walk and have your child gather pebbles, small rocks, sticks, and leaves. Make a pattern with the materials (rock, rock, stick, rock, rock, stick) and have your child continue this pattern. Have your child create their own pattern and you extend or continue the pattern.
- Using a crayon or marker, have your child find objects in your house that are the same length as, shorter than, larger than the crayon/marker. Have your child draw pictures of what was found.
- Have your child help you cook by measuring ingredients.
Playing with Shadows
- Play a game of shadow tag outside. The person who is “it” must step on the shadow of another player to tag them. The person tagged then becomes “it”.
- Make shadow puppets using stiff paper cut-outs taped or glued to craft sticks.
- Write a play for shadow puppets.
- Make shadow shapes using hands
Observing Weather
- Observe the sky and how the temperature feels when you walk outside. How can you record your observations?
- Listen to/watch a local weather report and discuss the change in weather forecasted over the next five to seven days.
- Draw and write stories about a fast change in the weather and how it affects the characters in the story.
- Create a calendar with an image – one for each month – showing the gradual change in weather throughout the year.
- Find a photo of yourself or your family in one of the four seasons. Write about what you would need for the next season and describe how the weather would change.
Learning Outcome: | Instructions: |
Students will construct an understanding of citizenship and civic participation. | What is a citizen? Draw or write what you think the word “citizen” means. You can also draw or write any questions you have about the word “citizen.” |
Students will construct an understanding of basic economic features, including currency. | Write or draw everything you know and wonder about money. Think about these questions to help guide your thinking: What is money? How do people use money (give specific examples)? How do people get money? Talk to an adult about how they use money to pay for things they need and things they want. |
Students will develop an awareness that maps and globes show a view from above, using symbols and a map legend to represent the features of places. | Create a map of a place you know. It could be your home, your classroom, your school, your neighborhood, or a different place. Write a description of this place and why it might be important to you. |
Students will engage in historical thinking skills, including perspective taking and inquiry. |
Interview an adult to learn about the past. Ask them questions about what life was like when they were a child. After the interview, write or draw a picture to show something you learned about the past from the person you interviewed. Extension: Write or draw about where you see yourself as an adult! |
Student will construct an understanding of history and the concept of change over time. | What is history? What does the word “history” mean to you? Draw or write what you think the word “history” means. You can also draw or write the questions you might have about the word “history.” |
Student will engage in inquiry and apply historical thinking skills within personally relevant contexts |
With the help of a parent or guardian, find an object that you think is interesting. This could be an object in your home, such as a toy, jacket, or box of cereal. Look closely at the object. Then, try to write or draw your answers to these questions: What are the parts of the object? What are the purposes of each of those parts? (What do the parts do?) How do the different parts work together? |
Students will evaluate artifacts to consider relevance to personal history. |
Look around your home. Find 3 to 5 things (objects, documents, other sources) that show something about you or your family. Write or draw to explain what those 3 to 5 things show about you or your family. Present your work to someone in your home or save it for the future. Congratulations! You have engaged in historical thinking! |
English Language Development Activities (PDF)
Reflection Journal (PDF)
Online Resources (PDF)
Unite For Literacy: Online books in English and many languages. These books are most appropriate for younger students. Parents can enjoy these books in their home language as well.
Khan Academy Kids (ages 2-7) English
Khan Academy العربية (Arabic) | 中文 (Chinese) | English | 한국어 (Korean) | Español (Spanish): Online lessons for learners in grades PreK - 12.
To change the language:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- On the left side of the page, click on the drop-down menu.
- Click on your language.
- Click the Go button.
MyON: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Student's login with their FCPS username and password.
Tumblebooks: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Students should use the username and password provided by FCPS.
National Geographic Kids: Online magazine for kids.
How to Use The Documents
العربية | 中文 | English | فارسی | 한국어 | Español | اردو | Tiếng Việt
We will keep learning every day, even when school is closed. To support English Language Development, students will select an activity to do and then complete a journal entry. Students do not have to do the activities online. You may also choose to print the activities that you and your student would like to do. Here is a video explaining this process.
العربية (Arabic )
س وف نستمر في التعلم كل یوم حتى عندما تكون المدرسة مغلقة. لدعم تطویر اللغة الإنجلیزیة ، سیقوم الطلاب بتحدید نشاط للقیام به ثم كتابتها في دفتر العمل الیومي المرفق .لا یتعین على الطلاب القیام بالأنشطة عبر الإنترنت. یمكنك أیضًا اختیار .طباعة الأنشطة التي تریدها أنت وطالبك إلیك مقطع فیدیو یوضح هذه العملیة
中文 (Chinese)
即使学校关闭,我们也将继续帮助学生每天学习。为了支持英语语言发展,学生将选择一 个活动来完成,然后完成日志记录。学生不一定要在线进行这个活动,您也可以选择打印 您和您的学生想做的活动。
فارسی (Farsi)
ما هر روز یادگیری را ادامه خواهیم داد حتی وقتی مدرسه تعطیل است برای حمایت از توسعه زبان انگلیسی دانش آموزان فعالیتی را برای انجام انتخاب می کنند و سپس یک مجله را تکمیل می کنند. دانشجویان مجبور نیستند فعالیتها را بصورت آنلاین انجام دهند. همچنین ممکن است فعالیتهایی را که شما و دانش آموزتان می خواهید انجام دهید .چاپ کنید
한국어 (Korean)
등교를 못해도 학생들은 다음과 같이 매일 학습을 계속할 수 있습니다. 끈임없는 영어 습득을 위하여, 학생들이 액티비티를 선택한 후에 일기를 쓰면 되는데 꼭 온라인으로 하지 않아도 되고 대신 프린트해서 할 수도 있습니다.
Seguiremos aprendiendo todos los días, incluso cuando la escuela esté cerrada. Para apoyar el desarrollo del idioma inglés, los estudiantes seleccionarán una actividad para realizar y luego completarán una entrada en el diario. Los estudiantes no tienen que hacer las actividades en línea. También tienen la opción de imprimir las actividades que usted y su estudiante quieren hacer. Este video explica el proceso.
اردو (Urdu)
یہ ضروری ہے کہ جب ہم اسکول بند ہوں تو ہم ہر روز سیکھتے رہیں۔ انگریزی زبان کی ترقی میں معاونت کے ل students ، طلبہ سرگرمی کا انتخاب کریں گے اور پھر جرنل کے اندراج کو مکمل کریں گے۔ طلبا کے لئے آن لائن سرگرمیاں کرنا لازمی نہیں ہے۔ آپ ان سرگرمیوں کو پرنٹ کرنے کا بھی انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں جو آپ اور آپ کا طالب علم کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục học hàng ngày ngay cả khi trường học đóng cửa. Để hỗ trợ Phát triển Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh, sinh viên sẽ chọn một hoạt động để làm và sau đó hoàn thành một mục nhật ký. Học sinh không phải thực hiện các hoạt động trực
At Home Reading and Writing Activities
These activities should take no more than 10-15 minutes and this time can be broken up throughout the day.
- Read a favorite story and act out a part.
- Label objects around your home (ex: door, window, bed).
- Make a card for a relative or a friend.
- Read a nonfiction book and teach someone what you learned.
- Play an “I-Spy” game with things found in and around your house. Ask your child to find something that begins with a specific letter or sound (ex: “I spy something that begins like banana.” Your child then tells you something they spy that begins with that same sound, like box or bed).
- Play a rhyming game with your child.
- Say two words that rhyme (ex: cat, rat) and your child gives you a thumbs up if the two words rhyme and a thumbs down if they do not.
- Say a word. Ask your child to name another word that rhymes. (ex: What’s a word that rhymes with lake?)
- For more writing activities, see Personal Narrative Writing and Nonfiction Writing suggestions.
Portrait of a Graduate BINGO Card
Reading and Writing Books with Students
Teacher/Parent Overview:
RAFT is a structure that provides students with choice within a structured learning activity. The acronym RAFT stands for four key elements: Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. The use of RAFT allows students to think creatively, look at content or literature from multiple points of view, and write or create for multiple audiences.
Steps on how to Access ORIGO Slate Fundamentals Games.
Where Do Animals Live?
- Cut pictures from magazines and create a collage showing land and water animals.
- Research an endangered wild animal and how conservation groups are helping to save them.
- Play charades with your family. Write down the names of animals on individual cards.Choose a card and act out the way in which that animal moves and where it might live. The other players try and guess the animal you are acting out.
What are Birds Doing in Spring?
- Explore your own backyard and record potential nesting places for birds.
- Take a digital camera outside while you make bird observations to record nesting locations you find.
- Cut pieces of yarn to place around your yard and on branches for birds to use for nesting.
- Research other animals that lay their eggs in a nest and how these nests are formed.
Learning Outcome: | Instructions: |
Students will construct an understanding of citizenship and civic participation. | What is a citizen? Draw or write what you think the word “citizen” means. You can also draw or write any questions you have about the word “citizen.” |
Students will construct an understanding of basic economic features, including currency. | Write or draw everything you know and wonder about money. Think about these questions to help guide your thinking: What is money? How do people use money (give specific examples)? How do people get money? Talk to an adult about how they use money to pay for things they need and things they want. |
Students will develop an awareness that maps and globes show a view from above, using symbols and a map legend to represent the features of places. | Create a map of a place you know. It could be your home, your classroom, your school, your neighborhood, or a different place. Write a description of this place and why it might be important to you. |
Students will engage in historical thinking skills, including perspective taking and inquiry. |
Interview an adult to learn about the past. Ask them questions about what life was like when they were a child. After the interview, write or draw a picture to show something you learned about the past from the person you interviewed. Extension: Write or draw about where you see yourself as an adult! |
Student will construct an understanding of history and the concept of change over time. | What is history? What does the word “history” mean to you? Draw or write what you think the word “history” means. You can also draw or write the questions you might have about the word “history.” |
Student will engage in inquiry and apply historical thinking skills within personally relevant contexts |
With the help of a parent or guardian, find an object that you think is interesting. This could be an object in your home, such as a toy, jacket, or box of cereal. Look closely at the object. Then, try to write or draw your answers to these questions: What are the parts of the object? What are the purposes of each of those parts? (What do the parts do?) How do the different parts work together? |
Students will evaluate artifacts to consider relevance to personal history. |
Look around your home. Find 3 to 5 things (objects, documents, other sources) that show something about you or your family. Write or draw to explain what those 3 to 5 things show about you or your family. Present your work to someone in your home or save it for the future. Congratulations! You have engaged in historical thinking! |
English Language Development Activities (PDF)
Reflection Journal (PDF)
Online Resources (PDF)
Unite For Literacy: Online books in English and many languages. These books are most appropriate for younger students. Parents can enjoy these books in their home language as well.
Khan Academy Kids (ages 2-7) English
Khan Academy العربية (Arabic) | 中文 (Chinese) | English | 한국어 (Korean) | Español (Spanish): Online lessons for learners in grades PreK - 12.
To change the language:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- On the left side of the page, click on the drop-down menu.
- Click on your language.
- Click the Go button.
MyON: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Student's login with their FCPS username and password.
Tumblebooks: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Students should use the username and password provided by FCPS.
National Geographic Kids: Online magazine for kids.
How to Use The Documents
العربية | 中文 | English | فارسی | 한국어 | Español | اردو | Tiếng Việt
We will keep learning every day, even when school is closed. To support English Language Development, students will select an activity to do and then complete a journal entry. Students do not have to do the activities online. You may also choose to print the activities that you and your student would like to do. Here is a video explaining this process.
العربية (Arabic )
س وف نستمر في التعلم كل یوم حتى عندما تكون المدرسة مغلقة. لدعم تطویر اللغة الإنجلیزیة ، سیقوم الطلاب بتحدید نشاط للقیام به ثم كتابتها في دفتر العمل الیومي المرفق .لا یتعین على الطلاب القیام بالأنشطة عبر الإنترنت. یمكنك أیضًا اختیار .طباعة الأنشطة التي تریدها أنت وطالبك إلیك مقطع فیدیو یوضح هذه العملیة
中文 (Chinese)
即使学校关闭,我们也将继续帮助学生每天学习。为了支持英语语言发展,学生将选择一 个活动来完成,然后完成日志记录。学生不一定要在线进行这个活动,您也可以选择打印 您和您的学生想做的活动。
فارسی (Farsi)
ما هر روز یادگیری را ادامه خواهیم داد حتی وقتی مدرسه تعطیل است برای حمایت از توسعه زبان انگلیسی دانش آموزان فعالیتی را برای انجام انتخاب می کنند و سپس یک مجله را تکمیل می کنند. دانشجویان مجبور نیستند فعالیتها را بصورت آنلاین انجام دهند. همچنین ممکن است فعالیتهایی را که شما و دانش آموزتان می خواهید انجام دهید .چاپ کنید
한국어 (Korean)
등교를 못해도 학생들은 다음과 같이 매일 학습을 계속할 수 있습니다. 끈임없는 영어 습득을 위하여, 학생들이 액티비티를 선택한 후에 일기를 쓰면 되는데 꼭 온라인으로 하지 않아도 되고 대신 프린트해서 할 수도 있습니다.
Seguiremos aprendiendo todos los días, incluso cuando la escuela esté cerrada. Para apoyar el desarrollo del idioma inglés, los estudiantes seleccionarán una actividad para realizar y luego completarán una entrada en el diario. Los estudiantes no tienen que hacer las actividades en línea. También tienen la opción de imprimir las actividades que usted y su estudiante quieren hacer. Este video explica el proceso.
اردو (Urdu)
یہ ضروری ہے کہ جب ہم اسکول بند ہوں تو ہم ہر روز سیکھتے رہیں۔ انگریزی زبان کی ترقی میں معاونت کے ل students ، طلبہ سرگرمی کا انتخاب کریں گے اور پھر جرنل کے اندراج کو مکمل کریں گے۔ طلبا کے لئے آن لائن سرگرمیاں کرنا لازمی نہیں ہے۔ آپ ان سرگرمیوں کو پرنٹ کرنے کا بھی انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں جو آپ اور آپ کا طالب علم کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục học hàng ngày ngay cả khi trường học đóng cửa. Để hỗ trợ Phát triển Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh, sinh viên sẽ chọn một hoạt động để làm và sau đó hoàn thành một mục nhật ký. Học sinh không phải thực hiện các hoạt động trực
Portrait of a Graduate BINGO Card
Reading and Writing Books with Students
Teacher/Parent Overview:
RAFT is a structure that provides students with choice within a structured learning activity. The acronym RAFT stands for four key elements: Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. The use of RAFT allows students to think creatively, look at content or literature from multiple points of view, and write or create for multiple audiences.
Steps on how to Access ORIGO Slate Fundamentals Games.
Changing Matter
- Set up an investigation to determine which ice cream melts the fastest. (ex., nonfat, creamy, frozen yogurt).
- Learn about offering water to wildlife in the winter. How can you ensure the water in the bird bath doesn't freeze?
Where Did the Water Go?
- Use water and a paintbrush to paint on dark construction paper or the sidewalk outside. Let it sit for a few minutes. What do you see now? What happened to the water? Try the same activity with salt water. Do you get the same results?
- Fill a mug 2/3 with very warm water. Cover the mug with plastic wrap. What happens? Record your observations with a diagram and written description. What do you think will happen next if you let the mug sit longer?
On this page, you will find a variety of learning opportunities for you to engage in that will help you practice skills and deepen your understanding of social studies topics you have already learned about or are currently learning. You may choose any or all of the activities to complete, in any order you like. Be sure to share your learning with family and friends!
The Life and Times of the First Americans
Read the MyON book, “The Life and Times of the First Americans.” Students log in with school name, student ID, and password. As you read, look for and record answers to the following questions:
- Why were early Native Americans dependent on their environment?
- How are we dependent on our environment today?
- How did early Native Americans use the environment to satisfy wants and needs?
- How do we use our environment to satisfy our basic needs (food, clothing, shelter) and our wants?
Create a chart of “interesting facts” you learned about early Native Americans from reading this text. Add pictures and captions to your chart and share your learning with someone!
Your Personal History
- Look around your home.
- Select 3 to 5 artifacts (photographs, letters or cards, receipts, ticket stubs, souvenirs, other) that reveal something about your personal history or your family history.
- Create a slideshow, video, or podcast describing what those artifacts reveal about you or your family.
- Present your work to someone in your home or save it for future reference.
- Congratulations! You have engaged in historical thinking!
Practicing Map Skills
Students will practice map skills to create maps.
Use the resources on Pebble Go to create a map of the world that might teach someone about the continents, oceans, prime meridian, equator, and hemispheres.
Extension: Create a map of the United States that shows major rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges.
English Language Development Activities (PDF)
Reflection Journal (PDF)
Online Resources (PDF)
Unite For Literacy: Online books in English and many languages. These books are most appropriate for younger students. Parents can enjoy these books in their home language as well.
Khan Academy Kids (ages 2-7) English
Khan Academy العربية (Arabic) | 中文 (Chinese) | English | 한국어 (Korean) | Español (Spanish): Online lessons for learners in grades PreK - 12.
To change the language:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- On the left side of the page, click on the drop-down menu.
- Click on your language.
- Click the Go button.
MyON: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Student's login with their FCPS username and password.
Tumblebooks: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Students should use the username and password provided by FCPS.
National Geographic Kids: Online magazine for kids.
How to Use The Documents
العربية | 中文 | English | فارسی | 한국어 | Español | اردو | Tiếng Việt
We will keep learning every day, even when school is closed. To support English Language Development, students will select an activity to do and then complete a journal entry. Students do not have to do the activities online. You may also choose to print the activities that you and your student would like to do. Here is a video explaining this process.
العربية (Arabic )
س وف نستمر في التعلم كل یوم حتى عندما تكون المدرسة مغلقة. لدعم تطویر اللغة الإنجلیزیة ، سیقوم الطلاب بتحدید نشاط للقیام به ثم كتابتها في دفتر العمل الیومي المرفق .لا یتعین على الطلاب القیام بالأنشطة عبر الإنترنت. یمكنك أیضًا اختیار .طباعة الأنشطة التي تریدها أنت وطالبك إلیك مقطع فیدیو یوضح هذه العملیة
中文 (Chinese)
即使学校关闭,我们也将继续帮助学生每天学习。为了支持英语语言发展,学生将选择一 个活动来完成,然后完成日志记录。学生不一定要在线进行这个活动,您也可以选择打印 您和您的学生想做的活动。
فارسی (Farsi)
ما هر روز یادگیری را ادامه خواهیم داد حتی وقتی مدرسه تعطیل است برای حمایت از توسعه زبان انگلیسی دانش آموزان فعالیتی را برای انجام انتخاب می کنند و سپس یک مجله را تکمیل می کنند. دانشجویان مجبور نیستند فعالیتها را بصورت آنلاین انجام دهند. همچنین ممکن است فعالیتهایی را که شما و دانش آموزتان می خواهید انجام دهید .چاپ کنید
한국어 (Korean)
등교를 못해도 학생들은 다음과 같이 매일 학습을 계속할 수 있습니다. 끈임없는 영어 습득을 위하여, 학생들이 액티비티를 선택한 후에 일기를 쓰면 되는데 꼭 온라인으로 하지 않아도 되고 대신 프린트해서 할 수도 있습니다.
Seguiremos aprendiendo todos los días, incluso cuando la escuela esté cerrada. Para apoyar el desarrollo del idioma inglés, los estudiantes seleccionarán una actividad para realizar y luego completarán una entrada en el diario. Los estudiantes no tienen que hacer las actividades en línea. También tienen la opción de imprimir las actividades que usted y su estudiante quieren hacer. Este video explica el proceso.
اردو (Urdu)
یہ ضروری ہے کہ جب ہم اسکول بند ہوں تو ہم ہر روز سیکھتے رہیں۔ انگریزی زبان کی ترقی میں معاونت کے ل students ، طلبہ سرگرمی کا انتخاب کریں گے اور پھر جرنل کے اندراج کو مکمل کریں گے۔ طلبا کے لئے آن لائن سرگرمیاں کرنا لازمی نہیں ہے۔ آپ ان سرگرمیوں کو پرنٹ کرنے کا بھی انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں جو آپ اور آپ کا طالب علم کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục học hàng ngày ngay cả khi trường học đóng cửa. Để hỗ trợ Phát triển Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh, sinh viên sẽ chọn một hoạt động để làm và sau đó hoàn thành một mục nhật ký. Học sinh không phải thực hiện các hoạt động trực
- Fiction Character Change
- Independent Choice Writing - This documents helps if you want to write on topics and genres of your choosing and you've been doing writing workshop with your teacher.
- Nonfiction Reading with Book World
- Nonfiction Writing Idea
- Personal Narrative Writing
- Poetry Reading
- Grade 3 Reading RAFT
Teacher/Parent Overview:
RAFT is a structure that provides students with choice within a structured learning activity. The acronym RAFT stands for four key elements: Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. The use of RAFT allows students to think creatively, look at content or literature from multiple points of view, and write or create for multiple audiences. - Working with Informational Text - This file contains seven ways to work with informational text.
- Look for photos or illustrations (e.g., National Geographic) of how erosion has changed the Earth’s surface. Make a collage or digital presentation about your findings.
- Take a walk around your neighborhood to look for evidence of erosion. What do you think it causing it? What could be done to prevent the soil from eroding in that area?
All About Soil
- Establish your backyard as a Wildlife Habitat.
- Research the Soil Conservation Act signed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Why was this act signed? How does it impact us today?
- Research famous pedologists such as Bernard Palissy, Hans Jenny, and Olivier de Serres.
- Cut out pictures from magazines that show the importance of soil to people.
- Find out the type of soil found in your neighborhood using the Fairfax County Digital Map Viewer
You will find a variety of learning opportunities for you to engage in that will help you practice skills and deepen your understanding of social studies topics you have already learned about or are currently learning. You may choose any or all of the activities to complete, in any order you like. Be sure to share your learning with family and friends!
Ancient Civilizations Investigation
Students will investigate aspects of an ancient civilization by engaging in nonfiction texts and summarizing main ideas.
Continue your learning about an ancient civilization you have learned about or will learn about this year by choosing a book in MyON to explore about Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, or Ancient China. After reading the text, create 3 “Headlines” that encapsulate the main idea of your chosen book.
Extension: Choose another ancient civilization to read about and create headlines for. Share your learning with someone!
Countries in our Modern World
Students will investigate countries around the world to learn more about the characteristics of culture.
- Choose 4 countries from Pebble Go that you would like to learn more about.
- Read the text and choose 3-5 significant things you learned about each country.
- Create a Venn diagram to compare the similarities and difference between 2 or more of the countries you learned about.
- Teach someone else about these countries!
Choose a Biography
Students will investigate the biography of a famous person to learn about significant accomplishments and share with others.
- Choose a biography from Pebble Go that you would like to learn more about.
- Read the text and choose 3-5 significant things you learned about this person.
- Create a poster, a slide show, or mini-book that will help someone else learn about this person. Be sure to use images (with captions) and other important text features (bold words, headings, etc.) as you create your product.
- Teach someone else about this famous person!
Economics Picture Book
Students will review economic concepts to deepen understanding and make connections to the real world.
- Choose multiple sections of Pebble Go’s “All About Money” section to read and explore.
- Create a picture book (digital or print) that will teach others about the economic concepts you have learned about this year (natural resources, capital resources, human resources, barter, use of money, scarcity, consumer, producer, etc.).
- Find a new concept that you didn’t know much about to include in your picture book as well (credit, supply and demand, etc.).Be sure to use specific examples of what these economic concepts might look like in the real world!
Practicing Map Skills
Students will practice map skills to create maps.
Use the resources on Pebble Go Maps and Continents to create a map of the world that might teach someone about the continents, oceans, prime meridian, equator, and hemispheres. Your map could be digital or print.
Extensions: Create a map of the United States that shows major rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges. Research the 50 states and capitals. Create a chart that lists them and is organized by regions of the United States (Northeast, Midwest, etc.). Use the information from the U.S. Embassy & Consulate in South Korea to help you!
Your Personal History
Students will evaluate artifacts to consider relevance to personal history.
- Look around your home.
- Select 3 to 5 artifacts (Photographs, Letters or cards, Receipts, Ticket stubs, Souvenirs, Other) that reveal something about your personal history or your family history.
- Create a slideshow, video, or podcast describing what those artifacts reveal about you or your family.
- Present your work to someone in your home or save it for future reference.
- Congratulations! You have engaged in historical thinking!
English Language Development Resource (PDF)
Reflection Journal (PDF)
Online Resources (PDF)
Unite For Literacy: Online books in English and many languages. These books are most appropriate for younger students. Parents can enjoy these books in their home language as well.
Khan Academy Kids (ages 2-7) English
Khan Academy العربية (Arabic) | 中文 (Chinese) | English | 한국어 (Korean) | Español (Spanish): Online lessons for learners in grades PreK - 12.
To change the language:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- On the left side of the page, click on the drop-down menu.
- Click on your language.
- Click the Go button.
MyON: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Student's login with their FCPS username and password.
Tumblebooks: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Students should use the username and password provided by FCPS.
National Geographic Kids: Online magazine for kids.
How to Use The Documents
العربية | 中文 | English | فارسی | 한국어 | Español | اردو | Tiếng Việt
We will keep learning every day, even when school is closed. To support English Language Development, students will select an activity to do and then complete a journal entry. Students do not have to do the activities online. You may also choose to print the activities that you and your student would like to do. Here is a video explaining this process.
العربية (Arabic )
س وف نستمر في التعلم كل یوم حتى عندما تكون المدرسة مغلقة. لدعم تطویر اللغة الإنجلیزیة ، سیقوم الطلاب بتحدید نشاط للقیام به ثم كتابتها في دفتر العمل الیومي المرفق .لا یتعین على الطلاب القیام بالأنشطة عبر الإنترنت. یمكنك أیضًا اختیار .طباعة الأنشطة التي تریدها أنت وطالبك إلیك مقطع فیدیو یوضح هذه العملیة
中文 (Chinese)
即使学校关闭,我们也将继续帮助学生每天学习。为了支持英语语言发展,学生将选择一 个活动来完成,然后完成日志记录。学生不一定要在线进行这个活动,您也可以选择打印 您和您的学生想做的活动。
فارسی (Farsi)
ما هر روز یادگیری را ادامه خواهیم داد حتی وقتی مدرسه تعطیل است برای حمایت از توسعه زبان انگلیسی دانش آموزان فعالیتی را برای انجام انتخاب می کنند و سپس یک مجله را تکمیل می کنند. دانشجویان مجبور نیستند فعالیتها را بصورت آنلاین انجام دهند. همچنین ممکن است فعالیتهایی را که شما و دانش آموزتان می خواهید انجام دهید .چاپ کنید
한국어 (Korean)
등교를 못해도 학생들은 다음과 같이 매일 학습을 계속할 수 있습니다. 끈임없는 영어 습득을 위하여, 학생들이 액티비티를 선택한 후에 일기를 쓰면 되는데 꼭 온라인으로 하지 않아도 되고 대신 프린트해서 할 수도 있습니다.
Seguiremos aprendiendo todos los días, incluso cuando la escuela esté cerrada. Para apoyar el desarrollo del idioma inglés, los estudiantes seleccionarán una actividad para realizar y luego completarán una entrada en el diario. Los estudiantes no tienen que hacer las actividades en línea. También tienen la opción de imprimir las actividades que usted y su estudiante quieren hacer. Este video explica el proceso.
اردو (Urdu)
یہ ضروری ہے کہ جب ہم اسکول بند ہوں تو ہم ہر روز سیکھتے رہیں۔ انگریزی زبان کی ترقی میں معاونت کے ل students ، طلبہ سرگرمی کا انتخاب کریں گے اور پھر جرنل کے اندراج کو مکمل کریں گے۔ طلبا کے لئے آن لائن سرگرمیاں کرنا لازمی نہیں ہے۔ آپ ان سرگرمیوں کو پرنٹ کرنے کا بھی انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں جو آپ اور آپ کا طالب علم کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục học hàng ngày ngay cả khi trường học đóng cửa. Để hỗ trợ Phát triển Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh, sinh viên sẽ chọn một hoạt động để làm và sau đó hoàn thành một mục nhật ký. Học sinh không phải thực hiện các hoạt động trực
- Fiction Character Change
- Independent Choice Writing - This documents helps if you want to write on topics and genres of your choosing and you've been doing writing workshop with your teacher.
- Nonfiction Reading with Book World
- Nonfiction Writing Idea
- Personal Narrative Writing
- Poetry Reading
- Grade 4 Reading RAFT
Teacher/Parent Overview:
RAFT is a structure that provides students with choice within a structured learning activity. The acronym RAFT stands for four key elements: Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. The use of RAFT allows students to think creatively, look at content or literature from multiple points of view, and write or create for multiple audiences. - Working with Informational Text - This file contains seven ways to work with informational text.
Steps on how to Access ORIGO Slate Fundamentals Games.
Grade 4 Practice Problems
Current and Static Electricity
- Rub a balloon on your hair or some wool fabric. Hold the balloon near a thin, steady stream of water from a faucet. Observe the results - What happens? (The negative charge on the balloon will induce a positive charge in the stream of water. The opposite charges attract and the path of the water is bent toward the balloon.)
- Read about Static Electricity. Which charges attract? Which charges repel?
- Rub nylon stockings with plastic wrap. What happens? (The sides of the stockings will gain a positive charge and since like charges repel, the stockings will expand.)
- Blow soap bubbles and attract them with a charged balloon or rubber comb. What happens?
- Find more information about the scientists who have impacted our electrical advancements: Benjamin Franklin, Michael Farady, and Thomas Edison.
- Can you build both a series and a parallel circuit? Remember that if, when you light two bulbs and you take a bulb out and the other light goes out, it is a series circuit and if the other light stays on, it is a parallel circuit.
Energy and Magnetism
- Read about magnetism. How can magnets be used to create electricity?
- Find energy transformations happening around your home. Hint: look at the things that get plugged into the wall and use electrical energy.
- Design an experiment to find the answer to one of the following questions or one of their own. If you have access to magnets, you could do your experiment and record your results.
- How many pieces of paper or plastic can be put between two magnets before the magnets no longer attract?
- What materials are attracted by magnets?
- Which part of a bar magnet has the strongest magnetic effect/magnetic field?
You will find a variety of learning opportunities for you to engage in that will help you practice skills and deepen your understanding of social studies topics you have already learned about or are currently learning. You may choose any or all of the activities to complete, in any order you like. Be sure to share your learning with family and friends!
Civil War Headlines
Students will investigate aspects of the Civil War by engaging in nonfiction texts and summarizing main ideas.
Continue your learning about the Civil War by choosing a books about aspects of the Civil War in MyON . After reading the text, create 3 “Headlines” that encapsulate the main idea of your chosen book.
Using Artifacts to Tell My Story
Students will evaluate artifacts to consider relevance to personal history.
- Look around your home.
- Select 3 to 5 artifacts (Photographs, Letters or cards, Receipts, Ticket stubs, Souvenirs, Other) that reveal something about your personal history or your family history.
- Create a slideshow, video, or podcast describing what those artifacts reveal about you or your family.
- Present your work to someone in your home or save it for future reference.
- Congratulations! You have engaged in historical thinking!
Thinking about Historical and Current Events
- Choose a historical or current event that interests you.
- Find three or more sources that interpret this event through different perspectives or lenses.
- Engage in the 3Ys thinking routine:
- Why does this matter to me?
- What does this matter to the people around me (family, friends, neighborhood, city, nation)?
- What does this matter to the world?
English Language Development Resource (PDF)
Reflection Journal (PDF)
Online Resources (PDF)
Unite For Literacy: Online books in English and many languages. These books are most appropriate for younger students. Parents can enjoy these books in their home language as well.
Khan Academy Kids (ages 2-7) English
Khan Academy العربية (Arabic) | 中文 (Chinese) | English | 한국어 (Korean) | Español (Spanish): Online lessons for learners in grades PreK - 12.
To change the language:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- On the left side of the page, click on the drop-down menu.
- Click on your language.
- Click the Go button.
MyON: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Student's login with their FCPS username and password.
Tumblebooks: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Students should use the username and password provided by FCPS.
National Geographic Kids: Online magazine for kids.
How to Use The Documents
العربية | 中文 | English | فارسی | 한국어 | Español | اردو | Tiếng Việt
We will keep learning every day, even when school is closed. To support English Language Development, students will select an activity to do and then complete a journal entry. Students do not have to do the activities online. You may also choose to print the activities that you and your student would like to do. Here is a video explaining this process.
العربية (Arabic )
س وف نستمر في التعلم كل یوم حتى عندما تكون المدرسة مغلقة. لدعم تطویر اللغة الإنجلیزیة ، سیقوم الطلاب بتحدید نشاط للقیام به ثم كتابتها في دفتر العمل الیومي المرفق .لا یتعین على الطلاب القیام بالأنشطة عبر الإنترنت. یمكنك أیضًا اختیار .طباعة الأنشطة التي تریدها أنت وطالبك إلیك مقطع فیدیو یوضح هذه العملیة
中文 (Chinese)
即使学校关闭,我们也将继续帮助学生每天学习。为了支持英语语言发展,学生将选择一 个活动来完成,然后完成日志记录。学生不一定要在线进行这个活动,您也可以选择打印 您和您的学生想做的活动。
فارسی (Farsi)
ما هر روز یادگیری را ادامه خواهیم داد حتی وقتی مدرسه تعطیل است برای حمایت از توسعه زبان انگلیسی دانش آموزان فعالیتی را برای انجام انتخاب می کنند و سپس یک مجله را تکمیل می کنند. دانشجویان مجبور نیستند فعالیتها را بصورت آنلاین انجام دهند. همچنین ممکن است فعالیتهایی را که شما و دانش آموزتان می خواهید انجام دهید .چاپ کنید
한국어 (Korean)
등교를 못해도 학생들은 다음과 같이 매일 학습을 계속할 수 있습니다. 끈임없는 영어 습득을 위하여, 학생들이 액티비티를 선택한 후에 일기를 쓰면 되는데 꼭 온라인으로 하지 않아도 되고 대신 프린트해서 할 수도 있습니다.
Seguiremos aprendiendo todos los días, incluso cuando la escuela esté cerrada. Para apoyar el desarrollo del idioma inglés, los estudiantes seleccionarán una actividad para realizar y luego completarán una entrada en el diario. Los estudiantes no tienen que hacer las actividades en línea. También tienen la opción de imprimir las actividades que usted y su estudiante quieren hacer. Este video explica el proceso.
اردو (Urdu)
یہ ضروری ہے کہ جب ہم اسکول بند ہوں تو ہم ہر روز سیکھتے رہیں۔ انگریزی زبان کی ترقی میں معاونت کے ل students ، طلبہ سرگرمی کا انتخاب کریں گے اور پھر جرنل کے اندراج کو مکمل کریں گے۔ طلبا کے لئے آن لائن سرگرمیاں کرنا لازمی نہیں ہے۔ آپ ان سرگرمیوں کو پرنٹ کرنے کا بھی انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں جو آپ اور آپ کا طالب علم کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục học hàng ngày ngay cả khi trường học đóng cửa. Để hỗ trợ Phát triển Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh, sinh viên sẽ chọn một hoạt động để làm và sau đó hoàn thành một mục nhật ký. Học sinh không phải thực hiện các hoạt động trực
- Fiction Character Change
- Independent Choice Writing - This documents helps if you want to write on topics and genres of your choosing and you've been doing writing workshop with your teacher.
- Nonfiction Reading with Book World
- Nonfiction Writing Idea
- Personal Narrative Writing
- Poetry Reading
- Grade 5 Reading RAFT
Teacher/Parent Overview:
RAFT is a structure that provides students with choice within a structured learning activity. The acronym RAFT stands for four key elements: Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. The use of RAFT allows students to think creatively, look at content or literature from multiple points of view, and write or create for multiple audiences. - Working with Informational Text - This file contains seven ways to work with informational text.
- Are there any spots in your home that light is broken up into its colors and a mini rainbow shows up? Keep your eyes out!
- Why do we see rainbows in the sky or around our homes? Watch this video for more information!
- What is sound? Watch this YouTube video on sound to find out how we hear sounds. How are sounds formed?
- Read all about sound. Click on the Pitch section for the answer to the question, how does pitch match wavelength?
- Fill glass cups up in different amounts. What do you hear when you tap each glass? Why do you think you hear a difference?
- Do you have an instrument? Explore - what do you do to your instrument to get different pitches?
4th grade Review
Our SOL in 5th grade will include information from 4th grade science. Here is some review you can do.
Virginia Ecosystems
- Watch this YouTube video on Food Webs.
- Look for answers to these questions
- What is a food web?
- What is an ecosystem?
- What happens in an ecosystem when one of the plants or animals declines?
Weather and Our Solar System
- Explore our solar system.
- Click on each planet for more information.
- What do you notice about the difference between the inner and outer planets?
- What causes the seasons? Watch this YouTube video for more information on the reason for the seasons on Earth.
- Why do we have phases of the Moon? Read more about the Moon.
- What is the weather when there's a low pressure air mass in place? What about if it is high pressure? Listen to this YouTube video for more information on the relationship between air pressure and weather.
Magnetism and Electricity
- Read about electricity and magnetism.
- Build series and parallel circuits.
- Can you build both a series and a parallel circuit?
- Remember that if you take a bulb out and the other light goes out, it is a series circuit and if the other bulb stays on, it is a parallel circuit
- What do plants need to live?
- Watch the Who Needs Dirt? YouTube video.
- After watching, take a walk outside if you can.
- What plants do you spot?
- Do you see the parts of the plants needed to stay alive?
- Spring is coming and flowers are blooming! What is the important job that flowers have? Watch the Look Inside a Flower! YouTube video to find out! After watching, if you can, take a look at the blooming flowers outside!
Force and Motion
How does friction impact motion?
- Go to Forces and Motion: Basics from Phet
- Click on the Friction button.
- Explore what happens when you change the force and weights.
- Add the speed factor so you can see how fast or slow the speed is.
- What did you notice in your exploration?
You will find a variety of learning opportunities for you to engage in that will help you practice skills and deepen your understanding of social studies topics you have already learned about or are currently learning. You may choose any or all of the activities to complete, in any order you like. Be sure to share your learning with family and friends!
Ancient Civilizations Investigation
Students will investigate aspects of an ancient civilization by engaging in nonfiction texts and summarizing main ideas.
Continue your learning about an ancient civilization you have learned about or will learn about this year by choosing a book in MyON to explore about Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, or Ancient China. After reading the text, create 3 “Headlines” that encapsulate the main idea of your chosen book.
Students will use online database resources to gather information and examine primary and secondary sources to make connections, extend thinking, and ask questions about a particular ancient civilization (Mesopotamia, China, India, Greece, Rome, Southwest Asia, Africa, Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, Inca).
- Choose a database to explore an ancient civilization you are interested in learning more about. For log-in information, contact your student's teacher or librarian.
- Find 5-7 facts that you feel are most important
- Find 2-3 primary or secondary sources (map, image, document, etc.) to examine.
- Answer these questions:
- How do these sources connect to what I already know?
- How do they extend or push my thinking?
- What challenges or puzzles do these sources raise for me about the content or time period?
- Optional: Continue your learning by choosing one primary or secondary source you examined that was meaningful to you. Research the source to learn more about it and create a powerpoint slide, infographic, or poster that will inform learners about this particular source and its significance in world history.
Using Artifacts to Tell My Story
Students will evaluate artifacts to consider relevance to personal history.
- Look around your home.
- Select 3 to 5 artifacts (Photographs, Letters or cards, Receipts, Ticket stubs, Souvenirs, Other) that reveal something about your personal history or your family history.
- Create a slideshow, video, or podcast describing what those artifacts reveal about you or your family.
- Present your work to someone in your home or save it for future reference.
- Congratulations! You have engaged in historical thinking!
Thinking about Historical and Current Events
- Choose a historical or current event that interests you.
- Find three or more sources that interpret this event through different perspectives or lenses.
- Engage in the 3Ys thinking routine:
- Why does this matter to me?
- What does this matter to the people around me (family, friends, neighborhood, city, nation)?
- What does this matter to the world?
Create your Own Assessment!
- Choose one ancient civilization that you have focused on this year.
- Create an assessment or a DBQ that will help other 5th graders demonstrate their learning. Your assessment can include any or all of the following:
- Multiple choice questions
- Short or long answer questions
- Analyzing primary sources to answer questions
- Map skills
- You might also consider developing an assessment where 5th graders need to use skills to create something (brochure, picture book, slide show, poster, infographic, etc.) to show their learning!
English Language Development Resource (PDF)
Reflection Journal (PDF)
Online Resources (PDF)
Unite For Literacy: Online books in English and many languages. These books are most appropriate for younger students. Parents can enjoy these books in their home language as well.
Khan Academy Kids (ages 2-7) English
Khan Academy العربية (Arabic) | 中文 (Chinese) | English | 한국어 (Korean) | Español (Spanish): Online lessons for learners in grades PreK - 12.
To change the language:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- On the left side of the page, click on the drop-down menu.
- Click on your language.
- Click the Go button.
MyON: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Student's login with their FCPS username and password.
Tumblebooks: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Students should use the username and password provided by FCPS.
National Geographic Kids: Online magazine for kids.
How to Use The Documents
العربية | 中文 | English | فارسی | 한국어 | Español | اردو | Tiếng Việt
We will keep learning every day, even when school is closed. To support English Language Development, students will select an activity to do and then complete a journal entry. Students do not have to do the activities online. You may also choose to print the activities that you and your student would like to do. Here is a video explaining this process.
العربية (Arabic )
س وف نستمر في التعلم كل یوم حتى عندما تكون المدرسة مغلقة. لدعم تطویر اللغة الإنجلیزیة ، سیقوم الطلاب بتحدید نشاط للقیام به ثم كتابتها في دفتر العمل الیومي المرفق .لا یتعین على الطلاب القیام بالأنشطة عبر الإنترنت. یمكنك أیضًا اختیار .طباعة الأنشطة التي تریدها أنت وطالبك إلیك مقطع فیدیو یوضح هذه العملیة
中文 (Chinese)
即使学校关闭,我们也将继续帮助学生每天学习。为了支持英语语言发展,学生将选择一 个活动来完成,然后完成日志记录。学生不一定要在线进行这个活动,您也可以选择打印 您和您的学生想做的活动。
فارسی (Farsi)
ما هر روز یادگیری را ادامه خواهیم داد حتی وقتی مدرسه تعطیل است برای حمایت از توسعه زبان انگلیسی دانش آموزان فعالیتی را برای انجام انتخاب می کنند و سپس یک مجله را تکمیل می کنند. دانشجویان مجبور نیستند فعالیتها را بصورت آنلاین انجام دهند. همچنین ممکن است فعالیتهایی را که شما و دانش آموزتان می خواهید انجام دهید .چاپ کنید
한국어 (Korean)
등교를 못해도 학생들은 다음과 같이 매일 학습을 계속할 수 있습니다. 끈임없는 영어 습득을 위하여, 학생들이 액티비티를 선택한 후에 일기를 쓰면 되는데 꼭 온라인으로 하지 않아도 되고 대신 프린트해서 할 수도 있습니다.
Seguiremos aprendiendo todos los días, incluso cuando la escuela esté cerrada. Para apoyar el desarrollo del idioma inglés, los estudiantes seleccionarán una actividad para realizar y luego completarán una entrada en el diario. Los estudiantes no tienen que hacer las actividades en línea. También tienen la opción de imprimir las actividades que usted y su estudiante quieren hacer. Este video explica el proceso.
اردو (Urdu)
یہ ضروری ہے کہ جب ہم اسکول بند ہوں تو ہم ہر روز سیکھتے رہیں۔ انگریزی زبان کی ترقی میں معاونت کے ل students ، طلبہ سرگرمی کا انتخاب کریں گے اور پھر جرنل کے اندراج کو مکمل کریں گے۔ طلبا کے لئے آن لائن سرگرمیاں کرنا لازمی نہیں ہے۔ آپ ان سرگرمیوں کو پرنٹ کرنے کا بھی انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں جو آپ اور آپ کا طالب علم کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục học hàng ngày ngay cả khi trường học đóng cửa. Để hỗ trợ Phát triển Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh, sinh viên sẽ chọn một hoạt động để làm và sau đó hoàn thành một mục nhật ký. Học sinh không phải thực hiện các hoạt động trực
- Fiction Character Change
- Independent Choice Writing - This documents helps if you want to write on topics and genres of your choosing and you've been doing writing workshop with your teacher.
- Nonfiction Reading with Book World
- Nonfiction Writing Idea
- Personal Narrative Writing
- Poetry Reading
- Grade 6 Reading RAFT
Teacher/Parent Overview:
RAFT is a structure that provides students with choice within a structured learning activity. The acronym RAFT stands for four key elements: Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. The use of RAFT allows students to think creatively, look at content or literature from multiple points of view, and write or create for multiple audiences. - Working with Informational Text - This file contains seven ways to work with informational text.
Grade 6 Practice Problems
- Top Score Game (PDF)
- Top Score Answers (PDF)
H2O Quality and Usage
- Explore what happens to our local water when it rains.
- Research some ways developed throughout history to find, use, and move water.
- You can try this exploration with salt and water at home to see how salt alters melting in ice. Then, you can see what VDOT says about treating roads. We know that these materials can have an impact on the local ecosystem.
Chemistry and Properties of H2O
- Read all about Atoms (PDF)
- What are atoms?
- What are elements?
- What are molecules?
- What are compounds?
- Look around you.
- Most of the things around you are compounds.
- Do you know of any elements (either pure or in compounds) around you?
- Want to know how small atoms are? Check out this Scale of the Universe to compare different things - large and small!
- Read about these properties that are unique to water and think of examples where you see them in the world around you.
- Adhesion and Cohesion
- High Surface Tension
- Universal Solvent - think about pollution impacts with this property.
- Density - scroll to the Ice is less dense than water section.
You will find a variety of learning opportunities for you to engage in that will help you practice skills and deepen your understanding of social studies topics you have already learned about or are currently learning. You may choose any or all of the activities to complete, in any order you like. Be sure to share your learning with family and friends!
Asking Questions about the Past
- Brainstorm a list of at least twelve questions you have about what you have learned in social studies so far. Consider using Question Starts to support your thinking.
- From your list, put a star next to the question that you think is most important.
- What would you need to do in order to answer that question? Write a paragraph explaining what you would need to do.
Design a Stamp
Based on what you have learned about U.S. history in social studies class or on your own, choose an individual (past or present) who you think should be featured on an official United States Postal Services stamp. That individual should have made a significant impact on American society, history, culture or the environment.
Design the stamp (on paper or using your digital device). Explain in a few sentences why you chose that individual, and the artistic choices you made in the stamp design.
Parts, Purpose, and Complexities
With the help of a parent or guardian, find an object that you consider interesting. This could be an object in your home, such as a toy, jacket, or box of cereal.
Engage in the Parts, Purposes, and Complexities routine. Use a piece of paper, a poster, or a digital document to map out your answers to these questions:
- What are the parts of the object? Name them. Take it even further: who made the parts? Where do the parts come from?
- What are the purposes of each of those parts?
- What are its complexities? Show the relationships between the parts and purposes. Consider drawing lines and labeling those lines with explanations.
Circle of Viewpoints
Choose one event, process, institution, or historical figure that you have studied in Social Studies this year so far. Examples:
- European exploration of North America
- Mansa Musa’s voyage to Mecca
- the establishment of English colonies in North America
- the Declaration of Independence
- any individual you have learned about this year
Engage in the Circle of Viewpoints Thinking Routine:
- Brainstorm a list of different perspectives on the topic you have chosen.
- Use this script skeleton to explore each perspective you’ve identified:
- I’m thinking of [the topic you chose] from the point of view of …
- I think [describe the topic you have chosen]
- A question I have from this viewpoint is...
Using Artifacts to Tell My Story
Students will evaluate artifacts to consider relevance to personal history.
- Look around your home.
- Select 3 to 5 artifacts (Photographs, Letters or cards, Receipts, Ticket stubs, Souvenirs, Other) that reveal something about your personal history or your family history.
- Create a slideshow, video, or podcast describing what those artifacts reveal about you or your family.
- Present your work to someone in your home or save it for future reference.
- Congratulations! You have engaged in historical thinking!
Thinking about Historical and Current Events
- Choose a historical or current event that interests you.
- Find three or more sources that interpret this event through different perspectives or lenses.
- Engage in the 3Ys thinking routine (PDF):
- Why does this matter to me?
- What does this matter to the people around me (family, friends, neighborhood, city, nation)?
- What does this matter to the world?
Create your Own Assessment!
- Choose one ancient civilization that you have focused on this year.
- Create an assessment or a DBQ that will help other 6th graders demonstrate their learning. Your assessment can include any or all of the following:
- Multiple choice questions
- Short or long answer questions
- Analyzing primary sources to answer questions
- Map skills
- You might also consider developing an assessment where 6th graders need to use skills to create something (brochure, picture book, slide show, poster, infographic, etc.) to show their learning!
English Language Development Resource (PDF)
Reflection Journal (PDF)
Online Resources (PDF)
Unite For Literacy: Online books in English and many languages. These books are most appropriate for younger students. Parents can enjoy these books in their home language as well.
Khan Academy Kids (ages 2-7) English
Khan Academy العربية (Arabic) | 中文 (Chinese) | English | 한국어 (Korean) | Español (Spanish): Online lessons for learners in grades PreK - 12.
To change the language:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- On the left side of the page, click on the drop-down menu.
- Click on your language.
- Click the Go button.
MyON: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Student's login with their FCPS username and password.
Tumblebooks: Online books with read aloud support. Some titles are available in Spanish. Students should use the username and password provided by FCPS.
National Geographic Kids: Online magazine for kids.
How to Use The Documents
العربية | 中文 | English | فارسی | 한국어 | Español | اردو | Tiếng Việt
We will keep learning every day, even when school is closed. To support English Language Development, students will select an activity to do and then complete a journal entry. Students do not have to do the activities online. You may also choose to print the activities that you and your student would like to do. Here is a video explaining this process.
العربية (Arabic )
س وف نستمر في التعلم كل یوم حتى عندما تكون المدرسة مغلقة. لدعم تطویر اللغة الإنجلیزیة ، سیقوم الطلاب بتحدید نشاط للقیام به ثم كتابتها في دفتر العمل الیومي المرفق .لا یتعین على الطلاب القیام بالأنشطة عبر الإنترنت. یمكنك أیضًا اختیار .طباعة الأنشطة التي تریدها أنت وطالبك إلیك مقطع فیدیو یوضح هذه العملیة
中文 (Chinese)
即使学校关闭,我们也将继续帮助学生每天学习。为了支持英语语言发展,学生将选择一 个活动来完成,然后完成日志记录。学生不一定要在线进行这个活动,您也可以选择打印 您和您的学生想做的活动。
فارسی (Farsi)
ما هر روز یادگیری را ادامه خواهیم داد حتی وقتی مدرسه تعطیل است برای حمایت از توسعه زبان انگلیسی دانش آموزان فعالیتی را برای انجام انتخاب می کنند و سپس یک مجله را تکمیل می کنند. دانشجویان مجبور نیستند فعالیتها را بصورت آنلاین انجام دهند. همچنین ممکن است فعالیتهایی را که شما و دانش آموزتان می خواهید انجام دهید .چاپ کنید
한국어 (Korean)
등교를 못해도 학생들은 다음과 같이 매일 학습을 계속할 수 있습니다. 끈임없는 영어 습득을 위하여, 학생들이 액티비티를 선택한 후에 일기를 쓰면 되는데 꼭 온라인으로 하지 않아도 되고 대신 프린트해서 할 수도 있습니다.
Seguiremos aprendiendo todos los días, incluso cuando la escuela esté cerrada. Para apoyar el desarrollo del idioma inglés, los estudiantes seleccionarán una actividad para realizar y luego completarán una entrada en el diario. Los estudiantes no tienen que hacer las actividades en línea. También tienen la opción de imprimir las actividades que usted y su estudiante quieren hacer. Este video explica el proceso.
اردو (Urdu)
یہ ضروری ہے کہ جب ہم اسکول بند ہوں تو ہم ہر روز سیکھتے رہیں۔ انگریزی زبان کی ترقی میں معاونت کے ل students ، طلبہ سرگرمی کا انتخاب کریں گے اور پھر جرنل کے اندراج کو مکمل کریں گے۔ طلبا کے لئے آن لائن سرگرمیاں کرنا لازمی نہیں ہے۔ آپ ان سرگرمیوں کو پرنٹ کرنے کا بھی انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں جو آپ اور آپ کا طالب علم کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục học hàng ngày ngay cả khi trường học đóng cửa. Để hỗ trợ Phát triển Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh, sinh viên sẽ chọn một hoạt động để làm và sau đó hoàn thành một mục nhật ký. Học sinh không phải thực hiện các hoạt động trực
Special Education: Grades PreK-6
Resources for students with disabilities, ages 3-5, receiving services in preschool or PAC.
Resources for students with disabilities who are accessing the general education curriculum based on the grade level standards of learning. Typically, these students are participating in the SOL assessment.
- Overview - Elementary Math
- How to Use Home School Math
- How to Use Sheppard Number Games Resources
- How to Use J-Lab Quizzes
- How to Use J-Lab Games
- Starfall Math Parent Guide
Reading / Language Arts
- Overview - Elementary Reading / Language Arts
- Directions to Access and Use the West VA Phonics Lessons
- How to Use Read Theory
- How to Use Vocabulary Spelling City Resources
- How to use Paragraph Punch
- How to Use NewsELA
- How to Use Florida Center for Reading Research A Guide for Parents
- How to use K12 Reading Instruction Resources - accessible
- ReadWriteThink Parent Guide
- RHL Parent Guide
- Starfall Literacy Parent Guide
Assistive Technology to Support Students with Reading Difficulties
There are assistive technologies and strategies available that can support access to the curriculum and increase capabilities for students with reading difficulties. Many of these technologies and strategies are readily available in the classroom and can also be used at home to support a student who struggles with reading. Assistive technology is never meant to replace instruction, but when paired with research-based instructional methods, it can bridge the gap between a student’s current skills and the material that they need to access.
Assistive Technology to Support Students with Writing
- Google Documents Tables to Text for Writing
Use a table as a graphic organizer for students to easily organize brainstormed ideas. A simple copy and paste strategy will then allow paragraph and sentence construction. - Google Explore Tool
Find and add suggested content to documents in Google Docs. The suggested content is related to what’s in your document. You can also search your docs and the web from within a document. - Google Voice Typing
Free speech-to-text tools in Google Docs. - Google Draw Tool (Graphic Organizer)
Top of Form. This is quick overview video of tools that you can use in Google Drawings to create your own graphic organizer.
Resources for students with disabilities who are accessing an adapted curriculum. Typically, these students are participating in the VAAP.
- Adapted Curriculum Math Resources
- Math Instant Center - Full Version
- Math Instant Center - Text Only Version
Resources for speech and language communication and resources for functional communication for students.
- Preschool Learning Document
- Elementary Speech Language Activities
- Playing at Home
- Eating at Home
- Getting Dressed at Home
- Sweeping the Floor
- Bath Time at Home
Assistive Technology – Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Resources related to supporting communicative competence with the use of AAC.
- PRC Literacy Planner to implement AAC
- Assistiveware Core Word Classroom- requires registration but is free, great home implementation ideas
- AAC Language Lab free resources.
Reinforcement, Routines, Social Skills & Visual Supports
- Behavior Supports
- Reinforcement Tip Sheet
- Routines Tip Sheet
- Building Relationships And Routines
- 25 Simple Self Care Tips For Parents
- Social Skills Tip Sheet
- Talking to Kids About Coronavirus
- Visual Supports Tip Sheet
Assistive Technology to Support Students with Executive Functioning
Many different technologies can be used to facilitate executive functioning skills.
Accommodations, Adapted PE, Hearing & Vision Services, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy.
Adapted PE
Physical and Occupational Therapy (PT/OT)
Hearing Services
- American Sign Resources
- Board Books for Young Children Featuring D/deaf Characters
- Picture Books with D/deaf Characters
- Young Adult Books with D/deaf Characters
- Comics with D/deaf Characters
- Graphic Novels with D/deaf Characters - (coming soon)
- Books for Adults with D/deaf Characters
Vision Services

Middle School Continuity of Learning Resources
Self-directed learning activities for middle school students and parents--distributed and made available in spring 2020.

High School Continuity of Learning Resources
Self-directed learning activities for high school students and parents--distributed and made available in spring 2020.
The documents below are linked throughout this page.